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Can you separate an actor from his/her politics & personal life (e.g. Mel Gibson)?

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Just to clarify, the political message of Tim Robbins doesn't bother me (that's why I'm not bothered by Susan Sarandon). ;) His idiocy bothers me. A LOT of people of all political stripes bother me for this reason.



:iagree: I don't care about politics, but if you do stupid or bad things that bugs me.

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Just to clarify, the political message of Tim Robbins doesn't bother me (that's why I'm not bothered by Susan Sarandon). ;) His idiocy bothers me. A LOT of people of all political stripes bother me for this reason.


I completely understand what you mean.


I'm sorting out in my mind, the rumor-mill type Brittney Spears or Morgan Freeman saga element from, say, Kanye West who makes a deliberate choice to 'speak' to us when he knows people are watching.

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For some reason, some people just seem to annoy me more than others. I can't do Tom Cruise anymore after the whole rant about depression even though he had been one of my favorites. I also can not stand to even hear the voice of Rosie O'Donnell after she had Tom Selleck on her show to promote a movie he was doing a long time ago, and all she did was get on him about his pro-2nd Amendment views. I had never seen her so rude to anyone.


I really prefer to just not hear about stars' political or religious views. I wish they would just keep it all to themselves.


Yes, them. Rosie turned into such a hater that I can't be bothered anymore. Tom Cruise...I felt for a while that he had mentally kidnapped his wife, if that is possible. The whole thing was so unbelievably creepy.


Some of the others: Sheryl Crowe, Sean Penn (:ack2:), that extremely angry dark-haired comedian woman (anyone?), several others...they'd be better off dancing their jig and singing their songs, getting back to what they actually know about.

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Yes, there are a few people that I refuse to watch because of their personal life decisions. There are also people that I refuse to watch because of roles they've played in other movies that just kill any future work for me. But seeing as how I mostly have a PG limit on the movies I watch (with an occasional PG-13 choice made only after looking it up on pluggedin.com), there isn't a lot of movies that I watch period.


Honestly? The biggest reason I would choose not to watch a certain person's movie is because they flat out annoy me with their acting--Nicholas Cage, Keanu Reeves, and Tom Cruise, just to name a few.

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I have a problem watching Russell Crowe movies. I used to love him but I kept reading things online about his anger issues and things he did. When I watch his movies now all I see is an angry person.


When I watch Tom Cruise all I see is a crazy person. My dh ruined George Clooney for me by pointing out this weird thing he does with his head - now it's all I notice.

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A quick google brought this up about Brad Garrett: http://www.tmz.com/2007/08/13/bad-sushi-night-brad-garrett-attacks/


To answer the OP, yes and no. I know, for the most part, that Hollywood is full of actors whose politics are vastly different than mine. I don't really care; but when actors take their celebrity to spout off their opinions, and in some cases, outright ignorance, I tend to quit watching their work. If can look at an actor and think, "Oh yeah, they said this or that" and I can't connect them to anything else but that, I quit paying attention.


Which is why I prefer celebrities keep their opinions to themselves, in the sense that they don't use their celebrity as a platform for their politics.


Susan Sarandon is one I can't watch anymore. Sean Penn is almost there. He's such a good actor that I give him more slack. LOL Susan Sarandon isn't that good an actress.


OH, and the dark-haired comedienne referred to in a previous post, I think, is Sarah Silverman. For some reason, seeing a woman so foul-mouthed and nasty makes me sadder than seeing a man act like that.

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Just to clarify, the political message of Tim Robbins doesn't bother me (that's why I'm not bothered by Susan Sarandon). ;) His idiocy bothers me. A LOT of people of all political stripes bother me for this reason.



I cannot look at Tim Robbins and not see Nuke La Loush from Bull Durham. Yes, it's typecasting but he fits the profile so well.....


Who said...'I do not suffer idiots gladly...'? I really, really don't either.

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OH, and the dark-haired comedienne referred to in a previous post, I think, is Sarah Silverman. For some reason, seeing a woman so foul-mouthed and nasty makes me sadder than seeing a man act like that.


Sarah Silverman? Isn't she the one who is f#@%*?! Matt Damond? :D



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If it's a 'hot' actress, then, "of course not!"


If it's a guy celebrity that DW thinks is 'hot,' then his bizarre politics or personal failings MUST be pointed out at every opportunity! I've managed to ruin Kevin Costner, Mel Gibson, and even Brett Favre (athlete, not actor)! :lol:


Actually, for me the 'hotness' drops as the 'political wackiness' rises. I won't elaborate, because I don't want to get banned.


Serious answer, it's getting harder as I get older to 'separate.' I'm becoming more and more sensitive to the war on 'traditional' family values, etc. by our MTM.


I'm trying to read more books, watch less TV/movies...


But it's a great question...

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Honestly? The biggest reason I would choose not to watch a certain person's movie is because they flat out annoy me with their acting--Nicholas Cage, <snip>


Oh you so did not go there! :boxing_smiley:



Yeah I have a slight thing for Nicolas Cage. :w00t:

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Regarding the query as to what is wrong with Mel G...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1292557/Mel-Gibsons-ex-girlfriend-photos-bloodied-bruised-face.html Weeell I thought he lost his mind with the sedavacantist position he took regarding the chair of Peter. In his absolutely delusional mind he built a church for "his " kind of Catholic. No authority in Rome for our boy Mel. The incredibly hideous things he said about his lovely Episcopalian wife and her chances of getting to heaven as a non Catholic are not accurate nor gracious. The bloodbath torture porn film he made about Jesus was another sign for me that he was off the deep end. Dumping his wife for the Russian songstress, impregnating her and now abusing her is just par for the course. As far as I am concerned there has been a lot wrong with Mel for a very, very long time. He might lose that arrogance and go to a meeting or two . I hear they are all over the country. When it comes to hideous morals I think it is about personalities(Axis II disorders) far more than poliltics.

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Since this is just a voice your own opinion thread, I will be honest and say that I have a problem with actors and actresses who go nude on television.


I also have a problem with people like Nicole Kidmann. I refuse to watch anything with her in it. She just screams "sleazy" to me.


I am also sadened by the amount of face lifting in Hollywood, though this doesn't make me stop watching anyone. But, if Meg Ryan needs such a face lift, then I am hopeless. LOL I have a hard time looking at her now. I'd just rather her look older.

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I didn't know about any of that, but are you referring to the Passion?


How is that blood bath porn?


Regarding the query as to what is wrong with Mel G...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1292557/Mel-Gibsons-ex-girlfriend-photos-bloodied-bruised-face.html Weeell I thought he lost his mind with the sedavacantist position he took regarding the chair of Peter. In his absolutely delusional mind he built a church for "his " kind of Catholic. No authority in Rome for our boy Mel. The incredibly hideous things he said about his lovely Episcopalian wife and her chances of getting to heaven as a non Catholic are not accurate nor gracious. The bloodbath torture porn film he made about Jesus was another sign for me that he was off the deep end. Dumping his wife for the Russian songstress, impregnating her and now abusing her is just par for the course. As far as I am concerned there has been a lot wrong with Mel for a very, very long time. He might lose that arrogance and go to a meeting or two . I hear they are all over the country. When it comes to hideous morals I think it is about personalities(Axis II disorders) far more than poliltics.
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Just wondering if others find themselves doing this, too -- of if you have an easier time letting the work speak for itself.



There are people I would not give money to. If the film is there at the Goodwill, that is one thing, but paying for a ticket or a new DVD, there are some I will not support with my dollar.

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I must live under a rock because I have no idea what is wrong with Mel Gibson.



He's been caught in several racial and anti-Semitic slurs, and now is leaving his girlfriend -- who had his 8th or 9th child, and now has more racial slurs and battering allegations against him (with supporting pictures, supposedly).

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Regarding the query as to what is wrong with Mel G...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1292557/Mel-Gibsons-ex-girlfriend-photos-bloodied-bruised-face.html Weeell I thought he lost his mind with the sedavacantist position he took regarding the chair of Peter. In his absolutely delusional mind he built a church for "his " kind of Catholic. No authority in Rome for our boy Mel. The incredibly hideous things he said about his lovely Episcopalian wife and her chances of getting to heaven as a non Catholic are not accurate nor gracious. The bloodbath torture porn film he made about Jesus was another sign for me that he was off the deep end. Dumping his wife for the Russian songstress, impregnating her and now abusing her is just par for the course. As far as I am concerned there has been a lot wrong with Mel for a very, very long time. He might lose that arrogance and go to a meeting or two . I hear they are all over the country. When it comes to hideous morals I think it is about personalities(Axis II disorders) far more than poliltics.



I am surpised, you being a lawyer, that you didn't say "allegedly" abusing her...right now it's just a he said she said situation, correct?


ETA: This is not meant to be snarky at all. This is the second or third post that has said that he did do it. He is guilty of many things but..... innocent until proven guilty and all.

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No, there is nobody I wouldn't watch because of their real life personality, who I would otherwise watch. I am good at suspending reality, and I also try to suspend judgement because really, what the media portrays is not them either. It's all show- whether its the media, or the movie. The media wants you to get upset..I wont give them that pleasure.

I was watching Tom Cruise in something the other night though and I felt...gish, he kind of plays the same character a lot. I like it when actors have a big range of types of characters (mmm, ok, I am thinking Johhny Depp here....Heath Ledger..).

Yes, when I think of Mel, what I genuinely feel is compassion for a guy that appears to have lost perspective a bit, got a bit lost along the way.....but I will still watch Gallipoli, one of his early Aussie movies, and love him.

They are just people. We put them up there on pedestals as movie stars, then we love to pull them down again because of their real life dramas.

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:iagree: I don't care about politics, but if you do stupid or bad things that bugs me.



Yes, old episodes of Growing Pains are ruined for me now. I simply cannot look at Kirk Cameron and not think "bananas." :lol:

Edited by Audrey
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I have trouble with this, too and I am definitely not consistent. If an actor's public image is so tarnished/over-exposed/messed-up that this is what I see when I see the movie, I can't suspend disbelief to become absorbed in the story or character. Some actors are chameleons and can become their characters to such a degree that you don't see the tabloids. Others rely on their star-power charisma to get them through.


I can probably watch a Mel Gibson movie (I can't pass by Braveheart whenever it is on.) However, I never really liked the Lethal Weapon movies, anyway. I can't watch Tom Cruise in anything anymore because all I see is a couch-jumping fool.


Now, like you said, there are some that I just won't see on principle. Polanski is one.

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Serious answer, it's getting harder as I get older to 'separate.' I'm becoming more and more sensitive to the war on 'traditional' family values, etc. by our MTM.




I didn't know Mary Tyler Moore was at war with traditional family values :D


Who can turn the world on with her smile?

Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?

Well it's you girl, and you should know it

With each glance and every little movement you show it

Love is all around, no need to waste it

You can have a town, why don't you take it

You're gonna make it after all

You're gonna make it after all


Besides, I haven't trusted the family values of actors since Ronnie and Jane Wyman got divorced :tongue_smilie:



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Yes, old episodes of Growing Pains are ruined for me now. I simply cannot look at Kirk Cameron and not think "bananas." :lol:


YES! What a whacko. And I had his Teen Beat poster on my wall when I was teen. How dare he crap on my childhood?



I can probably watch a Mel Gibson movie (I can't pass by Braveheart whenever it is on.) However, I never really liked the Lethal Weapon movies, anyway.


The Patriot was on the other night and we watched it. I love that movie, no matter how historically inaccurate it might be. I love to watch it for Heath Ledger. Of course we have a whopping 15 channels in English, 4 of them are sports, 2 are news,and 2 are cartoons so it's not like we have a wide variety. What are you going to do?


I can't watch Tom Cruise in anything anymore because all I see is a couch-jumping fool.


Yes, that. Plus, I can never, ever, ever forgive him for being so mean to my sweet Matt Lauer. I know he and Matt made up on the Today Show (though I could totally tell TC was completely insincere-Matt knew it too), but I will never forgive him. Never.


Now, having said that, Johnny Depp could skewer Matt Lauer on live tv and let Robert Pattinson drink the blood and I'd still love them both. :lol:

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OH, and the dark-haired comedienne referred to in a previous post, I think, is Sarah Silverman. For some reason, seeing a woman so foul-mouthed and nasty makes me sadder than seeing a man act like that.


I actually remembered who it was I was referring to: Janine Garafalo. She would have served herself well a long time ago if she would have decided to stop and cover her own mouth every time she was about to speak. She's a LOON!!! :lol:


I don't know who Sarah Silverman is, though. I'll have to look her up.

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I can mostly if the are a decent actor. I don't read tabloids or watch Entertainment News so some of the things I have no clue about anyway.


I do agree with a PP about Johnny Depp - He could do anything and I would remain a fan. I have loved him since 21 Jumpstreet and even having my 16 year old swooning over the same actor hasn't affected it any. :D

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I actually remembered who it was I was referring to: Janine Garafalo. She would have served herself well a long time ago if she would have decided to stop and cover her own mouth every time she was about to speak. She's a LOON!!! :lol:





That is one woman I cannot stand. If you are not her, you are a stoooopid racist...or just stoooopid. :glare: The year she was on "24" I had a difficult time watching even though it's one of my favorite shows. If she had been cast for a second season, I would have had to bail.

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There are a few who have pushed me too far. When I'm watching Letterman or Leno I am NOT looking for political/religious commentary. I want to hear about their next movie. And if they are particularly condescending and rude it makes it really hard to be one of the "idiots" that pays for a ticket to see them.

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I don't have a good enough memory to keep track of actors and their misdeeds. Half the time I can't remember the names of the ones I like.


With that said, I am surprised that some take offense at actors who use their celebrity to further their causes, whatever those causes may be. Everyone uses whatever platform he or she may have to speak about what he or she thinks needs to be spoken about. Some stand around the water cooler at work and try to convince coworkers to donate to a cause, some convince friends and relatives to sponsor them in a walk-a-thon, some use internet blogs or message boards, some write magazine articles, some write books. Some, who have achieved a degree of celebrity, go on Oprah.


Each of us has something we believe in, some more passionately than others. I would guess that each of us uses the platform that is available in order to tell others how we feel, or convince others to follow our cause. Celebrities just have a bigger platform. I don't fault them for using their celebrity to further their cause. I would do the same. I suspect you would too. The difference is that you believe in your cause and think you'd be right, whereas the celebrity that you fault for doing it has views opposing yours. Yes, I mean you, personally, not the general you.:tongue_smilie:

Edited by MeanestMomInMidwest
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There are certain people who irritate me to the point that I can't watch their movies any more -- mainly Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin, and Whoopi Goldberg.


I can't stand Tom Cruise either - not because of politics or religion, but because he was so rude, arrogant, and condescending to the Navy pilots at Pensacola when he was filming Top Gun there.

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It seems it's only the tiny minority of "mega" stars that people are referring to in this thread.


So, for fun, how many actors can you name (that you either like or dislike) that are not forever in the tabloids or shows like TMZ?


A few more, thanks to you. ;)


Let's see:


Jean Reno (just for you)

Cillian Murphy

Sam Rockwell

Jim Sturgess

Christian Bale (who staggers between mega and actor, imo, but must be every list :D)

Steve Zahn

Viggo Mortensen


That's just the who I've been watching lately list.

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I have a hard time separating their personal selves from their movies selves. I cannot, for instance, stand Brad Pitt. I never was an Angelina Jolie fan, but now I REALLY don't care for her.


I cannot stand Tom Cruise. He was SUCH an idiot (publically - I don't care if you're an idiot on your own time) for so long about so many things.


Kevin Costner is one of the worst actors EVER, and so is Nicolas Cage, but they are both high up on the list of stupid people I don't want to watch for other reasons.


I have learned that the less I know, the happier I am. Nobody's perfect, but I'm an opinionated cuss, and once I know - I know. There is no going back.

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I don't have a good enough memory to keep track of actors and their misdeeds. Half the time I can't remember the names of the ones I like.


With that said, I am surprised that some take offense at actors who use their celebrity to further their causes, whatever those causes may be. Everyone uses whatever platform he or she may have to speak about what he or she thinks needs to be spoken about. Some stand around the water cooler at work and try to convince coworkers to donate to a cause, some convince friends and relatives to sponsor them in a walk-a-thon, some use internet blogs or message boards, some write magazine articles, some write books. Some, who have achieved a degree of celebrity, go on Oprah.


Each of us has something we believe in, some more passionately than others. I would guess that each of us uses the platform that is available in order to tell others how we feel, or convince others to follow our cause. Celebrities just have a bigger platform. I don't fault them for using their celebrity to further their cause. I would do the same. I suspect you would too. The difference is that you believe in your cause and think you'd be right, whereas the celebrity that you fault for doing it has views opposing yours. Yes, I mean you, personally, not the general you.:tongue_smilie:


I generally don't get put off because of that. I get put off when they give me the impression that their opinion is so much more informed than mine when most of them do not live in the 'real world' at all. (Jenny McCarthy is someone I can. not. stand. Her son's autism is different than my boys. He also had seizures. I highly resent her implication that I am not a 'mother warrior because I don't pursue the same treatments she did and does. I'm thrilled it worked for her and her son - I just would like the same from her.)


Some celebs that do look at things the way I do cheese me off. Just because they make way too much money pretending to be someone else doesn't mean their opinion on things is realistic or more important than random guy on the street.


And I love John Travolta and Kelly Preston. And Sandra Bullock. I'm sure they don't hold the same views I do on things but from people I know who have worked with them they are nice, down to earth people who don't act better than everyone else. I also love Julia Roberts movies though she and I are polar opposites politically.


As I said - I am inconsistent and I know it.

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Each of us has something we believe in, some more passionately than others. I would guess that each of us uses the platform that is available in order to tell others how we feel, or convince others to follow our cause. Celebrities just have a bigger platform. I don't fault them for using their celebrity to further their cause. I would do the same. I suspect you would too. The difference is that you believe in your cause and think you'd be right, whereas the celebrity that you fault for doing it has views opposing yours. Yes, I mean you, personally, not the general you.:tongue_smilie:


On my part, I often doubt their motives. In Hollywood, it is very IN to be liberal, so many of them seem quite brainless and to be followers, IMO, i.e., they aren't really doing anything brave to speak their mind but more trying harder to be "in". The whole voting pushes during the last elections brought the less-than-intelligent ones out in droves!!! :lol: The others, the Janine Garafalos, the Rosies, the Whoopis have so much venom that they are just clanging gongs. There are a few that are liberals that I have some respect for because of the class in which they put their views out there, but for the most part, I find them annoying!!

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I generally don't get put off because of that. I get put off when they give me the impression that their opinion is so much more informed than mine when most of them do not live in the 'real world' at all.



That!!! I think many of them mistake acting abilities with true, informed and educated information/opinions. They are such very. different. things!!! :D

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