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So, did you consider yourself an *angry* voter today?

Did you consider yourself to be an *angry voter* today?  

  1. 1. Did you consider yourself to be an *angry voter* today?

    • Yes
    • No

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I am NOT asking *for whom* anyone voted. I am listening to the talking heads and I keep hearing them refer to *angry voters*.


I know a couple, but for the most part all the people I know on all sides of the equation are people I would call *informed*. No matter if I *agree* with them or not, they are all pretty level-headed and understandable in their point of view.


...So, I was just wondering about this *angry voter* thing.


This is supposed to be a *yes*/*no* poll...if I can figure it out! :lol:

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I am NOT asking *for whom* anyone voted. I am listening to the talking heads and I keep hearing them refer to *angry voters*.



Most of the "news" I see makes me wonder what they're talking about, as it has little resemblance to the reality I see every day.

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Most of the "news" I see makes me wonder what they're talking about, as it has little resemblance to the reality I see every day.




ETA: no, I don't consider myself an angry voter this time or at any other time

Edited by Gratia271
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Not for 'those' reasons --but because I've had about 10 phone calls from different candidates EVERY DAY (mostly at dinner time)--even Sunday... for the last 2 weeks... plus TONS of junk mail to recycle...


Tonight the phone was FINALLY quiet!


But, honestly, I can say that I did vote today in particular just to get some people (local) OUT of office!

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I've had about 10 phone calls from different candidates EVERY DAY (mostly at dinner time)--even Sunday... for the last 2 weeks... plus TONS of junk mail to recycle...


Yeah, I relate to this. In fact, the majority of the calls came from the camp of the person I had long ago decided I would NOT vote for.


After their 3rd call BEFORE LUNCH today, when the caller said "I just want to tell you to get out and vote...", I said "Are you sure about that?"

Caller: "Oh! YES Ma'am!"

Me: "I don't think you should be so sure"

Caller: "oh."


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No and I didn't see anyone angry at the polls either.

Wonder what they're talking about?


Fwiw, I live in a fairly conservative area and can guess what 90% of the people in my precinct were voting.


Were the talking heads saying all voters were angry or one party in particular?

I don't have cable, so that's news to me.

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No and I didn't see anyone angry at the polls either.

Wonder what they're talking about?


Fwiw, I live in a fairly conservative area and can guess what 90% of the people in my precinct were voting.


Were the talking heads saying all voters were angry or one party in particular?

I don't have cable, so that's news to me.


I didn't see anyone that was angry. Everyone I know, including myself, would be better labeled as "determined". I'm in a conservative area as well. It was a friendly place and the workers were great!! They did say that the place had been packed throughout the day, so the evidence was there that people were really wanting to be heard, but I don't know about angry.

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No and I didn't see anyone angry at the polls either.

Wonder what they're talking about?


Fwiw, I live in a fairly conservative area and can guess what 90% of the people in my precinct were voting.


Were the talking heads saying all voters were angry or one party in particular?

I don't have cable, so that's news to me.


"Angry American voters" is what I'm hearing. Not really a particular party.



It's NBC.


And Tom Brokaw just referred to things going back to 1908...when I think he meant 2008. :lol:

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I said no, but if discouraged had been in the mix, I might have answered yes. By discouraged, I mean with the whole system, not just for my election's results.


In the end, I just want things to work out well for our children and grandchildren. I want them to be free and proud to be an American. With all our differences, I just want us to come together and continue to build a country that will withstand the storms and struggles of time and be a beacon of hope and help to a hurting world.

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Did you have more than the state and county pamphlets? We only had those two.


Just the two pamphlets. But we had to look up some extra information on some of the initiatives. The pro and con statements would make unsubstantiated claims against each other and we wanted to check each of those out. I had the laptop out and was googling.

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Nope. No angry voting here.

Lots of discussion. Plenty of questions directed at those we thought understood a few of the initiatives better than we did. Sharing our concerns about a couple of things.

Then a few minutes to run down the ballot, fill in the bubbles and put it in the mailbox.



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Just the two pamphlets. But we had to look up some extra information on some of the initiatives. The pro and con statements would make unsubstantiated claims against each other and we wanted to check each of those out. I had the laptop out and was googling.


Ah, yes. I had some trouble with those. I asked a couple of attorney friends (one Democrat, one Republican ;)) to help me decipher the language of the initiatives.

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I said no, but if discouraged had been in the mix, I might have answered yes. By discouraged, I mean with the whole system, not just for my election's results.


In the end, I just want things to work out well for our children and grandchildren. I want them to be free and proud to be an American. With all our differences, I just want us to come together and continue to build a country that will withstand the storms and struggles of time and be a beacon of hope and help to a hurting world.


Good thoughts

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I voted to get someone out who had a poor record for many many years. Unfortunately it was against the flow.


I also voted for someone who I thought had done a great job of representing his juridiction even if he wasn't in the party I affiliate with and yes, he won.

At least in this election more people voted by what the rep had done for his community (and actually for what he tried to do with his senate and congressional classmates) than voting because his party told him to. I would so love for more candidates to do this.


What happened tonight is going to happen again. It took us many years to get us where we are today over several presidents. It's full effect took place 2 years ago but the start of the fall was made many years ago. Lots of things are going to have to change and many people aren't going to like some of those changes. In 2 years the jobless rate will have fallen some but people will still not have all the things they had when this first started and for many that's what they want when they say they want improvement. Our economy will not be like it was 3-4 years ago in a very very long time. At the next election since things won't be "better" all the republicans will be voted out of office and a new president elected. We have become a nation of I ought to have it because it is owed to me, instead of being a nation of it belongs to me because I earned it. If the party in charge can't keep us a nation of give it all to me for free then the party in power will be voted out. I've seen it so much and it only seems to get worse as I get older. That my dears is my pessimism. My ideal is that there would no longer be a party system and that people would be voted in or out because they actually voted for things that affected me and followed the constitution. If we can't do that then try 2 other things. Instead of 2 party's, make 3 party's that were all powerful to challenge and keep each other in check and the other thing is limit terms like we do for other offices. Most Presidents and Governors can serve only 2 consecutive terms. Put that rule in effect for senators and congressmen. Then maybe we'll get a little change


I'm uneducated because of the way my state runs things. I can get plenty of info about my senators, congressmen, president but when I need info about judges, sheriffs, conservation officers, school board members, none of it is around. We must have had 20 different offices for judges being voted on tonight I had no clue who to vote for. No information about them, what they beleived and even better their court record could be found anywhere I looked and the candidates themselves didn't even give out info. Didn't even know we elected a conservation officer. Last time I checked that was a state appointed position. No clue to these candidates backgrounds, let alone heard their names before so it became well this name sounds good. It's the same way for county commissioners. They'll be yard signs and poster all over with their names on them but no information so it becomes either I like that name or he's in there now so it's time to put new blood in, or ooh I liked her sign. Sad but true, I have a college degree but I'm still uneducated.

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Depressed at my choices... but, then not many go into politics that I admire. Oh, and I voted early. So, the only folks I saw were about 80 years-old, all three of them. None looked angry, just tired.


And I love all the comments about voting the bums out.. Do you really know who you've voted in? :lol:

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Not an angry voter... I'm probably more of a depressed voter. I expected most of the people I chose locally to lose. I actually think I'm more saddened/disappointed by a few other state elections (one in particular was a real disappointment).


I think it's a depressing experience to be a liberal voting in a largely conservative area or a conservative voting in a largely liberal area. You know you are going to lose, but you go to the polls anyway, just to come home to crushing defeats.

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My take is that the anger is mostly a guy thing. My DH and his conservative friends aren't part of the Tea Party but they're angry at the choices our government has been making for the past 2 years. This recession has been hardest on men- the majority of folks we know who have experienced a job loss have been men. And men tend to be more in favor of fiscal restraint, self-sufficiency, and limited government than women, so they've been angrier at what the president and Congress have been up to.

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I was a happy and lonely voter. I showed up to the polling place expecting crowds but was the only voter there. Yikes. It was my first time voting in the state. I had all sorts of i.d. forms - driver's license (with temp. housing address), utility bill and pay stub with current address and SS card. The volunteers laughed at me and said as long as my name was in the printout they didn't need all that "other stuff." Are you kidding me? Shouldn't you check my DL? Verify my address? Something. So I guess I should change my response to a lonely and somewhat bewildered voter.

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I was a depressed voter. The choices get worse every election. Boo. :glare:


:iagree: This.



ETA: I was a slightly angry voter yesterday, because when I went to vote, someone had already signed their name in my space in the log book. She was supposed to have signed 2 spaces up. So, they made me sit and wait for 20 minutes while they called "headquarters" to figure out what to do.

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I have a couple FB friends I would consider angry voters. They are loud, obnoxious, and hateful, and while there are only two of them, they sure make my wall an unpleasant place at times.


They are political opposites. It's their tone I can't stand, not their positions.

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No, I'm not an angry voter.


Also, I worked at the polls yesterday, and I didn't see one person come through that looked angry or acted angry. I know, of course, they could have been hiding it. But honestly, people were friendly and courteous. I didn't see anything that resembled the 'angry voter'. Probably why I don't listed to the media much.

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I think it's a depressing experience to be a liberal voting in a largely conservative area or a conservative voting in a largely liberal area. You know you are going to lose, but you go to the polls anyway, just to come home to crushing defeats.


Very, very true.

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No, I'm not an angry voter.


Also, I worked at the polls yesterday, and I didn't see one person come through that looked angry or acted angry. I know, of course, they could have been hiding it. But honestly, people were friendly and courteous. I didn't see anything that resembled the 'angry voter'. Probably why I don't listed to the media much.

Maybe the "just happy to be here and get the chance to exercise my rights" sentiment is spread further than I though :)


Everyone I encountered was fine and we're in a very red area (the people that are supposed to be hopping mad).

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Maybe the "just happy to be here and get the chance to exercise my rights" sentiment is spread further than I though :)


Everyone I encountered was fine and we're in a very red area (the people that are supposed to be hopping mad).


I live in a very conservative area, too.


We did hand out Halloween candy to people as they turned in their ballots. Maybe that put smiles on their faces. ;)

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I didn't see anyone that was angry. Everyone I know, including myself, would be better labeled as "determined". I'm in a conservative area as well. It was a friendly place and the workers were great!! They did say that the place had been packed throughout the day, so the evidence was there that people were really wanting to be heard, but I don't know about angry.


"Determined" described me well. We had a great turnout here in our conservative area, too. I didn't see anyone who appeared to be angry.

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I was a happy liberal (gasp!) voter yesterday :) No sign of anyone angry at our polling place and none of my friends/acquaintances were angry either. Delaware is rebounding quite nicely from the lows of fall 2008, so people aren't as reactive as in other states.

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