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DId you have any premonitions of your child's birth or arrival into your family?

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When I was a teenager/young adult, I always thought I would have 3 children, but only raise 2 of them. I was pretty adamant about it, even though it didn't really make sense. It has always made me wonder why I was soooo adamant about it. Other people in my life still remember me talking about it 20 years ago. Miscarriages don't run in my family, in fact out of my 7 siblings, 5 of us are girls and I am the only one who has lost a baby. I had 3 pregnancies, with 2 live births (dd3 is adopted).


I have had other adamant thoughts about my family and they have always came true. I wonder who else had premonitions, or just a deep gut feeling about their family that has came true?


The weirdest one...

I can't carry any more children (uterine ablation) and dh has had an V, so pregnancy would require two miracles...not just one. :lol: At one point, 4 years ago, I felt very pg. I was even feeling the bumping around of a baby. Since, I knew I couldn't get pg, I just dismissed it as bubbles in my tum. IT really felt like a baby though, very definite. I can still remember laying in bed at night for weeks with my hands on my tummy, thinking about how it isn't possible for there to be a baby in there. A few months later, we were told my niece had a baby, and asked if we were interested in being foster parents. The time when I was feeling the thumps, was toward the end of my adopted dd3's time in utero. :confused:

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No but my hubby told me very clearly about my pregnancy with baby #5 right around the time of ovulation. He woke me up one night, in the middle of the night and asked me if I was pregnant. I was charting at the time so I said no, I haven't even ovulated yet. Sure enough, I turned up pregnant that cycle.


I knew the sex of baby #3. It was like I had a psychic bond with her. She was the only child I knew for sure the sex of before she was born.

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Yes. With my first, I went to church and as I was praying, it came to me: I was pregnant. Sure was. In a dream, my father (RIP) was trying to tell me something, but his mouth was moving and no sound cane out.


With my second, I felt a strong connection to her inside the womb and I had a dead-on vision about where my dh's cousin was going to get married even before she told anyone. I live in another state, never visited that church. Also, it was like in utero, dd could read my thoughts.


About seven weeks ago, I was in church and a voice clearly said that I was going to have a third child. At that time I dismissed it, thought I was done. I must have imagined it. Just found out yesterday I'm 4 weeks pregnant.. I'm still in shock (not planned at all, on the contrary).

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Yep. Every dream I had about my baby before I miscarried years ago, the baby was either very ill or lost/missing.


I felt I knew the sex of all three of my boys before "finding out" via birth or ultrasound. With my third baby I was about to go get the ultrasound to find out the sex (hoping for a girl), I got in the car, shut the door, and said, "Oh. It's a boy. Let's name him J." We had already picked a boy name that was different, so it felt like he was destined for his name, which is silly, but that's how it felt anyway. I believe I knew his sex all along, but wouldn't admit it to myself until I had to.

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Not to be too specific, but I knew I was preg. with my son right after he was conceived. I remember laying in bed praying and thanking the Lord for my family, and asking if it were God's will could this one be a boy? I just knew.

With my oldest, I didn't know I was preg. until I was 4 months along, and when they told me, I instantly knew it would be a girl, and her name came to me then (Aneliese) which I still don't know where I heard it, but it means 'grace from God' so....fitting! :)

With my middle child I knew I was pregnant but had AF so I freaked out and went to the hospital. I hadn't tested yet, but they did a blood test and told me it was neg, and I just had breakthrough bleeding. Two days later, I POAS and sure enough, it was positive. I was preg. I still don't know how that was possible.

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Either just before I was pregnant with my first, or while I was pregnant with her, I had a dream about all my children. I had three that were very clear to me - the oldest a girl, the middle child a boy, and the youngest a girl. I also had two other... shadows? possibilities? I've never been certain. I initially thought that perhaps they represented miscarriages along the way but I have not had a m/c at this point and my three children are all here. So I tend to think of them as children I may or may not have.


A year or two before I was pregnant with my son, I dreamed I was at his wedding. I firmly believe that when I meet his future spouse, I will *know* it. The dream was that clear.

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All of my children, I knew the gender years before I conceived them.


With my first, I had said for years my first would be a boy. He was.


After he was born, I said my next would be a girl. 6 years later, Diva showed up.


After she was born, I said I would have a boy. 7 yrs later, along came Tazzie.


While I was pg with Tazzie, I told Wolf our next would be a girl. 17 months and 7 days after Tazzie, along came Princess.


I've told Wolf I won't be having more girls...we have any more, it'll be boys.

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Not to be all gloom and doom or anything...


When my sister announced she was pregnant last year I knew the baby wasn't well. They found out several weeks later he may have Down's Syndrome because of a thickened next on ultrasound. Then they said it was unlikely because they didn't see any heart problems or any other signs. He was born last week with heart problems.


I also knew that when I had my fourth child that something terrible was going to happen. I thought I would die in childbirth. It turns out the baby has a genetic disorder that has changed our lives.


My husband knew the sex of all our children without a doubt.


I think it must be something chemical, at least partly. Women just *know* things sometimes about other women they love. The men in my life laugh it off usually, but then they can't explain some things that happen.

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I had a strong feeling that ds was going to be a girl. I was wrong. :D


At the time I was pregnant I read an article published by a student at Johns Hopkins which had studied moms to be and their 'feelings' on the sex of their unborn babies. Turns out the more educated the mom the more likely she is to 'guess' correctly.



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We started the adoption process the day we had been married two years. We were really pushing our agency to finish the home study because I KNEW my baby was coming. My daughter was born in aug. The day we walked into our agency her birthmother would have found out she was pregnant and expecting our dd.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Years before my daughter was born, I remember seeing a young girl walk out of a store and thinking, "My daughter will look like that." I didn't have my first child till 3 years later. It was a girl, and when she was older she did look similar to the girl I had seen.


A day before she was born, my grandmother had a dream that my father (her son) was panting and red in the face. She called my parents at 6:30 a.m. and asked if I had my baby yet. They said no. They didn't know I was in labor at the time.


I've had other dreams/premonitions about this child, some of them not so good, that have also come true in a sense.

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I will never forget my daughter (2.5 at the time) telling me that I was going to have "two babies".... I was so concerned about her feelings being diminished, but I explained to her that *typically* a mommy has one baby at a time. Two months later we were told we were having twins. :001_huh:



On a sad note, I (like a pp) had a strong sense of urgency to continually pray for a family member's pregnancy because there was something wrong. Unfortunately, it was true... but the precious little guy is doing well now!

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The Lord told me from the time I found out that I was expecting Moose that he would be early. I knew my dates were right, I knew when I got pregnant. And I knew that he would be early. Sure enough, he was born four weeks early, but perfectly healthy. I told my husband my entire pregnancy that Moose would be early, but not to worry, because he would be fine. Sure enough...


Also, with Moose, I was planning a vbac. My ob was all for it, I was set on it, no second thoughts. Well, my water broke, I called my husband who was on his way home from work, and said 'Well, my water just broke. And I'm going to have a c-section'. He was like 'What? Why?' As soon as my water broke, it was almost an audible voice from the Lord telling me not to attempt a vbac; that I should have a c-section. So I did.


After my delivery, my ob came to talk to me. He told me that it had taken them longer to sew me up because as he delivered Moose, my uterus tore because it was so thin in the area by the scar from my previous c-section. Everything ws fine, they just sewed it up.


I firmly believe that had I attempted a vbac, I would have hemorraged my uterus because it was so thin in that area. I believe the Lord warned me to have a c-section to spare me from that.


What a might God we serve!

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I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy. I was a bit over 14 weeks pg.


The week before I miscarried/knew anything was wrong, dh and I had been at the mall wandering around and I saw this pretty emerald ring in a jewelry store. I have never been fond of emeralds, so I don't know why this ring appealed to me. It was just a rectangular emerald on a gold band. I had always coveted rubies, so it was a mystery.


I lost the baby on Valentine's Day... that night night, dh came home with that emerald ring. Fast forward 15 months, and ds is born. His birthstone is an emerald. He was 4 1/2 weeks early, so had he been 'on time' his birthstone would have changed.


And another 'goose-bumpy' story....


We had been trying for another baby, and nothing. We traveled to France to visit dh's family, and I just 'knew' I was pg. I was desperate to know... there was a sense of urgency for some reason, so we bought a stick. Positive. I didn't say a thing to dh, but I just **knew** it was twins. A week later, we are home and I'm at my first appt (due to my history, they got me in quickly). Because I said I had been feeling both happy & sad, and because of my history, they did an ultrasound. There was one baby, and an empty spot where another had been. After my dd was born, I 'passed' the twin's sac. It was spooky.


Also, just as I 'knew' my dd was a twin, I *know* that if I got pg again, it would be twins, and they would both surivive. I know that to the core of my being. Our family is complete (surgical measures), but sometimes I still dream of twins, so I wonder if there isn't something in store for me down the road...


I'm enjoying the stories... glad to know I'm not the only one with them!

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I knew the sex of baby #3.


This was the case for my #4. I KNEW it was a boy, even though 4 ultrasounds by different doctors all said "Girl"... and they were "VERY SURE". (My dh believed in my motherly sense so much that he pushed each time we were told "girl" for another ultrasound). In my heart I knew my son... and knew he wasn't the girl all of the doctors insisted I was carrying. Finally, we paid for one of those special 4-D ultrasounds and were told that I was right... it was a boy! :lol:

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Yep. I miscarried twins in between Austin and Riley. I got pregnant again a few months after that miscarriage. I thought for certain this baby was a boy. Absolutely positive! The night before the big ultrasound, I had a dream where twin girls were dancing in circles in field with a smaller little girl who had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes (like my husband's eyes). When I woke up, I told my mom, who was in town to see the ultrasound, "The baby is a girl." She was shocked because I had been so adamant that it was going to be a boy. I'm crying just remembering it! :)


And for the record, Riley does have dark brown hair and bright blue eyes like her daddy!

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The one I remember most adamantly began when I was 17 yrs. old. I just felt I was going to get married and have 6 children. I could see it in my mind and feel it in my heart. My DH stopped me at 3 and I have never been lucky in getting pg after his V. I started praying for that 9 years ago, but gave up hope about 4 years ago. I figure he had a superb doctor who made sure that thing would never fail. Bummer. One of DH's favorite sayings it that things don't always go the way we think they should.

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Yep. I just knew I was going to have a little boy with red curly hair and green eyes. I dreamed about him. I saw my dh with him in my dreams. I can still see his face to this day.


I gave birth to 3 blond haired, blue eyed girls, and not a curl among them :lol:


I'm holding out for a grandson ;)

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I felt an incredible sense of urgency to submit our paperwork for our ds's adoption.


14 days after mailing our paperwork he was home in my arms. We did not overnight it.


His birthmom said there is quite a story to tell one day to ds about his adoption. I can be patient because I know the part of that that story from our end. Our case worker did say that he'd been matched with another family but it had fallen through for some reason unknown to me.

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Mine is on the sadder side...


6 years ago about 6 weeks before I had my baby girl, I kept hearing a voice saying, "Will you give her back to me?" I ignored it over and over but kept hearing it. I finally said, "Yes! Of course, Lord. She's your child and I will give her back to you." I thought it meant would I dedicate her to Him.


A few weeks later I kept having visions of having to tell people she was gone. It was very disturbing and a difficult way to spend the last few weeks of a pregnancy.


We thought she was healthy but, when she was born, she started having immediate trouble breathing. About 8 hours later she was diagnosed with a rare and serious heart defect. She lived 6 weeks in the hospital before she went home to the Lord.


We had tried about 7-8 years to have a baby at that point. She died October 29, 2004. In December of that same year I heard the voice again. It said, "Don't worry...I will give you hope." I knew it meant I was going to have another baby.


A month later I found out I was pregnant again with my now 4 year old. We'd struggled with infertility our entire marriage and here I was pregnant just 4 months after giving birth and less than 3 months after our daughter died.


My little guy is such a blessing in our lives. I haven't heard the voice since.:)

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Mine is on the sadder side...


6 years ago about 6 weeks before I had my baby girl, I kept hearing a voice saying, "Will you give her back to me?" I ignored it over and over but kept hearing it. I finally said, "Yes! Of course, Lord. She's your child and I will give her back to you." I thought it meant would I dedicate her to Him.


A few weeks later I kept having visions of having to tell people she was gone. It was very disturbing and a difficult way to spend the last few weeks of a pregnancy.


We thought she was healthy but, when she was born, she started having immediate trouble breathing. About 8 hours later she was diagnosed with a rare and serious heart defect. She lived 6 weeks in the hospital before she went home to the Lord.


We had tried about 7-8 years to have a baby at that point. She died October 29, 2004. In December of that same year I heard the voice again. It said, "Don't worry...I will give you hope." I knew it meant I was going to have another baby.


A month later I found out I was pregnant again with my now 4 year old. We'd struggled with infertility our entire marriage and here I was pregnant just 4 months after giving birth and less than 3 months after our daughter died.


My little guy is such a blessing in our lives. I haven't heard the voice since.:)


Oh Ronette, thank you for sharing your story. Your strength and hope in the Lord is wonderful. He is good, isn't He? :)

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Over 20 years ago, dh & I were wanting to start a family but having trouble conceiving. Dh was pastor of a small church at the time, and we did not tell our church family that we were trying to have a baby. During that time, a pastor-friend of ours was visiting us for a few days, and we shared with him about our difficulties. A couple of days later, our friend told us about a dream/vision he'd had that afternoon. He had been alone in dh's office, lying on a beanbag chair and reading, but began to doze. He said he had a dream-like vision of two little blonde-haired children playing around him, giggling and dancing around. He said that he somehow knew that the children belonged to dh & me, and he believed that God had revealed to him that we would not be childless. Sure enough, dh & I eventually had two very beautiful blonde-haired children (which is interesting since neither dh nor I nor any of our parents nor grandparents are blonde). It did take awhile, however. We celebrated our 10th anniversary a few weeks before our first child was born.

Edited by ereks mom
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I felt an incredible sense of urgency to submit our paperwork for our ds's adoption.


14 days after mailing our paperwork he was home in my arms. We did not overnight it.


His birthmom said there is quite a story to tell one day to ds about his adoption. I can be patient because I know the part of that that story from our end. Our case worker did say that he'd been matched with another family but it had fallen through for some reason unknown to me.


This is similar to our adoption story. I was praying asking for a baby girl. I had three boys and had miscarried three times in one year. God told me (not audible, but felt SO strongly) that we should adopt. It felt urgent to me and I told my dh that we had to call an attorney immediately. To make a long story short, I called the attorney's office and only spoke with a receptionist about the process on a Friday, dd was born the next Friday and was in my arms on Sunday.


We had gotten the paperwork on Tuesday and I just put it in a drawer to deal with later in the week because we had company. My dh said "Francesca" out loud when we were about to go to bed that night. When I gave him a funny look, he said "That is her name." He has never done anything like that before or since.

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I knew every time. I could feel their spirits hovering around me waiting or asking to come to us. With the twins I knew it was twins right away. Almost an audible voice in my head. And then (now this ultrasound was at 11 weeks, very early) the ultrasound tech ticked off Baby A and Baby B. that was wild. And yes, I knew the sexes.

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My story is a little different. Patrick and I tried for about a year to get pregnant after we got married (which is a long time when you are 21!). In December of 1999, I kept smelling my great grandmother everywhere we went. She had been dead for 2 years. I am very sensitive to smells, and I just remembered how Grandma smelled. That scent was everywhere! It was so strange. One Sunday afternoon in early January 2000, I was taking a nap on the bed. I was in that state between awake and asleep just before you fall asleep. I clearly heard my grandmother's voice say to me, "Nakia, honey, you've got a baby on the way." I jolted awake and fully expected to see Grandma in my room. Two weeks later, I found out I was pregnant with Anna.

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I love reading all these stories! Really amazing.


But I did NOT know with my DD. I wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant on my own. I have endometriosis and severe scarring all around my uterus, fallopian tubes, intestines, etc.etc.

One day I was at work and got a little dizzy. I thought maybe I was getting my period (I have blood sugar issues, and when I'm about to start my blood sugar bottoms out), then I realized I hadn't HAD a period in at least 8 months. I happened to work next to a CVS and called my best friend. I said "I haven't had a period in 8 months, but I really don't want to waste the money on a test, what do you think?" She told me to take a test, so I did.


Turns out, I was 4.5 months pregnant!! While I was pregnant I just KNEW I was having a boy. Even though at my first ultrasound they told me she was 95% a girl, then in the last week of my pregnancy I had 3 ultrasounds because of complications. I was still determined that I was having a boy. So much so that during the c-section, as soon as they pulled her out, I said "Is it a boy?" The doctor laughed at me and said NO!

I'm happy to have my girl, but I still want a boy. lol. The funny thing is DD LOVES all things boy. Racing, cars, football... she is just like me. :D

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My mom had a massive headache when dd started down the birth canal and got stuck. They had to take me to the emergency C-section room to get dd out.

Mom said she knew the second dd was born because the headache vanished.


My mom was in another state when my first was born. She called me SECONDS after the baby was born because she knew it was time :) Dh handed the phone off to a nurse to cut the cord :lol:.

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I had very clear dreams of my daughter when I was pregnant. She looked just like my kinder photos and was even more, uh, definite than I am. I was very relaxed in dealing with her, in the dream. She's turning out exactly like that, and we certainly get along best when I'm able to deal with her that way :)


The only dream I had about ds was that I had a baby boy, but I couldn't find him. Perhaps that was for the best. He looked so much like my FIL when he was born I'm glad not to have known about it in advance! In the dream, which seemed to cover different days or different scenarios anyway, he had always gone out. Now, if we leave the front door open he crawls out as fast as his little arms and legs will take him and heads up the street. I guess this one will be moving out early...



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Mine is on the sadder side...


6 years ago about 6 weeks before I had my baby girl, I kept hearing a voice saying, "Will you give her back to me?" I ignored it over and over but kept hearing it. I finally said, "Yes! Of course, Lord. She's your child and I will give her back to you." I thought it meant would I dedicate her to Him.


Oh, Ronette, I'm so sorry for your loss.


God clearly asked me when our oldest ds was born, 'Do you love Me more?' I'm not sure I could honestly answer, ' Yes.' In His mercy, He did not require me to give up that child. I think I would not have survived. But He did take back our third child when the sweet boy was 4 months old. No warning.


'God holds the key of all unknown

And I am glad.

If other hand should hold the key

Or if he offered it to me

I might be sad.'


Not the most brilliant poetry, but true,


When I felt like a desperate old maid at the ripe old age of 21, I read the verse about my feet being set in a broad place. That was part of why I moved back to the US (from the much narrower UK :001_smile:). And I knew I would marry someone with blond hair. Happened! Of course that blond holds a lot of grey now, but I still think it's cute:001_smile:

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Dh and I met at Ohio State on our first day there. I felt an instant connection/attraction and told my suitemates that I was "gonna marry that man" after the first week or so. A few weeks into that first quarter, I had a dream and in the dream I was napping and woke up to my now dh kneeling next to my bed, smiling and holding a sweet blond baby boy of about 9 months or so and after I woke up I just knew that was my son. It was. :) He's 16 now! lol

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I knew all three times when I became pregnant, even though I was on BC I knew it had happened.


When I was pregnant with my oldest I had a dream a couple nights before we went for the 20 week ultrasound. In my dream I had a baby boy, he was tiny, small enough to practically fit in my hands. In my dream he was tiny but perfect. At the ultrasound we found out the baby was MUCH smaller than he should have been. The only complication I had was high blood pressure. By the time we reached 32 weeks the BP was out of control and I had a c-section. My son was 2 lbs 14 oz and could fit in his daddy's hand. We were so very lucky, after the first 2 weeks his breathing was great and from there he just had to gain enough weight. He came home after 6 weeks at 4 lbs 13 oz. My tiny, but perfect baby boy.


With my youngest I just knew she was a girl, I could feel it. Of course that could have been because I was so desperate to have a girl after two boys!

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I knew that I was pregnant with my oldest dd immediately. Without tmi, we had decided to try for another child, and I immediately knew that it worked. It sounds insane, but I swear I could feel her. I can only describe it like the smallest little pinpoint of energy. I know it sounds weird...


With my youngest dd, I knew something was going to be wrong when they were taking me into the delivery room. I'm not superstitious, but when I saw the room number, I just had a very strange feeling, and told my husband that something bad was going to happen. She was born with a cleft lip and cleft palate that had gone undetected on ultrasound. (She's fine today, thanks to a wonderful craniofacial team!)


So, I guess I only have these predictions with my girls!

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I always knew I would have 3 children. Even though we had no children after the two girls for over a decade, and even used birth control, I guess I somehow just KNEW I would sometime end up pregnant again as the third child was always somewhere in the air. And that happened. :D


I was also 100% sure for all of them that they were girls, from the moment I knew I was pregnant. The third one is going to be a girl as well, my husband and I almost bet on the sex of the child before the ultrasound :lol:, because his "intuition" was telling him it was going to be a boy, but of course, I was the one who got it right.


I also felt in my first pregnancy that I would have more children, but that THIS child was the one I would have the most special relationship with. I know it's almost heretical to say that as a mother of more children, and I'm not talking at all about "loving more" or even "preferring", it's more like a feeling of having a tiny "extra layer" on the incredibly strong bound you have with each of your children. She's very, very much like me and so transparent to me, it's like looking myself growing up again. She's currently in the phase when she hates it, the other day she told me she feels like she has no "mental privacy" in front of me because I understand her too well. :D

Younger sister is more of a dad's girl, and for the baby we're yet to see. :)

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Oh, Ronette, I'm so sorry for your loss.


God clearly asked me when our oldest ds was born, 'Do you love Me more?' I'm not sure I could honestly answer, ' Yes.' In His mercy, He did not require me to give up that child. I think I would not have survived. But He did take back our third child when the sweet boy was 4 months old. No warning.




:grouphug: I'm sorry you know the same pain.:grouphug:

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I have enjoyed reading these stories. Thank you, Ladies, for sharing!


My mom called me one evening and said she's had a vision and a dream and wanted to talk to me about them. She said was looking at drops of water on the shower wall and she saw a young woman, facing away from her with long dark hair, she was holding a baby boy. That night she dreamed that she was looking for someone and she had a small, dark-haired little girl with her. She told me the child's name was Mary Elizabeth. I knew then who the dream was about. Sure enough, I got a phone call a sometime later from my "heart-sister" She was pregnant with her first child.


When I first discovered that I was pregant with Eldest Son, I dreamed about a little girl with reddish hair and a younger set of twins. I was talking to my MIL a day or so later, who reminded my that twins run in the family. I told her that it definitely wasn't twins & If I was carrying a girl, she would be followed by twin boys, but if I was carrying a boy, my second child would be a single also. I was right. Funny thing though, 8 or 9 years later, dh's cousin had a little girl, born with reddish hair. Her Brother's wife gave birth to twin boys about 6 months later. Was that what I was dreaming about? Then again, dd was born with strawberry blonde hair. I pretty sure I'm done with childbearing, but if I have anymore, I think I'd be surprised if they weren't twins.


One more story & I'll stop.....When I was pregnant with Eldest, I dreamed that I was sleeping in the back of my pick up truck because we were homeless. Dh was away somewhere. I had a little one with me (I knew I it was the baby I was carrying), and we went to an apartment, up some steps to a place where we were going stay for a while. The little boy was running back and forth and as I reached out him, I realized that I was still pregnant. Fast forward... Eldest Son is 11 months old, I'm 7 months pregnant with Middle Son. Dh is getting out of the service and we packed up and returned to FL - we have no home, and hadn't figured out where we were going to live or even stay beyond the first few days. I drove to Jax with the Baby, while dh stayed behind for a week or so to finish up some things. We spent a couple of days at dh's sisters' home. The stairs leading up to the second floor were the stairs in my dream. For the next few months, we all lived with dh's aunt in a little apartment....funny thing, she was on the ground floor, but she was originally contracted to have the second floor apartment above her...I saw that corridor in my dream as well.

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I also felt in my first pregnancy that I would have more children, but that THIS child was the one I would have the most special relationship with. I know it's almost heretical to say that as a mother of more children, and I'm not talking at all about "loving more" or even "preferring", it's more like a feeling of having a tiny "extra layer" on the incredibly strong bound you have with each of your children. She's very, very much like me and so transparent to me, it's like looking myself growing up again. She's currently in the phase when she hates it, the other day she told me she feels like she has no "mental privacy" in front of me because I understand her too well. :D



I don't think this is weird at all. I *know* that I'll have more children, my family just isn't done. But I know with certainty that I will always have a special relationship with my DD. Not that I'll love her more, but I'm a single parent and it has just been her and I for 4.5 years now, and will be just us for a number of years more. Plus in a sense we are growing up together, since I was just 20 when I had her.

Plus, like you, DD is just like me. Looks like me, acts like me, all the same interests I had as a child, even has the same health problems I had when I was younger! :tongue_smilie:

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This was not a premonition, but it gave me goosebumps. I miscarried my first child on my 5th wedding anniversary. While this was a horrible experience, it is nice to have something good to think about on that day as well. That baby was due on December 25. For obvious reasons, I was dreading Christmas that year. To make matters worse, my period started on that day--it kind of felt like salt rubbed into a wound. But then that ended up being my LMP before conceiving Keaton, so his due date was calculated from there! I thought the timing was pretty cool.

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I always thought that i would have twins. As a young child and even as a teen i was adamant that i would have b/g twins. Well i don't know for sure that this one isn't twins yet, but i do know there is only 1 egg implanted, so it can't be b/g twins. I had a VERY early scan which showed 1 egg but it was too early to know anything about the baby. I will fall off the table if it is twins at my 12w scan.


I have always had VERY vivid dreams whilst preg about my babies but they have never revealed the sex and they have never come true. Perhaps just my protective mothering instincts in overdrive!

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When I was a child, I saw myself as the mother of a boy- exactly like my son. I got flashes of how I would mother him, how he would be with me.

I was surprised when I had a girl first. I really expected a boy. When my boy came, everything felt right- like he was here! (and I am so glad for my beautiful girl who is 16 tomorrow!).


When dh and I were first going out together, we had a fairly tumultous time and even though it was rough and unpredictable- not your normal love at first site, thats for sure...he said to me he knew I was going to have his children. He was 13 years older me and already had a child from a previous relationship. I was actually offended that he said it at the time- but it turned out true. I used to have a voice in my heart say "this is your destiny" over and over, when I was with him- I fought it!


Then later when dd was a toddler, I enrolled in a creative art class once a week. One day I painted a picture of a small foetus- although at the time it just looked like a round egg like thing with beautiful colours. A few days or a weeks later- cant remember- I found out I was pregnant with ds. I hadnt known when I painted the picture.

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Not me, but my sister. She had just found out she was pg with her 2nd, and heard in her head, "There will be two girls, and her name will be Emily." A few weeks later I found out I was pg. with my first. My daughter was born 3 days after her Emily. I love telling that story!

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I think my oldest son is in the know, or has some talent. :)

When he was 3 and my dd was 18 mos, Dora (from Explorer fame) had a pg Mommy. Remember the whole twins thing (if your kids were Dora fans)? Well he kept saying Mommy (meaning me) was having a baby. :confused: We were pretty firm with "No honey, that's TV, not real life." Chuckling away.


Yeah. He had the last laugh. I was indeed pg with #3 unexpectedly and by the time it dawned on me I was 8 weeks. So Dora's Mommy had her twins before I had my ds. ;)

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