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What are you changing for next school year and why?

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After reading the what was a wild success for you this year thread, that got me wondering. What did you do this year that you are changing for next year?


I am changing english. BJU served its purpose here, but the writing did not mix well with my 2nd grader. She just wasnt ready so we are switching to R&S for her. My 6th grader is switching from BJU english and going to start Applications of Grammer book 1, Jump In/ Meaningful Composition (I am doing the bits and pieces she needs from various MC and the jump in)skills for literary analysis and lightning lit 7. (the writing will take us over a few years, and there are a few places where the lit will overlap, so it will not be as much as it sounds)


We will be doing Trail guides to world geography. My mom made units actually went REALLY well this year and they learned a ton! But Im out of ideas for that already so its time to go to a program LOL


Health, we will be switching from Abeka to Gods design for Sex series and Apologia Anatomy and physiology (over 2 years because we only do health 2 days a week)


So what are you switching, and what brought you to that decision?

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For second grade, we are switching DD7 from WP LA to FLL, WWE, and OPGTR with ETC plus Abeka readers. We were doing LA1, and the workbooks were for a 2nd grader and even late 2nd/early 3rd. It was a huge flop, and we were banging our heads for 3 months, and I finally had to take a loss.


For our first grader next year, we are still doing WP AdvK, but switching it around so the ETC books go in order 1, 2, 3 instead of 1, 3, 2. We will also do OPGTR, FLL, and WWE and skip most of the WP portion.


We are also switching from the WP spelling to AAS. In short, we are only using bits of WP LA anymore, not the whole she-bang.

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We are moving from Biblioplan to Sonlight 6 & 7 over the next 2 years. I'm doing this because I want to start Omnibus 1 with my oldest 2 the following year, and I wanted to give them a good, solid look at World History before we began.


We're doing a year of Easy Grammar (along with diagramming workbooks) for a year so I can focus on teaching writing. In 2011/2012, we're going back to Rod & Staff.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

I'm currently deciding whether to be more rigorous or less rigorous. Wish me luck with that. :lol:



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For my oldest, who will be in 7th grade next year, we will be switching from Lightning Lit to Total Language Plus. I've been pleased with LL, but it's not quite right for her, so we'll try out TLP for a semester.


For my twins, who will be in 1st grade, we'll be switching math. I really like RightStart, but it is just not a good fit for one twin. Right now, for my sanity, I need to be teaching them from the same program, so we're switching to a simple workbook, plus I've got the book "How to Teach math to your First and Second Grader".


We're switching science, but that's par for the course here. Usually I get science curricula designed for 1 semester or 1 year, so I have to move onto something else after that. Next year everyone will use the first part of Considering God's Creation along with 2 Home Science Adventures kits (Astronomy and Microscopy). I'll beef it up for my oldest with Elementary Physical Science (a very nice text Calvert used to use for 7th grade) and Plato Earth and Space Science.





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I'm changing where we do school... hopefully. We're trying to move over the summer. :D


Other changes... less extra reading for history as we move into logic stage w/ my oldest. Starting one or two online classes for the first time. Going back to our usual balance of giving math a more prominent place (we were LA-heavy this last semester).

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We are staying with Sonlight for history, readers and read-alouds but will be switching to R&S Grammar. I'm also going to integrate WTM more heavily into our history and science. Not a lot of changes, really. I am finally at a happy place with our homeschooling!

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We are changing our LA and how we do it.


My son hated Rod & Staff. My dd was fine. but I like to share books as much as possible and grammar is one you just have to do, so we are going to start alternating our focus each year so there is change going on every year, and eventually they will get it all. I can't wrap my mind around AG and just doing it later on but the daily process was killing my kid :tongue_smilie:


So next year we are going to focus on writing(each kid has their own program) and do Daily Grams for grammar. The year after we will focus on Grammar and writing will be less intense...more narration type stuff.


Once we added in spelling they just did not want to do any more LA stuff! So hopefully not having a completely full LA schedule will help with the attitude but still get the job done. I just couldn't go on with nothing though....

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I am finally at a happy place with our homeschooling!



I am almost there!!! I am hoping with these changes I will be there! Last year we did everything that was just SO WRONG for my kids all year I was :banghead: The only thing we stuck with from last year was my oldest dd's math (BJU math for her works!)

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We'll be trying Oak Meadow next year. I'm so excited. The lessons seem so natural, which is something that we want in our days. And we'll be spending more time on the things that really engage and challenege my kids: art, crafts, music, and nature.


We'll also be doing La Clase Divertida, our first formal Spanish class. Our other new curriculum is Singapore Math.

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I'm going to quit trying to combine all 4 for history. History Odyssey Level 2 Ancients killed my dc's love of history so I'm putting together my own program a la WTM next year (k12's Human Odyssey and KFH as spines and lots of good reading). The youngers will do the same time period (Middle Ages) but we'll keep it simple with SOTW for them.


I've also got to change up science. We tried RS4K Chemistry (pre-level with ds7 and Level 1 with ds10 and dd13) this year and it just doesn't get done. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to change to next year!

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I am going pretty much completely on my own next year. All eclectic. I am not attempting any actual curriculum programs as I have found I just have too much trouble fitting into the molds. I also find that I am relaxing a lot more in my homeschooling adventure as I enter my 4th year doing it.

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I am sticking with the same stuff for next year (just the next level). The only change I am making is that we are dropping Spanish and adding in more art, music, and geography. Dd has hit a wall in Spanish, and we can't afford a tutor. I want her to be introduced to more fine arts and she has begged to do more geography than SOTW gives.

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Big changes here. The biggest change is moving to an LCC approach. Going deep with Latin, math, bible and language arts, and lighter with history science, art/music, Spanish by doing those once a week, each. Not sure how literature will fit in, but because dd is a big-time reader and classic lit lover it will probably be an every day subject.


Also joining Classical Conversations and will use that as our guide for what we study in history and science.


I'm excited for the changes!

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Dropping formal writing/language arts. We're going to try an Oak Meadow approach without Oak Meadow, which as it turns out is also the approach in A Charlotte Mason Education. Good books, copywork, narration, illustration, all done in Main Lesson Books.


I may not use Saxon Math 2 for dd, still undecided. I love the looks of Saxon 5/4 for ds though (and so does he)!


We're dropping SOTW in favor of A Little History of the World. Still lots of good extra read alouds planned.


Moving to BFSU for science as opposed to studying one concentration each year.


I'm trying really to simplify my approach, and to make it both educational and enjoyable for the kids.

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My oldest will be switching to Latin Prep from LFC, my two middle will start with Song School Latin and then do LFCA (I need to keep them together as much as possible, and my 4yo will enjoy Song School as well).



I'm going to get some Key to... books and LoF to use as supplements this year. My younger two are flying through math, and my oldest needs a little mental break. So, I'm looking at the Key to and the LoF books to add some "fun" into the mix.


That's all the changes we have planned to-date, but 2011-2012 is when my oldest's schedule gets a MAJOR overhaul.

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We are switching from Saxon to Singapore math. It did not go over well at our house. We actually stopped doing Saxon 1 last week and are going to go through workbooks throughout the summer until we start gr1.

I think I also want to try to adapt a more LCC/WTM combo if I can streamline a little better.:tongue_smilie: I guess I have the summer to figure out how I am going to work everything together schedule wise.

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We're not changing a lot. We are progressing with some products, such as Latin Alive from LfC, still a CAP product. We are taking a one year deviation to focus on Asian Studies for history, by students request. Oh, we're adding Japanese:001_huh:, we're truly staying in LCC mode (focus on Latin, writing, & math), I guess Japanese will be our Greek.


Our biggest change next year will be in study skills, organizational skills, and my expectations for work level. I want to stress doing quality work, like being focused, formatting papers correctly, and showing work in math.

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I'm trying to decide what we are doing next year for sure, either Oak Meadow or my own cobbled together studies. If I do my own thing, I plan to pick up grammar and spelling next year since we dropped them this year. We also will not continue with SOTW at this time. I want to do more delight-directed learning, and our school day is just too long for a K/1st grade child. Also, I want to switch from Sonlight science to BFSU. I'm not really pleased with the new-earth slant that SL has and BFSU looks like fun.

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Guest Cindie2dds

We are actually happy (said with cautious optimism) with what we are doing and are just going to move on to Oak Meadow 1 with Ambleside Online Year 1 for 1st grade. The only thing we are doing that is different would be integrating Religion daily. We are going to be using The Big Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions for Children's Faith Formation, whew. :D

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We are going to do our own history units for 7th and 8th grades so that we can do a thorough 4 year TOG study for high school. I get to pick the topic for one semester and dd gets to pick the other. For 7th, my pick is comparison and history of religions and hers is golden ages of ancient civilizations. For 8th, I think I will go with colonial America and dd has talked about studying American Indians from appx. 1000AD to the present.


We have finally dropped formal spelling and grammar and will be doing a practical review of only those topics or words that cause trouble with her writing.


We will be adding the formal study of Logic, getting more serious about Spanish, and focusing more on note taking, organization, and study habits.


We will be doing the Ellen McHenry for chemistry and I am very excited about that. Our previous work had been more along the lines of dissolving crystals into solutes, etc. and we were both bored out of our minds.


I think over all, the main change is that I will be trying to formalize and standardize things a bit. I realize that jr. high is not high school, but dd has talked about several camps and other special programs she wants to attend during her high school years and I think that having a sharp jr. high transcrip will help her to get the scholarships she will need to attend these programs or be accepted into her targeted internships.

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we are switching from Spelling Workout to All About Spelling. My younger are struggling through and my older are bored. They still can't spelling. so going back to the beginning for them all (older at a much faster pace).


We are also switch Art to Spears Art, which looks just great for our family.


we have add Imitations in Writing last week and will continue this year. Teaches good outlining skills, which is where the older are week.


I'd have to have 50 kids to finally get the perfect choices in curriculum, but then again, I am sure I would find something new that I just had to try! LOL

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We're adding in geography--Beautiful Feet guide with the Holling books.


We'll be doing copywork in books (making my own sheets never happened) for all 3 boys.


My oldest also requested poetry next year and I'm this close to ordering MCT LA for him. GWG has worked well for us, he can do it pretty independently, but it is just striking me as incredibly boring these days and I'd like a change.


Other than that, I'll be officially teaching 3 children next year and I'll have a 9-month-old who will be beginning to crawl around and get into everything when we start next fall. It should be interesting. I haven't had to homeschool with a baby that age yet, but it's got to beat homeschooling while pregnant and incredibly sick like I was last fall. :tongue_smilie:

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Other than that, I'll be officially teaching 3 children next year and I'll have a 9-month-old who will be beginning to crawl around and get into everything when we start next fall. It should be interesting. I haven't had to homeschool with a baby that age yet, but it's got to beat homeschooling while pregnant and incredibly sick like I was last fall. :tongue_smilie:



Well I will be teaching 3 also next year, but my youngest will be 4 (is 4 lol) and he will be interested I am sure since his 5year old brother will be in school (They are best friends, always together even if it is beating on each other like good brothers do :boxing_smiley: LOL) So I might have 3 1/2 to teach next year LOL

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I will be trying SL for the first time with dd. She will be doing Core 100. I want to give it a try because the child would be happy to learn everything in life from reading a book. Since ds is quite a bit younger, I will be putting his American history study together myself, but pulling in a few books from Core 3+4.


Dd will also try BJU science for the first time and online. I've read good things about their science and want to try it before high school. We are trying this because I do not feel that I have enough time to really prepare and teach high school science to her. I might could chemistry, but that would be all.

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We had a pretty good curriculum year, actually. For the most part we're just going up to the next levels. Though all four of my students will have R&S for math and spelling. I'd planned on moving those two subjects over as the curriculum shelf ran dry, but it made more sense to just get it done this year. (That, and it was more cost effective than just the consumables for the other TEs I already had.)


I added more history supplements and literature to our shelves, but I do that every year.

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For everyone, we're not enrolling in CC after 3 years.


For my middle children... I'm going back to AO(year 2) but we're going to try Sonlight Science 1.


For my younger (K/preK) I'm going to use CLE LTR for the first time.


For my oldest - lots of new things - Diana Waring's History, Art of Argument from CAP, Latin Prep, Rainbow Science.


I'm looking forward to it!

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I am still debating between SL and Learning Adventures, but leaning towards SL because of the massive book box the FedEx man would bring us. :D We will be trying out SL science 3 over the summer, because there is still a warm-fuzzy-read-on-the-couch-together window of opportunity with my younger dds that I don't want to miss. Books...I need wonderful books to read!

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We're focusing on Writing next year and adding foreign language. I'm also switching more of our stuff to CDRom now that everyone has their own computers and prefers to do their school work on them.


Jesse...please share what you will be using on CD-Rom.



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I think I am manily sticking with what has worked this year. No major overhaul...just keep plugging along. I do want to have my books entered into HST BEFORE school starts this next year ...and have a pick up and go plan. I am going to make sure I have more ready made (by me) writing assignments...because this year we didn't do nearly enough written narrations.


I am making sure my dd does not slip through the cracks because her brothers are so needy...LOL.


That's all...


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Jesse...please share what you will be using on CD-Rom.



TT3 and 5, Building Thinking Skills, Editor in Chief Beginning and A1, and Math Detective A1 so far.


I've been worried about switching to more CDRoms because the kids might destroy them, but they've been responsible with this year's and I'm going to make backups.

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I can say, with joy in my heart, I'm not changing anything :) Just adding a little.



more hands on for science...we just can't get enough


high school logic b/c we're just there and bumping up the other subject areas to meet high school standards


going up in level with Latin too b/c we're there


Amazing, huh? I am set and just adding where we grow, not changing really. WOW. I hadn't thought about how lovely that is!

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We do have some changes planned for next year, namely outsourcing several classes for my oldest (rising 9th grader) and we have joined a co-op with our younger three students for the first time. The oldest is needing more independence and some outside accountability and the youngers are wanting some more social time and the chance to do some fun, hands on stuff which co-op should provide.


As far as curriculum goes, we're switching from Writing Strands over to IEW and also dropping Wordly Wise vocab in favor of some MCT stuff. I'm hoping both of these changes will produce some better results.

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I'm changing to do Sonlight more or less as written . . . this year I revamped the entire year's schedule to include SOTW 2 as a spine with Core 2, and it just got messy and things got left out.


This year, I'm just sticking (more or less) with the IG, because there are SO many wonderful books I'm looking forward to reading with my kids! :D

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I'm switching or main grammar program to Shurley from CLE. If things go well, I may drop CLE altogether. If not, we will do Shurley 2 or 3 days a week and CLE on the others.


For the life of me, I can't decide whether to continue on with WWE 3 for my daughter or switch to Writing Tales. She likes WWE and does well with it, but I already own Writing Tales, so we may give that a try first.


I am also planning on adding in either Spanish or French for my daughter. I really want to do French, but Spanish seems so much more practical that I feel that's the direction we should go.



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My oldest will be a 12th grader next year. I am changing up her school to where she answers to someone other than me for everything. She'll take as much as she can at the cc and I'll have to find online courses for everything else. We butted heads too much this year.


My middle dd will be a 10th grader next year. I tried out Oak Meadow for her this year and it went very well, so we will keep it next year for history and English (actually used their history, science, and health this year).


My youngest dd will be a 7th grader next year. I'm going to try Oak Meadow for her next year. I think she'll really enjoy the projects. I'm not sure what we're going to do for math next year. We already changed up her math back in February. That's when we dropped Singapore and switched to using Key to Fractions, Key to Decimals, Key to Percents, and Key to Algebra. She'll finish up the Key to Fractions series this month. I figure she'll probably finish Decimals and Percents by September or October. At that point, I think I'll have her do Lial's BCM for her main math (25 minutes/day) and Key to Algebra for her review math (10 minutes/day). For 6th grade, she's been doing 25 minutes and 5 minutes, but I'm bumping up the review to 10 minutes for next year. In 8th grade, I'll bump her up to a total of 40 minutes

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We are going to do some things with a more classical approach. My ds14 will be doing Classical Writing Older Beginners and he will do outlining. Other than that we are sticking with Apologia and Teaching Textbooks and will continue to read good literature.


For ds6 we are continuing with OPGTR and will do FLL with CWPrimer. I am switching him from Saxon 1 to Abeka 1 because I think it might be more rigorous for him. We are finishing up Saxon 1 in a couple of months.

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