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Would you name your son.....

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Liam if your older son was named Ian? :)


I keep picturing myself call out the back door "Ian! Liam!" and they sound so similar I wonder if this would be a huge confusing mess.


The middle names would be very different but I wouldnt be using those all the time. We don't use nicknames so they wouldn't/don't have another name to go by.

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:001_unsure: I was going to say, 'no,' but then I began thinking --- you know what, my oldest is 30 years old.....her name is stacey. dd10 is (obviously) 20 years younger and her name is nothing remotely sounding like Stacey -- in fact, the only letter in common is the "A.'' I am CONSTANTLY calling DD10 'stacey.' So, that being said, if you really like the name, use it.



BTW, dh is always (this is SO embarassing :svengo:) calling our dog (Guidry) by our dd8's name. The names (again) share one letter -- do not sound at all alike -- I think it has something to do with the 'emotion' or tone used when we are calling - as opposed to the names being similar.

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Liam if your older son was named Ian? :)


I keep picturing myself call out the back door "Ian! Liam!" and they sound so similar I wonder if this would be a huge confusing mess.



We have an Ethan and a Liam, which sounds exactly like what you described, plus the "th" sound. To be honest, we don't mix them up. We do, however, mix each of them up with the boy sandwiched between them, who is just close enough in age and behavior to either one to get confused for both. :P

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I think it would lead to a great many people calling your older son Iam :D.


My cousin named her boys Ian and Ethan, and no one outside of immediate family can keep their names straight.


The only real consideration is if name confusion is going to bother you. If it won't, go for it.

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I like the name Liam, and if you love it use it. There is nothing remotely similar about my four boys' names, and my dh and I call them the wrong names anyway. I think my third son thought his name was Ty-Cam for the first few years of his life. My next oldest son is Tyler. :001_smile:

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Liam is a great name! If you love it, I say use it. I mix up my boys names more often than I'd like to admit, and they are not similar at all!


You can always borrow my solution...stick your head out the back door and shout "BOOOYYYYS!":tongue_smilie:




My girls' names are Piper and Zoie. VERY different, and there are times when I just look at one, point and say YOU, do >insert least favorite chore< And there there is the neutral..."GIRLS!!!!!!"


Might be confusing for other people. If that doesn't bother you, then go for it. Although...it might bother them, later on. But that is one decision that YOU make, and THEY live with :D

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Why not..I sometimes ran down the whole list of 4 kids plus the dog befoer I got the name right and they are not even remotely similiar!


My daughter named her 2 sons Ethan and Owen..we tease her that she needs have some more so we can finish up the vowels!




Can't up with one starting with U tho.........

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I would, but I almost did!


I have an Ian, and I really really wanted to use Liam. I almost did it even though they are very close. I just love those names. We actually decided to use William with Liam for short, so he could change it if he wanted to later. William is also a family name, so it was the perfect compromise to me.


However at the last minute we changed that, and we used it as a middle name. Our reason for not doing it had nothing to do with the names but the circumstances around bringing baby home - long story but basically we choose to keep his birth name from bmom instead.


I was thinking just the other day about calling him Liam instead, but his name really fits hit.


So yes I would do it!

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Yes, I like both names & would use them.


(My sister & I have names that end in the same syllable. When my mom would call one of us, we usually couldn't tell which one she called, since it seems like you only ever hear the ending syllable when your mom is yelling out the back door for you. So, we either both showed up or neither of us showed up, figuring she was calling the other one. LOL.)

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I wouldn't.


I had a friend named Elaine who had a sister named Delaine. When you phoned their house you never knew which you'd get on the phone - I think her parents just thrust the phone at the nearest girl.....


My current 'cause no end of embarassing name mix ups' is my neighbour who is called Delia and has a dd named Dana. I'm forever mixing them up....

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Nope! I am the 3rd child in a string of names that are phonetically similar, or are easily mixed up auditory. My sisters name is also the shortened version of my name, so frieds have always tried to shorten my name, and have not really understood why I hated it so bad when they were just being affectionate. I hated it growing up....it was like I didn't have my own name, but shared it with my siblings, maybe it would be different if I was close to them, but I am not.



It would be like this (these are made up names)


If my brothers name is Beryl, but went by Barry.

My sisters name is Kary,

My name would be Carol.






Even now, people who I run into that know my family Always call me by my sisters name. I am the baby of 5, and they don't mix me up with the other names, so I know it is due to the phonetic confusion (We have no other similarities which would cause the error-she is 6yrs older and I'm Norwegian she is Native American)

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I personally don't like when names of siblings end in the same sound. I really find it hard to say the right name myself. Also when the children's name is too similar to one of the parents names. It does bother me.


However, you should do whatever you want with your own children's names. :D

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I wouldn't.


I had a friend named Elaine who had a sister named Delaine. When you phoned their house you never knew which you'd get on the phone - I think her parents just thrust the phone at the nearest girl.....


My current 'cause no end of embarassing name mix ups' is my neighbour who is called Delia and has a dd named Dana. I'm forever mixing them up....


This is a good point. My mom is Kathy and my sister is Cassie. It was HORRIBLE to try and understand people over the phone. Anyone with a slightly different dialect would make it even harder.


Thanks for bringing this up, I hadn't thought about it!

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Liam is a great name! If you love it, I say use it. I mix up my boys names more often than I'd like to admit, and they are not similar at all!


You can always borrow my solution...stick your head out the back door and shout "BOOOYYYYS!":tongue_smilie:


:lol: :iagree:

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NO!!! I am FAR too confused with my kids names of Nicholas, Kaleb, Rose and Olivia. I call them all different names, even pet names. I had to call the school to leave Kaleb a message to call me. The nurse asked my son why I called him Tom? :001_huh:


Geesh. The less complicated I can make my life, the better. :001_smile:

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Oh yes, in fact I just tried to convince my sister to name her ds Liam;) and I've always loved the name Ian.

Make the middle names different and the calling will be easy as pie. My sis and I have similar names and when mom called with the middle ones we both knew to get the lead out:D.

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I wouldn't, and I say that as someone married to a Bill with a son named Will. If I could do it over, I *would*, strangely enough, nickname my ds Liam. Then I'd have a William nickname that didn't rhyme. I've suggested it to him, but he's not up for it! :lol:


OTOH, your names, your rules. You have to love the name you pick. So I'd never, ever say I told you so if you *did* go through with it.

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Liam if your older son was named Ian? :)


I keep picturing myself call out the back door "Ian! Liam!" and they sound so similar I wonder if this would be a huge confusing mess.


The middle names would be very different but I wouldnt be using those all the time. We don't use nicknames so they wouldn't/don't have another name to go by.


Seeing as how you're on number four, I'm going to say that (if you don't already) it won't be long before you're confusing the kids' names anyhow :D My siblings and I range in age from 17 to 36 and our parents STILL goof up our names even though none of us have remotely similar names or first initials. They even throw in the pets' names for good measure on occasion LOL.


My grandmother and I share an American name, and since she lived with us it was sometimes confusing WRT phone calls. To add to the confusion, my father's name is the male version of our American names. But it wasn't anything so inconvenient or annoying that either of us changed our name back to our original names or adopted a nickname.


If you love the name, use it! If you're on the fence, keep it in the back of your mind and save the final determination until you meet him.

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Liam is a great name! If you love it, I say use it. I mix up my boys names more often than I'd like to admit, and they are not similar at all!


You can always borrow my solution...stick your head out the back door and shout "BOOOYYYYS!":tongue_smilie:


I think you should use the name if you like it!

Also, if you pronounce "Liam" true to the Irish version, it sounds more like

"Lee-am" whereby the "am" part is pronounced like a flat "a", or so I have been told.


My dh and ds's first name are the same. While it has caused a few puzzled faces during some conversations, it's mostly fine. People figure it out eventually. The only time I would not choose a name I like is if I knew that it would be constantly mispronounced and misspelled in English.


Just my five cents.



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I would. You'll yell the wrong name when needed regardless how different their names are. ;)


I probably should add the disclaimer that my boys' first names are fairly similar. I haven't once regretted it. :) (And I've called them both by their very different sisters' names more times than I can count.)

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