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Random Vents (feel free to vent here )


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Dirty tissues go in the trash.. NOT on the floor, under your pillow, stuck in the cracks of a couch, under the table, on the table, on countertops, in piles of dirty clothes, and most especially NOT in the pockets of clothes where they turn into mini-tissue-shreds in the washer and dryer.


Stubborn people make me tired. Can they just be compliant and cooperative and make my life easier for once?


I am always nice to you, I deserve the same consideration from you.


Stop whining!


Be nice. No one is going to like you if you say mean things all the time. Why are you saying mean things? Why have I failed?

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This UTI sucks. It gets better for several hours and then just has to make sure I know it is still there. GAH! I don't want to have to go to the dr on Monday. It needs to go away now!


I hate when friends call and invite themselves to your home. I hate when you really don't want any company, but you feel sorry for them and tell them "sure."


I hate cleaning all day for company (that you really didn't invite) to come visit.


More than that, I hate when you call them an hour after they were supposed to leave to drive to your home and they say, "oh, I am not coming now.":glare:


"Okay...well thanks for calling and letting me know.":banghead:


Of course, dh is all :party:because he doesn't much care for said friend anyway.:tongue_smilie:

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It was totally discouraging to be shopping at a Christian bookstore and listening to the manager nagging and griping the entire time to her over-worked employees. Really sad to hear all that...and then hear her voice changing as she said "Have a blessed day" to the customers. Then returning to the impatient nagging...

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my dd's first birthday party was a disaster, the only person that showed up was our neighbor Mr. Edd. I can't wait to move back to Michigan where our family is.


:grouphug: If you had invited me I would have come.


When I invited my parents to my ds first birthday they said they were too busy doing yard work to come to his party. They aren't around anymore.

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Not on the same page with dh. [majorly] :sad:


Massive flat tire that ruined just about everyone's evening + not on same page as dh.


Cycle is completely messed up so having massive pms + really not on same page as dh.





So much for a nice girl's night out. It wasn't worth it.:crying:




Did I mention that I was not on the same page as dh.

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I'm tired... just tired... Hearing "it's just a phase" is not enough. I want there to be changes, for it to get easier...


Why is it when men are not feeling well, the world is ending, but even though I've had a sore throat & a stuffy nose, but I'm supposed to still do everything (and then some because said man is not feeling well)???


It's nice to have family visit, but sometimes they stay too long. I'm learning I'm really a private person.


Venting is nice...

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Dh's employer.


In January of this year we took a 10% paycut


In March of this year we took a 60% paycut


In October everyone took a week with no pay and you could not use vacation.


In November another week without a paycheck.


In December there will be 2 weeks without a paycheck.


We returned home to find a letter from our insurance provider letting us know that even though Dh's employer withheld our part of the insurance premium, they didn't pay their part so we are without health insurance.


Yes, Dh has been looking for a different job since March, but there is just nothing out there right now.


Amber in SJ

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Went to see the movie 2012 today and the people behind us talked through the WHOLE movie.


I need a pedicure badly.


I just realized that the box with half of our christmas decorations somehow did not end up in our shipment over here so I don't have our tree skirt or my kids' stockings and a bunch of other stuff.


I need to buy some new clothes for work but everyone in Malaysia is a size 2 so that doesn't make it easy for this size 10 girl.


I spent all of saturday decorating our christmas tree...made so many bows out of ribbon that my hands were killing me....only to wake up this morning and see that my two kittens had DESTROYED my tree.



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Being told several days ago that I may have a genetic heart condition that can just suddenly kill me.....then waiting 6 days to have diagnosis confirmed all the while not telling anyone so I don't mess up their Thanksgiving. One more day until I go to the Dr and I still may not know anything until further tests are done.

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I dislike the Trans-Siberian Orchestra!


Also, this is going to be about the 6th week in 2 months that the children's program at church consists of me and one other person running it, instead of the 5 people that we theoretically have. I hope there's someone to play the piano today--a couple of weeks ago I was getting a couple of the kids to take turns. I don't really mind, except that I never get to go on any trips like everyone else is doing! And also my good friend is moving and I'm very sad about that (she is one of the 5).

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Guest janainaz

Beamer lights! I HATE beamer lights. Why do some people not believe in the ambient light of a lamp? FIL came for Thanksgiving and kept turning on the beamer in the middle of my living room (energy-saving fluorescent bulbs glaring in your face as if you were being surrounded by the police). I have several very nice lamps in my living room that give off plenty of light (I don't live in a cave), but it's soothing, relaxing light. He keeps his beamer on at his house and I tolerate it because it's HIS house, but he's not controlling my light in my house. I finally told him that we use lamps, not the beamer, and that it gave me a headache.


The beamer is obnoxious and next time FIL visits, I'm removing the bulbs.

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Being told several days ago that I may have a genetic heart condition that can just suddenly kill me.....then waiting 6 days to have diagnosis confirmed all the while not telling anyone so I don't mess up their Thanksgiving. One more day until I go to the Dr and I still may not know anything until further tests are done.


Oh Camille! I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope the news from the doctor comes quickly and is better than you hope :grouphug:

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My husband is a great man he really is and I love him dearly. But everyday he gets home from work he takes his clothes off and hang them on the bedroom doors. So right now he has clothes hanging on 4 different doors!:confused:


Why do people insist on talking on their cell phones in the movies!:confused1:


Please do not send me any forwards via text messaging!:angry:

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I really cannot stand people who tell me their children are over their colds, bring them to my house for a play date and the one year old rubs boogers all over our toys and furniture, the 3 1/2 year old sneezes into the air, and the mom drops dirty tissues from wiping the one year old's nose ON MY KITCHEN TABLE!....and then two days later all three of my children wake up with colds. Grrr.

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My dog ate all the turkey leftovers...several pounds of the best turkey I ever cooked! We have company and it would have fed them for days...sandwiches, soup, etc. DS8 left it out on the counter, uncovered and unattended. He may be grounded for life.


My sister says that my kids have SPD because they are homeschooled and I isolate them from "real life." She told her kids that tormenting my kids until they had meltdowns was good for them because it exposed them to the realities of peer interactions. :glare:


I think that's it for today!



Arrrrggghhhh! Since when is torment good for anyone. You know her better than me obviously, but yikes.


This hit a sore spot, I have listened to several parents use this excuse for allowing dysfunctional/abusive family dynamics.


Now that I have vented on someone else's vent, I will go back to reading the replies.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to Twinmom

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Beamer lights! I HATE beamer lights. Why do some people not believe in the ambient light of a lamp? FIL came for Thanksgiving and kept turning on the beamer in the middle of my living room (energy-saving fluorescent bulbs glaring in your face as if you were being surrounded by the police). I have several very nice lamps in my living room that give off plenty of light (I don't live in a cave), but it's soothing, relaxing light. He keeps his beamer on at his house and I tolerate it because it's HIS house, but he's not controlling my light in my house. I finally told him that we use lamps, not the beamer, and that it gave me a headache.


The beamer is obnoxious and next time FIL visits, I'm removing the bulbs.


I have never heard of beamer lights before. Do you mean overheard lights or is there something special about them?

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Dh's employer.


In January of this year we took a 10% paycut


In March of this year we took a 60% paycut


In October everyone took a week with no pay and you could not use vacation.


In November another week without a paycheck.


In December there will be 2 weeks without a paycheck.


We returned home to find a letter from our insurance provider letting us know that even though Dh's employer withheld our part of the insurance premium, they didn't pay their part so we are without health insurance.


Yes, Dh has been looking for a different job since March, but there is just nothing out there right now.


Amber in SJ



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: We took a pay cut, vacation cut and less insurance coverage. But at least it only happened once.


I hope your 2010 will be better.

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Being told several days ago that I may have a genetic heart condition that can just suddenly kill me.....then waiting 6 days to have diagnosis confirmed all the while not telling anyone so I don't mess up their Thanksgiving. One more day until I go to the Dr and I still may not know anything until further tests are done.


:grouphug: I am sending prayers.

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These are the things that have been bugging me for the past few days:


Waiting for the pledge drive season (eg., money making opportunity) to start so I can work, only to have the phone equipment fail.


Finding out it's not the headset, but the phone adapter.


Finding out that the only place in town that sells phone adapters doesn't sell them anymore.


Getting emails everyday saying how calls are in overflow and please work, and not being able to.


Finding equipment on ebay, which requires spending money we don't have, to more than likely receive said equipment when the pledge drive is over.


Being laid off, out of money, and not knowing where the rent money is coming from really, really sucks.

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EVERYTIME I step foot off of an airplane I am sick within 24 hours. Happened during this last visit to parents in Western Washington (you read my pleas two weeks ago for nipping a cold...). Well, I'm still sick (two weeks later) and now I have no voice. I think I caught something new on the flight home. Can't SOMEONE at Boeing or Airbus invent a germ filter for nasty recirculated airplane air?????

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Dh's employer.


In January of this year we took a 10% paycut


In March of this year we took a 60% paycut


In October everyone took a week with no pay and you could not use vacation.


In November another week without a paycheck.


In December there will be 2 weeks without a paycheck.


We returned home to find a letter from our insurance provider letting us know that even though Dh's employer withheld our part of the insurance premium, they didn't pay their part so we are without health insurance.


Yes, Dh has been looking for a different job since March, but there is just nothing out there right now.


Amber in SJ


Doesn't your DH work in tech?

I have heard that Intuit, Google, and MacAfee are hiring right now.


Your insurance thing is why a former colleague of mine swore off start ups. The same thing happened to him, except that no one told him they had lost their coverage until AFTER his wife gave birth. In a hospital. Costing roughly 20K. All of which was due out of pocket. It's horrible. Isn't there a state program for children that you can at least use to get the kids covered? I think that that's one of the best possible uses for our income taxes. If you can get it, grab it, that's what I say.

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EVERYTIME I step foot off of an airplane I am sick within 24 hours. Happened during this last visit to parents in Western Washington (you read my pleas two weeks ago for nipping a cold...). Well, I'm still sick (two weeks later) and now I have no voice. I think I caught something new on the flight home. Can't SOMEONE at Boeing or Airbus invent a germ filter for nasty recirculated airplane air?????


What we do - we buy a bottled water after we've gone through security. Then we take one of those airborne tablets (or a packet of Emergen-C) and toss it in the bottled water. Drink one whole bottle of those for every airplane you are on.

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WHERE ARE MY SCISSORS AGAIN?!!!?!??!??!!???!!!! :willy_nilly: :cursing:


I just had this break down again, a few minutes ago. I have scissors stationed all over the house on both floors and yet when someone needs scissors they come upstairs and take the ones out of my drawer. Ditto with my tape, glue, white-out, stapler, etc.:cursing:

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Okay, here's my vent.


Why can't my family understand that just because we choose NOT to do something doesn't mean we care one lick whether they do or not?


No, we do not watch regular tv. So what? We don't care if you sit and watch it all day long. We find it boring and would rather read a book.


No, we do not go to movies very often. We have nothing against movies. We just would rather spend our money on....books!


No, we don't eat boxed maceroni & cheese. Our kids don't like it. We don't care what you eat at your house. Go for it! Our not eating it is not a value statement on your food choices.



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I just had this break down again, a few minutes ago. I have scissors stationed all over the house on both floors and yet when someone needs scissors they come upstairs and take the ones out of my drawer. Ditto with my tape, glue, white-out, stapler, etc.


My children are getting full-size scissors in their stockings this year because I'm tired of them stealing mine. :lol:

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Okay, here's my vent.


Why can't my family understand that just because we choose NOT to do something doesn't mean we care one lick whether they do or not?


No, we do not watch regular tv. So what? We don't care if you sit and watch it all day long. We find it boring and would rather read a book.


No, we do not go to movies very often. We have nothing against movies. We just would rather spend our money on....books!


No, we don't eat boxed maceroni & cheese. Our kids don't like it. We don't care what you eat at your house. Go for it! Our not eating it is not a value statement on your food choices.




Oh this is a good one. We have these kind of issues with my parents.

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My children are getting full-size scissors in their stockings this year because I'm tired of them stealing mine. :lol:


It doesn't work. I buy 4 four pairs during the cheap back-to-school sales. They always get lost and mine get used. And I only have one child.:D

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I just had this break down again, a few minutes ago. I have scissors stationed all over the house on both floors and yet when someone needs scissors they come upstairs and take the ones out of my drawer. Ditto with my tape, glue, white-out, stapler, etc.:cursing:


That's because they know where to find yours. The trick is to hide them in different places throughout the year (but then you have to remember where you put them!) :lol:.

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It doesn't work. I buy 4 four pairs during the cheap back-to-school sales. They always get lost and mine get used. And I only have one child.


Oh man! I think I'll try putting their names on them. Then if they lose them, they have to buy their own?? :glare:

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Oh man! I think I'll try putting their names on them. Then if they lose them, they have to buy their own?? :glare:


Now, THAT, might actually work. I had purchased 4 packs of markers (again, back-to-school sales) and by the middle of October, none could be found. NONE.Two of those packs were mine, put away in a file cabinet. I was FURIOUS. I made my daughter use her (birthday) money to buy me two more packs. Of course, they're no longer 0.25, but $2.50 a piece. She was mad, but she needed to finally learn it is not OK to lose people's things, and brush off responsibility for it. (the brushing it off part is what really got to me)


She hasn't touched these two packs yet (I don't think, I still have them).

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What we do - we buy a bottled water after we've gone through security. Then we take one of those airborne tablets (or a packet of Emergen-C) and toss it in the bottled water. Drink one whole bottle of those for every airplane you are on.


I would add that you don't necessarily have to buy that bottle of water. You can take an empty water bottle right through the security line. Then you can fill it at the water fountain.

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Okay, here's my vent.


Why can't my family understand that just because we choose NOT to do something doesn't mean we care one lick whether they do or not?


No, we do not watch regular tv. So what? We don't care if you sit and watch it all day long. We find it boring and would rather read a book.


No, we do not go to movies very often. We have nothing against movies. We just would rather spend our money on....books!


No, we don't eat boxed maceroni & cheese. Our kids don't like it. We don't care what you eat at your house. Go for it! Our not eating it is not a value statement on your food choices.



I could have written this word for word!

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Why is it that Every Single Time I go into the (very small) kitchen to start cooking dinner, my husband has to come in to fix himself a snack? Or put water on for tea? Every day, at 5:00 I go into the kitchen to start our evening meal. He's had about an hour to get his snack or his tea. Or he's had all afternoon, if he's home that day.


And why is it, that while I'm in the middle of cooking the THANKSGIVING DAY MEAL, he has to cook himself a HAMBURGER at 11:00 am?


These are simple questions, yes? :)


Other than that... he's the best husband a lady could ever want. :)


Oh my goodness!! I think my dh and your dh are related!!!! Mine dh used to do this to me!! There was also a time that he actually told me, "don''t rush with dinner, I am not that hungry." :glare:

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WE all need to get random things off our chest sometimes, so here is your chance for the holidays. Purge the negative energy from your life, and make room for a more positive light to warm you from the inside out.


If you have something irritating you, nagging at you, or just downright angering you....feel free to let loose here.


Complete sentences not required.

It doesn't even have to make sense.

Just let loose and let go.


OHH....UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! I just posted my rant on the confessions thread. GEE...I can't even rant correctly these days...ARG!!!!!


~~Faithe (who could rant all over again...but can't type that fast.)

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I am tired of being pregnant. I hate that I still am not sure how I feel about this pregnancy and I only have 23 days left. I am pissed that because of others I am left with my hands tied and having a 4th c-section while my sister has her baby tonight in under 6 hours at home with no one telling her what she has to do. I get really pissed when well intentioned folk tell me that at least everything is going to be fine with the baby. Oh yes I know it will be all fine but what the HELL about me!!! I am a part of this equation to. But no it doesnt matter because I am supposed to just be greatful that everything is fine with a baby. Oh I am no doubt, but I really dont like having scar tissue grow so much it effects bathroom habits or intimacy with my dh. I hate that I have to be in pain in a dozen ways and no one gives a crap. I hate that I have to keep it all inside because after all I am one of those blessed with healthy children who just happen to come via c-section. I dont want to be cut open again and I am pissed that I have no choice in the matter and havent since the first one.


I am tired of school. Everyone in this house in some sort of school and I am tired of it. I love the kids school and learning with them but I am so burnt out on books that I dread even personal reading.


I am tired that I have no friends IRL because they all have super important and full lives while I live a simple life at poverty level. I resent that we still live like newly weds and yet we have nearly 4 kids. I just want to be able to buy them some freakin' pants without having to budget it. I hate that part of it is our fault (early stupid years) and the other has been totally out of our control. I hate not being in control and somethings are just out of my control right now. I love the holidays and this year I am having a hard time being happy about it because of the situation.

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