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Waiting with baited breath...

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Of course, unless my breath rivals catfish bait, it should be "bated" breath.


Did the title "pique" or "peak" your interest? Do you shop in store "isles" or "aisles"?


Those are some homophones I consistently see misspelled on the internet. I know I'm guilty - when I haven't edited properly or, in some cases, am simply ignorant of the fact I'm using the wrong word.


How about you? Can you add any to the list that you see consistently misused or trip you up?


Reply hear, please. :D

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I have a spelling checker.

It came with my pea sea.

It plane lee marks four my revue

Miss steaks aye can knot sea.


Eye ran this poem threw it,

Your sure reel glad two no.

Its vary polished in it's weigh.

My checker tolled me sew.


A checker is a bless sing,

It freeze yew lodes of thyme.

It helps me right awl stiles two reed,

And aides me when I rime.


Each frays come posed up on my screen

eye trussed too bee a joule.

The checker pours o'er every word

To cheque sum spelling rule.




Bee fore a veiling checker's Hour

spelling mite decline,

And if we're lacks oar have a laps,

We wood bee maid too wine.


Butt now bee cause my spelling

Is checked with such grate flair,

Their are no fault's with in my cite,

Of nun eye am a ware.


Now spelling does knot phase me,

It does knot bring a tier.

My pay purrs awl due glad den

With wrapped word's fare as hear.




To rite with care is quite a feet

Of witch won should be proud,

And wee mussed dew the best wee can,

Sew flaw's are knot aloud.




Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays,

Such soft wear four pea seas,

And why eye brake in two averse

Buy righting too pleas.






-- Sauce Unknown




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I like to browse craigslist for vintage singer sewing machines and I see the old treadle machines described as having petals or peddles all the time. It makes me chuckle.

Likewise, I giggle when people write that they saw something that made them "shutter.":)

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I was hoping I could come up with some good ones for you, but I'm a frayed knot (insert groan).


wether and whether

here and hear

bear and bare

affect and effect

spayed and spade (which leads to spaded female dogs)

principle and principal

site and sight

complement and compliment


It stops my eyes cold when I'm reading and I come across a misused homonym. I have to take a moment to revel in the altered meaning.....

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:lol: I saw your title and thought "It should really read 'bated' but I won't be the spelling police today."


Then I clicked on it just to see what you were awaiting so anxiously and had a nice giggle! Thanks!


:lol::lol: This is exactly what happened to me! "should be bated... grumble, I'll ignore it and find out what she's waiting for..." :lol:

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I'm guessing wrought iron.


I wonder what causes this. Is it a regional thing, say maybe an accent that causes a "warped" pronunciation which in turn produces a warped phonetic spelling? Or is it a simple lack of education? Or something else entirely?


Yeah, I think it's phonetic spelling from people who spent their youth with bars of soap in their mouths. :)

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Your topic was glaring at me. I had to click on it, despite being irritated at the misuse of "baited" :D. Imagine my surprise to find this!


The thing that makes my dh INSANE is "I could care less". He always wants to respond with, "Really? How much less?".

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Your topic was glaring at me. I had to click on it, despite being irritated at the misuse of "baited" :D. Imagine my surprise to find this!


The thing that makes my dh INSANE is "I could care less". He always wants to respond with, "Really? How much less?".


I wonder how many people will ignore me because they think I'm an idiot?


(Instead of waiting long enough for me to prove it!)



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Speaking of 'could care less.'


I think we could start a whole 'nother thread on misstated or misused idioms.



A few years ago, I wrote a short piece about the phrase "Get my goat," and how it doesn't make sense to get someone's goat, but it would make sense to get someone's goad.


Every day I get no less than 10 hits on my website from folks searching for "get your goat" or "get my goad." Apparently, there are many people in the world who wonder the same thing. :)

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Not a homophone, but it makes me cringe when people use "walla" when they mean "voilà". I don't care if they use "voila" instead, as I'm usually too lazy to figure out how to get an accented character in an online form.


One blog that I read used "walla", and in the same entry stated that she knew that it's really "voila", but that she will continue to use "walla" because she likes how it irritates people. :confused: I would think someone who enjoys blogging and wants people to like her blog wouldn't be interested in irritating her visitors. Or at the very least would keep that little tidbit to herself.

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People have insisted on mispronouncing that word so much that is has become part of the American lexicon. But it makes me cringe every time I hear/see it.


Sometimes I put a wee pause b/t ir and respective so that ppl will think I'm going to say irregardless.


Isn't that knotty?


I group all homeschoolers together ir . . . respective of degree of socialization impairment.

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LOL, I just saw someone use 'baited' over 'bated' the other day and it annoyed me to no end.


One that bothers me more than anything else is, "Wala" instead of "Voila". I would say 99% of the time I see that word used it's spelled "Wala". WHAT???

Edited by LaissezFaire
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The one that kills me is when people spell ludicrous as ludacris — the rapper.


I find as I've gotten older (and spacier) I'm more prone to typing homophones sort of on autopilot... like I'll type your for you're or there for their, even though I absolutely know better. It's like my fingers are typing the sound from my brain instead of the meaning. Very disconcerting!



Edited by Corraleno
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Hmm ... I haven't seen "walla," but I have seen "viola." Which makes my viola-playing son "shutter" :lol:


I can't stand some of the ones already mentioned -- "pour over" something; give someone "free reign"; "here, here!" ...


Someone recently told a stressed-out fellow homeschoolers to "breath." Aargh!!! (-- not a homophone, I guess, but so annoying!)


I've also seen "last rights," "didn't phase him," "without further adieu," "staff infection"; exulted and exalted mixed up :glare:


What fascinates me is that some of these mistakes sort of make sense, on some level ... free reign, for example ... most of us don't use horses for transportation anymore and aren't used to seeing reins in daily life. And "without further adieu" has a sort of logic ... But it's still horrifying ...

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I wonder what causes this. Is it a regional thing, say maybe an accent that causes a "warped" pronunciation which in turn produces a warped phonetic spelling?


A Brit would never write 'shutter' for 'shudder', because the pronunciation is completely different.



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I've got to jump in with my favorite. My aunt invited us to a bomb fire at her home. I though she was alone in her ignorance, until another homeschool mom did the same thing on an event flyer! :lol:


The two I see the most often IRL are your/you're and its/it's. Probably third and fourth most popular would be excessive apostophes, and commas in the middle of compound predicate's. ;) :D


My all time pet peeve is "could care less." Dh says it frequently to annoy me. :D

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Of course, unless my breath rivals catfish bait, it should be "bated" breath.


Did the title "pique" or "peak" your interest? Do you shop in store "isles" or "aisles"?



Yes, I must say, I saw the title and went..."no, it's bated." ;)


I'm driven more crazy than I ought to be when I see mix-ups of there/their/they're and your/you're.


I don't like the mix-up of deprived and depraved. I often notice affect/effect confusion.


My own confession? That would be further/farther. And I've only recently gotten a handle on only using an apostrophe for the it's of "it is" and NOT as a possessive. Who made that dumb rule, anyway? :tongue_smilie:

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