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If you were to run away from home - where would you want to go

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I would go on a literary tour of the British Isles! I would see everything Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Bronte, Dickens, Byron, etc.


Since I'd be alone (because of course, I'm not running away with anyone!) I could really enjoy it and not have to explain EVERYTHING to everyone else. I could just revel in the wonder of those beautiful sights.:seeya:

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A beach somewhere warm with great food and drink for at least a few weeks. Then I would be ready for some real traveling. Do I have to pick just one place? If so most likely Italy. If I can go else where, I would start at one end of the Globe and work my way around. Then, I would be ready to come back home. Most likely to a pile of wash that blocks out the sun.


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1. I want to fly.


2. I had a small bag of oddments packed and handy when I was a girl so I'd be ready when Peter came to fetch me away...still waiting.


OK, I'd settle for trekking through Italy/S. France...or a guided tour of China.


This made me smile. I lost the Wendy in me long ago, not sure I really had it. Glad to see you have not!:)

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I would enjoy a nice quiet relaxing time in the middle of the woods. No phone, no computer, just lots and lots of books, my sewing machine and some nice new fabric.


Oh, I would need electricity in the cabin. I do like my iced tea. :)


Maybe someday!




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I'd like to sail around Greece. Then tour the places we have studied in the last 2 years. Then sail around Greece some more.



I would go to the Greek Islands and plop my butt on the beach with some good books. A tall, dark, young Greek man would bring me drinks and snacks. Of course I would only do go if Pam went with me....:D

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I would go on a literary tour of the British Isles! I would see everything Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Bronte, Dickens, Byron, etc.


Since I'd be alone (because of course, I'm not running away with anyone!) I could really enjoy it and not have to explain EVERYTHING to everyone else. I could just revel in the wonder of those beautiful sights.:seeya:


I'll go with you Dayle - but I won't talk to you :D (or at least I won't make you explain anything if you don't make me explain anything!) :auto:

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they only live 3 miles away, but I love being there. They have a pool and a beautiful backyard and I'm crazy about my parents. I love being at there house....and if I were running away, I'd want all the priviledges of being an adult and yet by living at my parents I'd have none of the responsibilties. I could just be the daughter. :-)


Or, a trip around the world would be great too!

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Are we running away because things are hectic or running away for fun?


Running away because things are hectic ... down to the corner coffee shop with a Sudoku book, notebook and my Autobiography of Benjamin Rush and *no* cell phone!


Running away for fun ... a cabin in the Northwoods right here in Wisconsin. A lake and indoor potty are required. I'd take the whole family, though. And lots of books and games. We'd disappear for a week. My husband is a retail cellular store manager so he is called constantly with little problems that employees can handle on their own. Our phones would be set to "no ringer" so we would never know anyone called unless we wanted to check.


I'd love to do exactly this, but it will have to wait for Fall. Baby is due too soon for us to squeeze a trip in before his arrival because it will still be too cold. After his arrival, the mosquitoes will be on the attack. Fall will be perfect.


Aaaahhhh ... 1book.gif ... cloud9.gif

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Ummm, there would be so many places...


The Dolomites in Italy (I think I could retire & be an alpine old lady)


The Galapagos


Southern South America, so I could take a flight over a little part of Antarctica


Hawaii is always good


Charleson, SC


Oh, man, my list could go on & on. I think I'd need to run away multiple times. LOL.

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(...and we know how dangerous thinking is...)


...I'd stop in at Mindy's parents' house, figuring they'd fix me a nice, warm meal while Min and I smoked little green rep squares together. Then, she and I would pop over to Colleen's for a Mik..er..I mean, for some raw milk. After that, the three of us would stop in to see Rose and Jennifer in B.C., maybe slip over and check out Karenciavo's place (wait...where is that exactly? Oh well, who cares, we'll find it). We could hit the Oprah store (another thread, sorry), and then, let's see, then we'd have to stop down to Quiver's. Cinnamon rolls would hit the spot about now. Jenny, we could join you on the beach for a few days. Then, we could all hook up with Kelli. Shoot, we'd have to stay there for about a week while Amy, GothicGyrl...shoot, why don't all you east coast girls come join us? Then, with so many of us traveling, we'd need to pick up the flaming sword -- you know, for protection. Except, when we got there, we'd find that Pam and Bridgett had already gone off with their snacks, rotten things. So, then we'd have to stop in at Peek's, for a Coke and a private jet ride to the Greece. Mamagistra could come, too, since she's right there. There's a lot of room on those fancy schmancy jets Peek-a-Daddy flies, right? 'Cause I have a feeling there are going to be whole passle of gals from Texas getting on board with the rest of us. Sounds like once we get to Greece, the rest of the WTM crew will already be there, with pretty little beverages (and snacks) just waiting for us.









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I'd have a little beach shack that I would hang out in. There would be a farmer's market nearby where I would get lots of fresh tomatoes and cantaloupe. I would spend my mornings on the beach with some good books, then shower up in my outdoor garden shower, and then spend my afternoons doing some sort of crafting or sewing. Then I'd finish my day with a sunset walk on the beach and go to bed at dark.


Anyone have a number for a travel agent?

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We have had so much snow that I am just dreaming of being at the beach with lots of Coppertone (love that smell) and Hawaiian Tropic, a bikini, and a drink with a little umbrella in it. When it gets too hot, take a swim in the ocean (an ocean minus the sharks and jellyfish) and flop back down on the beach with a good book.


That would be heaven to me right now, as the snow falls and the icicles get larger.

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Doran, I am so with you.


I want to run around meeting all my virtual friends and then take a big, happy trip. I love doing things in a crowd. And if it got too much I'd slip away for a couple of days to Ireland and just listen to people talk....



Sigh, this is a funny post. On another board people are making fun of me because I won't go to the Aleutians. Do you know how long it takes to get to the Aleutians by ferry?

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<gasp!> Another board!? How COULD you? OH, the horror. And all this time I thought "we" were the only ones. I get it now- the title of your blog. There should be an apostrophe, then we would've KNOWN that you ARE everywhere, instead of just assuming innocently all this time that you were referring to the rest of us Jennifers. :D

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(...and we know how dangerous thinking is...)


...I'd stop in at Mindy's parents' house, figuring they'd fix me a nice, warm meal while Min and I smoked little green rep squares together. Then, she and I would pop over to Colleen's for a Mik..er..I mean, for some raw milk. After that, the three of us would stop in to see Rose and Jennifer in B.C., maybe slip over and check out Karenciavo's place (wait...where is that exactly? Oh well, who cares, we'll find it). We could hit the Oprah store (another thread, sorry), and then, let's see, then we'd have to stop down to Quiver's. Cinnamon rolls would hit the spot about now. Jenny, we could join you on the beach for a few days. Then, we could all hook up with Kelli. Shoot, we'd have to stay there for about a week while Amy, GothicGyrl...shoot, why don't all you east coast girls come join us? Then, with so many of us traveling, we'd need to pick up the flaming sword -- you know, for protection. Except, when we got there, we'd find that Pam and Bridgett had already gone off with their snacks, rotten things. So, then we'd have to stop in at Peek's, for a Coke and a private jet ride to the Greece. Mamagistra could come, too, since she's right there. There's a lot of room on those fancy schmancy jets Peek-a-Daddy flies, right? 'Cause I have a feeling there are going to be whole passle of gals from Texas getting on board with the rest of us. Sounds like once we get to Greece, the rest of the WTM crew will already be there, with pretty little beverages (and snacks) just waiting for us.










Sound like a plan! :party:

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I am not running away. I like to be home. Can y'all take my husband and kids with you? I really want to be home all by myself. Oh, take Henry the Psycho Dog with you as well because I don't want to listen to him barking at everything that moves.


I just want to be home by myself!

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I'd pretend we were all going to the Outer Banks (dh's home turf -- if I were brave enough to post my last name, those of you familiar with the OBX would have no doubt as to his ancestry). I'd tell everyone I knew that we were going, I'd help load up the van . . . and then I'd scurry back into my own house and send my family on their way to visit dh's side of the family.


I'd hole up, all alone and in my own house, for about two weeks. My phone would not ring. My door would not be knocked upon. It would just be me, the cat, and the dog.


And then I would happily welcome my family back home.


Well, that's *my* idea of running away. It couldn't possibly get any better than that.


(Editing because that took forever to post due to computer issues. When I started, Kelli in TN had not yet posted. I didn't mean to steal her thunder and her idea! I suppose it's a case of great minds thinking alike, and all.) ;-) Sorry, Kelli!

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I am not running away. I like to be home. Can y'all take my husband and kids with you? I really want to be home all by myself. Oh, take Henry the Psycho Dog with you as well because I don't want to listen to him barking at everything that moves.


I just want to be home by myself!


Now that would be heaven. Home ALONE! Just think of all the stuff I could get done.



Dreaming now.....

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I would go on a literary tour of the British Isles! I would see everything Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Bronte, Dickens, Byron, etc.


Since I'd be alone (because of course, I'm not running away with anyone!) I could really enjoy it and not have to explain EVERYTHING to everyone else. I could just revel in the wonder of those beautiful sights.:seeya:


So you thought you could take this trip alone, guess again several of us are going along too. But I promise not to discuss the trip unless you start the conversation. Wow a literary tour of the British Isles that just sounds delightful. OK I am already working out what I want to see in my mind. Absolutely lovely idea Dayle.

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Actually, I would like a quiet condo on the gulf coast with a fridge stocked with great fresh food, close to a great, simple seafood restaurant, a beautiful sunny, soft sand beach, 85 degrees, sunny, lots of novels to read and some drinks with umbrellas! Siesta Key or Sannabel sounds nice!


How long can I keep dreaming and not get anything done here? Go away shopping and cleaning, I am having a relaxing fantasy right now!!

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I am not running away. I like to be home. Can y'all take my husband and kids with you? I really want to be home all by myself. Oh, take Henry the Psycho Dog with you as well because I don't want to listen to him barking at everything that moves.


I just want to be home by myself!


Same here! When I saw the title of this thread, I thought, "I don't want to go anywhere. I just want my husband and kids to run away together a couple times a year for about a week." Getting away isn't as restful for me as getting things done. Oh, what I could get done by myself in 1 week's time!

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