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So, today I'm strictly following a diet and my emotions are out of control

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Breakfast - 1 Eggo blueberry waffle, 1 pat real butter, 1 tbs. real maple syrup, 1 orange, water = 222 calories, 3 (grams?) protein


Lunch - 1 c. Muir Glen Organic Creamy Tomato Bisque soup, 4 tbs. Sabra Sun-dried tomato hummus, 1 med. carrot cut into sticks, 1 slice farmstyle bread, water = 368 calories, 10 g. protein


Of course the day isn't done. But already today I've broken down crying twice, and stomped out in a rage to do some gardening in the rain. I'm figuring the out of control emotions are somehow connected to my diet? Am I doing something wrong? Will I get over it?

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WHOA! on the carbs!! Everything there is carbs. If I ate that I would be crying too...Sounds like a sugar crash. All carbs...even good ones turn into sugar in the blood. Try eating some very high protien...eggs...chicken or fish with a salad. or try a protien shake without sweetner to bring your insulin levels back down.


I am sorry you are going through this. It sounds like you are sugar sensitive.



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In my opinion you need more protien in your breakfast. Maybe try 2 eggs with a handful of spinach and diced onions with fruit on the side for breakfast. Then have a handful of almonds with a piece of fruit for snack.


I have started eating better in the last two weeks and we went completely off of sugar. I had a headache for two days. Ugh! I did not realize how addicted I was to sugar. It is still really hard to resist but I just keep reminding myself that this is for my health and it is worth it. Good luck!

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Just reading this I can tell you that I would be starving if that was all I had for two meals, diet or not.


I have never been able to diet that way without feeling really cranky and getting headaches.


What I am doing now is following Weight Watchers with their points system. It's really different from a classic 1500 calorie diet.


What I have found has helped is that I am drinking a LOT of water--almost continuously sipping on it. I have found that a good part of my hunger is assuaged this way. I also make sure I drink a cup of water before any meal. I am also eating a lot of raw veggies--not salads, but cut low cal veggies that are kind of filling, like fennel bulbs, radishes, yellow peppers, radiccio, cabbage, and even some romaine. Lastly, I'm not finishing my plate if I am not still hungry. These strategies are making it much easier for me to stay comfortable on my diet. This is the first time in my life that I have been able to make this work, so I'm pretty pleased. I am also losing weight very very slowly, and I hope that that means that I will keep it off.

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I eat foods similar to what you describe a lot (trying to choose whle carbs like whole wheat, brown rice etc.) and don't have the emotional reactions you are describing. My eating plan currently includes not eating until 2 or 3 in the afternoon (and then having two small-medium meals after that). Even this in itself doesn't create the emotional situation you describe.


On the other had, I've also gone through the struggle of losing weight numerous times and THAT'S what can make me emotional. It's HARD to die to self!! And the attacks on patience and joy come at me hard and fast.



Edited by milovanĂƒÂ½
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Just reading this I can tell you that I would be starving if that was all I had for two meals, diet or not.






If you don't break that down, breakfast was an eggo and and an orange. Lunch was a few mouthfuls of soup, one slice of bread, and a raw carrot. :001_huh:

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WHOA! on the carbs!! Everything there is carbs. If I ate that I would be crying too...Sounds like a sugar crash. All carbs...even good ones turn into sugar in the blood. Try eating some very high protien...eggs...chicken or fish with a salad. or try a protien shake without sweetner to bring your insulin levels back down.


I am sorry you are going through this. It sounds like you are sugar sensitive.






I think my being snappy and impatient are also diet related. But I'm doing a candida diet without being able to find the book I bought which had the plan I wanted to follow (Body Ecology Diet) and I know the severe diet change is what's causing at least a part of my issues. I've cut out ALL sugar, fruit, carbs, (ALL carbs for now including beets, carrots, etc.) coffee, alcohol, dairy. I'm basically living off of protein (which I'm not a huge fan of but makes me feel good) and greens.


I've been reading through these two sites all afternoon and this is what I'll be following. When I find my BED book I will reread it and see if I want to tweak. I know you were doing the candida diet for awhile, but I'm hoping to do this for at least a year this time. I did it for about 4 - 6 months before but my symptoms have all returned.






and there are three separate articles on candida. I have read multiple books and websites on candida and I'm LOVING what I have read here:




I think I may have started out with too drastic a change and that's why I'm more impatient and stuff. I'm not going to go backtrack now because I think it's doing me a lot of good.


Getting off the carbs makes me feel SO fantastic, Jean. I think anything refined at all would not be good for you with all you've had to deal with.:grouphug:

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WHOA! on the carbs!! Everything there is carbs. If I ate that I would be crying too...Sounds like a sugar crash. All carbs...even good ones turn into sugar in the blood. Try eating some very high protien...eggs...chicken or fish with a salad. or try a protien shake without sweetner to bring your insulin levels back down.


I am sorry you are going through this. It sounds like you are sugar sensitive.




I would also feel terrible if I ate this many carbs. I need fat in the morning to get my day started right. Be it nuts, or honestly I even feel better eating two slices of bacon than I do eating anything sweet in the morning. I know bacon is not what most people consider health food but I really need that fat in the morning to get me going.


I hope it gets better! I KNOW how hard it can be.



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ETA: I do agree with the other posters to make sure you are following a healthy diet and not starving yourself. There are no "magic" diets. Eat a balanced, well portioned diet with an acceptable calorie intake in your day!


Change of any kind is uncomfortable. Change is not easy. Change is work. Change is not for the weak. Change is good. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Get comfortable with something not being easy. Get comfortable with being in charge of your body. If your body were a child and that child was having a tantrum over not getting a candy bar, you would have a choice to make. You could give into the child and fork over the candy and next time you could expect an even bigger tantrum... OR you could hold the line and tell that child that you love them too much to give them something that will ultimately not be in their best interest. Non-negotiable.


Also~ Be kind to yourself. You are doing something wonderful. Celebrate your achievements. Don't dwell on what you CAN'T have, focus on what you have ACHIEVED already.


I say this because years ago I was there... doing all that. I have conquered it by loving myself enough to put my health first. You can too!:grouphug:

Edited by HarbourLights
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Breakfast - 1 Eggo blueberry waffle, 1 pat real butter, 1 tbs. real maple syrup, 1 orange, water = 222 calories, 3 (grams?) protein


Lunch - 1 c. Muir Glen Organic Creamy Tomato Bisque soup, 4 tbs. Sabra Sun-dried tomato hummus, 1 med. carrot cut into sticks, 1 slice farmstyle bread, water = 368 calories, 10 g. protein


Of course the day isn't done. But already today I've broken down crying twice, and stomped out in a rage to do some gardening in the rain. I'm figuring the out of control emotions are somehow connected to my diet? Am I doing something wrong? Will I get over it?

:001_huh: what is the purpose of this diet? i thought you were worried about candida, and I'm pretty sure Eggo waffles aren't good for a candida diet.

is weight loss your goal? If it is, I'd like to kindly suggest that weight loss should not be your goal right now. You've had so many health problems I think you should focus on getting healthy as your goal. eating such skimpy and unhealthy 'meals' will not bring you good health. Just my 2 cents, feel free to ignore it. :):grouphug:

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I have experienced this when coming off sugar/carbs. I get headachy, angry, and have to remind myself it's the carb addiction talking and to "chill" for my family's sake. (((HUGS)))


I think any kind of radical change in eating habits, even if they are healthy changes, can spur this kind of reaction. It is hard on our bodies to go through that much change so abruptly. So, I advise baby steps towards the changes until they are all in place, but having gotten to that goal one step at a time.


Of course, I'm going through my own thing. I've been cutting back, more and more every week leading up to going on the HCG drops and diet four days ago. It's brutal...I am really struggling with VCLD diet and keep reminding myself it's only 26 days, it's only 26 days....... I've got a couple of good books and when I know I'm not handling things well, I disappear with a cup of white tea into my bedroom to read or nap. My energy levels are caput...I though the adjustment would be easier because I had myself down to 750 calories a day the previous week, but NOPE! If I don't nap, look out...mama grizzly is on the prowl and very, very angry at the refrigerator she's not supposed to open! I honestly wondered if I'd be able to lift a bale of hay this afternoon when I was feeding sheep (also looking for new lambs).


I hope it resolves for both of us soon!



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The breakfast is a pretty normal one for me with the exception that I would normally add an egg or a meat.


Lunch was more normal for me except that I usually eat more carbs and more fat. I cut down on those today.


I think perhaps the lack of protein at breakfast is what did me in.


I did a candida diet previously and felt zero change from it. Even after adding carbs back, I felt no change.


This diet is for weight loss. I'm not following any specific diet but am trying to "eat clean".

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WHOA! on the carbs!! Everything there is carbs. If I ate that I would be crying too...Sounds like a sugar crash. All carbs...even good ones turn into sugar in the blood. Try eating some very high protien...eggs...chicken or fish with a salad. or try a protien shake without sweetner to bring your insulin levels back down.


I am sorry you are going through this. It sounds like you are sugar sensitive.





You need a LONG BURNING carb and some protein. On top of working hard to lose weight, it sounds like you're having a sugar crash.


While you're working on losing weight you may want to take vit B to keep those glucose levels even.


:grouphug: You'll figure this out. Sometimes you turn the wrong way before you find what works for you. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Breakfast - 1 Eggo blueberry waffle, 1 pat real butter, 1 tbs. real maple syrup, 1 orange, water = 222 calories, 3 (grams?) protein


Lunch - 1 c. Muir Glen Organic Creamy Tomato Bisque soup, 4 tbs. Sabra Sun-dried tomato hummus, 1 med. carrot cut into sticks, 1 slice farmstyle bread, water = 368 calories, 10 g. protein


Of course the day isn't done. But already today I've broken down crying twice, and stomped out in a rage to do some gardening in the rain. I'm figuring the out of control emotions are somehow connected to my diet? Am I doing something wrong? Will I get over it?


This is how I was - for months - on a whole foods, Weight Watchers diet plan. I needed more *protein*.

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I have experienced this when coming off sugar/carbs. I get headachy, angry, and have to remind myself it's the carb addiction talking and to "chill" for my family's sake. (((HUGS)))


I think any kind of radical change in eating habits, even if they are healthy changes, can spur this kind of reaction. It is hard on our bodies to go through that much change so abruptly. So, I advise baby steps towards the changes until they are all in place, but having gotten to that goal one step at a time.


Of course, I'm going through my own thing. I've been cutting back, more and more every week leading up to going on the HCG drops and diet four days ago. It's brutal...I am really struggling with VCLD diet and keep reminding myself it's only 26 days, it's only 26 days....... I've got a couple of good books and when I know I'm not handling things well, I disappear with a cup of white tea into my bedroom to read or nap. My energy levels are caput...I though the adjustment would be easier because I had myself down to 750 calories a day the previous week, but NOPE! If I don't nap, look out...mama grizzly is on the prowl and very, very angry at the refrigerator she's not supposed to open! I honestly wondered if I'd be able to lift a bale of hay this afternoon when I was feeding sheep (also looking for new lambs).


I hope it resolves for both of us soon!




:scared::scared::scared::svengo: WHY in the world would you cut back to 750 calories per day? How can that be healthy? I would not be a grizzly bear, I'd be hauled away in a straight jacket! Maybe it's the hypoglycemia, I don't know, but unless it's some type of fast/cleanse, I just don't see the benefits in this. Please share, because I'm thinking you know something I don't!

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The breakfast is a pretty normal one for me with the exception that I would normally add an egg or a meat.


Lunch was more normal for me except that I usually eat more carbs and more fat. I cut down on those today.


I think perhaps the lack of protein at breakfast is what did me in.


I did a candida diet previously and felt zero change from it. Even after adding carbs back, I felt no change.


This diet is for weight loss. I'm not following any specific diet but am trying to "eat clean".


Jean, have you read about eating a whole foods diet and/or eating clean? When your body is breaking down the ego waffle, it's pretty much going to be the same as a donut. It's highly refined and turns right into sugar in your system.


Those sites I linked may talk a lot about candida, but I think also that it would be beneficial to try that type of diet for a long time, even make it a lifestyle change, given the health issues you've had.


If nothing else, try NOTHING refined, proper cooking methods of cooking/soaking enough, and limit carbs, which should be WHOLE grain only.

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The breakfast is a pretty normal one for me with the exception that I would normally add an egg or a meat.


Lunch was more normal for me except that I usually eat more carbs and more fat. I cut down on those today.


I think perhaps the lack of protein at breakfast is what did me in.


I did a candida diet previously and felt zero change from it. Even after adding carbs back, I felt no change.


This diet is for weight loss. I'm not following any specific diet but am trying to "eat clean".


Add the egg back in, or even two. Another 70-140 calories won't kill you and they'll be better spent than if you ate two waffles instead of one.


The only time in my life that I've successfully lost weight I've eaten a diet very high in protein w/ animal fats and fresh produce. A big plate of waffles might look like heaven first thing in the morning but eggs, or a sausage patty or a handful of nuts will get you a lot farther even if you feel like you're eating less.

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Get a solid protein, Jean. I mean, not just what's called protein on a label.


The hummus was good. Eggs, solid fish, chicken, lean beef, a right-size piece if cheese or handful of nuts? That's what I mean. But the protein that some label on the waffles numbers? Not sustaining.


And eat a potato at bedtime. Just a small one or a serving of mashed. It's good for your seratonin levels.

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In my opinion you need more protien in your breakfast. Maybe try 2 eggs with a handful of spinach and diced onions with fruit on the side for breakfast. Then have a handful of almonds with a piece of fruit for snack.




I agree. That looks awfully low on protein. And kind of high on carbs. I have found over the past year that I function much better with more protein, especially at breakfast.


I eat a minimal amount of sugar. I've drastically cut back on carbs, I was a carboholic at one point. I try to make sure my carbs are whole grain (wheat bread, brown rice) The sugar crashes sent me out of control. The sugar crash also makes your body think you need to eat again, when you probably have already met your calorie intake. This causes you to eat more than you need and prevent the weight loss. The sugar crash also makes you sleepy and cranky.


Many "diet" plans have people cutting down on fat, which also decreases protein. Eggs are a perfect example. The problem is you need the protein and the good fats. Eating a meal higher in protein also helps you fill full longer.

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What target are you trying for as far as calories? At that rate you'd only eat about 1000 a day. That's a severely restricted amount. I know it seems like it will make the weight come off faster - but your body will think it is in a time of famine and work all the harder to keep the pounds on... It also is not realistic to be able to do this long term.


I think you should go for oatmeal with almonds, maybe a few raisins, a little pat of butter - in the morning, maybe with an apple or a banana. A big bowl, and none of that sweetened fruity crud.


BIG salad for lunch, spinach and red leaf lettuce (no iceberg....)with garbonzo beans and maybe a couple slices of lunchmeat cut up, hard boiled egg....


Anyway - more like that.... It sounds as if your blood sugar is all out of whack, and it will take time for your body to figure out what you are doing and start cooperating :)

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What target are you trying for as far as calories? At that rate you'd only eat about 1000 a day. That's a severely restricted amount. I know it seems like it will make the weight come off faster - but your body will think it is in a time of famine and work all the harder to keep the pounds on... It also is not realistic to be able to do this long term.


I think you should go for oatmeal with almonds, maybe a few raisins, a little pat of butter - in the morning, maybe with an apple or a banana. A big bowl, and none of that sweetened fruity crud.


BIG salad for lunch, spinach and red leaf lettuce (no iceberg....)with garbonzo beans and maybe a couple slices of lunchmeat cut up, hard boiled egg....


Anyway - more like that.... It sounds as if your blood sugar is all out of whack, and it will take time for your body to figure out what you are doing and start cooperating :)


My target is 1600 calories - in 5 pretty evenly spaced meals. So what I call snacks would actually be around 300 calories. So - 300 calories each at breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack = 1500 with a little to spare.


My target is also some protein at each of those. Yesterday someone told me I had way too much protein so I thought that the p.b. would be enough at breakfast but obviously not! The goal with the protein at each meal was actually to keep my blood sugar even! But again, I guess I didn't do that.

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I'm looking at this and thinking that protein might be your answer. Egg white omelet for breakfast, a salad with chicken for lunch, that sort of thing. I think you'll feel much better.


Yes PROTEIN, girl! :001_smile: Have another egg or some tuna fish or salmon. And it is somewhat normal that there could be symptoms of withdrawal when you change things around.

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I agree. That looks awfully low on protein. And kind of high on carbs. I have found over the past year that I function much better with more protein, especially at breakfast.


I eat a minimal amount of sugar. I've drastically cut back on carbs, I was a carboholic at one point. I try to make sure my carbs are whole grain (wheat bread, brown rice) The sugar crashes sent me out of control. The sugar crash also makes your body think you need to eat again, when you probably have already met your calorie intake. This causes you to eat more than you need and prevent the weight loss. The sugar crash also makes you sleepy and cranky.


Many "diet" plans have people cutting down on fat, which also decreases protein. Eggs are a perfect example. The problem is you need the protein and the good fats. Eating a meal higher in protein also helps you fill full longer.

I can totally relate the sugar crashes! I was spiraling out of control and was ready to go on Prozac! Truthfully! It's the sugar and insulin!

I am so calm on a low carb diet

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Jean, I don't know what you weigh (and I'm not asking!!) but you need to make sure 1600 calories is enough. If you lower your caloric intake too much, your metabolism will slow down.


There are all sorts of calculators online that can help you determine what your daily caloric intake should be to maintain, lose or gain weight. Look! Here's one now! http://www.cancer.org/healthy/toolsandcalculators/calculators/app/calorie-counter-calculator


And, for morning protein, try lean ham, turkey breakfast sausage (I love the ones by Jimmy Dean, but they're a bit $$ for my budget), nut butter, eggs in moderation, nuts in your oatmeal, etc.


Hang in there! :grouphug:

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You know, Jean, it may not be the diet.


Have you ever considered the possibility that you are going insane?


Just asking.


Because if it's that, I don't think the protein is going to help you that much.






Well, no, that hadn't occurred to me!:lol: But maybe I'm in denial:leaving:



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I didn't read all the threads so I don't know if this has been posted yet. You may want to google the zone diet. The zone diet is all about combining the correct amount of carbs fats and protein in meals and snacks. You should be able to find some good food combination ideas.

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Of course the day isn't done. But already today I've broken down crying twice, and stomped out in a rage to do some gardening in the rain. I'm figuring the out of control emotions are somehow connected to my diet? Am I doing something wrong? Will I get over it?


I would let myself off the hook - the first few days of a diet are horrible, or at least, they always are for me. I get terrible head-aches as I adjust to a new food regime, and I feel totally miserable. Just stick it out for a week or so and see how you feel.


I would definitely add more protein if I was feeling lousy. Something like a hard-boiled egg on toast with cream cheese and tomato usually does me well, plus a couple of cups of coffee with skimmed milk. When I am up-and-running and doing well with a weight-loss effort, I usually have a massive fruit salad with some sort of cereal (or plain dry oats) mixed in.


I believe that it's only if you listen to your body that you can really be successful in losing and keeping off weight.

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Can you eat more volume of low cal foods? It really helps me feel filled up.


1 CUP of celery has 19 calories.


Green beans are very lo cal and bulky. . .


I like smoothies made with lots of ice. . .


handful Froz blue berries, handful froz peaches, + half a banana, 1/2 c plain yogurt, and a mess of ice makes a nutritious and VERY tasty treat. Tastes like dessert & really fills you up.


I think you need some high VOLUME foods.

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