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Crying in public -- I ruined my special day

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I have a root canal scheduled for Wed that I am simply beyond terrified of.


So I thought I'd do a special rubberstamping camp today to take some time for myself and try to relax. I had never done type of camp before but I am a customer of the store that holds them. They are held quarterly and cost $30.


I had never felt comfortable spending that much money on myself. So this was a BIG DEAL.


I signed up on Sat. with a woman (let's call her Cashier) that I had limited dealings with at the store. I paid my $30 and she highlighted my name with a pink highlighter, evne though everyone else on the list was highlighted in green. :confused:


I told her I had never done this camp before and asked what I needed. She told me a basic kit but then another customer overhead and told me to check the website b/c there were additional items needed. OK. The Cashier who registered me told it was the longer version of the camp for people who wanted to take their time and that I could do it anytime from 10 til 5. There wasn't a time limit. I told her about my root canal, etc. She seemed like she was barely listening. OK, fine.


Some other background: I held part my dd's birthday party at the store this summer. I talked to the Owner 3 or 4 times about it. Another woman (let's call her Teacher) did the class. She and I spent an evening together in the store planning the class and then she taught the 2 hours class to dd, her friends and I.


I walked into the store today at 10:30 and the camp had already started. It wasn't like the registration woman led me to believe -- that it was come and go as needed. Then, the Teacher who had taught my dd's b-day class told me she would need my money before I'd be allowed to start. I told her I had paid on Sat. She was pointing to my name and phone number on the list and said that she and the Owner had absolutely no idea who I was. :confused:


I stood there and it was like I heard this roaring in my ears. I felt like she was accusing me of not paying or something.


And I was thinking How can you be saying you have no idea who I am...we spent HOURS together this summer!!!


I told her I had paid on Sat.


She told me in a doubting voice to go over to where the Owner had started the class. I went over and stood next to another customer. I guess the format is that all the projects are explained first (starting at 10 am, which I didn't know). When I approached the group, the Owner stopped talking and did this double take to look at me. Then the customer whom I was standing next to said she was glad that I was the last one, not her. :confused:


So now my heart was racing and I was getting really teary-eyed. My mind was spinning and I thought I'd go to the bathroom and take a few deep breaths and splash some water on my face. On my way into the bathroom, I accidentally knocked a whole bunch of stuff off a table outside the bathroom door and made this huge racket. So I picked it all up, went back and gathered my stuff started to leave.


On my way out, I tried to stop and talk to Teacher. Probably the only coherant thing I said was that it devastated me that she said she had no idea who I was. B/c I started that choking thing that happens when I try to talk when I am trying not to cry.


So, now I am home. I ruined my own special day and now all I have to look forward to is a root canal.:crying::crying::crying:

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So sorry someone ruined your day! :grouphug: Please be sure to get your money back and to speak to the manager to let her know the sequence of events. I am sure this is not the thing to do right now when your feelings are so raw, but don't let them take advantage of you like this.


By the way, I agree with this part of your siggie, "I want the house. I want the picket fence. I want the ketchup fights and the tickling, and the giggling.



And LOVE IT! Hopefully you will have a better day!

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Awww ... I'd send a letter to the business telling them all this, including how you were misled about the format of the class. Maybe they'll at least refund you.


Don't worry about the root canal. Have some Advil ready and take lots of deep breaths. It's really not that bad! :001_smile:

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When you feel better, go back and get your money and never go there again.


Not as an excuse-but because part of owning a store (I've had one) is building relationships, and having spent that much time together, you booking parties there and such, she should know you. If she can't be bothered to put you, a REPEAT customer first, then she doesn't deserve your business. period.

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I am so sorry that happened.


As a former store owner, I would have been embarrassed and appalled. Please (a) e-mail the store owner and let her know what happened; (b) you should have received some sort of receipt for the class -- and -- the store should have some record of your payment SOMEWHERE -- even if your name was highlighted incorrectly.


I can't tell you the number of times we "erred on the side of the customer." I'm sure there were some cheats who "got away" without paying, but it had to be pretty rare. It was more likely a cropper would steal supplies...than someone show up for a class they hadn't paid for and said they had. Employees make mistakes, and you can be darn certain I would have found out who the employee was and get it corrected, or invite her to leave.

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I am so very sorry this happened to you. Did you happen to get a receipt when you paid for the class? Did you pay by check or credit card? So you have PROOF of payment?


I would def write a letter to the Store Mgr. and let her know how unprofessional the store employees were.


Sending Big Hugs and I hope your family spoils/takes care of you during your Recovery.

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I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope it gets worked out.


My husband had a root canal last Wednesday. He went straight to work afterwards and other than his mouth being a little tender, he said it wasn't bad at all. HTH your anxiety a little!

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YOU didn't ruin your special day. :grouphug: Even if you'd stayed, I don't see how you could have been expected to enjoy it after receiving such crappy, unprofessional treatment. :-( I hope you will be able to have a different, better Mama's Day Out sometime soon. We moms need and deserve special things too.

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Even if they didn't remember your name, you should have been treated as though you were recognized, which I am sure you were.


I'm sorry it turned out that way. DEMAND your money back.


And don't worry about the root canal. I'm sure you can have some nitrous. My dh slept though his and he was VERY nervous too.

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Thanks, everyone!


Your hugs mean so much to me.


I did ruin it myself, though. I want to be a roll with the punches woman. This really was nothing to cry about. I don't want to get my feelings so hurt that I just gave up and took my (stamping) toys and went home.


Other things:


I didn't get a receipt. Paid cash b/c the rule has always been you pay when you sign up. So, theoretically, I shouldn't have been on the list if I hadn't paid.


I am not sure there is a manager. I think the Owner acts as manager.


There is no laughing gas at the endodontist. :(

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Whatever happened to "The customer is always right?!?!" There's a resale store in town here where the help is so darn snobby. I just think, "Seriously? Ya'll work with used stuff!"

And maybe let the store know that if they don't make it right you'll be writing the BBB.

I'm sorry you were treated so poorly. I'm hoping that God drops a really cool amazing something in your lap today. (as well as that the root canal goes well!! :grouphug:

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Write them a letter. Tell them what you were told. Tell them that you paid. Tell them how you were treated. And ask for your money back.




I'm sorry this happened to you!!!:grouphug::grouphug:


WHy are you so nervous about your root canal? I had one recently. I was nervous because novocaine doesn't work for me and I was terrified I'd feel everything. I felt NOTHING!!!

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Thanks, everyone!


Your hugs mean so much to me.


I did ruin it myself, though. I want to be a roll with the punches woman. This really was nothing to cry about. I don't want to get my feelings so hurt that I just gave up and took my (stamping) toys and went home.


Other things:


I didn't get a receipt. Paid cash b/c the rule has always been you pay when you sign up. So, theoretically, I shouldn't have been on the list if I hadn't paid.


I am not sure there is a manager. I think the Owner acts as manager.


There is no laughing gas at the endodontist. :(


If they are not giving out receipts with every single thing that comes in, they have some very serious internal control issues going on. How do they even know what is coming in?

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Sorry the store employees ruined your day.


I would write to the store and request your money back.


Detail your conversations with each person.


State your hope that this was to have been a special day.


Use the words, "I would at least like my money back." Perhaps they'll do more. Most stores would.

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Sorry the store employees ruined your day.


I would write to the store and request your money back.


Detail your conversations with each person.


State your hope that this was to have been a special day.


Use the words, "I would at least like my money back." Perhaps they'll do more. Most stores would.



Do all of this. AND, make sure you remind them in your letter about your dealings with them in the past (dd's birthday party, amount you spend there, etc).

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I'm sorry that this happened to you, but I simply can not imagine walking away from my money like that. I would never pay cash for something and not get a receipt for it. If someone who knew me for whatever reason said something to the effect that they had no idea who I was I would tell them who I was in no uncertain terms.


Whether or not anyone remembers you is completely irrelevant, however. You paid. You should have proof of that. You present it and get what you paid for. I would also have told them that I was given incorrect information about the event's starting time, etc. YOU were the one inconvenienced.


For someone offering a service to take your money, give you incorrect information, then act as if you are somehow in the wrong is completely unprofessional and ridiculous. You did not give them money in advance in order to suffer humiliation from them.


I would go back in and demand a refund, telling them that you will take your business elsewhere since they can not remember you nor manage to serve your needs in an appropriate fashion....

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I would def stay on them about getting your money back. Let the Owner know the time of day/what day that you paid-the cashier's name..and also how the cashier wrote down your name and also let her know the specific highlighter color that the cashier used when she collected your money.



I would NOT let this drop until you get your cash back. I would also suggest to Owner/Mgr. that it would be a good idea for them to start giving receipts when people pay for their classes.


If all else fails, let them know that you WILL be contacting your Local Better Business Bureau.

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Oh gosh, this sounds so much like something I would do :(


Is there any way you can complain without having to speak to someone? A letter, an email, or an 800 number where you just talk to some random operator somewhere? They need to get a complaint for this. They treated you like poo, the Cashier, Teacher, and Owner should all get a mega bite of s- sandwich for this.


Send me the number and I'll call (if you want). I have all kind of pent up indignation to pull on and I promise not to yell :)




Go take a bubble bath.


Stupid people :glare:

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I would def stay on them about getting your money back. Let the Owner know the time of day/what day that you paid-the cashier's name..and also how the cashier wrote down your name and also let her know the specific highlighter color that the cashier used when she collected your money.



I would NOT let this drop until you get your cash back. I would also suggest to Owner/Mgr. that it would be a good idea for them to start giving receipts when people pay for their classes.


If all else fails, let them know that you WILL be contacting your Local Better Business Bureau.


:iagree: I also agree with the poster who wondered if the cashier was pocketing money.

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Also, I had a root canal some years ago. I actually fell asleep while he was working on it! Afterwards, I only wanted some REAL food to eat, so dh rather dubiously took me to a cafeteria style place where he still insisted I needed SOUP and I adamantly stayed my course for REAL FOOD - ate it and enjoyed it!


Please don't worry about your root canal! You'll do fine! :)

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I'm sorry you had a crummy morning! The root canal is a breeze. I had no pain before or after the procedure. The only uncomfortable thing was that my jaw was sore for holding my mouth open for 45 minutes. I didn't even need any motrin afterwards.




Prepare to be bored. I was--and I have major dentist issues. :leaving:

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Whatever happened to "The customer is always right?!?!" There's a resale store in town here where the help is so darn snobby. I just think, "Seriously? Ya'll work with used stuff!"

And maybe let the store know that if they don't make it right you'll be writing the BBB.

I'm sorry you were treated so poorly. I'm hoping that God drops a really cool amazing something in your lap today. (as well as that the root canal goes well!! :grouphug:


Do you live in Cincinnati, cuz there's a resale shop here that is like that. Down to it's name!

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I'm so sorry this happened to you. With the way scrapbooking stores are closing left and right, you'd think the owner would be much more careful about building relationships with customers and would have welcomed you and given you the benefit of the doubt.


I would definitely write a letter as others have said, asking for a refund.

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There is no laughing gas at the endodontist. :(


No, but if you're really anxious about it, he/she can prescribe something for you to take before your appointment to help you relax. This is what I did last month. I was a nervous wreck, which isn't like me. I just don't normally have dental issues, and the words, "root canal" sent chills down my spine!


The little pill he prescribed had me so relaxed that I was giggling at everything. I had no pain whatsoever.


You'll have to have someone drive you if you choose to go this route.


I'm sorry about your stamping fiasco. I'd definitely ask for my money back!

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