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MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR prayer request

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How do I get all this in without it being a really long post? Some of the details I have posted in years past but to review:


1. We have 1 birth son who is now 11yo. It was a miracle we were even able to have him as dh has a genetic disease that has made him completely infertile (it grows worse through the years...he used to be a "little bit" fertile...obviously).


2. We found out about this when we tried to have a second child and were unable. Several specialists later we were told IVF is impossible but we could use donor sperm. Instead we decided to adopt. Hence, ds#2 who is nearly 6yo. It cost a bloody fortune but it was worth it.


3. I want a daughter REALLY BADLY. I think last christmas I posted about my desire for a daughter. But we just cannot afford to do international adoption again. It literally rips my heart out to see baby girls but we didn't know what we could do.


4. Fast forward one year later. We now live in Malaysia and part of the ministry we are involved in is working with local orphanges. About 2 hours ago, the leader of the orphanage called my cell and told me that a 15 yo girl just gave birth to a baby girl today and wants to put it up for adoption. Maria (the orphanage lady) knows that I long for a daughter so she called to see if dh and I would be interested in adopting the baby?





I am so excited I think I am going to faint. Maria is meeting with the birth mom right now to go over some details and if everything goes well we could have this baby girl early next week (like around Tuesday...no kidding!).


Would it be cliche to call this a christmas miracle?


So I need prayer, lots of prayer. Prayer that this is God's will, prayer that He will give us what we need to take on a newborn with such short notice, prayer that this little girl can join our family and make it complete. Oh, and prayer to come up with a name! :D

Edited by Heather in NC
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Oh my goodness! What an amazing thing to have happen. Where we were before, a baby was left on the doorstep of an expat couple who had been trying for many years for children. This happened just before they were due to leave the country permanently. They delayed their stay, and once issues of nationality had been sorted out, they left with a little girl!


Really hoping for a Christmas miracle for you!

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This is probably a silly question, but will you be able to bring the baby home when you leave Malaysia?



That is my only concern - you will have a lawyer make sure this adoption is absolutely "kosher" so there will be no problems when you eventually move back here.


Otherwise - yippee!!

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That is my only concern - you will have a lawyer make sure this adoption is absolutely "kosher" so there will be no problems when you eventually move back here.


Otherwise - yippee!!


Oh definitely. We know two other families that have adopted while living here and they gave us the name and number of the lawyer they used.

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How do I get all this in without it being a really long post? Some of the details I have posted in years past but to review:


1. We have 1 birth son who is now 11yo. It was a miracle we were even able to have him as dh has a genetic disease that has made him completely infertile (it grows worse through the years...he used to be a "little bit" fertile...obviously).


2. We found out about this when we tried to have a second child and were unable. Several specialists later we were told IVF is impossible but we could use donor sperm. Instead we decided to adopt. Hence, ds#2 who is nearly 6yo. It cost a bloody fortune but it was worth it.


3. I want a daughter REALLY BADLY. I think last christmas I posted about my desire for a daughter. But we just cannot afford to do international adoption again. It literally rips my heart out to see baby girls but we didn't know what we could do.


4. Fast forward one year later. We now live in Malaysia and part of the ministry we are involved in is working with local orphanges. About 2 hours ago, the leader of the orphanage called my cell and told me that a 15 yo girl just gave birth to a baby girl today and wants to put it up for adoption. Maria (the orphanage lady) knows that I long for a daughter so she called to see if dh and I would be interested in adopting the baby?





I am so excited I think I am going to faint. Maria is meeting with the birth mom right now to go over some details and if everything goes well we could have this baby girl early next week (like around Tuesday...no kidding!).


Would it be cliche to call this a christmas miracle?


So I need prayer, lots of prayer. Prayer that this is God's will, prayer that He will give us what we need to take on a newborn with such short notice, prayer that this little girl can join our family and make it complete. Oh, and prayer to come up with a name! :D

What a blessing :grouphug:. I will be praying for your potential newest family memeber that she can come home quickly. And can I just say, "WOW! What an awesome gift!" :D

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