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today's important news: People's Sexiest Man 2009...

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I like Johnny Depp, but sexiest man alive???? I don't know - I can think of so many others who come closer to that description.


ETA: I think part of my problem with him is I can't remember that he's a grown up. I still think of him as 21 Jump Street. Not sure why that is, maybe I'd have to admit I was grown up if I admit he is grown up.

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What's the deal with the greasy, unkept, possibly terminally ill look that everyone is saying is sexy these days? Ick.


Now for Johnny boy there - pirates ruined that. The scene where his sniffing nose is nearly the entire screen is a major ick. ESP when viewed on a big screen. Not flatterring. At all.

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Thank you for agreeing with me that the Twilight guys are not that great looking. Maybe it is my age and generation, but pale, waif like boys with sunken cheek bones and little girl pouty faces do not appeal to me!


You like alpha males, not beta males.


I'd hanker a guess that most of the women on this board do.




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What's the deal with the greasy, unkept, possibly terminally ill look that everyone is saying is sexy these days? Ick.


Now for Johnny boy there - pirates ruined that. The scene where his sniffing nose is nearly the entire screen is a major ick. ESP when viewed on a big screen. Not flatterring. At all.


For me it was him in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that ruined it for me.

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And that new Bond guy, he just seems sorta wimpy. But that's my opinion.


Have you seen either of the new Bond movies???? I'm no huge fan but you'd never view Daniel Craig as wimpy if you had.....they are much edgier and agressive than the previous bond movies. Definitely not wimpy.

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Have you seen either of the new Bond movies???? I'm no huge fan but you'd never view Daniel Craig as wimpy if you had.....they are much edgier and agressive than the previous bond movies. Definitely not wimpy.


Emmy and Virginia Dawn,


Apparently, not everyone is on board.....not even lonely Elaine Figgaus...







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Colin Firth...swoon...oh my, I'm blushing. Now HE is candy for the eyes! Yum. :D


Johnny Depp doesn't hold a candle next to Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, etc. Yummy all around.


Not my favorite, but better than some of the teens. My personal fave is Pierce Brosnan. And that new Bond guy, he just seems sorta wimpy. But that's my opinion.

He's "soft", if that makes sense. Yes, he has muscles but there's something about him that makes me cringe. Plus he's "whiter" than I like...I like my men tall, dark and handsome.


Actually, one of the sexiest men I've ever seen teaches my son chess every Monday night. He is..."wow"...yeah, that about sums it up. I may have to have my dh take my ds to chess from now on because I find it hard to concentrate on the game. :blush: Maybe People should have a sexiest man alive who is NOT famous. Then I'd have to figure out a way to get this guy's picture w/o him noticing.

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Have you seen either of the new Bond movies???? I'm no huge fan but you'd never view Daniel Craig as wimpy if you had.....they are much edgier and agressive than the previous bond movies. Definitely not wimpy.


I've seen them and still can't stand Daniel Craig. I think he looks like Frank Burns's son. ;) Where is Sean or Pierce when you need them?


Love Johnny Depp.

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There's something incredibly sexy about a man who looks fab AND only gets better with age:




Johny Depp's got this thing going on, too.


I see we have the same taste in men. and :iagree: Depp just gets better w/ age too. I actually didn't like a young Sean, but now..:drool5::001_wub::001_tt1: (and where's the smilie for YUM)

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No no no

you've all got the wrong guys.


Clive Owen is the bomb.

Oh my. Seriously all manly man and yummy.

He actually beats out Tom Sellech for me and I never thought that would happen.


Of course my own awesome manly man beloved hubby trumps all others.


Sure is nice that dh likes those action movies Clive is in.

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I do not get his appeal AT ALL.


:iagree: yuck


They had it right last year. Hugh Jackman is the bomb. Honestly, I think the most perfect man ever created! And a close second, I agree would be Sean Connery. Sean was first in my book for 30 years. It has taken quite a man to push Sean off the seat, but Hugh has done just that!

Edited by katemary63
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Have you seen either of the new Bond movies???? I'm no huge fan but you'd never view Daniel Craig as wimpy if you had.....they are much edgier and agressive than the previous bond movies. Definitely not wimpy.


I love Daniel Craig. My dh, the bond fanatic, prefers Connery or Brosnan, I like the edgier bond.

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