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what day are you on with school?


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For those of you that begin at the traditional August/September start of school, what day are you on? We generally begin the second to third week of August and have a few days in the fall that we miss annually due to scheduled family events. Today my son counted and we are on Day 77...how does that compare to your schedule? We generally close up school the 3rd week in May after 2nd week is allowed for testing, and third for closing out workbooks, finishing up last minute assignments, etc.

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We just finished day 58.


I plan to make it to at least 68 by the end of December. We do school in four quarters, beginning in July. My goal is 40 days where we do the 3 R's each quarter (4 days/week for 10 weeks). In September we had a new baby, so that is why we are a little behind. We only completed 22 days in our first quarter because I was tired and pregnant - actually, we did 40 days of school, but the other 18 were field trips (seriously!).


Don't you wish you were us? :)

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You all that don't have a certain number of days you have to teach make me envious! We have to do 180 days, 4 hours a day. Field trips count and I used to count co-op too (because we took 4 hours of classes on co-op days).


My older son often goes well over 4 hours a day. My younger, well, let's just say that we have to count things like "cooking" as educational. ;)

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I was just counting last night to see if there are enough days left before summer for us to finish school. We just completed day 59. I've had a bit of trouble getting enough school because we have been traveling and everyday of a vacation doesn't really have enough educational value to call school.


I'm usually much closer to 80 by now, but we can still finish by June. really. I just have to keep telling myself that. I was even wondering why we haven't accomplished much of what I had planned, but looking at the number of days we have done school, we are okay. 59 down and 121 to go. :001_huh: I miss summer.

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Younger dd is doing week 10 and 11. Older dd is mostly on week 10 but up to week 13 in history, Wordly Wise, and ahead in her physics and literature reading. We only just finished week 5 of Spanish. Our computer runs too slow to use the computer supported parts of the lessons so we skip them or try to get to the library to do it there. It's a great program in theory but it really isn't working for us.

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We completed Day 68. We had three sick days and 2 holidays in there or we would be on day 73.


I am not too excited, though, because according to the lesson plan I so painstakingly developed this summer we are anywhere between 3-6 weeks behind. Ugh! If I try to finish it all now we will be doubling the work for the next three weeks.


I am reworking everything to make it more realistic for second semester.

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only TEN days left before summer holidays!!! :thumbup: Then we take off until 1 February. Dd finished up her tertiary studies on 25 Nov & begins for 2010 on 8 Feb. She's set a summer study program for herself, but my boys will just have a bit of free time to pursue their own interests. With the beach nearby we have no trouble filling those long summer days. Ds#1 will go on a week-long canoe trip mid-January.


I'm already getting ready for 2010. Ds#2's lesson book / calendar is about ready to print & bind. I need to write out a couple terms of plans for ds#1, as he won't be able to move onto tertiary studies until after he turns 16yo in April. In case our plans for him fall apart, I want to have something already planned to put right into motion. I"m normally not quite this structured, but as we are planning to do major renovations on our house I've needed to be ultra-organized to stop wasted time. And if dh needs to cut down his hours at work due to the economy, I want to be ready to do some subbing in the local schools. We don't need to count days or report to the gov't, but I aim for 40 weeks of school each year. This is roughly the PS calendar (but ds#1 doesn't get the 6+ weeks of "study break" that the kids in years 11-13 get term 4 each year.)


First Christmas parades today, so bring on the Holidays!!!!



Edited by Deb in NZ
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We are doing a 40 week school year, and we just completed the 11th week. So I guess that would be day 55.


I was planning to do another year-round school year, but it was hard on my dd in 2008-9, so we decided to work toward more of a traditional schedule. We'll take a long break for Christmas, and a week off in spring as well.




Edited by HSMom2One
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I'm just thankful I don't have to bother counting days since our authorities don't need to be told this information. I'd get really confused about what to count or not, as in if your child is sick but not that sick, and you don't do any written work, but you read lots of educational books, is it a 'school' day or not?

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