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March 1 - What are you looking forward to this month?

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1. Consistent 70+ degree weather!

2. Changing out the glass in the storm doors for screen.

3. Sitting on the front porch and visiting with neighbors.

4. Going to Memphis for the homeschool convention and hearing SWB, JW, MCT and others, and meeting some of you.

5. My birthday!

6. Bud's 50th birthday and accompanying BASH!


I really love March!

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baby goats

fresh milk

baby goats


baby goats


baby goats

eating outside

baby goats


baby goats

green grass

baby goats

fresh salad from the herb bed


Did I mention baby goats? We have eleven does due this week and one more in a couple of weeks. Not a lot of schooling getting done with everyone on kidding alert.




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going to get our belongings from storage, includes books I am missing :001_smile:

St. Patrick's Day - my favorite holiday and I don't even drink green beer :D (I love it that everyone gets to be Irish for one day, it's like world peace with a parade)

longer days

I'll order some books for next school year



So books, parades, and longer days, these are days of March. :lol:

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My brother and SIL visiting. The downside: it is their final visit before they head off to Africa as missionaries. The upside: Their dream has come true and it shows me that you can do anything you put your mind to. They have been working so hard for so long.


Nicer weather so I can let my kids run off some steam.

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1. Better weather

2. Day-light Savings Time

3. Going with DH to Vegas at the end of the month. He's got a trade show and I'm going along for the ride and intend to do nothing but lay around the hotel room and read, watch tv and.... that's it. No kids for 3 days!:D

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Oh yes, March has all the possibilities of being a really good month for us.


1. Field trip to the Henry Ford Museum on March 11th.


2. Rocketry team attempts another qualifying flight for their competition and they may be interviewed and photographed for the local paper on the 12th.


3. Big 4-H event on the 18th in which Dh and I will be demonstrating distilling ethanol from corn syrup, plus other cool science stuff and dd will be doing a CPR and basic first aid demonstration. This event will have journalists from three decent sized newspapers in attendence. The rocketry team will be there with ther rocket (small risk because we don't know if any other TARC teams will be snooping about - but, they'd only have 13 days left to order parts, build, test fly, and qualify if they tried to copy our design. They'd have to produce a miracle, so we don't really think it's a big deal and we've got documentation that it was our unique design first so it shouldn't be a problem.)


4. Dh is getting to take another certification class with the elite programming team that he seeks to join. He was extended a hearty, enthusiastic personal invite, so things appear to be moving in the right direction for him.


5. Tax refund will be here and I CAN BOOK SHOP TO MY HEART'S CONTENT or until I hear these words, "Honey, put down the debit card and take three steps backward!"


6. DD begins OR and ER shifts. She's pretty happy and we are happy for her. She also takes her written, final exam, 300 questions and very difficult medical scenarios. I'll be asking for prayer for her during that week. She's nervous but since she's carrying a 114% in the class. We think she'll be okay. Her instructor gave them a 250 question pre-tests...sort of a, "Here is what you are up against!" exam which didn't count for grade. She panicked and got only a 78%. Minimum 80% to move on to the externship and prepare for state and national board exams. So she flipped. But, it was a surprise exam and she was the only one in the class that scored over 60%. The instructor said this was to be expected and that this gives them a heads up on their weaknesses so they know how to study and will pass the final.




8. The kids are all on track to be finished with school work before Memorial Day and I hadn't planned to be done before the end of the first week of June. So, I'm just really happy to be ahead of schedule.


9. Since we've had warmer temperatures the past two weeks, we now will definitely make it through the heating season on the wood we have and will not have to buy any or spend time splitting the stuff dh didn't get to this past autumn.


10. The 14 year old, my challenge, my non-math and science or musical child, in a see of math, science, and musical people...is doing his math and science almost independently and without whining and complaining. Something I thought would never happen. He will be ready for high school in the Fall and instead of making me completely insane with immaturity, is actually beginning to think about his future. Whew.....this kid! He's the one I used to post about making me nearly stark raving mad over algebra. THANK YOU LIFE OF FRED BOOKS. Some how, little Fred has conveyed to him algebraic concepts that Lial's and Jacob's couldn't.


Yeah, oh yeah, I'm loving March!



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I love this thread... March is a HARD month for me. My oldest would be turning 22 on Saturday. I am doing my very best to not curl up in a ball and run away. I have been focusing on what I have good.


My dd is starting a much anticipated ceramics and pottery class.


I am going away for 4 days with friends to the Southeastern Convention in Greenville.


I am having a big bbq party for my dh's 40th birthday.


We are staying that extra 4th day because my best friend since childhood is flying into Greenville to spend a week with me!


I am going to sit on my porch, chat with my very best friend in the world and relax a bit.


I have so much to be thankful for... I just really miss my son.

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Shamrock shakes? What are those?


Mint-flavored shakes. They are delicious! McDonalds around her carries 'em, but I'd like to learn to make my own!


I'm looking forward to:

*No more snow

*Closer to the end of the school year

*Warmer weather

*No more ice!!!



Then again, we are known to have April snowstorms up here :glare:

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Shamrock shakes? What are those?


Around St. Patrick's Day McDonald's has a mint flavored shake called a Shamrock Shake. They don't carry them all over the country, as I discovered in 2001 when I was living in Ft. Myers. Florida and pregnant with our first child.


I wont touch a McDonald's shake anymore, so my husband makes mint ice cream for homemade shamrock shakes.

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1. Pea- planting month here!


That's all I need. lol


And a break to FL and outta this cold for a little. I don't care if it's 55 degrees there...it was 19 with a wicked wind when I went out to the barn this morning.


My youngest wrote on our chalkboard wall on the first, "In like a lion, out like a lamb!" The lion part is right on. Let's hope lamb also holds.

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