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Urgent prayer request

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Praying for safe and quick travel to be by his side! If it's any encouragement, generally swelling will have that effect..once the swelling subsides he regains feeling...so sorry for your husband and will be praying for both the next few days!


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I haven't read all the responses, but I wanted to 2nd what Denise said about swelling, and also give you a little hope. DH was in a car accident 10+ years ago. He was paralyzed from the neck down (due to a dislocated neck and swelling in the spinal cord) and told he would never walk again. I am proud to say he is a walking functioning adult now!!! He has limitations, but really has come so much farther than anybody ever thought possible!


I hope you can get home to him soon, and will keep him in my prayers.

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MRI results- fracture in C7 (in the back not the front which is apparently a good thing).


He has increased range of motion in his arms as the swelling decreases (also a very good sign).


Next step- they are putting him in traction for 24-48 hours so the swelling can go down further. Then he will get a back/neck brace (like the kind scoliosis patients wear) until it heals.


All in all, he is very very lucky (and I am taking a sledgehammer to the motorcycle when I get home).


I am still trying to figure things out from this end but my ahma has agreed to stay at our home and take care of my kids until I can get there (she is so awesome).:grouphug:


Thank you all so much for your prayers. They obviously worked!!!!

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MRI results- fracture in C7 (in the back not the front which is apparently a good thing).


He has increased range of motion in his arms as the swelling decreases (also a very good sign).


Next step- they are putting him in traction for 24-48 hours so the swelling can go down further. Then he will get a back/neck brace (like the kind scoliosis patients wear) until it heals.


All in all, he is very very lucky (and I am taking a sledgehammer to the motorcycle when I get home).


I am still trying to figure things out from this end but my ahma has agreed to stay at our home and take care of my kids until I can get there (she is so awesome).:grouphug:


Thank you all so much for your prayers. They obviously worked!!!!


Thanks for the update. Keep us posted.


Continuing in prayer for you and your beloved . . .



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:party: That's great news Heather. We'll keep praying! And about that motorcycle...:smash: I'm with you. I worked in ortho/neuro many years ago and have too many stories to tell. I'm so glad all is well with your boys so you have less to fret over. I bet everyone is loving on your baby girl!

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MRI results- fracture in C7 (in the back not the front which is apparently a good thing).


He has increased range of motion in his arms as the swelling decreases (also a very good sign).


Next step- they are putting him in traction for 24-48 hours so the swelling can go down further. Then he will get a back/neck brace (like the kind scoliosis patients wear) until it heals.


All in all, he is very very lucky (and I am taking a sledgehammer to the motorcycle when I get home).


I am still trying to figure things out from this end but my ahma has agreed to stay at our home and take care of my kids until I can get there (she is so awesome).:grouphug:


Thank you all so much for your prayers. They obviously worked!!!!


That is so good to hear. I've been scared to death all day!

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I'm glad to hear things are looking up.


My husband rides street bikes and dirt bikes. He has been in two serious accidents. In one, he dislocated his hip. That was the closest I've seen him come to considering not riding anymore. However, he got over it. :glare:

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MRI results- fracture in C7 (in the back not the front which is apparently a good thing).


Thankful for each mercy!


He has increased range of motion in his arms as the swelling decreases (also a very good sign).


Next step- they are putting him in traction for 24-48 hours so the swelling can go down further. Then he will get a back/neck brace (like the kind scoliosis patients wear) until it heals.


All in all, he is very very lucky (and I am taking a sledgehammer to the motorcycle when I get home).


I would help you if I were there.


I am still trying to figure things out from this end but my ahma has agreed to stay at our home and take care of my kids until I can get there (she is so awesome).:grouphug:


What a blessing! Praying for her, too.


Thank you all so much for your prayers. They obviously worked!!!!


God delights to answer the prayers of His children. He is so good!

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