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Is anyone else doing a Buy Nothing Day?

Guest Cindie2dds

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Guest Cindie2dds

Just curious. We are trying to live more simple lives and this got me to thinking on this all-important consumer day, is anyone out there rebelling? :D

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We don't have a lot of people to buy for, so usually Black Friday doesn't mean much to us. It's rare that we go out on Black Friday, because we usually don't have anything to buy.


Now, later today we are going to go shopping for a new couch. My mil is getting us one for Christmas. She gave me some money and told me to go pick a couch. Since there are sales today, we'll pick one out today.


But we generally don't get caught up in the hoopla of over-buying for Christmas (except for my mil.) Everyone gets modest presents. We like it that way.

Edited by Garga
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In the past, I never went out for anything on Black Friday. But this year I wanted to try it. So I did. Dd, 11, and I went out at 5:30 to get some deals. I saved about $50 - $75 on the merchandise I bought. We hated waiting in the long check out lines.


All in all, it was kind of a fun thing to do once, but that was enough. In the future I plan to just stay home. That was dd's take on it also. Good to know we will not be missing all that much if we just say no to future Black Fridays;).


PS: my good deals were on underwear and a vaccuum cleaner, so I think I am kind of missing the toy/electronics mania that seems to attract most participants.

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I don't normally shop Black Friday. I'm just not a get up early and fight the crowds type of person plus I don't enjoy shopping anyway. Why torture myself?! BUT this morning I had to drop my daughter off somewhere and I desperately needed socks! I had to throw away another pair yesterday and knew that this local chain was having their annual 1/2 off sock sale this morning. I bought 3 packs for me and one for dh plus a pair of slippers for dh.

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I downloaded some free stuff from Currclick otherwise I am not buying today! I was up with the kids at 6am and tried to go online to the toy store and quickly vetoed that idea for today as well. I have done it before but for all the time and aggrivation didn't save enough to want to do it again soon. :)

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Nope...while I don't get into the shoving and trampling associated with Black Friday...NOR did I enjoy standing OUTSIDE in the cold in front of staples this morning at 5:30, I do still like to look around at the deals after the crazies are gone. I got everything I wanted today except my bed set and they never had it in more than a queen from minute one. I still got my son's ds for $98. YAY!


I did notice that this year, the black Friday rush wasn't what it has been in years past. Not sure if it was because we went to a different city this year, or maybe just because of the economy or the flu. Who knows...it just wasn't the same as far as crazy goes. Walmart still had plenty of their deals left at 6:30am. Last year, most of the "deals' were gone by 5:15!

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I'm rebelling against the consumeristic madness of Black Friday door busters AND the legalism associated with Buy Nothing Day. ;) I may go pick up some new headphones later in the day, but it won't be because anyone told me I should; if I don't make it, it won't be because anyone told me I shouldn't. It's illogical to refuse to buy something I'm planning to get anyway for a better price than I could get it on the following day just because it's the day after Thanksgiving and some group has designated it Buy Nothing Day.

Edited by WordGirl
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I have never shopped the day after T'givig. My mother never did, either. In fact, my 17 yr old dd asked, after hearing a T'giving guest mention it', "What is this Black Friday thing? Why have I never heard of it before?" I said "Because we are not a shopping family". Then daddy oferred,

"Because I would know it's the end of the world if you mother decided to sleep in a tent in parking lot so she could buy a TV".


That snark said, I get that some people find it fun to battle the sales. I am sure families can bond over such things.

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If my dh didn't have the van at work today, I probably would have gone out at some point and bought dish soap and a toilet brush.


Tomorrow will be my shopping day - I'll go to work and the dc and I plan to go to a clothing give-away in another town, to Sam's for groceries, and to Target for a few other things (I have a coupon for buy $150 and get a $15 giftcard free. I'll get some more groceries there that I can't get at Sam's.


It isn't because of Buy Nothing Day, but rather the reality of life.;)

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I wasn't planning on buying anything today anyway. However, I've been inspired to rent the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so I'll go do that this aft. Although...I guess technically that's just kind of leasing, not really buying...unless I need gas to get to the movie rental place...

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Just curious. We are trying to live more simple lives and this got me to thinking on this all-important consumer day, is anyone out there rebelling? :D


I've never gone out on Black Friday.


However, my phone headset went out just as I was to start working my shift (I work from home), so now I HAVE to go out to get a new one. I'm not looking forward to this at all.


This really sucks.

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Guest Cindie2dds
Toilet paper, milk and bread. Does that count? No, I don't do black Friday. My peace of mind is worth more. : )


:lol: I'm actually laughing at myself now. I saw your post and went to check. I'm out of "girly things" so I might HAVE to go in later, unless I could convince dh to go... :glare:

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I did not get up at 3am, but I did do some shopping at 9am. We have a big family to buy for, and I simply cannot get something for everyone without some good sales. BF brings great sales on electronics, and my family is very into that.


If it were not for that, then yea I would so join you for buy nothing day. I really planned on not going out this year, but a few deals just could not be passed up. I got those items and left. All in all a great day!

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:lol: I'm actually laughing at myself now. I saw your post and went to check. I'm out of "girly things" so I might HAVE to go in later, unless I could convince dh to go... :glare:


My mom was the only girl with 5 brothers. She said once asked her mom why the boys never had to go to the store for the "special napkins." My grandma sent her with a piece of paper with "sanitary napkins" written on a paper and my mom handed it to the drugstore clerk. My mom was born in 1938 so I am assuming this was the late 40s. :lol:

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I am not shopping because I am broke till monday lol Actually we don't get black friday they way you in the states do. THe only black friday in my city is in July to remember the tornado that ripped through it when I was a kid. That said, I am trying to see if any of my extended family wants to go to Zellers tonight at 9 to buy nintendo ds's and let me repay them on monday. They are on sale for $89 (rather than the normal $139), but have a limit of 1 per customer so I need to find 2 willing family members if I can.

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Just curious. We are trying to live more simple lives and this got me to thinking on this all-important consumer day, is anyone out there rebelling? :D



I love sending out my teeny voice to alter the stats. If I were to go out today, it would be for Thanksgiving sales: cranberries and yams.


Poor hubby is out buying a garbage disposal. He says it is a zoo. It helps the pouring rain stopped.


I am wallowing in 4 days of at home to do schooling. We are just buzzing along catching up with things. Gosh the things I could get done if I wasn't gone from the house 10 hours a day. Kiddo is reading Bounder the Jackrabbit aloud to me, and durned if I did have a rising well of tears of pride. Or are they of relief?

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We are not shopping here. My hubby was ready to get up at 4:00 to go and buy my Christmas present. All of my children, my brother and my huby contributed to buy me a new dryer. They did this because my dryer has been dying for 6 months now and they knew I wouldn't buy myself a new one. It is supposed to be a secret so I can't talk them out of it because I am not supposed to know. My brother and my hubby let it leak because they knew I would not like the idea but the kids are adement. Frankly I am puzzled. The older they get the more they actually seem to care for me and want to take care of me. Anyhow, I made my peace with this because I know that we really do need a dryer and it will have to be replaced soon and I know that so many people are pictching in that it is not going to cost any one person too much money.


But then my hubby brought up a gift idea that I had to beg and plead for him to drop. For at least ten years now I have wanted a solid gold charm bracelet with a charm for each on of my children and grandchildren but we have never gotten it because we just don't have the money I just can't justify spending that much money on me. He wanted to buy it this year but I convience him now was not the time. We can wait until the children are older and gone and it is just the two of us.


Since I don't have a clue what any of my children want, not reason to go shopping. Maybe later in the day, after the crowds have cleared we can take the kids window shopping to get some idea of what they may want. Less pressure that way.

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My kids are getting a trip as their Chanukah present so luckily I do not have to go store to store.


I was at the mall at 8am (empty!) to get a Lands End winter coat at 40% off for my son.


The other stuff I purchased online (printer, coffeemaker) was because I needed it and they were finally on sale.

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I have never shopped the day after T'givig. My mother never did, either. In fact, my 17 yr old dd asked, after hearing a T'giving guest mention it', "What is this Black Friday thing? Why have I never heard of it before?" I said "Because we are not a shopping family". Then daddy oferred,

"Because I would know it's the end of the world if you mother decided to sleep in a tent in parking lot so she could buy a TV".





Love it!

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Just curious. We are trying to live more simple lives and this got me to thinking on this all-important consumer day, is anyone out there rebelling? :D



I was out working today, not shopping. I did have to buy lunch, though. Does that count?

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I went out today, but I went later, at about 4 p.m. Since we're not interested in the sales for electronics and toys, the store clerks almost always honor the "Doorbuster" prices. I picked up my father-in-law's mocassins for less than half price and also picked up a nice fleece robe for my mother-in-law. Most of the other stuff I need for Christmas will be less expensive, and will be more likely to go on sale. My FIL likes only one kind of mocassins, so it's important for me to get to a sale when there is one.


It wasn't crowded at all, much less than in past years. I don't know if that means fewer people were out and about, or if the earlier openings meant that people had already headed home by the time I managed to get myself out of the house.



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DS and I baked about half our Christmas cookies (and froze them! otherwise they'd all be eaten by now... LOL) and tomorrow we'll finish the rest. It's 6lbs of butter, all said and done. ;)


DH is done with his Christmas shopping and I'll be doing virtually all of mine online. We're all kind of crowd-averse here.

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I never have shopped Black Friday sales in all my years. I'm not a morning person and I don't like crowds with all their pushing and shoving.


I do a lot of my Christmas shopping online now, though I do go out for some items throughout the month of December. This year I have some items I purchased on my Guatemala trip way back in July- I nearly forgot that I did some early Christmas shopping!


Today, I slept in, went for a walk with my pregnant daughter who is due tomorrow, went shopping for a few items for her & the baby, and made dinner. No frenzied grab-the best-bargain shopping.

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