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Crazy/Inappropriate Gifts


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My MIL is getting better about getting gifts for the kids. She always asks for a list, which we provide, but the problem comes with the fact that she also wants to get them clothes and never seems to remember that my older kids are usually 2 sizes above their age when it comes to clothes. The worst ever though was when dd was 2 (she has a Nov bday, so had just turned 2 a month before xmas) and MIL bought her pink leopard print velour track pants that had feathered trim around the ankles with a matching bikini top. My dh pulled it out of the box, held it up and said "When did H**kers R Us open up, do you think Everett (our oldest then 4.5) got a pimp hat to go with this?" I almost died laughing.


She always has a hard time shopping for me, just a simple candle would do, but no I always end up with a basket from Bath and Body works in a very perfumey scent I can't stand, until one year, I opened the box and it looked like a muskrat pelt, my dd who was now 4 yelled "Mom, grandma gave you a Beaver!" Turns out it was a fur purse, dd was very disappointed, she thought it was a new pet. When I tried to tell dd she could have it for dress up, she said "I don't want a furry purse"

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On year my MIL gave our family $20. A little background: She's not poor by any stretch, so it wasn't an issue of it being all she could afford or that the gift was some great sacrifice on her part. It wasn't. And the issue isn't how small the give was--we truly didn't care what she gave. What was funny was the presentation. She handed it to us with both her hands, as if she were handing us a satin pillow with the money laying on top of it. She then said in a tone usually reserved for the delivery of the most grave and serious news, "This is what the Lord would have us to give your family at this time. You are to divide it among the four of you and spend it wisely." It was all I could do to not just crack up. It was as if she were handing us a check for $1M. We thanked her and decided to let the kids split it.

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My brother got a wolverine pelt as a wedding gift from one of his high school buddies (though, to be fair, the friend and his parents also gave them a really nice set of dishes). I think we were all crying we laughed so hard.


I've posted this here before, but with my last baby, my DH brought home a gift that one of his patients had very thoughtfully given us. It was this:




I actually jumped a little when I pulled it out, and then I laughed until I cried. We still have it, and DH and I occasionally pull it out and hide it somewhere for the other one (imagine that thing draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge. . . ). My 2 yo was wandering around with it today talking about how 'pretty' it was, LOL.

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While visiting my dh's ailing grandfather, I found a really neat old glass bottle that said "Frigid Fluid Co." on it in an antique shop nearby. It was square and big and quirky. I thought it was the perfect gift for my dad's 63 birthday in November. He collects glass milk jugs and I just knew that he didn't have anything like that in his collection. Really, what else could it be but a milk jug? Frigid Fluid, right?


He unwraps the gift, loves it and rushes off to google (yeah, my dad's cool) what type of bottle it is because he's never seen a bottle quite like it.


Wait for it......



Embalming fluid. It originally held embalming fluid. I gave my dad an embalming fluid bottle for his birthday.


On a positive note, I paid $15 and we found out it was rare and worth $100. And we all got an awesome laugh out of it. Dad asked me what I was going to get him for Christmas that could top that. :blush:

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While visiting my dh's ailing grandfather, I found a really neat old glass bottle that said "Frigid Fluid Co." on it in an antique shop nearby. It was square and big and quirky. I thought it was the perfect gift for my dad's 63 birthday in November. He collects glass milk jugs and I just knew that he didn't have anything like that in his collection. Really, what else could it be but a milk jug? Frigid Fluid, right?


He unwraps the gift, loves it and rushes off to google (yeah, my dad's cool) what type of bottle it is because he's never seen a bottle quite like it.


Wait for it......



Embalming fluid. It originally held embalming fluid. I gave my dad an embalming fluid bottle for his birthday.


On a positive note, I paid $15 and we found out it was rare and worth $100. And we all got an awesome laugh out of it. Dad asked me what I was going to get him for Christmas that could top that. :blush:


OMGosh, that's hilarious! :lol:

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This thread nearly made me fall out of my chair. :001_smile:


My queen dragon-in-law wins the prize in our home. One year she handed me a shirt in a color and print she absolutely knew I didn't like and had once fussed at me for not liking. As she handed the shirt over, she said, "I know you won't like this, but you can wear it for pajamas anyway."


She's given my kids dollar store, 100% polyester pjs with the feet sewn on backwards. One of those kids couldn't wear synthetic fibers and could go into ginormous meltdowns if her tag touched her funny.


The first 5-6 years we had kids she continually complained that she didn't know what they needed, yet cut me off if I tried to provide ideas for her. That slowly morphed into insisting our kids had too much clothing and toys. Eventually she just started sending $10 a kid, and the toy discussions ended. Hallelujah!

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While visiting my dh's ailing grandfather, I found a really neat old glass bottle that said "Frigid Fluid Co." on it in an antique shop nearby. It was square and big and quirky. I thought it was the perfect gift for my dad's 63 birthday in November. He collects glass milk jugs and I just knew that he didn't have anything like that in his collection. Really, what else could it be but a milk jug? Frigid Fluid, right?


He unwraps the gift, loves it and rushes off to google (yeah, my dad's cool) what type of bottle it is because he's never seen a bottle quite like it.


Wait for it......



Embalming fluid. It originally held embalming fluid. I gave my dad an embalming fluid bottle for his birthday.


On a positive note, I paid $15 and we found out it was rare and worth $100. And we all got an awesome laugh out of it. Dad asked me what I was going to get him for Christmas that could top that. :blush:



So funny!! I'd probably have to give him hair finishing wax or something similar with the words "step-by-step" in the card...just to keep the theme going! Tacky maybe, but I have a strange sense of humor. :)

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On year my MIL gave our family $20. A little background: She's not poor by any stretch, so it wasn't an issue of it being all she could afford or that the gift was some great sacrifice on her part. It wasn't. And the issue isn't how small the give was--we truly didn't care what she gave. What was funny was the presentation. She handed it to us with both her hands, as if she were handing us a satin pillow with the money laying on top of it. She then said in a tone usually reserved for the delivery of the most grave and serious news, "This is what the Lord would have us to give your family at this time. You are to divide it among the four of you and spend it wisely." It was all I could do to not just crack up. It was as if she were handing us a check for $1M. We thanked her and decided to let the kids split it.


I really wouldn't know how to take that... She thought she was giving you a lot of money... or ....she thought you didn't spend wisely and was encouraging you to spend that well?? HMMM... people are just flippin' crazy!!

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So funny!! I'd probably have to give him hair finishing wax or something similar with the words "step-by-step" in the card...just to keep the theme going! Tacky maybe, but I have a strange sense of humor. :)


Good idea! I love my dad! He thought it was so funny. We have a laid-back, fun family but I was still deep down to my toes mortified. (He has health issues and has been on oxygen for 4 years now!)

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I've posted this here before, but with my last baby, my DH brought home a gift that one of his patients had very thoughtfully given us. It was this:





"Oh look, honey, that nice Mrs Periwinkle gave us a baby gift! It's an adorable disembodied head; how does she always know exactly what we want?" ;)



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I've posted this here before, but with my last baby, my DH brought home a gift that one of his patients had very thoughtfully given us. It was this:




I actually jumped a little when I pulled it out, and then I laughed until I cried. We still have it, and DH and I occasionally pull it out and hide it somewhere for the other one (imagine that thing draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge. . . ). My 2 yo was wandering around with it today talking about how 'pretty' it was, LOL.


LemonPie, what the heck IS that thing? My first glimpse of it made me snort with laughter such that the cat left the room in a huff.


And my husband and I would do exactly as you have with it. We play the same game, only with the appallingly ugly crocheted sheep (goat? wildebeest? we're not quite sure) his mother gave us one Christmas.

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My SIL gave me a gianormous muumuu in red and white print when I was pg with Tazzie.


I promptly stuffed it over Wolf's head and took a pic. Which has since been lost.


The best ones have been from my very outspoken gma.


She gave me a purple slinky nightie before I moved across country, saying, "I hope you have better luck with the men there!"


Our first wedded Christmas, she gave us flannel leopard print sheets...and proceeded to tell Wolf that they would get 'softer with use'.


She also gave him pj bottoms. Exclusively. When mentioned, she said she knew, and wanted us not to have to waste any time :lol::lol::lol:

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I'm so glad you asked, because seriously I'd totally gift that!;)



Tell me the truth...how bad is it that I'm getting gift ideas on the "inappropriate gifts" thread? Because I think that all of my nieces and nephews need one of these. :lol:


ETA: Wow, if you buy 3 or more, it's only 10.99!

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LemonPie, what the heck IS that thing? My first glimpse of it made me snort with laughter such that the cat left the room in a huff.


And my husband and I would do exactly as you have with it. We play the same game, only with the appallingly ugly crocheted sheep (goat? wildebeest? we're not quite sure) his mother gave us one Christmas.


I think it's supposed to be a 'lovey' like those stuffed animal/blanket combo things you can buy. Apparently someone thought a disembodied, angry-looking rubber doll head wrapped in a fuzzy pink blanket would make a good 'lovey' for some kid, LOL. Make that two people, because someone MADE it and someone else BOUGHT it.


I actually went looking for another one based on the tag info, but that company doesn't make them anymore. Go figure. . .


And I'm glad to know someone else shares our weird sense of humor :lol:

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this is not as bad as some but my sil and her boyfriend were into going to rock and gem shows? One Christmas they got me an ugly tigers eye necklace, because she loved hers and proudly wore it with everything. I said a polite thank you but never wore it.

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LemonPie, what the heck IS that thing? My first glimpse of it made me snort with laughter such that the cat left the room in a huff.


And my husband and I would do exactly as you have with it. We play the same game, only with the appallingly ugly crocheted sheep (goat? wildebeest? we're not quite sure) his mother gave us one Christmas.



Wow, I thought dh and I were the only ones who did this with odd little objects. For the longest time it was a little kewpie doll a friend gave us, supposedly to serve as a cake-topper after dd#3 was born.

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Oh my goodness, this thread is cracking me up! LOL :D


Here are a few of the weirdest gifts I've received over the years:


The first year that dh and I were married, my dh deployed overseas. Apparently my dear grandmother-in-law didn't feel that I was writing her precious grandson frequently enough. That year for Christmas, I received a Christmas card with a curt greeting instructing me to write him more frequently, as well as a book of stamps so that I wouldn't have any excuse not to!


This same woman has, for the past several years, ordered for the two of us matching outfits from the clearance section of her Newport News catalogues. Not only is it stuff that I would never wear, but because she is shopping the sale section she is inconsistent with sizing. Last year I received a size 2P skirt and a size 6 blazer!


One year we gave my stepdad an embroidered sweatshirt for Christmas. The following year, my siblings and I all visited his and my mom's home for Christmas. He regifted the same shirt to my dh!


That same year, there were three presents under the tree for me, from my mom. I opened the first: a skimply, pleather miniskirt. My siblings and I exchanged confused glances. Then I opened the next: a sequined tube top! My siblings started snickering, and my brother made some snarky comment about me having some new "bedroom" gear! Obviously, I didn't have high expectations for the last package, which turned out to be a transparent, red cardigan with marabou-style trim around the V-neck. My mom was actually offended that my brother and sister were poking fun at her gift!


My dh has a habit of gifting me household items. Last year he got me pots and pans. They are nice pans, but still, they are a household item, you know? Another year it was a vacuum.


The second year we were married he gave me a waffle iron. He said that he chose that gift because he knew how much I enjoyed making him waffles for breakfast... :001_huh: For the record, I don't even like waffles. I like pancakes!

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I got a size 22 shirt from a family member who always talks about how much smaller they are than me when they were my age. At the time and currently they are about 60 pounds heavier than me. The problem is I have never been bigger than a size 12 or 14. At the time I was a size 12. I was mortified and embarrassed!

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The second year we were married he gave me a waffle iron. He said that he chose that gift because he knew how much I enjoyed making him waffles for breakfast... :001_huh: For the record, I don't even like waffles. I like pancakes!


Clearly, he was unaware of how much you would enjoy hitting him over the head with a waffle iron. Otherwise, he might have made a different choice. ;)



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The second year we were married he gave me a waffle iron. He said that he chose that gift because he knew how much I enjoyed making him waffles for breakfast... :001_huh: For the record, I don't even like waffles. I like pancakes!


Wow, did he also get you a new iron for when ironing his shirts? Or a nice comfy stool for you to sit on while you rub his aching feet? :lol:

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My SIL gave me a gianormous muumuu in red and white print when I was pg with Tazzie.


I promptly stuffed it over Wolf's head and took a pic. Which has since been lost.


The best ones have been from my very outspoken gma.


She gave me a purple slinky nightie before I moved across country, saying, "I hope you have better luck with the men there!"


Our first wedded Christmas, she gave us flannel leopard print sheets...and proceeded to tell Wolf that they would get 'softer with use'.


She also gave him pj bottoms. Exclusively. When mentioned, she said she knew, and wanted us not to have to waste any time :lol::lol::lol:



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When I was 17 (senior in hs) my mother gave me a gift. The clues were, "You'll be able to take it to school and work." She was sooo excited to give it to me and told me I would LOVE it.


It was a wooden cane with a brass duck head. Can you imagine me showing up in a public high school with a cane? Or at a job? Social suicide.


And I don't need a cane. I walk perfectly normally. She just imagined me walking around school and work (I worked at NSA) swinging my cane like Charlie Chapman.


Now you've made me snort my tea! A cane? :lol::lol:

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DS was premature, born the day after Christmas. My grandma mailed a cute "Baby's First Christmas" outfit for him. Size: 3 months.

I couldn't figure out if she expected me to dress him in the outfit in May (when it did fit him) or if she thought he would still be that small the following Christmas?


My grandma would also buy a package of women's underwear and open it up to give all the females one pair of underwear. Everyone - no matter the size or age got the same exact undies. :lol: Men shared a package of tube socks. One year she gave my sister men's tube socks on accident and my uncle received women's underwear. My sister fought hard to keep those socks!


FIL gave DS a glass jar filled with hard butterscotch candies for DS's first Christmas. Because all one-year-olds can eat hard candies?!

Then nothing for seven years... Until this year - FIL sent DS a Christmas/birthday card that said, "Bah Humbug. Can't get in the mood this year. This is all you get." Um. I would gladly take the past seven years when he didn't even mail a card.


First year DH and I were married (20+ years ago), MIL gave DH a T-shirt from his college's big rival. (Both big colleges in that state.) DH looked sincerely shocked by the school's logo when he opened the gift. MIL said she couldn't remember which school he went to, so just picked up the first one she saw.

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First year DH and I were married (20+ years ago), MIL gave DH a T-shirt from his college's big rival. (Both big colleges in that state.) DH looked sincerely shocked by the school's logo when he opened the gift. MIL said she couldn't remember which school he went to, so just picked up the first one she saw.


His mom couldn't remember which school he attended? :001_huh:

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I love these threads! We had one just like it last year, so this is a repeat from me.


My Nana (great-grandmother) was notoriously frugal, as she needed to be to buy presents for all her kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. She loved to go to yard sales and find deals. Christmas presents were always especially interesting!


One year I got a lint brush and two Watchtower magazines (Nana was not a JW). Another year she bought me a Baby Fry Daddy. I think that's the same year she gave my brother a rotisserie hot dog cooker, along with a straw dispenser, complete with paper-covered straws. Keep in mind, she gave us these when I was around 12 years old and my brother was 8. I sure do miss my Nana! She was such a character. :001_wub:

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His mom couldn't remember which school he attended? :001_huh:
In her defense :tongue_smilie: she gave DH a suitcase for high school graduation and that was the extent of her involvement in DH going to college. DH was totally on his own finding a college, selecting a degree, moving to college, etc. The only time MIL or FIL visited the college was for DH's graduation.

I really think she was more clueless about the rivalry between the two colleges. She just saw the state's name and assumed they were one and the same.


Seriously? :001_huh:
Yup. Hasn't sent a card or gift in years (which is fine), but then to send a Bah Humbug greeting? What was the point?

He actually asked my SIL if all the kids could go together and get him a flatbed trailer for Christmas. After receiving that card, DH and I decided to join him in the Bah Humbug spirit. :D

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This is an awesome thread! :)


I'm totally going to get my boys one of those banks. LOL


My parents are notorious for forcing collections on me. When my DD was a baby, I collected DISNEY Little Mermaid stuff. My stepmom took that to mean I collect mermaids. So imagine my surprise when I received a mermaid soap dish, complete with, um...pointy girl parts at attention.


I love lighthouses. I have a couple of really beautiful paintings of lighthouses in my home. However, my parents are under the impression that DH collects lighthouses, and every year at Christmas we jokingly wonder what type of lighthouse gift he'll receive for his 'collection'.


And of course, I've had an 'inappropriate' gift-giving moment. I saw this really charming outfit that I knew my mother would love. I couldn't wait for her to open it. I handed her present to her with such pride, and she opened it with much anticipation. Turns out, they were maternity clothes. Oops. What do you say to that?

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My worst gifts came from my father's girl friend.

1. An emerald green velour sweat suit that was 2 sizes too small. I have known this woman since I was a little girl. You think she would have noticed that I never wear sweat suits.


2. When ds was a baby she got him an outfit that consisted of maroon velvet knickers. A vest that was a combo of maroon velvet and some sort of maroon polyester material with white polka dots. A polka dot bow tie. And the item that tied it all together- the matching cap, with alternating maroon velvet and the polka dot stuff.

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My brother got a wolverine pelt as a wedding gift from one of his high school buddies (though, to be fair, the friend and his parents also gave them a really nice set of dishes). I think we were all crying we laughed so hard.


I've posted this here before, but with my last baby, my DH brought home a gift that one of his patients had very thoughtfully given us. It was this:




I actually jumped a little when I pulled it out, and then I laughed until I cried. We still have it, and DH and I occasionally pull it out and hide it somewhere for the other one (imagine that thing draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge. . . ). My 2 yo was wandering around with it today talking about how 'pretty' it was, LOL.


Oh my gosh! I am seriously laughing so hard I'm crying! That is the most disturbing thing I've ever seen!:lol::smilielol5::lol::smilielol5::lol:

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I've posted this here before, but with my last baby, my DH brought home a gift that one of his patients had very thoughtfully given us. It was this:




I actually jumped a little when I pulled it out, and then I laughed until I cried. We still have it, and DH and I occasionally pull it out and hide it somewhere for the other one (imagine that thing draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge. . . ). My 2 yo was wandering around with it today talking about how 'pretty' it was, LOL.



OMG! This is totally freaky! :lol::lol::lol: I cannot see anything about it that would be comforting to a baby :001_huh: It reminds me of one of Sid's toys in Toy Story 1.

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While visiting my dh's ailing grandfather, I found a really neat old glass bottle that said "Frigid Fluid Co." on it in an antique shop nearby. It was square and big and quirky. I thought it was the perfect gift for my dad's 63 birthday in November. He collects glass milk jugs and I just knew that he didn't have anything like that in his collection. Really, what else could it be but a milk jug? Frigid Fluid, right?


He unwraps the gift, loves it and rushes off to google (yeah, my dad's cool) what type of bottle it is because he's never seen a bottle quite like it.


Wait for it......



Embalming fluid. It originally held embalming fluid. I gave my dad an embalming fluid bottle for his birthday.


On a positive note, I paid $15 and we found out it was rare and worth $100. And we all got an awesome laugh out of it. Dad asked me what I was going to get him for Christmas that could top that. :blush:




You just made me choke! This is hysterical!

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One year I got a lint brush and two Watchtower magazines


That is just...poetry, that's what that is. And I believe it is now my go-to phrase for uninspired gifts. "You might not like the frog-themed canisters, but at least they're better than a lint brush and two Watchtower magazines."

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I really wouldn't know how to take that... She thought she was giving you a lot of money... or ....she thought you didn't spend wisely and was encouraging you to spend that well?? HMMM... people are just flippin' crazy!!


Eh, she's just controlling, hyper-religious, and psycho.


She got all mad at the owner of a lovely Mediterranean restaurant the other day for wishing her a merry Christmas, informing the woman that she doesn't "do" Christmas, as it's completely PAGAN (dramatic reverb). She's gone the gamut of religions. During the Christmas that she gave us that money, she was in her frugal/Amish phase. You think I'm kidding. I am not.

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I love these threads! We had one just like it last year, so this is a repeat from me.


My Nana (great-grandmother) was notoriously frugal, as she needed to be to buy presents for all her kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. She loved to go to yard sales and find deals. Christmas presents were always especially interesting!


One year I got a lint brush and two Watchtower magazines (Nana was not a JW). Another year she bought me a Baby Fry Daddy. I think that's the same year she gave my brother a rotisserie hot dog cooker, along with a straw dispenser, complete with paper-covered straws. Keep in mind, she gave us these when I was around 12 years old and my brother was 8. I sure do miss my Nana! She was such a character. :001_wub:


Sounds like she was hoping you'd get together and open a concession stand somewhere! Budding entrepreneurs and all that? :lol:

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My MIL is a wonderful woman- she just isn't very good at shopping and some year are better then others.


One Christmas was a bad year- I got a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit. The last gift was a new toilet seat with fish all over it. LOL! In her defense' date=' at the time our bathroom was decorated with fish and the toilet seat did need to be replaced.[/quote']



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My brother got a wolverine pelt as a wedding gift from one of his high school buddies (though, to be fair, the friend and his parents also gave them a really nice set of dishes). I think we were all crying we laughed so hard.


I've posted this here before, but with my last baby, my DH brought home a gift that one of his patients had very thoughtfully given us. It was this:




I actually jumped a little when I pulled it out, and then I laughed until I cried. We still have it, and DH and I occasionally pull it out and hide it somewhere for the other one (imagine that thing draped over a gallon of milk in the fridge. . . ). My 2 yo was wandering around with it today talking about how 'pretty' it was, LOL.


:ohmy: thats weird

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