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How long of a shower do you feel is sufficient?

How long of a shower do you feel is sufficient?  

  1. 1. How long of a shower do you feel is sufficient?

    • 5 minutes or less
    • 10 minutes
    • 15 minutes
    • 20 minutes
    • 25 minutes
    • 30 minutes or more

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How long of a shower is sufficient to clean the body without a lot of lingering, but not feeling like you have a timer set?


I don't mean, how long is the minimum....nor can you spend all day in the perfect shower...just, if you were going to jump in, shower at a reasonable pace (no shaving or other things that would distort this), clean all body parts and get out? How long?

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Sorry. I voted based on the title, and before I read that I shouldn't include shaving and such.

I said 10 minutes which includes shaving my legs and brushing my teeth.


The Perfect Shower (the one I take when we're at a hotel and my husband won't complain about the water bill) is closer to 20 minutes.

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Ooops! I voted based on what I thought would be acceptable for my 13yo son. I think he should be able to get 'er done in 5 minutes, given that he has short hair.


For the ladies of the family, it takes at least 10 minutes on the days we wash our hair. We all have annoyingly thick hair. I try not to wash my hair every day, on the advice of my haircutter, so I only feel like a water pig every other day. :tongue_smilie:

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I didn't read the OP before voting but did err on the side of caution.


My first thought was sufficient for what? Morning shower before dressing 12-15 minutes max. A Shower after long grueling day gardening requires a 30 minutes shower at a minimum with me mostly standing there resting my head on my arms which are holding up the shower wall while the jets pound on my back.

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The rate and quantity of water flow must be balanced with the amount of time spent in the shower in order to provide a usable scientific response. :D




My dh takes long showers, but claims he uses less water than me because he keeps the water flow low, whereas I take shorter showers, but use the water full force.

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The rate and quantity of water flow must be balanced with the amount of time spent in the shower in order to provide a usable scientific response. :D


Another factor would be hair length... :)


I answered 5 min because my hair is less than 1 inch long. When it was a couple feet long, it took 10 min...

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2 minutes is enough for me to wash my body.

5-6 minutes if I want to shampoo and condition hair.

10 minutes or more if I luxuriate, daydream and pretend we have unlimited water and I don't have anything else to do ;)

Edited by Hotdrink
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If I'm not soaking up the warm water...it only takes around 5 minutes to get the job done. I mean, the longest thing is letting the conditioner sit on my hair...and that can happen while washing everything else. Shaving adds another 5 minutes or so.


My oldest dd, however, cannot get out in less than 15 for some reason. (Unless dad is yelling at her to hurry up...then it's about 15 seconds :lol:)

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I'm somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes, on the 5 minute side if it's just "getting clean" with no extras.


I hate to say it, but my late teen boys take long showers, and I suspect they are doing "extras" in there that I don't want to know about.

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I hate to say it, but my late teen boys take long showers, and I suspect they are doing "extras" in there that I don't want to know about.


:lol::lol::lol::lol:My son too:lol::lol::lol::lol:


I'm usually in and out in 5 minutes flat, but I'm a non-shaving hippie type. Maybe a couple of minutes more when I wash my hair once a week or so.

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I think ten minutes is enough to get clean. My son, the thirty-minute showerer, would disagree. :glare:


ETA: Just read the above. Thanks for that! :)

Since I've already admitted to being the 30m shower person, just wanted to make it clear, THAT is not the reason why.

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Are we talking the length of time from when I hop naked behind the shower curtain until I reach for my towel, or the length of time from when I close the bathroom door until I open it again and emerge fully dressed and ready to engage with the world?


(Also, some of you ladies must be a lot less hairy than I am if you don't shave during every shower and doing so doesn't take any significant length of time...lol...)


My preferred method of personal cleansing involves soaking a bathtub filled with water as hot as I can stand it, and staying there until it is uncomfortably cool. Preferably with a good paperback. ;)

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I rarely take a shower less than 20 minutes or so, but my DD and I shower together.


5-7 minutes for me to wash my body and hair.


My DD has hair down to her butt, so it takes awhile to wash and rinse.


Plus our shower is agonizingly slow. Hardly any water pressure at all. :glare: We are visiting my parents for the week and I've spent 30 minutes in the shower alone, just enjoying the wonderful pressure and feeling like I've actually gotten all the soap off my body and out of my hair! :D

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I voted 10 minutes...


But - this poll dredged up a memory of Girl Scout camp in southern california under draught restrictions. They would have all 30 or so girls in the unit lined up in two lines in front of the showers with towels on and a shampoo bottle in hand. It was kind of like a race to see which line got through quickest. Everytime a girl went in to the shower, we would count to 20 and you had to get out of the shower within that time. Weirdly, I didn't think this was restrictive at all... I thought it was kind of exciting!


Now, I think 5 minutes is a quick shower, 10 is average.

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Wow. I don't even want to imagine our water bills if everyone took 20 minutes shower. We're a 5 min shower or less family.

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I have long, thick hair so 20min is my quick shower, with shaving armpits (I'll skip the rest if I have to hurry). I scrub my hair thoroughly 2 full times then condition. Each step takes a lot of rinsing, also.


Without hair, I could imagine body and armpits only taking 5min...but it takes that long just to get the water warmed up here before getting in, so it's running at least 10min.

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