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How could I have let this happen????

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We are down to our last roll of toilet paper - and dangerously close to the end of the roll. I can't believe I let it get this low! What am I going to do?????


I think a poll might be needed:


Should I ...


A - load up my sick children and go to the store?

B - ask one of the neighbors (who never speak to us) for a roll?

C - make my DS go ask a neighbor?

D - use the Sunday newspaper that has yet to be recycled?

E - tell the kids to hold it?






Seriously, though, we are almost out. My kids are sick, and I have no idea if my STBXH will be coming by this evening. I just had to laugh at myself when I noticed it and my first thought was to ask the hive. :lol::lol::lol:

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Too bad you're on the opposite side of the state from me! I'd be more than happy to swing some by. Being out of tp is one of my fears. I buy in bulk! I actually have not purchased toilet paper since January.


I actually thought today that it'll be time to buy more soon. Down to the last 24 pack!


We are down to our last roll of toilet paper - and dangerously close to the end of the roll. I can't believe I let it get this low! What am I going to do?????


I think a poll might be needed:


Should I ...


A - load up my sick children and go to the store?

B - ask one of the neighbors (who never speak to us) for a roll?

C - make my DS go ask a neighbor?

D - use the Sunday newspaper that has yet to be recycled?

E - tell the kids to hold it?






Seriously, though, we are almost out. My kids are sick, and I have no idea if my STBXH will be coming by this evening. I just had to laugh at myself when I noticed it and my first thought was to ask the hive. :lol::lol::lol:

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We ran out once, we luckily had recently bought a case fo diaper wipes and used those. If we didn't have those we would have either asked a neighbor for a roll, or asked a neighbor to keep an eye on the kids while I ran to the closest store. But I am friends with the neighbors on either side of me so it is a bit different. Otherwise leave the 12 year old in charge for 15 minutes and dash to the closest store.

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Do you have any kleenex? that works well? How about fast food napkins---just use 1/2?



:iagree:This is what we did growing up. I almost had to get a box out a couple of weeks ago:glare:. I'm down to the last roll in both bathrooms, but I'm going to Wallyworld in the morning.:tongue_smilie:

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Oh my goodness - I am soo there with you today. We have one roll - half of it actually. I am tooo lazy to go out for a special trip, so I am waiting until my son's b-ball game tonight and I can run from there!!!


One of those times I am very thankful for 3 boys!!! Of course, I am always thankful for 3 boys!!!!! :001_smile:

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(This is why I take the rolls off the roller when they are almost, but not quite, done, and hide them in a bunch of places that no one else will look in. Those places are mostly feminine hygiene product containers. One of these days DD will start using those products, and then I will have to figure out a new system, but right now this works pretty well.)

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How far is the store? If it would take you a half hour or less to go to the store, buy some toilet paper and get back home, your 6th grader is old enough to be in charge of 2 4th graders - esp. if you pop a video or turn on the t.v. while you are gone. That is assuming that he is responsible and there are not behavior problems for any of them.

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Yep, I think I'm going to have to go quickly to the store and leave them here. DS has been home alone for short periods of time, so he's fine. The girls are looking a little freaked out, though, LOL.


There is a store very close, so it won't take long.


Thanks for laughing about this with me. :D

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I hate it when that happens. I buy toilet paper when I go to the store whether we need it or not. I have a fear of running out.


If they are too sick for you to leave alone, I would choose B.


If not, I'd leave them and quickly run to the store.

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Can you call dh (if you have one and he is not home yet) and ask him to pick up some?


I did this once and dh could NOT find an open store. Maybe it was a holiday or very late. I can't recall. Anyway, dh raided a port a potty he passed by. He took just one roll. It was an emergency, after all.



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Okay how about either

A. Use some paper towels

B. Find some old clothes, cut them up into squares and wet and use them, then pitch them quickly

C. If you've got any baby wipes lying around the house I'd use those

or D. Tissues. Do you have any tissues? LOL.

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We are down to our last roll of toilet paper - and dangerously close to the end of the roll. I can't believe I let it get this low! What am I going to do?????


I think a poll might be needed:


Should I ...


A - load up my sick children and go to the store?

B - ask one of the neighbors (who never speak to us) for a roll?

C - make my DS go ask a neighbor?

D - use the Sunday newspaper that has yet to be recycled?

E - tell the kids to hold it?






Seriously, though, we are almost out. My kids are sick, and I have no idea if my STBXH will be coming by this evening. I just had to laugh at myself when I noticed it and my first thought was to ask the hive. :lol::lol::lol:


Isn't this the second use of Kleenex?




Seriously....gross as it sounds, use wash cloths....set up a bucket with some water to deposit them in....dump water and cloths straight into the washer and well....it's what you do in a crisis.


Hope the kids are feeling better very very soon. Oh....and when they are...get a 4pack of TP and stick it in the way back of the cupboard to be opened only upon emergencies. We typically buy TP in bulk cases but have a 4pk for just such occasions. No, I will not tell you why. See above and guess.

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Can't you just use facecloths and wash them?



facecloths? :svengo:


None of the above.


Get a water bottle and rinse your bottom, then use a wash cloth to pat yourself dry.

You actually get much cleaner this way. :)


good idea!


I know you all have been on the edge of your seats waiting for this..



We now have TP!!!






whew! I'm running low over here. I'm scared. :tongue_smilie:


This was so funny!! :lol:

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We are down to our last roll of toilet paper - and dangerously close to the end of the roll. I can't believe I let it get this low! What am I going to do?????


I think a poll might be needed:


Should I ...


A - load up my sick children and go to the store?

B - ask one of the neighbors (who never speak to us) for a roll?

C - make my DS go ask a neighbor?

D - use the Sunday newspaper that has yet to be recycled?

E - tell the kids to hold it?






Seriously, though, we are almost out. My kids are sick, and I have no idea if my STBXH will be coming by this evening. I just had to laugh at myself when I noticed it and my first thought was to ask the hive. :lol::lol::lol:


This happens to us all the time!! First we go to tissues, then to paper towels, and when we are out of all three, then I know it's really time to get to the store. ;) It would take a very dire circumstance for me to consider the washcloth option!!!!

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Why is the face cloth a bad idea? I mean, don't clothes/facecloths/things in the washer get clean?


exactly; I'm with you. I wash our kitchen and other cleaning cloths in bleach, so I really don't feel like there's any job too nasty for them--I might draw the line at wiping bums with a dishcloth, but with a body washcloth--no problem if it's a crisis :)


I need to check my tp stash; I buy 20-packs of Scott ("Nothing says 'I love you' like never running out of toilet paper"--Flylady) and I'm not sure how much we have left right now--



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Don't you just hate that went it happens. We have 9 daughters and running out of TP would be a very bad thing. Fortunately dh works for Kimberly Clark and receives a lot of paper products for free so we rarely get to the end of a roll. Which I am saying in thankfulness.


Back to your poll. I suppose if you can't get the kids to hold it then you better pack them up and run to the store.

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Why is the face cloth a bad idea? I mean, don't clothes/facecloths/things in the washer get clean?

I'm sure they do...but I think the idea is just very gross to most. I would do it if I had to...but I'm pretty positive I would just throw the cloths out. I could never stand to launder them and use them again...I would always know what they had been used for!

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I'm sure they do...but I think the idea is just very gross to most. I would do it if I had to...but I'm pretty positive I would just throw the cloths out. I could never stand to launder them and use them again...I would always know what they had been used for!



Even bleached and laundered several times in hot water, I would not feel comfortable using them.

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I'm sure they do...but I think the idea is just very gross to most. I would do it if I had to...but I'm pretty positive I would just throw the cloths out. I could never stand to launder them and use them again...I would always know what they had been used for!


Don't you use a wash cloth in the shower to wash those nether regions? Except for shall we say "volume" what's the dif?


Our wash cloths and towels are washed in hot water with bleach.


We also use cloths in the kitchen instead of a sponge (want to be grossed out, look at a used sponge under a microscope, you'll never use a sponge again!). These are used for cleaning up once and then put into a bucket of water waiting for the next load of towels. I buy them in bulk at the dollar store, we probably have 50 or more of them even though we wash towels probably 2 or 3 times a week.

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Why is the face cloth a bad idea? I mean, don't clothes/facecloths/things in the washer get clean?


I don't know if they get *that* clean in the washing machine, meaning totally disinfected in every way. And even if so, there is a mental component...:ack2: I would definitely borrow tp from a neighbor before using a washcloth.

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Don't you use a wash cloth in the shower to wash those nether regions? Except for shall we say "volume" what's the dif?


Our wash cloths and towels are washed in hot water with bleach.


We also use cloths in the kitchen instead of a sponge (want to be grossed out, look at a used sponge under a microscope, you'll never use a sponge again!). These are used for cleaning up once and then put into a bucket of water waiting for the next load of towels. I buy them in bulk at the dollar store, we probably have 50 or more of them even though we wash towels probably 2 or 3 times a week.

Actually, my family does not use washcloths or sponges to wash our bodies at all. Even if we did the amount of "matter" should be minimal as we're cleaning ourselves after bathroom use. That's a huge difference from actually using the clothes for bathroom usage. We also don't wash on hot...our entire house is electric, and there would be no savings for us in using cloth over paper. We clean our kitchen sponges in the dishwasher to get rid of germs. I make dishcloths but we don't use them as I can't stand how gross they are once you use them and before you wash them. I know that the cloths are clean...it's what they were used for that grosses me out. Wouldn't be able to get it out of my head!


My mom takes it a step further and even washes dishes with paper towels. Honestly, if we could afford it that's what we would do...but we wash very little by hand. We rinse plates and things with water as soon as they're used then pop them in the dishwasher. The only things that get washed by hand are ones that don't fit. I also don't buy hand wash clothes, etc. I can't stand to have my hands touching dirty sponges, cloths, clothes, or dirty water. Ick! One of those things I like about the modern world is so many paper products that can be thrown away and not re-used, honestly.

Edited by chaik76
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