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Wikipedia says animals the Western Hemisphere are oppossums, and marsupials in Australia are possums (although I confess I've never heard that before):


You got there before me...


A possum (plural form: possums) is any of about 69 small to medium-sized arboreal marsupial species native to Australia, New Guinea, and Sulawesi (and introduced to New Zealand and China). The name derives from their resemblance to the opossums of the Americas. (The name is from Algonquian wapathemwa, not Greek or Latin, so the plural is possums, not possa.) Possum is also used in North America as a short form of Opossum.
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I from the south and I just say 'possum unless I am being silly and then I say OOO-possum. Dictionary.com list both as acceptable variations and I do believe that is standard but I can't say that I have ever heard anyone say it with the O sound that didn't sound ridiculous. :D


ETA: Dictionary.com further goes on to state that the first recorded usage of the shortened version was 1613.

Edited by KidsHappen
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Oh and this is not the first time this question has been asked either. Apparently it is common for people who say one to marry people who say the other. :tongue_smilie:


Well, my darling husband pronounces vase as V-(short o)-Z. What is THAT all about?? He also says range instead of stove and oscillator instead of fan. He puts his clothes in a draw but he drawers a picture. I don't care who ya are...that boy talks funny!



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I say possum. Unfortunately, the only time I actually SAY possum is in the following context:


"Honey, the possum knocked over the garbage cans so he could eat the poop out of the baby's dirty diapers again!"


Seriously. I don't know what has possessed the possum that lives by our home, but he's got to have some serious psychological issues.

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We had this discussion just last week at our house. Possum is the accepted version all my life. Opossum may be the correct way in some places, probably where the say pecan, (\ a \ as a in ash), instead of pecan ,(\ ä \ as o in mop), like you should.




Weird, because I say Opossum and pecan as in mop. It must be an Ohio thing because I never thought to say them the other ways.




Just got back from Avatar.... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, my darling husband pronounces vase as V-(short o)-Z. What is THAT all about?? He also says range instead of stove and oscillator instead of fan. He puts his clothes in a draw but he drawers a picture. I don't care who ya are...that boy talks funny!




Bless his heart. Whatever will you do with him?

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No, no, no. It's "a possum". As in, "Hey, kids, look! There's 'a possum' dead in the middle of the road!"


The "uh" sound of the "a" makes the "o" unnecessary! See, doesn't that just work out perfectly?! :D


I have often thought this exact thought. (Yes, I DO occasionally have thoughts. :tongue_smilie:)

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We had this discussion just last week at our house. Possum is the accepted version all my life. Opossum may be the correct way in some places, probably where the say pecan, (\ a \ as a in ash), instead of pecan ,(\ ä \ as o in mop), like you should.




I am redneck (aka Jeff Foxworthy) southern because we pronounce it pe-can. We also say ant as in my ant May. Although, we could probably figure out what you were trying to say if you said pe-con or aunt. It would sound snooty though. :tongue_smilie:

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