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Favorite Girl and Boy names...care to share???

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Check out "The Baby Name Wizard" from the library. You can look up the names of your other children, and see what style of names you tend to like, then look up other names with the same style. It also gives sibling suggestions for each name. It's so much easier to find a name that you like in this book than if you looked in some book with 50,000 names listed alphabetically.


(If you want to pm me your kids names, I'd be happy to send you the sibling suggestions in my book)

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What is your naming pattern?


Example (this is ours):

We look for names that have common variants (and easy to pronounce) in both Russian and American cultures because we are a bicultural family.


After that, each parent narrows down the list by crossing off names they really *don't like.* A few times we've ended up crossing off the whole list that way, though, heh heh. Then we have to start over from scratch.


We're at a similar place as you all right now, though we know our little one will be a girl. That makes it easier. Fewer names to consider...


Have you tried asking your kids for suggestions? We've let ours in on the list-making. (Not always a good solution: ds(3) would like to name his baby sister Toast. Seriously! :lol:)


Good luck!:001_smile:

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Girl: Colette, Sylvie, Wilder, Adelaide, Rilla, Annika, Wren, Liv, Estelle, Avary, Willow, Helene, Violet, Lucca... My niece's name is Ilex (pronounced like Alex, but with a long I). It is the botanical name for Holly (her mom's name), and I LOVE it!!


Boy: Swift, Byrne, Dante, (and Levi, Luke, and Leif, of course :)), Lachlan, Sawyer.


Oh, and I'll second Ronan, Holt, Anders, Deacon, Genevieve, and Liesl. :)

Edited by Heidi @ Mt Hope
Adding names. :)
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I like... Evangeline and "Eva" pronounced "Ayva" for a girl.

I really don't care for William, too much. But, I love Liam. So, perhaps William but called Liam??

Names that are beautiful and somewhat normal. And, if you choose a name that would make many hide under a rock, when their name is called... at least be kind enough to make it something that they can get a nickname out of.

I nannied for Gertrude.... no offense meant if your name is Gerty... I had an Aunt Gerty:-), but anyway... they nick named her "Goo Goo" no kidding... GOO GOO where are you??



I've said that the new way to know homeschoolers will not be our long dresses and uncut hair, but the radical names that people are digging up to use. I can think of a few big homeschooler's (famous) that have resurrected some seriously interesting names... Won't name them all... in case someone else already started the "copy trend"


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I've said that the new way to know homeschoolers will not be our long dresses and uncut hair, but the radical names that people are digging up to use.


Not in my neck of the woods. The homeschoolers may have some unusual names, but so do many of the other families we know who send their kids to traditional schools. I know a homeschooled Atticus and a traditionally schooled Caius, a homeschooled Soleil and a traditionally schooled Cerise. I could go on, but you get the picture. I think it's a yuppie thing...

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I think it is easier to pick a name if you have some guidelines too. We wanted names that were fairly gender specific and unique but not way out there. Both of our kids' middle names are names from family also. I found http://www.behindthename.com to be a good resource for looking at names. It will tell you ranking of how popular a certain name is. I wanted to pick names that weren't popular which made it hard because several of the names I liked are now popular.





Josephine (my name)

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Josephine (my name)


I suggested this as a name possibility to dh yesterday... but he wanted to know about nicknames. I couldn't think of one. (He jokingly asked about "Yosa" -- he's got this need for a Russianized nickname. Ha!) So, what sorts of nicknames fit for a Josephine?


I noticed that Elizabeth and Grace are very popular suggestions in this thread. I like them both (but... sigh... gotta find a name dh likes as well).



I *love* the name Raisa (Rye-ee-suh). The nickname would be Raya (pronounced like Maya), but dh just won't go for it. :glare: He says it's an old lady name. And my oldest keeps telling me that whatever we decide to name the baby doesn't matter: he's going to call her Lizzie. :glare::glare:

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And my oldest keeps telling me that whatever we decide to name the baby doesn't matter: he's going to call her Lizzie. :glare::glare:


So cute! I love the name Josephine btw. I had a distant cousin named Josie..will have to ask if that was her full name or nick name.


I have a first cousin who was raised in Philadelphia with a southern father (my mom's brother) The boy LOVED fried potatoes so much and his Yankee relatives thought it was so weird that they called him Tator. Once he was grown that morphed to 'Tate'. That is what we call him. It is what everyone calls him. I think his real first name is Leonard or some such.

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Molly (dd's name)

Danika (or Danica) (the name of one of our dogs)

Astrid (my name)



Tamara (I've had an elderly Russian woman by this name in my class for years-- she's a lovely lady and has really caused the name to grow on me!)


Joel (my late brother's name, but I've always loved the name)






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This is funny. All of my boys' names are on your list, and my daughter's name is a variant of one you list.


How interesting!


The funny things is, I'm expecting in April, and I have NO CLUE what to name this child.


My two boys already have similar names to the ones I listed, so I don't know which of those names would work for us. And none of the girls names seem "right" for us.


I will probably be back here asking for help with a name after we find out if this is a boy or a girl.

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I love old-fashioned names.


For girls: Genevieve, Amelia/Emilia, Annelise, Sylvia, Caroline, Madeline, Annabelle, Isadora, Evelyn, Eleanor, Estella, Audrey, Faith, Lydia


For boys: Sebastian, Theodore, Simon, Elias, Matthias, Maximilian, Xavier


We have similar taste. You've got all three of my dds up there, a couple more that we'd use if we were having more, two boys names that made the list but didn't get used, and our dog's name! :lol:

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What ever happened to the name LISA? It was popular in the 50's and 60's, and now, totally unheard of. I think you should bring it back!


Girls: Lisa Marie , Shani Marie, Shiloh Marie, Teddi Marie, ClaireAnna Marie


Can you tell I love the middle name, Marie? My name is Lisa Marie but I am older then the Presley version so I had it first. Shani is Swahili and means "marvelous". Shiloh has been my favorite name for a girl since I was 13, (long before Brangelina used it!) but my DH wouldn't let me use it! :glare: Teddi is just plain cute! (and see below - is a form of my DH's name) and ClaireAnna Marie is my DD8's name. She is named after her father's grandmothers, "Claira" and "Anna" and of course after me.



Boys: Sayre, Cash, Daniel, Joshua, and how about Tedrick?


My DH is Tedrick. He is the only one we have ever met or heard of. Even the people at the SS office said they had never seen that name before. So, if you want something not too weird, but very unique with an adorable nick name...pick Tedrick! Who ever hears of a little boy named "Teddy" any more? But how cute is it? I love it.


FYI: Sayre is Welsh for carpenter or wood worker, so for me it would be a reference to Christ. :001_smile: My son plans to use the name "Sayre Allen" if he has a boy....someday!

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I suggested this as a name possibility to dh yesterday... but he wanted to know about nicknames. I couldn't think of one. (He jokingly asked about "Yosa" -- he's got this need for a Russianized nickname. Ha!) So, what sorts of nicknames fit for a Josephine?




I've heard Josephine shortened to Josie or Joie.

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We have similar taste. You've got all three of my dds up there, a couple more that we'd use if we were having more, two boys names that made the list but didn't get used, and our dog's name! :lol:


Glad to hear that somebody's DH liked those girl names. My DH thought that they sounded like an old fat French lady, LOL! My girls have more modern sounding names that neither of us loved but both could tolerate.

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I think my children have the loveliest names: Liam Connor, Donovan Ryals, and Rosaline Clare (pronounced ROZ-a-line rhymes with fine, as it's Shakesperean).


My short list for another girl is pretty simple: Miriam, Maryam, and Magdalene.

My short list for a third boy is also short: Galen.

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