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What is the significance of your avatar?

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There are a lot of crows where I live. I see murders of 200 or more at sunset, moving off of the water water towers in strings over the park to the trees where they spend the night.


I think crows clever, and they learn with age. I'd like to think those of me, too.


I think this crow is giving the look Rosie does in her avatar, a sort of head pulled back, attentive, skeptical look.


Also, it was the first one I saw that I liked the day I figured out how to make an avatar show up. :D

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Elwood P. Dowd is one of my heroes. And if you don't know Elwood Dowd, you need watch the movie Harvey. :)


Although I loved this movie as a kid, and when we were growing up my family periodically made references, I watched it not long ago as an adult, and it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. The B&W looks good enough to eat, the humor is sweet, the "meaning" is never obvious, the acting wonderful. If I ever go starkers, I want a pooka, too.

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Mine is a picture of my dog in a snowstorm several years ago. His name is Fortis Tiberias Woogie Boy; we call him Ti. He now has cancer and has only a few weeks to live. He is such a good dog.


I'm sorry.

I hope you can have some good memories in these next few weeks.


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Mine is my dd when we lived in NC. She is playing in a drainage ditch (just rain water...I hope:001_huh:) that my dc imagined to be the Mississippi River, the Nile River or the Yangtze River...depending upon which story we read that day. It's a reminder to me to get off the 'puter and go read to my dc.:tongue_smilie:

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Several years ago I was in charge of organizing games for a certain women's forum. We had a "pajama party", an online night of games and prizes and live chat. One of the games was a "name the picture" contest and I chose either hilarious or thoughtful pictures. This picture is a tapestry which tells a story, so I thought I'd get some great titles from it. I had it saved to my photobucket acct, so when it came time to choose an avatar for this forum, I thought it fit because I use Tapestry of Grace.

Here's a larger scale version of it:


Now, just because I found some awesome pics for the game and still have them saved, I have to share them. You will note they would make interesting avatars :lol:



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Mine is a pic of me, in front of my computer with a Mike's Hard Limeade. :D


There was an old thread on this where people talk about their avatars too, many of them are still the same. I mostly remember because Sis was explaining her Green Lantern avatar to people. :lol:


In case you are interested:


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I am a very unflexible person. I like regular and scheduled lives. For me and those around me. Taking on homeschool last year to my brood, I cried and bucked against everything. A woman on another homeschool board in the chat room, told me Anne, you are gonna have to give a bit, be more flexible. I googled flexible, and this popped up...I love it...


and I am learning, I can't bend backwards, but I can bend now

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Mine is me on my 40th birthday. DS had a much harder time with me turning 40 than I did (he's 3 years younger than me). He was after me to color my hair because my grey made *him* feel old. LOL! I told him to be careful what he asked for and threatened to color it pink. He didn't think I would go through with it, so I had a hot pink streak dyed in the front (and covered the rest with my natural color! :) The pink faded pretty fast and now my grey is back since that was over a year ago, but I think it is a fun pic. THe best of any more recent pic of me.

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