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What did you get for Christmas?

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Would you share the specifics of this book? Sounds interesting!


Along with the complete text of the story, are annotations running down the side margin giving insight into biblical allusions in the story, plus at the end of each chapter are discussion questions. It's very neat and makes the story all that more interesting. I'll be writing up a review shortly and posting on my blog.

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The Egyptian sculpture of blue hippo or......?

Last Year I got a pink hippo ornament in a tutu, and my kids sang the song to me along with some stuff I don't remember. The hippo was awesome.


This year -I got a bread machine, my garbage disposal fixed, a vegetable peeler that works, new flannel pajamas to wear to take the trash out and make my neighbors uncomfortable, and a new pair of jeans since I ripped one of mine sliding down a gravel hill with my dd on my lap, plus a warm pair of wool socks. And of course some really big hugs.


Way more than I needed.

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I got a smocking pleater and a Joann's gift card so I'll be pleasantly busy for the next few months!


But my favorite Christmas gift wasn't even for me. My brother got my 16 month old ds a teensy tiny pair of Timberland boots. They're so stinkin' cute!!

Edited by BigMamaBird
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We were cheap this year!! But I'm very happy with how our Christmas turned out. All the children were grateful for their gifts even having a few. Hubby got me 100 rounds of 9mm bullets for target practice (cuz he is tired of me using his), and I got some ankle weights for my workouts. I got him a cd from Vision Forum, a chess game, and a king size candy bar, and a gift card to itunes.

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Diamond earrings that I had requested (to match an anniversary gift earlier in the year).


An All-Clad skillet (I bought myself :0) )

Dh surprised me with a nice space heater for me to take to work and a digital picture frame.



MIL bought me a couple kitchen items that I had commented on at her house recently.

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I got some rolling pin guides & donut cutters (2 sizes) I used them this morning when I made homemade donuts. Spatulas, silicone oven mitt I also got a chopper (similar to slap chop) Money from my mom & dad. GC for restaurant from a dear friend and we still have gifts from my family tomorrow and gifts from DH's family Tuesday. Plus we are getting a new van!

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I got a t-shirt, tote bag and a Peter Reinhart bread book (bought be me for me), a new battery for my cell phone (It really IS the little things that matter! :lol:), new gloves, hat, scarf, snowglobe and sweater from dh. DD got me new slippers and eldest ds bought me a new Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook to replace the one that's in pieces. (I take 2 kids shopping, and dh takes two kids shopping. We each get gifts from each other, and the two kids that went shopping with the other parent.)


ETA: My mother got me the 2009 Taste of Home Christmas cookbook. Lots of yummy looking goodies in there. All for the kids of course! :D

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I got some two new shirts, a fleece vest and hoodie. I also got a Paula Deen loaf pan, a square casserole dish, and a 3 qt. casserole dish.


I also got a purse and some fuzzy socks, a new mouse for my laptop, and mascara.


Great year.


I can't believe I didn't get any books this year!! Every time I go to B&N, I tell dh how much cheaper the Kindle download is so I guess I'll just stick with that and buy downloads! LOL

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*my eldest gave me framed pencil portraits of all 5 children and a tea kettle

*my second made me 2 crochet hats

*my third painted a picture for me

*my fourth painted a picture for me (with my eldest)

*my fifth made a paper bag scrapbook for christmas photos


best christmas presents ever. . .except maybe the silhouette cutouts of all 5 that second and third made for me last year. . .

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I received:

2 gift certificates $50(from 2 of the boys) + $20 (from dh) for the local coffee shop/cafe!! They have the best sandwiches and cafe mochas...I'm going to be visiting there for a long time ;)

Money from my parents and Aunt...Time to get some new clothes

Ferrero Chocolate collection from my dd

Peppermint Bark (2) pkgs. from a ds.

A candle from my ds and his wife


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Dh and I don't do gifts for each other. He gets a bonus in March and we call it our belated Christmas. We also have a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant in January for our anniversary...just the two of us. :)


From my mom: Yankee candle, "Journey" necklace (the little diamonds that get bigger as you go down) in a chocolate color, fuzzy socks, Elizabeth Arden "Pretty" Perfume, and some Bath and Body Works lotion/shower gel


From my MIL and FIL: $100

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My mother sent me a simple poncho she handspun the wool for, then hand wove. It is the most beautiful oranges and maroons. It is absolutely beautiful. She has sent me something she has handmade for several years now...and I love them all.


Dh gave me a composter for the garden (I asked him for it when he said he didnt know what to get me :) ) and a beautiful buddha statue. He did only buy me my Thermomix a couple of months ago so I said I didnt need anything expensive.


Dd15 gave me two beautiful cups and some tea samplers.

Ds14 gave me a picture of trees and a waterfall.


A few other bits and pieces. In all, not too much cluttery stuff, fortunately.

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For Hanukkah, my ILs gave us tickets for our family to see The Lion King, and a sizable check so we can buy a nice rug for our living room.


For Christmas I was given a bowl and a sunflower magnet painted by my kids at a pottery place I took them to. I acted surprised anyway :D DH & I don't exchange gifts, and I haven't had Christmas with my mom yet. My mom will give me socks and money. My brother and SIL will give me some sort of gift certificate. We have a Yankee Swap with the extended family so I have no idea what I'll end up with :001_smile:

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From my dh: 2 Teaching Company CD lecture sets & a gift card to our local book store.


From my children: pyjamas


From my inlaws: 4 Teaching Company CD lecture sets and bubble bath


From other family members: Surprised by Joy--C.S.Lewis, the newest Elizabeth George mystery book, Jaybeer Crow--Wendell Berry.


We had a wonderful Christmas

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a book entitled Storm Front by Jim Butcher (first in a series)


Did you read this yet? I got it from the library on a literature teacher's recommendation and it was really good, but quite intense! I was amazed at the nonstop action and stayed up all night to finish it.


My DH surprised me with a Kindle for Christmas. The first 2 books I downloaded were Storm Front and Fool Moon (the second book). I want to reread Storm Front without the hurried manner to make sure I didn't miss any other good stuff. :)

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WOW!! You ladies get great gifts!


I'm going to preface this with the statement that dh and I don't exchange gifts at Christmas because of our birthdays and Christmas being so close and usually we are tight on money. So we exchange something at Valentine's day.


That being said, here's what I received from my family:


pajamas (that I desperately needed!)

a juicer (that I desperately wanted!)

a vanilla scented candle (love the scent of vanilla)

a snowman ornament



and we got a Wii for a family gift with money sent to us for Christmas for the kids, Christmas for us, and dh's and my birthday.


Couldn't be better!

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Thought I had a good Christmas - then read this list! Wow....


I bought myself a pair of slippers and a canvas bag from Lands End clearance. Wrapped it myself too. However, my dh paid for it. ;)


My kids had a good Christmas, so I'm happy. I got my husband a new watch and some new speakers for his computer.

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I am absolutely blown away by the Christmas presents I got this year. Normally I only get presents from my oldest dd and my brother. This year:


My hubby, brother and all of my children pitched in and bought me a new dryer.


My hubby paid to have my bathroom tiled and bought me a solid gold charm bracelet that I have been wanting for years but have always put off because I didn't want to spend the money on it while we still had kids at home.


My oldest dd bought me a very soft, warm, suggly bathrobe which I have also wanted for quiet a long time.


I also got coffe table History Atlas, pajamas, a cd player/alarm clock to replace the one that broke 6 months ago, a trip to see my dd and professional family pictures which I intend to post soon. There was probably more that I don't even remember.


This is more presents that I have gotten in my whole life combined so it really has me kind of worried. My health has been good lately so I am wondering if perhaps my family is privy to some info that I am not or maybe they don't think I am going to make it much longer. Who knows. I am losing my mind so maybe they just want to give me presents while I can still remember them. :confused:

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From dh: I got a ruby bracelet to match my ring and pendant I got on other occasions, a blender to replace a broken one, a beautiful brooch, and and all purpose opener, and an MP3 player.


As joint gifts, we got a waffle maker and a popcorn maker. We also received two embroidered pictures from our older dd who we hadn't known that she had learned to embroider


From my ds, an orchid

from older dd: extra forks, extra knives,

from younger dd: dish towels

from my brother: an Irish music cd


My birthday is in January and so I have more presents to look forward to.

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