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TVs and computers in the bedroom

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Do you have a tv or computer in your bedroom? Do any of your children?


I'm curious because I was looking at ideas for teen boy bedrooms online and was hitting some Ikea design sites. Every single one had big tvs and computer arrangements in the model rooms.


I don't have a tv in my own bedroom (and don't want one) nor a computer. My boys don't either.


If you have teens with computers in their rooms (or laptops they can carry around) how do you monitor use?

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We have a tv and the computer in our room ;) In the living room is the other tv, both are hooked up to dvd players and that's it. Dh and I like to watch movies that are not appropriate for our dcs, so we watch at night in bed. The computer is in our room so that we can have privacy to pay bills, &tc, and so the kids have limited access to it.


I would not put a tv or computer in their rooms. TV as a teen... possibly. Computer, nope!

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Both older kids have tv with cd players but they are the little ones. They have never been hooked up to regular tv, they are only to watch a movie on or play a video game. I have never had a problem with over use in fact ds15 gave his to dd3 because he hasn't watched anything on it in years. We put it in her play area for kids shows. They have tvs mainly because we only have one big tv in the house and with thier age/sex differences it was hard to find shows for everyone to watch at once. They could watch what they wanted in thier rooms this way and since it was DVD only, I had complete control over what they had access to.


DS also has a laptop with free range. I check his history periodically but he is honest to a fault (actually talked his grading partner into putting a lesser grade on his final yesterday because he knew of an error the correcter didn't catch :lol:). He has had his own computer for probably 5 years. DD11 uses my laptop all over the house, including her room. She is only allowed at preset sites, and she is not tech savvy enough to know how to hide her path if she deviated. I have parental controls in place just in case.


We don't have a tv or desk in our room but I do occasionally watch a movie on my laptop in there.

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Do you have a tv or computer in your bedroom? Do any of your children?


I'm curious because I was looking at ideas for teen boy bedrooms online and was hitting some Ikea design sites. Every single one had big tvs and computer arrangements in the model rooms.


I don't have a tv in my own bedroom (and don't want one) nor a computer. My boys don't either.


If you have teens with computers in their rooms (or laptops they can carry around) how do you monitor use?


No I never plan to have them in my ds's room. We will keep them in the family room:) Now someday I may entertain the idea of a TV in my bedroom, but for now I am content;)

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until December we'd never ever had a computer or TV in our bedroom. Kids still don't.


However, when we bought the new entertainment & tv center we ended up putting the old pair in our bedroom. At first I thought it would be temporary because we'd always said we'd never do it. But now with 5 kids it's kind of nice to have a quiet room where I can go knit at night that's not in the middle of the hubbub.


We have a nice little apartment and our bedroom is a retreat in the midst of the daily chaos.

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My oldest two children actually have computers in their room. Dad's a big computer geek and decided they needed them. He built them himself. They have very restricted access and their computer time is monitored. I let them play math games, typing games, and various other educational games, as part of school, on their computers.

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We have a TV in the Great Room for mom and dad, family movies, and Wii.

We have a TV in the playroom for movies. None of our TVs are hooked up.

Any television DH and I watch is online. Because we don't have cable the kids don't watch TV. Nothing good on Network TV for them.

They will not be getting TVs in their rooms. We use rooms primarily for sleeping.

Our 12yo is getting a laptop for her 13th birthday in April. The plan is it will stay in our room and when she has time to use it she will be in whatever room we are in using it. She will also have pre approved websites, parental controls, and a daddy who can find almost anything out (Thank God for my tech savvy husband!) It's not so much a matter of trust as it is she is still naive and young. I would hate for her to stumble on something to take any of that away right now.

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I have a tv (no service) in my room.


The rule in our house is that you must be graduated and I won't purchase screens for rooms. Neither kid has any in their rooms (my 17yo dd is in college so could; my son is in high school so can't). My daughter did buy a laptop and does as she pleases. I don't monitor her computer usage. My son is actually the only one that uses the main computer. I don't really monitor it, but can and he knows it. The only time there was something concerning, he turned off the monitor and got me immediately. Thankfully, you couldn't really see anything, but he knew it was a "bad word."

Edited by 2J5M9K
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No TV in the house. If we want to watch something, we do so on the computer.


Currently, computers are in the family room. I have a netbook that I use in the bedroom at times.


The kids (currently 6 and 3) can have a computer in their own room when I feel they're responsible enough for one. Maybe this will be in their early teens, maybe not until they're out of the house. I'm not going to hazard a guess at this point, both because I don't know what they'll be like as teens and because I don't know what sort of twists and turns technology will take by that point.

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No tv in bedrooms, ditto computer. Dh has his laptop in his office and it's password protected. The family computer is in the den right by the kitchen counter--we've already had problems with porn, even tho we have Safe Eyes.

No computer in bedrooms, ever.

We once had two tv's, an old one and the "regular" one--we found it split the family and we had less togetherness when everyone could watch their own movie or show. And having a TV in the bedroom isn't for me--I'd rather read beside my husband if I want a solo activity.

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Not in our room. Not in ds's room. However, I think he is the only boy we know that doesn't have big TV, computer, and video game system in his room. He bought himself an IPOD and he has to leave it outside his room at night.


HA! My 14 year old dd thinks it is the HEIGHT of injustice that she has no tv or computer in her room and must turn in her cell phone and nintendo ds at night. We don't even make her turn in her ipod (but it's a shuffle, no video). Plus, she has a 9:30 bedtime. We're cruel parents.

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My oldest two have computers (one has three including the one he just built himself). Younger ds self monitors by turning it off whenever he has other things to do (or if all else fails, I do tell him to shut it down, and he does it willingly). He's learned that if it's on, he gets distracted. I know some adults that could stand to learn that. :tongue_smilie:


I don't really monitor their usage, as long as they meet their other responsibilities (particularly my 16 yo--my younger kids are another story).


DS (the oldest) takes online community college classes, and always has a paper to write or is working on some project or program. I don't need to micromanage his looking something up, adding to a paper, checking on a project etc every time I turn around ("How many minutes did that take?"). I'd go nuts! Within the next two years, he'll be an adult and I'll have to trust him with far more important things than technology.


Oh, and he's never ever given the slightest hint of being up to no good. He's been like a miniature adult since preschool. Sometimes I wish he would be a little rebellious--just a little! :D

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Dd17, 15a, and 15b have laptops. They are allowed to have them in their rooms at night.


Dd15a has a television with cable connection in her room. She often sleeps with it on.


Ds12 has a television without cable in his room. It is hooked to his xbox. I take the controller away at night thus shutting down the machine's abilities.


The girls have proven themselves to be trustworthy.

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No tvs or computers in the bedrooms. We have a big-screen tv downstairs and a little 13" upstairs that is 20 years old and is rarely used. The tv downstairs has the Wii hooked into it. My 14yo is the one who plays the most, but she prefers to play Gamecube games on the Wii. The other two do play periodically. My 16yo mostly does Wii Fit Plus. Whenever anybody gets a new game, there's a lot of usage. Otherwise it may get only 3-4 hours of usage for an entire week. It has even sat there unused for 2-3 weeks at a time on occasion.


We have 3 desktop computers (one is exclusively my dh's) and a netbook. We just got the netbook at Christmas. The netbook travels all over the house, but it goes on the charger at 10pm. My 11yo is the one who mostly uses the netbook. She loves it. One of the desktops is primarily used by my 16yo, but my 14yo uses it sometimes. I share my computer with the 14yo and 11yo (although the 11yo uses the netbook almost exclusively). The kid desktop shuts down automatically at 11pm.


The girls all share a Nintendo DS. It is plugged into the charger downstairs at night.


My 16yo has an itouch that has internet access. She has access to it all the time. She got it just this last Christmas and has been reasonable with it.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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DD16 has a tv that can only be used with avideotape and she uses it for classes only. SHe also has a computer but that is for our convenience. SHe does work on it a lot since she types her papers and researches her briefs for debate. We didn't have any problems with her for all the years she was monitored and we haven't found any problems now either. I have a tv in my bedroom that gets some channels. We have cable tvs with DVRs in the living room and family room. Adult son has computer in his room. DD 13 gets to use a laptop at times but not at night. I know what games she plays. Everyone except my son tends to go to bed around 11pm. We eat late and they get up later too.

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I guess I am the oddball here, but my kids have had tv's in their rooms since they were toddlers. This was mainly done so that the one child could be quiet and watch a movie while the others napped and so we didn't have to watch kiddie tv all of the time.

With 4 kids, having the tv/vcr then tv/dvd has been a lifesaver. We don't have cable so they couldn't watch anything but the tapes and dvd's we provide for them. Normally a movie during "nap" time after they quit sleeping at nap time. I still needed the quiet time and so did their baby siblings.

My kids have the playstation 2 hooked up in their bedroom now that they are 8 and 9, but we have a time machine that does 30 min. coins. Mine honestly haven't went nuts with the privileges. They like to watch a movie on Friday nights at bedtime. No tv during the weekdays. They may earn a 30 min. coin during the week for different things such as helping out without being asked, having a good school day, stuff like that.

If they have a friend over, the tv gets used more. They also have an ancient pc in their room for about 5 years. I think my oldest was 4 when we got a new pc and moved the dinosaur back there for them to play reader rabbit and the like. They don't have internet back there and recently I think the dinosaur died and no longer turns on anymore. Think pc as old as my oldest child :lol:.

We did buy a laptop for Christmas and it stays in the kitchen with the school stuff and they can't tote it anywhere but the kitchen or living room and an adult has to be in the room that they are in at the time.

We have a tv/dvd in our room and I love to watch movies with dh at night or late night tv.

Mainly we watch the big tv in the living room except on Friday nights. I think it all depends on your rules and such. We have more issues with the nintendo ds than any other electronic device we have ever owned. If I could go back and not buy that one I would.

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We have a TV in our bedroom. We didn't for the first 20 years of our marriage, but once our boys were teens, we really needed a kind of sanctuary space where we could watch television in peace. I also like to fold laundry and iron in there and the television is a good distraction. We also have a television in our living room, and one in the basement for videogames.


We all have laptops, but DH and I never bring them into our bedroom. Our teens can have their computers in their rooms, but no television. My older son is 18 and is away at university. Monitoring of his computer usage is moot at this point. My younger son is 15 and I can check his history. He is very open with us and I have no concerns about his computer habits. I am not shy about removing computer privileges and he knows that!

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No tv or computer in his room, but ds has an Xbox 360 hooked up to a computer monitor. He has very restricted playing times and many times plays online with his dad so he's monitored. We have a tv in our bedroom and like it. Our 2 younger boys share a room and also have a tv so that they (anyone) can watch children's shows/dvds while we watch shows with the older kids on occasion. TV use is only by permission and it's not every day. Works for us. :)

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We have a tv in our room, the kids do not. It was FIL's and is probably older than I am. We only get a few channels, but sometimes I do like to climb into bed with a knitting project and watch Mystery. DH will turn it to the local news while he gets ready in the morning if the weather is bad.

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The family room has the TV/DVD/wii, etc


Our bedroom has a monitor we can use as a TV when one of the laptops is hooked up.


We are a 3 laptop family. The kids can only use them in public areas of the house, not allowed in the bedrooms behind closed doors.


Our oldest has a cell phone that has the same curfew she does. The charger is on the little desk in the family room. No all night texting here, but I know plenty of her friends who fall asleep texting boys.


All of that being said, If you were so do something unheard of, like change the sheets on the kids' beds you would find an assortment of booklights & flashlights to facilitate late night reading.


Amber in SJ

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Do you have a tv or computer in your bedroom? Do any of your children?


I'm curious because I was looking at ideas for teen boy bedrooms online and was hitting some Ikea design sites. Every single one had big tvs and computer arrangements in the model rooms.


I don't have a tv in my own bedroom (and don't want one) nor a computer. My boys don't either.


If you have teens with computers in their rooms (or laptops they can carry around) how do you monitor use?


I have a TV in my bedroom, and I have a laptop that I take into my room.


Ds#1 (14yr old) has a old TV to watch video tapes occassionally. No computer, no cable hook up.


Dd (14 yr old) has a TV with cable in her room. TV is actually my niece's (who moved out... sort of) and she will get the TV when she decides to get it. No computer (except when niece comes home and brings her laptop).


Ds#2 and Ds#3 share a room and do not have tv or computer.


Dh and I do not buy our kids a TV or computer for their own personal use... until they are 18 and heading off to college. It is their graduation gift. Ds#1 just happened to get an old TV given to him and Dd is using niece's TV.


Our kids don't get cell phones until they are needed. Dd (14 yrs old) got one a few years ago because she spends so much time at Kung Fu that we wanted her to have a phone handy at all times. Ds#1 (14yrs old) just got one about 6 months ago because he was to take CC courses and we wanted him to have a phone on him while he was on campus. Both of them have asthma and it just makes me feel better knowing that they have phone with them just in case of emergencies when they are not with any adult family members.

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We have a small TV in our bedroom that the children can and do use. There is a small TV in the basement with a one year old Xbox. Tooks us 20 years, but now we're all set. Love Hawkins Skateboarding! We do not have TVs in the main parts of the house, and nothing fancy in my room or in the basement (which is not your fabulous rec room, which woud be cool) although sometimes I would like to see a movie with a few million pixels as opposed to our 5 or 6 pixel ;) sets.


We can watch DVDs and netflix on our two computers. One stays in the workroom, one is a laptop, and children often watch that in my bed or in the workroom or kitchen.


The children don't have TVs or computers in their rooms. Although at this age and knowing who they are, I probably wouldn't have an issue with it. If an older child of 17 or 18 bought themselves a laptop, or was given one as a gift, I would be fine with that. (Please, Grandad? Pappa can you hear me? Please buy the big kid teens laptops so I do not have to). My 21 yr old got a laptop for his 19th b'day before heading off to school. My work there is done, kwim?

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Guest janainaz

I have a TV and computer in my room. Both of my kids have TV's in their room. However, they can't watch anything (even PG) without a password. When they get older, there will be no computers in their rooms.

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Well we have one tv in the house, and one outside in another building. No cable. We have one desktop computer. But my kids are young.


I do anticipate that we will probably become tv free, but increase our computers. I DON'T anticipate having video/camera capabilities on all computers. I expect that at some time computers will end up being used in quiet rooms, out of the way of others, such as in bedrooms. I don't expect that they will live in the bedrooms necessarily, but will depend on the kids and the situations when we get to them.


As a teen, I was on the computer a lot (this was before the internet as we know it now). My parents tried to keep the computer in a central location, but the basement won out for the majority of the time. Pretty private down there. It was also nice and quiet. Gave me some privacy while knowing that anyone else could walk in the room at any time. But it was the same in my bedroom- my parents had the right to enter at any time. I expect things will be pretty similar in our house.

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HA! My 14 year old dd thinks it is the HEIGHT of injustice that she has no tv or computer in her room and must turn in her cell phone and nintendo ds at night. We don't even make her turn in her ipod (but it's a shuffle, no video). Plus, she has a 9:30 bedtime. We're cruel parents.


That sounds just like our rules for our kids. I'm mean.


We have one computer and one tv with cable service. Both are downstairs in the "public" areas of the house. We have an older tv upstairs in the playroom with a dvd player for when they want to watch Harry Potter for the bazillionth time.

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None of our bedrooms contain a t.v. or a computer. The plan is that these items will not occupy any bedrooms in my house during my lifetime.


Two of the boys have laptops, which they were issued by their cyber-school. I monitor use by (1) making sure they get their work done by checking each little item they were supposed to have done that day.


I also make sure all laptops, in fact all technology devices, are left downstairs, with me, at 9 p.m.


I have a computer in the pantry (mine) and 2 computers for the kids currently reside in the basement (both need to be repaired, so they are not in use).


Desktops are protected by parental controls on time and content.


Our big t.v. is in the basement. Our little, ancient, t.v. is in the dining room -- it never gets turned on, and there is nowhere else to put the little t.v. table it sits on.


I plan to watch the little, ancient, t.v. some day.

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Do you have a tv or computer in your bedroom? Do any of your children?


My kids and I share a bedroom, and purposely keep all electronics out of it -- no lamps, digital clocks, cell phones/chargers, laptops/desktops, televisions, radios, et cetera. This maintains the room's integrity as a place to sleep. Exclusively. And though controversial an issue, I choose to further believe that we're better off for reducing our exposure to EMFs as we sleep.


If you have teens with computers in their rooms (or laptops they can carry around) how do you monitor use?


When/if my kids eventually get rooms of their own, those rooms will also be designed as exclusive sleeping areas. They'll have use of common living areas for laptops, computers, and everything else. As a chronic insomniac, it's a hill I choose to die on. It's also pretty akin to how I grew up -- our bedrooms were places we went to sleep, they weren't little caves unto ourselves (but then again I had a big family and always shared a room with multiple siblings).

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OK I am the shamed one. I let my then 11 year old daughter have a pc in her bedroom. BIG GIANT HUGE MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing horrible like viewing bad things nothing like that at all just it started to dominate her. That is all she wanted to do period. So a while back I pulled the stick for the wireless so now it is a very pretty shiny paper weight.

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We only have one TV in the house, and it is in the living room.

We don't watch much TV. We do have a few computers in the

house. But, none of them are in the bedrooms. Right now,

the kids are only allowed to use the computers right under

our supervision. The internet being what it is, I don't think

we will be allowing our kids to have computers in their

bedrooms even when they become teenagers.

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We, and our children, have tvs in our bedrooms. However, we do not have cable anymore, so they are used only to watch Netflix dvds.


No computers are in the children's bedrooms (I rarely take my laptop in). I had to put passwords on all the computers (which are in public areas) because the boys would wake up in the middle of the night and use them - for the longest time I couldn't figure out why they were always so tired :glare:.


They must turn in their Nintendos before bed (, and do not have cell phones or ipods. I keep the Wii controls locked in my bedroom.


Unfortunately my boys don't have enough self-control, so I remove the temptations from them :D.


[side note: I really wanted to use apostrophes to pluralize tvs and dvds, but was afraid of killing innocent kittens! Does that "rule" apply to these situations as well?]

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