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S/O Just for Fun: Places you'd really like to live?

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I didn't see where anyone had done this so if it was, forgive me. :)


I have a list of places I would really like to try living. The biggest absolute on what I would NOT want to live in would be very cold and lots of snow.


However, just for fun I would like to try living in the snow for one winter. Just to do it. Also I want to live in Arizona. We have lots of friends there and visit often. We love it. I ADORE Italy and was so brokenhearted about leaving when we visited that I would really like to live there for a couple of months or even a bit more.


Biggest draw though: I think I might be a Texan at heart. I don't know for certain where but the political and independent mindset and passion so many Texans have for their state really appeal to me. I love the joke/idea that if the US government *messes* up enough Texas will probably be the state to say "We're out of here!". :)


So, where would you like to live? Maybe you lived there before and want to go back or maybe you've never even been there.

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We were heartbroken when we had to leave Italy too!!! We LOVED it there. So, Italy is on my list.


I can't stand the extremes in weather. So, summers in the south and winters in the north are out. I'm SOOOOO tired to MI right now, I could scream!!!! But, then I think that maybe the reason I love the south so much in the winter is because I live in the north. And, the reason I love a MI summer is because it's SO **** cold/snowy here in the winter.?


I don't know, SC? Maybe? But, would I truly appreciate the summer? I don't know!!!!

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We were heartbroken when we had to leave Italy too!!! We LOVED it there. So, Italy is on my list.


Hopefully both of us can have our wishes come true. :) Even if it's just for a few months. I'd love it!



I don't know, SC? Maybe? But, would I truly appreciate the summer? I don't know!!!!


I lived in NC for several years and really felt like it was pretty middle of the road. The summers were definitely hot but not quite like here and there were winters but not blizzards. There was ice too many times to suit me though. I loved that there was so much to do within 2 hours of every direction. I just didn't enjoy my personal experiences of living there. Not things that were NC's fault. Unfortunately I still hold it against "him" though. :) Pretty good temperatures though.

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I wish I knew. I grew up in western Canada, so I lived many years in VERY cold winters. Then I married my military husband and we've lived in San Diego, NC, Hawaii (Oahu), and now back in San Diego. I keep thinking we will end up settling down in either Denver, Seattle, or here. He has three years left. But of course that is just me being totally practical. I'm not sure where I'd choose to live if I weren't being practical - that's a tough one! I liked Hawaii for the three years we were there, but I wouldn't really want to live there permanently - way too hot and humid for me, and too many big and crazy bugs! And it's remote. But it's beautiful. I wouldn't mind spending month there every year, hehe.

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Maine, Scotland, England, France, Cincinnati (home sweet home), Madison WI, Boston, Portland OR. All if I had the money. :tongue_smilie:


Cincy is pretty nice!


I'd like to live in Missoula Mt. A nice sized town, and a short drive to Yellowstone, which is my Happy Spot :001_smile:

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Well, as long as we're dreaming.... :D One dream I've always had since I was a kid was to get a sail boat and sail around the world, stopping in each port of call for as long as I wanted. There are so many places I'd love to see, but don't know if I'd want to live there since I've never been. I have a fascination with the Azores islands, Belize, Costa Rica and tons of those southern pacific islands that all look like post card pictures. I'd like to see a few in the Lesser Antilles as well like St. Lucia and maybe Dominica or Guadeloupe. I'd also have to be sure to go to the Bahamas because I have a dear old friend that lives there and has been inviting me to come visit her for years! If Cuba were free, and not all screwed up I'd go there too to see my family and all the places that my grandfather and great grandfather used to tell me about. I'd like to go see Asturias, Spain too where my family came from before going to Cuba. I think I need a bigger boat. :)

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Our goal is to get back to Italy in a few years. We'd LOVE to live in the north this time though, up in the mountains, not too far from Venice. (I'd LOVE to live in Venice, but that's just not practicle and I'm not sure I'd like it come tourist time.)


Right now, we're thinking we may not go back to the US to live. We can't decide on just the right place, but if money were no object, I'd like a large plot of land in Sonoma County.:D

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Big Sur. Or Carmel. If most of the other folks would leave and go somewhere else. I would also want another home on the beach in Santa Monica. But make most of the other folks either leave town or get off my beach and freeways. :-)


San Francisco would be cool, too - hey, I DID live there for one semester in college.


Yosemite - ahhh!


JFS in Il the native Californian longing for HOME!!


( and if not Ca., then outside Cody, WY on a ranch with horses!)

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I think I would prefer Malibu, or maybe even up further to Pismo for my get away home.




Big Sur. Or Carmel. If most of the other folks would leave and go somewhere else. I would also want another home on the beach in Santa Monica. But make most of the other folks either leave town or get off my beach and freeways. :-)


San Francisco would be cool, too - hey, I DID live there for one semester in college.


Yosemite - ahhh!


JFS in Il the native Californian longing for HOME!!


( and if not Ca., then outside Cody, WY on a ranch with horses!)

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I'd like to live someplace tropical (because I am freezing right now) or in another country for awhile. It would be neat to spend a year or two living in Europe (if I were independently wealthy) and could travel all over seeing the different sites. I also love Ireland and the culture so would like to live there.


I am a country girl at heart and have always lived in a rural area but I have often thought it would be neat to live in a city like Washington DC for about a year to take advantage of all the city has to offer that you just don't get to do in a weekend trip.

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And no, I'm not kidding. It's painfully beautiful... and so different from the sad sight of vulgar, dirty, overpopulated, filled-with-tourists, macolata Roma trying to perserve at least some of her dignity in this barbar age which doesn't suit the beauty of that city.

Sicily still has some simplicity to it, some correspondence of the territory with the "soul" of the place...


(You know I'm in a bad mood in the rare days in which I don't like Rome. :D)

Edited by Ester Maria
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If my DH could get a decent job there, I'd move to one of the college towns in New England like Hanover, NH in a heartbeat. Some place that has some of the cultural amenities of city living without all the crime, congestion, and other problems of a big city. Some place relatively close to family so we could see them more than twice a year but far enough away so that we have our privacy ;)

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I don't think I'd want to do this for a period of more than two years because I like living near my extended family, but Denmark would be wonderful. Dh's grandfather was Danish and due to the fact that his father (great-grandfather) died when grandpa was only nine months old and his mother, in desperation, married a man who wanted nothing to do with grandpa and placed him in an orphanage, we've got no contact with his relatives there. I really think it would be neat to spend some time in the country and I'd love to see Copenhagen.


Dh would like to live in Australia as a second choice to Denmark or New Zealand. DD is in love with New Zealand because of the Lord of the Rings movies having been filmed there. I think "enchanted" would be a good word to describe this. DS #1 would like to live in Germany, ds #2 Denamrk, and ds#3 Israel - we are not of Jewish heritage, he is just fascinated with the history.



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I want someplace in the mountains, small town feel with bigger city convenience and in the eastern half of the US. It also needs to be a place with four definable seasons and summers that don't get too hot. I loved living in Austin, Texas when I was there but could not live permanently with summers that hot or with fire ants.


While not mountains, I have family living in Eagle River, Wisconsin and I think it is just gorgeous there. I would consider it.

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