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Wives: Did you ever fail to notice that DH shaved his beard?

Did you EVER fail to notice that your husband shaved OFF his beard?  

  1. 1. Did you EVER fail to notice that your husband shaved OFF his beard?

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Only two choices here: Answer 'Yes' if you have EVER failed to notice that your husband shaved OFF his beard the first time you saw him after shaving?


Sorry, no 'Other' because several of you will pick that and no one will understand what you mean! :confused: :D


Preemptive for MomsintheGarden: Yes, dear, what I shaved off this morning could hardly be called a beard! :blush:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I always notice what dh does to his face. But that may be because I am detail oriented.


When he shaved of his mustache after 20 years of marriage, I cried. I didn't tell me he was going to do it.

It took me a while to get used to it.


Now a beard, that is different, I always rejoice when dh shaves one of those off. LOL

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DH originally grew his beard because he was in an instructor position and was trying desperately to look older than 12. Now in the Army he has to shave everyday, sometimes twice. And he's not trying to look older anymore. It is amazing the difference it makes. I did miss it a LOT when he first shaved it. The girls didn't recognize him - it's that different.

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Dh has had facial hair since I met him (when he was 18, lol). He has changed the pattern over time, but the one time he shaved completely, it FREAKED ME OUT! lol... I kept waking up in the night and having a moment of sheer panic over "Who is this person?!?" lol...


He never dared shave completely again. ;)

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Nope, never failed to notice a shaved beard.... because he's never worn one. ;)


He's had a mustache/goatee/whatever thing a few times and yes, I noticed when that went missing...


I would *love* it if he grew full beard. I like 'em. :D


[doubt that he will..although...I've never asked him... hmmm]

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My husband grew his beard to cover stitches (when he wasn't allowed to shave) and has never, would never choose to, shaved it off. He loves not shaving *that *much. He does keep it neatly trimmed, and I notice when he does that (if nothing else because the mustache part becomes a little poky-er when he kisses me ;) ).

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My husband grows a full beard in cooler months just to please me. I love it! He'll go down to just a 'tache or goatee during the summer and I do notice that change. Sometimes takes me a day or two to notice when he's growing his beard back though.

When I was a child my dad would shave half his moustache and walk around like that the entire day until we noticed. Even funnier given his very white skintone and thick black facial hair. I've not seen him in a few years but apparently he now has a full beard (he never had any type of beard when I was a kid), and it's so white he looks like Santa. :D

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Only two choices here: Answer 'Yes' if you have EVER failed to notice that your husband shaved OFF his beard the first time you saw him after shaving?


Sorry, no 'Other' because several of you will pick that and no one will understand what you mean! :confused: :D


Preemptive for MomsintheGarden: Yes, dear, what I shaved off this morning could hardly be called a beard! :blush:


I totally missed it once. I was wondering for hours- what's different about him today?

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I totally missed it once. I was wondering for hours- what's different about him today?


This is what happens here. I just go around wondering what is different and then figure it out several hours later. Figure we are balanced as he rarely comments about what I do "different" in my appearance. The first time I had my hair colored (to cover tons of grey), he didn't notice-LOL. His excuse is that he is color blind...

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The only time I failed to notice was when he couldn't make up his mind whether he wanted a mustache, goatee, or full beard. He was changing rather frequently so I missed when he shaved the whole thing off. LOL.


He's had a beard now for years. I definitely think I would notice it gone.

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I can't imagine dh could grow a beard even if he never, ever shaved.


I notice immediately when dh gets a hair cut (his hair is short, short). I also notice if coworkers shave, trim, shape or otherwise change their facial hair so I assume I would notice on dh.

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I'd probably faint...so ya, I'd notice. BUT the man has shaved ONE time since we've been married (17 years) and that was just a few months into the marriage. The guys he worked with gave him such a hard time about his baby face that he vowed to never do it again. We are kind of afraid of what he looks like under there now :confused:

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I don't know if I would recognize him without his beard. Well, not true but you get the point. I would probably scream if he shaved his beard.

My Dad has worn a full beard as long as I've known him. (He became my Dad when I was four, lol) Then one Easter, without warning, he disappeared into the back bedroom...came out clean shaven. I just about screamed, my toddler, who adored Granddad cried, and my mother told me to shut up...After 20 odd years of marriage, having a clean shaven hubby would be like having a new man in her bed, without cheating. There are just some details you just don't need to know, kwim? :blink:

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Yup, I've missed it a few times. He's former military so I'm used to him clean shaven and actually prefer it. He prefers to just not shave until the beard gets annoying to him (he's not one to keep it neat and trim either :glare: ) Sometimes I just notice something is different but can't put my finger on it. Sometimes I've just gotten so in the habit of ignoring his beard that when he shaves I don't notice because I was ignoring his beard. :lol:

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My DH does not look good without his beard. He wears a very short beard he grooms daily. I automatically notice the once a year he shaves its. He looks like a boy and he is (46). He has to shave to be refitted for his work respirator(he inspects power plant boilers etc.) He regrows it within 2 days. He would be the type that had to shave twice a day if he went with the clean shave look.

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Of course, I didn't, dear. I was just fixing your breakfast and homeschooling your children.




Thank you, Dear! There are seven of us with WFBs and WTMs as a direct result of all your hard work! :hurray:
I voted No, but I really wanted to lie to get MomsintheGarden out of trouble. :D
MomsintheGarden in trouble? Perish the thought!
Thank you! Actually, I will not be in trouble for long, because I made chicken & spinach alfredo lasagna for lunch.



Not necessary, but much appreciated, dear! :drool:


Now for Reg's confession: When I posted this poll, I was SURE that MomsintheGarden would be in the HUGE majority here. This was based on my EXTENSIVE experience with both my mother and my wife failing to notice beard shavings. What I failed to take into consideration was all those men out there who *normally* wear a beard. Little did I know that for the families of *those* men, shaving their beard off was not only obvious, but apparently can be quite TERRIFYING! :eek:

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Urgh. How could I not notice when my hunky hubby suddenly looks like his dad? He wanted to shave for Movember a couple of years back and cracked the snoots because I told him that he wouldn't be allowed to come to the baby ultrasound if he did. How could I take a strange looking man along to something so personal as a baby ultrasound?!! No kisses for him when he shaves (or I feel like I'm cheating!) so he very rarely does it.



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I've failed to notice on several occasions, but then DH changes facial hair style as often as some women change their hair style. He's had full beard, goatee, mustache, soul patch, and clean shaven. We even have a series of caricatures (we get one at the fair every year) that show each one.


So, I'm used to seeing him with any one of them so it has taken me a few days sometimes to notice that he's sporting a new facial hair style that I haven't seen recently.

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Many times I have failed to notice when dh, who often wears a beard, shaves it off. He is often stunned that I fail to notice when he cuts his own hair from half an inch long to a quarter of an inch.

However, he also has frequently failed to notice when I get a decent haircut, so we are even :)

Edited by Peela
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Dh has had facial hair since I met him (when he was 18, lol). He has changed the pattern over time, but the one time he shaved completely, it FREAKED ME OUT! lol... I kept waking up in the night and having a moment of sheer panic over "Who is this person?!?" lol...


He never dared shave completely again. ;)


:lol: Dh has had so many different hair styles and facial hair. After he has had a beard for awhile and then shaves it freaks me out too! I won't go near him for a day or two. Poor guy! But it just feels so wrong! He has had a full beard and long hair for awhile now. He went to a goatee a couple of weeks ago. If he goes back to work, he'll have to get a shave and a haircut. I think he's trying to go easy on me!

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There is no way I'd miss the shaving of facial hair.

DH has grown a moustache twice in our relationship and both times I refused to kiss him until it was gone. Facial hair is blech, blergh, urg. If I didn't notice (and I'm sure I would) he'd be pointing it out PDQ for a smooching :rofl:

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DH shaved his goatee off for Halloween one year. I could tell he looked super different in his costume. Didn't realize the REASON was his beard was gone until someone else mentioned it. Then I freaked.


Of course, my best friend in high school was angry that I didn't notice she got her braces off. My response "huh? you had braces?"

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