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Halloween costumes

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Twin dds are going as eastern-princess type and gypsy, respectively.

DD5 is going as a tree (we have the coolest costume for this!)

DS7 wants to try to go as Wall-E (sp?) made of carboard boxes.

DS8, still deciding. He wants me to spring for a Darth Vader Mask--told him it wasn't happening, so he is still thinking.

DS1 will probably go as the dino/dragon that his sibs have worn other years--obviously, he's highly invested in this decision! :lol:

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My girls are all going to be very cute and sweet witches. My husband is going to be Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite. We are going to a friend's halloween bash and her husband is going to be Napoleon, so that should be very very funny! I don't know what I'm going as yet. DH and I don't usually dress up, but we are for the party.


I love halloween!!

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Ds 13 has decided he's too old for Halloween costumes.


Ds11 is going as Gene Simmons (from KISS - not sure I spelled that right!)


Ds9 is going as ???????????? He wants to go as something scary, but I won't let him. I'm a MEAN mommy!!!


Dd3 is going as a princess - what else? Her only decision now is - which one???

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We don't really celebrate Halloween, but we do dress up and go play around town. :tongue_smilie: (You won't see me start a debate.;))



From big to little my kids want to be:

-Wolverine from X-Men, in street clothes


-Bumblebee the yellow Transformer




The toddler doesn't have a clue what we're talking about, but she likes sparkly and girly, so I'm making her a smaller, purple version of middle dd's Tinkerbell/green fairy costume.

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Ds 13 has decided he's too old for Halloween costumes.


Ds11 is going as Gene Simmons (from KISS - not sure I spelled that right!)


Ds9 is going as ???????????? He wants to go as something scary, but I won't let him. I'm a MEAN mommy!!!


Dd3 is going as a princess - what else? Her only decision now is - which one???




My 10yr old is also going as Gene Simmons from KISS!!! His big sister's in charge of the makeup department.


My 7yr old is going to be Cinderella.


My 15yr old (who'll actually take them around the neighborhood) is going to dress up in a doctor's outfit -- aka scrubs.


My 18yr old is going to a private Halloween party with friends from the community college, and I think she's going to be a gypsy.

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This is our first year of non-themed costumes...:crying:


DS is going to be a racecar

DD is going to be a cupcake


In the past we have done

Shephard/Lamb (she was only 2 months old as the lamb!)

Diego/Baby Jaguar

Firefighter/Dalmation (with red bows on ears)



We take treats to people instead of traditional trick or treating, so we'll make cupcakes this year and say we "raced over to bring you a cupcake!"


That's the only way my mind is ok with us not being a "pair." They're getting too big!!! :tongue_smilie:

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dd (now 8!) will wear her Little House dress that her nana made her for her Little House party last week (We actually had the party in a log cabin with 8 girls all dressed in peroid costumes - too cute)


dd 10 is going to be a Magic Carpet like from Aladin. She saw the idea on Family Fun and is super excited because she has this role in the play the weekend after Halloween.


ds 12 is going to be Duct tape man - we bought a roll of duct tape and he will go to town covering himself in it.


I love Halloween in our neighborhood!

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My son is going to be a banana (Party City costume) and my daughter is dressing up as Cleopatra (Target). My daughter is in love with her costume and has been wearing it around the house.




My daughter (8) is going to be Cleopatra from Target too! Isn't that costume the cutest thing? I was impressed with everything it came with for the money. Dress, head dress, wrist bands, arm bands and scarf. Too cute!! :D


Finding this costume was a perk too. We are doing a geography fair on Nov. 12 and we are doing Egypt as our country. Now she has this to wear for the fair too. Yeah!!

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DS is going to be Dracula, complete with makeup and fake teeth (though I imagine the fake teeth will last all of 5 minutes)

DD is going to be a flamenco dancer, which cracks me up since she's a blonde with blue eyes and will be wearing this black/red get-up. She says she's a "Spanish princess."


ETA DH and I are going to a party where dressing up is optional. I'm going to hunt down a pig nose and a pink sweatshirt/pant outfit, add some wings, and come as the "swine flew." That's right... you may groan! ;)

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My 6 year old son wanted to be an animal...Do you know how hard it is to find an animal costume for an older child? He wanted to be a ladybug, pig, cow, horse, etc...We even threw around the idea his brothers would be cats and he'd be a rat but that costume sold out on the site I found it cheapest...I finally bought a dinosaur costume from Ebay (Aladar from the movie Dinosaur)...


My 2 year old son will be an alley cat (Tom Arma costume from Ebay)...


My 3month old son will be something made by Tom Arma (I love these costumes but didn't know they existed til this year), just not sure which one...I've been watching Ebay like a hawk for something cute...He'll probably be a black cat though...


Oh and my SO has been requested to dress up as well...*sigh* My 6 year old is insistant that Daddy will be the black Spiderman...I'm still looking into buying that one...


Next year we will be doing a theme...I wanted to do one this year but I took too long to plan it out...

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baby girl is going to be cinderella and 9 year old is going to be gorilla if I can find the costume at Target this week, they go so fast. Otherwise He is I am going to wrap him in brown packing paper and draw a big "U" on it...for "U" Tube... dh idea. What do you think?

Edited by lynn
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We don't do Halloween, but I bought my 2yo a bumblebee costume to wear as the mascot of our 4yo soccer team "The Stingers"... it is adorable!!! It is perfect as a vest/sweater for cold weather with a cute black hood with antennae. He wears it to every game, including the upcoming Halloween game, so I guess he will be a Bumblebee this Halloween ;). We found it at Target.

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Finding this costume was a perk too. We are doing a geography fair on Nov. 12 and we are doing Egypt as our country. Now she has this to wear for the fair too. Yeah!!


Our costumes are working hard too. We are going to go to a friends and have dinner and play games so the kids can dress up - but not trick or treat. DD is a Renaissance girl or Juliet as she likes to say, and DS as a Knight. The week before Halloween we are going to the Renaissance Festival close by, and a couple of weeks after our library is doing a Fable Fest celebrating medieval lit, so our costumes will do triple duty!!

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We have a Renaissance Lady & Sonic the Hedgehog here. :lol:


We love Halloween! Fun!


Any ideas for a fun/easy costume for me? We host a Halloween bash every year & I never wear a costume. Anything you can think of that would be hostess-friendly (i.e., I can still run around being in charge of a party w/out some weird/bulky costume)?

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Cali is going as a ballerina cat, it's a black and pink leopard print leotard and tights (bought at Brother Charlie's it is a local thrift store where the proceeds help men and women with drug addiction and what not, it cost a whole 50 cents.) The brand though says the children's place, a friend found her some cat ears made with a headband although the fur is neon orange instead of pink, i figured it's going to be dark so no one is really going to notice, i also bought some black eye liner for a dollar to draw whiskers and nose, also plan on making her a tail with a pair of tights she has outgrown and some holey socks to stuff it with :)

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What are your kids dressing as? (If you don't do Halloween, please don't derail this into a debate. Go start your own thread! 1.gif )


My dd is going as a girl from the 50's. Poodle skirt, etc.


Parka Pete the Arctic Pirate.


Really. We have to have a costume that he can wear with a parka. It's surely going to be a freezing Halloween again. This year, he suggested a pirate, and as the costume developed, so did the name. I do have a fake stuffed parrot to perch on his shoulder, and I found some blue lipstick for that authentic Arctic look. :D

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Let's see... so far we have...


11yr old dd dressing up in a chinese/asian style outfit

10yr old dd is Raggedy Ann

9yr old ds is a baseball player

7yr old ds will be a red Lego

5yr old ds can't make up his mind, but is leaning towards anything that involves a


3yr old dd is going to be a princess, of course



Dh & I still haven't decided what we will be.

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