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Sentences you can't believe you just said?

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Just today I heard dd3 ask dd10 if she could borrow his peewee. My reply: No, you cannot borrow his peewee. It doesn't come off."

To which she replies, "But mine is too little. I need bubba's".

Me: Honey, God didn't give you a peewee. Remember someday you will have breasts like mama.

dd3: But I don't want beasties. I wanna peewee. Mama, go pray to God for me one.

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Oooo, these are good!


Some of mine:


"Exactly why are you storing a baby wipe in your butt?"


"Get your shoes out of the dishwasher!"


"Is that blood or marker on your face?"


"Did you get your poop soap and fake eyeballs?" (Said at the Children's Museum after a grossology workshop)


"No you may not pee in the sink!"

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Me: "We don't say Daddie's nuts in the grocery store."

in response to:


"Oh look, Daddie's nuts! Do we need to buy some?" said by one of my five year old daughters in the cereal aisle.


(Somehow, DH's snack cereal, had been nick-named this by the kids when they were young. I guess it smelled kinda nutty and he was the only one who ate it.)



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These are all making me :lol:


Some of mine:


"Take that dress off the cat"

"Stop wiping your nose on the couch, my shirt, the wall, wherever"

"Stop letting the dog lick your ear"

"Do not sword fight with my knitting needles"

"Turn down that Elvis record" (said to my 10 year old who loves Elvis Pressley!)

"You will get breasts when you are older"


I cannot even begin to list all the things I say to my 4 year old. She asks me the craziest and funniest questions. I have to tell her almost daily that she cannot marry Sado (her imaginary boyfriend). I also tell her just about every day, "No, Cora you cannot wear make-up or get your driving license."


I love the one that a pp said "I don't care what I said, just do what I meant!" That is awesome! I don't know if it's age (can't be, I'm only 32), having three kids, effects of insomnia, or what, but I get my words mixed up all the time.

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Just a few minutes ago I actually had to say to my naked dd3, "Stop rubbing your bottom on the case of bottled water!" And to my dh I then yelled (because I was neck deep cooking with my ds): _____, get in here and stop your daughter from rubbing her crack on the water!" :ohmy:

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Me on the way out: "Take that out to the driveway to blow it up."

9yo dd : "What makes you think I was going to blow anything up while you were gone?"

Me: "I can read labels too dear."

Her: "Oh, good point."


Me waiting at the rock yard for the cute guy to fill up my truck with a ton of dirt : "Don't get chocolate chips in my truck."

4yo dd: "But you're filling up the back with dirt, why can't I get the inside dirty"

Me: "Honey, girls don't have dirty trucks."


Oh and "Don't catapult grapes at the house."

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I also tell her just about every day, "No, Cora you cannot wear make-up or get your driving license."


When DD was 5 she got one of those little girl make-up kits, which she agreed would be for dress-up play only. A week later we were running late for a doctor's appointment, and I'm standing at the front door, keys in hand, yelling for DD to hurry up. She comes around the corner...looking like a kabuki dancer on acid. Since I don't wear makeup, she had no idea which colors went where, and since there was no mirror in her room, her aim was off anyway! She had turquoise lips, shiny red circles around her eyes, sparkly white powder over her entire face (including into her black hair), and purple cheeks. It took about ten minutes with a wet washcloth to scrub it all off, so not only were we late, she looked like I'd been smacking her around! :tongue_smilie:



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"Why did you stick your head in the toilet?????"


"Stop wiping poop on the walls, NO NOT IN YOUR MOUTH!!!"


"No more carrot sticks until you finish your chicken nuggets" Wait did I just say that...:confused:


"We don't eat bugs, or rabbit poop. Yes, it does look like candy"


"No, that's not a boo-boo, that's my nipple" Breastfeeding isn't very private

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No, sweetie, chocolate milk will never come out of your boobies. No, not even when you are a mommy. Because God didn't want babies to drink chocolate milk. No, you won't want to push your boob all the way up to your mouth and drink your own chocolate milk. Well, for one, that's just ummm, strange. And for two, your body will NOT make chocolate milk. Yes, I know chocolate milk tastes better than white milk.

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Does anyone know where my Well Trained Mind is?


Put that book down and set the table!


To my older girls: If you're wearing white shirts, make sure you have a bra on!

My youngest, about 5 at the time: I'm wearing white, do I need a bra?

Edited by LizzyBee
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"No you cannot have boobies and a driver's license for your 7th birthday. What's your third choice?" :lol:



Oh.my.goodness!!! :lol::lol::lol: I tried to tell dh about this one but every time I started to tell him I began laughing so hard I couldn't finish my sentence! By the time I finally got it all out my face was wet with tears. :D


I really need to laugh more. Can we have more threads like this!

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No, sweetie, chocolate milk will never come out of your boobies. No, not even when you are a mommy. Because God didn't want babies to drink chocolate milk. No, you won't want to push your boob all the way up to your mouth and drink your own chocolate milk. Well, for one, that's just ummm, strange. And for two, your body will NOT make chocolate milk. Yes, I know chocolate milk tastes better than white milk.


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Stop exploding the ants or I'll have to take away the magnifying glass.


Who drank my ___?

I would be seriously concerned if my children were "exploding " ants with a magnifying glass. It would be high time to teach them to honor, protect, and be in awe of all of creation, especially anything that is alive. :ohmy:

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Does anyone know where my Well Trained Mind is?


Put that book down and set the table!


To my older girls: If you're wearing white shirts, make sure you have a bra on!

My youngest, about 5 at the time: I'm wearing white, do I need a bra?

"My youngest, about 5 at the time: I'm wearing white, do I need a bra? " :lol: haha

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"Just wipe it on a paper or something. Stop teasing your brother & sister with it and just WIPE IT ON THE PAPER. Don't shove the paper near them, either! I don't know what to do with it... no, why would I want it? Just put it in the paper on the floor beneath your feet until we get there."


-to ds in the car yesterday, about a booger.


Just now: "You don't shake your butt at people."


Yeah, we're the classiest.

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Oh you people are making me laugh. It's so nice to be reminded now and then that there are other people out there who have to tell their children not to gnaw on their toenails, and not to eat things that are not food, and who have been through enough "poop drama" to understand the despair in one's heart when finding a little dark glob on the carpet that makes her pray very earnestly, "PLEASE let it be just a raisin this time!"


One of the more memorable ones around here was, "Take that fork out of your bottom right now."


ETA: Also, "No more disintegrating your sister."

Edited by MamaSheep
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stop throwing grapes in the gutters

(after most of a bowl of grapes had disappeared from the deck table)


you are not allowed to lift the grate on the storm drain and play inside (after friend's child managed to scrape her face on her b'day no less)


stop barking

(what's up with the barking)


Of course, I also say plenty of the typical-

don't chew on your toes

get your hands out of your pants

get your fingers out of your nose

stop licking your hands


Once my oldest ds had my middle ds on his back and they put a hole in the gameroom wall with middle ds's backside.

While freaking out, I said, "Great, now I get to call dh and tell him that there is a butt hole in the wall."


My sons lost it laughing and even now, years later, they still call that wall the butt hole wall. I had to laugh at myself even though I was still angry with the knowledge that I would be the one patching and painting that wall.



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I would be seriously concerned if my children were "exploding " ants with a magnifying glass. It would be high time to teach them to honor, protect, and be in awe of all of creation, especially anything that is alive. :ohmy:


They also learned to set paper on fire with the magnifying glass. Yeah. We don't have magnifying glasses anymore.


You must not have fire ants where you live. They helped DH burn out a nest with diesel. That's what started it.

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They also learned to set paper on fire with the magnifying glass. Yeah. We don't have magnifying glasses anymore.


You must not have fire ants where you live. They helped DH burn out a nest with diesel. That's what started it.


Yup, kill 'em. Others on that list- cockroaches (particularly the ones that are huge and fly), mice (particularly if they are staking a claim to the garage, because the house will be next), and any flying stinging insects- them and their home (particularly when their home is attached to yours)



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I would be seriously concerned if my children were "exploding " ants with a magnifying glass. It would be high time to teach them to honor, protect, and be in awe of all of creation, especially anything that is alive. :ohmy:


It's funny how people respond differently -- I read that and immediately asked DS1 if it were true. After I asked him to find a magnifying glass so I could go out and explode ants, he diverted my attention to a great book on ants that we are going to try to get from the library.


DS1, I suppose, didn't like the idea of having an Ant-Exploding Mother.

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I had a piglet in one of my litters that was not thriving, so I brought it to the house to raise. It stayed in the house for a little over a month. Here are a few from that experience -


"Please do not feed the piglet at the table and definitely do not let it lick yogurt out of the bowl you are eating from"


"No, the piglet may not take a bath with you"


Noticing that the piglet is not in it's crate as I am heading off to bed - "Who is sleeping with the piglet"


Said to Golden Retriever and piglet - "Quit knocking that soccer ball all over

the house"

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My kids are very serious about their tae kwon do. Lucky for me they're on the same level so they can hold their own against each other.


"Stop kicking your brother in the nuts. Kick him in the stomach."


"If you would learn to block your sister's punches better you wouldn't get hurt."


to dd "I heard you made a 12 yr. old boy cry in class today. That's awesome."


to ds "I know you're fluent in duck but I'm not so you're going to have to answer in a language I do know. yes I know I'm ruining your education by not carrying on a conversation in duck. tough. live with it."

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They also learned to set paper on fire with the magnifying glass. Yeah. We don't have magnifying glasses anymore.


You must not have fire ants where you live. They helped DH burn out a nest with diesel. That's what started it.

This brought back memories of a boy who was a neighbor when I was a kid who was frying ants in a frying pan on his stove just for the "fun" of it. They were not fire ants. I thought he was a little disturbed for doing that. His Mom was livid.

I forgot about fire ants. We don't have them in SW Washington. Years ago when we lived in Alabama we had them. My son was little and he would manage to get into them and get stung.

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