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What is your thermostat set at?

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I'm about to invest in some plastic for the windows and probably after the holidays we'll get the thermostat looked at because I have it set to 70, and yet the bedroom is 60-64 degrees and my pantry area (where my desk/pc sits) is currently 58.4 (and, I've got sweats, 2 pairs of socks, slippers, a long sleeve shirt, sweater, blanket and hat on). My heat bill isn't too bad so far, though (only moved in here in June, so this is my 1st winter here, but I rent from my church so they know what the bills have been in the past). I hate to sleep in the cold, too.

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Our house is generally around 54 when I wake up in the morning and turn on the heat. If it gets over 62 we turn it back off. That only happens when the weather outside reaches the 40's. Most of the time we hover around 60 once the house heats up. We also only heat 3 rooms downstairs and the bedrooms upstairs. Going between the two is rather chilly.


Our reason is to save money - and it does that.


We wear long sleeved shirts covered with sweatshirts and have lap blankets for when we're just sitting around. I also am fortunate enough to have a lap cat that loves sitting with me. Occasionally someone else can snag one of the other cats.


Ideally I'd snowbird to Hawaii, but finances are rather limiting.


This is what we do here, but it doesn't happen often. Last winter in NC it would get in the high 40s, low 50s in the house and we would have to crank up the kerosene heater to warm up.


We're still using the A/C occasionally, though.

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We're in GA and keep it at 68 day and night. I'm perpetually cold in spite of wearing layers of clothing. (I grew up on Oahu and would always say it was illegal to be this cold where I grew up. :D) I'm also one who can't sleep at night if I'm cold--and I wear sweats, socks, and a wool hat beneath 2 comforters. Sometimes I'm so cold I have to take a hot shower to warm up enough to be able to fall asleep. We've tried turning the heat down to 67. I know it's only one degree but it's my breaking point and I don't function well.


Summers it's 78 but we have a very large west-facing wall (the east side of the house is half underground) which absorbs so much heat the house actually only cools down to 83.




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Yesterday, it was -4 most of the afternoon and evening, so it gets pretty cold.


But, we live in a parsonage and dh wants us to be very conservative with our power usage, so....


Daytime: 60-62

Bedtime: 58 firm (dh loves it cold when he's sleeping)


We also have a gas fireplace that I light on sub-zero days and it heats the living room, dining room and kitchen, but not the bedrooms. When it is lit, the furnace will not turn on, so the bedroom can get really, really cold!

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Just trying to figure out if we are normal. ;)


I do 58 at night, 64 during the day. I have it programmed to go down to 60 during the day when the kids are away at school, but if I'm in the house I turn it up to 64. On the rare humid days, I bump it up because humidity makes the cold feel chillier! If the sun's shining, I open the southern window blinds and passive solar gets it up to 72.


Like someone else said, lower the thermostat one degree every day or so until you're used to it. Wear layers.

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The downstairs is set at 64; I only bump it up if I'm just really, really chilled. We have 4-5 blankets lying around in the living room and we're alwas cuddled in them.


Lest you think I like it at 64, I don't..at all.. but we have oil heat here, it is expensive (though not as bad as last year!), and we don't have a fireplace or wood stove. yet. It is on the honey-do list that my dh doesn't know he has :)

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Wow! I feel cheap! We have ours set at 60. At night it goes down to 56. We wear layers - turtleneck and sweater or sweatshirt. If we're just sitting around, we'll throw on a blanket too.


At night, again, layers!


It's worth it. Our gas/electric bill is VERY low!!!


This is how my dh keeps our thermostat. When he's gone, I "cheat" and bump it up to 65....Boy, 65 feels warm when its 9 outside and you're used to 60 inside!

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78, and the A/C is running all day and half the night. It's been unseasonably warm in Miami -- about four or five degrees above average -- for the past three years. I put my tomatoes in last month, but none have set fruit because of the heat. It was 87 the other day and half the flowers fell off the plants overnight. My lettuce is bolting. That's the first time it's happened to me in December. Ever.


Good thing there is no Global Climate Change.

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This is a timely thread! We just got a digital thermostat and are trying to figure out what temperature to set it at certain times of the day. We need to set it for "wake", "leave", "return", and "sleep". Quite the challenge for a homeschooling family when someone is home most days.


We heard a brain expert speak, and he said the optimal temperature for the brain is 67 degrees. So we are trying to do 67 during the day and 56 at night. We used to do about 68-70 during the day. Sometimes the kids get so lethargic when the temp is higher.


I'm surprised so many have their temp higher at night. With several layers of blankets and our body heat, I'm plenty warm.

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It varies depending on what we are doing, and who is home. We have a really old house and I bump up the heat if there is a strong wind.


Day 62-67

Night 52-55


We sleep in heavier clothes in the winter and all of us have heated blankets.


It is still a lot better than my in-laws. Their high temp is 55. Way to cold for me!

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We are still under construction and have no ductwork or ceilings in the new part. We set our furnace at 50 and the part we are living in stays around 44-46. The upstairs, where the kids sleep, is blocked off and has gotten down to 36 in their rooms and 22 in the landing area. The one haven the bathroom which has a space heater.


Try baking cookies when the butter rehardens as soon as it hits the mixing bowl!

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Thermostat? We have a boiler that you can set at 1-4 and radiators that you can set at 1-5. And then we have a wood stove that heats the sittting room. The central heating is set to be on from 6-9 in the morning and 5-11 in the evening. We use the woodstove to add a little warmth during the day if necessary. The temperature is such that we all wear sweaters and wool socks.


ETA: I suspect it's around 17 or 18 degrees C indoors, so about 62/64 degrees F.



Edited by Laura Corin
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Wow! I feel cheap! We have ours set at 60. At night it goes down to 56. We wear layers - turtleneck and sweater or sweatshirt. If we're just sitting around, we'll throw on a blanket too.


At night, again, layers!


It's worth it. Our gas/electric bill is VERY low!!!


Sing it, girlfriend!


We have blankets/ throws all over the house. I bought one of the boys a snuggie, kind of as a joke, but they all love it.

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66 at night, 70-73 during the day. The house doesn't heat evenly and the thermostat is in the dining room. We have a space heater in the den that's on most of the winter, and bumps up the temp there (which is NOT 70-73!) to something comfortable. I can't wear wool b/c of excema on the inside of my elbows.

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We have ours set at 62 day and night. I think maybe I will try to bump it down some during the night. It gets much warmer upstairs when we are sleeping at night and I hate getting hot during the night. But then I would have to contend with coming down and freezing in the morning.


We keep our house cold, but I am the only one who ever gets cold, so I layer. I will be cold and then my ds comes down with shorts on?

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We have ours set at 58 downstairs & 60 in the bedrooms upstairs. We hope the woodstove heat makes it's way to the rooms, family room is cozy. It was 12 below a last week & the only warm place was in front of the fire. We can't set it any lower...or I start dreaming about frozen pipes.

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Well, ours is set at 74-75 right now. But it's not exactly what it sounds like. To get a true temp reading I have to get out my digital meat thermometer!


Our actual thermostat is located in a hallway that catches and holds heat coming up from the furnace room directly below it. So just because it says its that hot, it's not really that hot in the rest of the house. I have to crank up the heat, to keep it on and warm up other parts of the house. There is about an 8-10 degree difference between the main house, which is over a finished basement (with a furnace room) and the addition (on a slab) that runs all across the back of the house.


Unfortunately, we live in the addition part more so than anywhere else in the house.

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Guest Cindie2dds
It's 68 during the day and programmed to drop down to 62 after 10 pm when we are supposed to be snug in our beds. It's programmed to "warm" back up to 68 beginning at 5 am.


I'm cold-blooded and run around in fleece and wool socks. My kids run around in shorts and sweats - barefoot!


This is exactly what we do for the winter.

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We are always between 69 and 72. I think right now we are at 70. The problem is that the house doesn't heat evenly. My bedroom and the one above us (my youngest's) gets hot. On the other hand, my middle's on the other end of the house gets cold and she has hermit crabs. I could not tolerate the cold temperatures so many of you have. It would cause me much pain from both muscle spasms and increased arthritic pain. We just pay the costs of heating and look forward to the day we move back to a warmer area. I don't cool as much as many people do either. I only cool to 78 degrees.

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During the fall/winter (now), we keep our heat at 61-62 during the night and 63-64 during the day. It's kind of chilly, but those that are cold will generally put on a sweatshirt or wear slippers or shoes!


During the summer (it gets pretty warm here in NC), I like to keep the A/C on 74-76.

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I've had it at 62 this winter, so far (day and night). We kept it warmer in past winters but I just can't afford it this year! I usually wear a sleeveless shirt, long sleeve shirt, and sweater/sweatshirt. I put layers on the little guy, but the other kids usually just dress normally. If I can get my 3 year old to even keep his shirt ON, we're doing good! Sometimes I have to force him : ) We have a few blankets on the bed. I'm slightly chilly, but not uncomfortably so and I always think of my lower electricity bill!!

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We have three zones:


main living area [family room/dining/kitchen/living] = 65


master suite = 60


upstairs [children's bedrooms and playroom] = 62


I would love to keep it set cooler, but my dh wears a coat, hat, and frequently gloves as it is. I tease him (lovingly of course) and tell him to stop being such a "little old lady" :D .


[i hope the above remark doesn't offend anyone. It just reminds me of when I was waitressing to pay my way through college. When female seniors came in, they always complained that the air conditioning was on too high or the heat was on too low. We'd adjust it to make them comfortable and then the non-seniors would complain it was too warm. It was a battle you couldn't win. :001_smile:]

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Ours is set at a constant 67. I've been lowering it a degree a year for the last 3 years. We have hot water radiators and the boiler comes on when the thermostat hits 67, so really we don't stay at that temp. It's usually around 69 in here. The upstairs is naturally warmer.

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I would freeze to death in most of your houses LOL.


We keep ours at 72 day and night. I can't sleep if I'm cold. On our recent trip to my in-laws I actually cried myself to sleep the first night because I was so cold and couldn't sleep (When I get to tired I cry). They keep it at 66, and I was wearing sweat pants, a tshirt, sweatshirt and socks all while covered by 2 blankets and a comforter.


I have just the opposite problem. I cannot sleep when I'm hot. I used to almost cry myself to sleep at the ils because they kept thier house at 75 and it was way too warm for me.


We keep ours at 60 during the day and night. Lately though I've been having it heat up to 66 around 8pm to warm up the kids' beds and at 4am so I can get out of bed in the morning.

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Thermostat? What thermostat? I am the thermostat in our home. When I can no longer feel my fingers, I turn the heat on. When I feel better, I turn the heat off. A couple of days ago, I woke up and turned the heat on. Even after the heat had been on for 30 minutes, the inside temp was 56. I shudder to think what it was when I first woke up.

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68 during the day and 65 at night. But we burn a slow fire all night, stoke it up in the am, then let it die during the day or burn low if it's really cold or cloudy. The heater doesn't come on unless it's terribly cold. We have a south facing patio door that really heats up the house. We only have a few cloudy days a year, but we sure notice them!


If everyone will be gone all day the heater gets turned down to 50.

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We're in GA and keep it at 68 day and night. I'm perpetually cold in spite of wearing layers of clothing. (I grew up on Oahu and would always say it was illegal to be this cold where I grew up. :D) I'm also one who can't sleep at night if I'm cold--and I wear sweats, socks, and a wool hat beneath 2 comforters. Sometimes I'm so cold I have to take a hot shower to warm up enough to be able to fall asleep. We've tried turning the heat down to 67. I know it's only one degree but it's my breaking point and I don't function well.


Summers it's 78 but we have a very large west-facing wall (the east side of the house is half underground) which absorbs so much heat the house actually only cools down to 83.





I'm in GA also and we keep the same temperatures. (68 in winter. 78 in summer.)

I'm freezing right now and I have a turtleneck, sweater, wool socks, and a blanket on me. I seriously wishing that I had a snuggie.


I don't know how some of you can stand being at 60 degrees or lower all day long. Some of yo have houses only slightly warmer than our outside temps. Brrrrrrrr

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We have a programmable thermostat. From 6-8 am it's 68, from 8 am-6 pm it's 62 (brrrr), from 6-10 pm it's 68, and from 10 pm - 6 am it's 62. I generally bump it up around noon so I don't shiver through lunch but the afternoon sun heats our school area so I turn it back down. Dh is always hot and I'm always cold so I dress in layers.

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I'm not sure of the exact temperature that my apartment is at, I would guess somewhere between 55-64 degrees. I haven't really turned on the heat much, but if it is really cold in the house, I'll turn on the heater in just the bedroom to the middle of the "comfort level" range for about 15 minutes or so before I go to bed. I can turn on just one room's heat at a time, but none of the controls have temperature readings or numbers on them. All they have are low, a range called "comfort level" and high. I asked my landlord what the different settings meant, but she didn't know. I normally wear a sweater, and have fuzzy blankets out on the couch in case I get cold just sitting.

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