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Do you get regular manicures?

Do you get regular manicures?  

  1. 1. Do you get regular manicures?

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Never had a manicure or a pedicure, I'm so deprived. Even if we had the money for such things I just buy books instead. :lol:


I could have written your post word for word. lol Me neither. I've never had a mani or a pedi, but I do paint my own nails. I also cut my own hair and have only had my hair professionally cut twice in my life. Both times I didn't like the cut so I do it myself. :)

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Never had a manicure or a pedicure, I'm so deprived. Even if we had the money for such things I just buy books instead. :lol:


Ha! Me too! I'm so crazy, I regularly have to go through the stacks in the living room so DH doesn't get irritated. Books in every single room. I need a new house so I can fit my books!

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I have been thinking about getting a pedicure during the summer. I wear flip flops and my heels start cracking by July. Do they help with dry skin on your feet?


Yes! My heels crack and look rough too (years of walking barefoot probably!) Pedicures help get them nice and smooth. In between pedicures I try to keep them lotioned, but I do need to keep going for the pedicures or they'd just be rough and cracked again within a few weeks. In the winter I ignore it and wear my socks all the time but in the summer when I walk around in sandals, the pedicures are a must. Plus it looks pretty and feels summery :)

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If I remember to cut my nails before they rip I'm doing well. I normally cut them when I come in from gardening and discover that I can't get the earth out from under them.




I've never had a manicure in my life. I live on a farm. I'm a total tom boy. It would be a colossal waste of money. Plus, when the girls have forced me to let them put nail polish on me I hated the way it felt. Yes, I can feel it and it feels confining! Haha. I'm one of those hyper sensitive weirdos! (I don't like clothes either, but I've no choice in that matter.)


However, my older daughters get them all the time. They have no clue about the value of a dollar. I think it's a shamefull waste when you are a "starving" college student and I'm still mostly supporting you! But it's what they choose to spend their extra money on (birthday and xmas money etc.) Oh well!

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Had to vote other as I go through phases. I'll do it for a few months then quit for some reason or another. I do love it when my nails look nice though. If it ever quits snowing here, I just might drive into town and get them done. DD loves to get her's done too. Last few times I've had them done with red or silver tips. Loved those. :D

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For years I've had acrylic on my nails, off and on. No tips...just acrylic over my regular nails.


My nails are horribly thin and brittle and tear so often it's painful. When I have acrylic, that doesn't happen. Even when I leave the acrylic off for a long, long time they never get better.


A couple of months ago I took the acrylic off because it just got to be too expensive and time consuming to keep them filled, but I had every intention of having manicures to keep my nails in shape. I haven't done it and they're making me crazy. I'm either going to start with the manis or get the acrylic back.


Oh....and I do pedicures every three weeks or so, all year round.

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I've had three salon manicures in my entire life. Two were for job interviews, the third was for my dad's wedding. My new stepmom was so shocked that I didn't get them regularly that she sent me a gift certificate to a salon but I haven't gotten around to using it.


I've never checked to see how much a manicure would cost.


Would someone like to share what they pay to have a manicure ? I'm guessing the price probably varies a lot, like hair cuts do.

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I have a standing appointment every two weeks for a manicure and pedicure. The implements are used only on me -- they are kept in a plastic storage box with my name on it -- there is a closet full of storage boxes that are labeled with names. I've been going to this particular salon for 7 years -- I've been getting my nails done for more years than I care to remember and I have never had a fungus infection.

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I don't "go" get manicures/pedicures....she comes to me :D


My oldest is a cosmetologist...so she does mine when I want her to. Right now we are using a product called Shellac by CND. It is applied with a base coat, color and top coat...and all are cured under a UV light. The polish lasts for 14 days...I'm on day 7 and there are no flakes, nicks, wear on my nails. I love this stuff...and no damage to your natural nail like acrylics!!!

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I have a standing appointment every two weeks for a manicure and pedicure. The implements are used only on me -- they are kept in a plastic storage box with my name on it -- there is a closet full of storage boxes that are labeled with names. I've been going to this particular salon for 7 years -- I've been getting my nails done for more years than I care to remember and I have never had a fungus infection.


That's good to know. Now if I ever decide I want to have a manicure for a special occasion I won't need to worry about sharing implements and getting a fungus infection.

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I laugh every time I see the title of this thread, so I had to comment. No.


I used to, though, when I worked. At least, until I got that dreaded toenail fungus. It took 5 years to get rid of and I even had my toenail removed, which didn't help. I think it's finally gone, my nail is there, and I have no plans of going to get another pedicure. Evah.

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I have a standing appointment every two weeks for a manicure and pedicure. The implements are used only on me -- they are kept in a plastic storage box with my name on it -- there is a closet full of storage boxes that are labeled with names. I've been going to this particular salon for 7 years -- I've been getting my nails done for more years than I care to remember and I have never had a fungus infection.


Do you go to my nail salon? :001_smile: I have a standing appt. for every three weeks for acrylic fill ins and a pedicure. It is the only thing I do for 'just me'. Even as times have gotten lean, DH says I am to go as it is the only time I take for myself (plus he loves a woman with pretty nails :001_smile:).

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I was wasting time on FB today and I noticed that a lot of my friends have french manicures. I used to get them ocassionally in high school but I haven't since my wedding day. LOL


Anyway do you get regular manicures?


I wonder if what you are seeing on your friends are these:




They are glue-on nails that are so easy to apply and they look like salon nails. My friend, who is a flight attendant, introduced me to them. I am really hard on my hands and I can't believe how well they hold up.


I voted yes because I use them on my nails and do my own manicure each week.

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I used to - when I worked. But now the thought of giving my nails any sort of attention beyond keeping them as short as possible drains me.


I used to have the fill done for a french manicure. They were thicker than I'm used to now, and a little bit longer. It was expensive and, honestly, when I think about all the goo that must have gotten under them, I wonder what I was thinking (my kids were small, maybe 3-ish - yuck!).


I've never had a pedicure, but I think I might start. I never thought I really wanted anyone messing with my feet, but after this last winter with constant socks, I think I'm going to cave and have someone make my feet pretty again.

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I've had a manicure once, and for my sister's wedding.


I didn't like it. I don't like strangers poking sharp objects at my hands.


I wouldn't let them touch my feet.:scared:


I have issues...and I can care for my own hands tyvm.:tongue_smilie:

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I do my own mani/pedi weekly (sometimes I go two weeks between, rarely). I am too frugal to pay someone else to do it. I'd rather spend that money thrifting and antiquing! A girl has to have priorities, you know. :D


I do get my hair done regularly though, and I tip my stylist well. I don't mind paying for that.

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