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You might be a homeschooler if

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We rarely have to use Pedialyte and I had no idea that it had to be refrigerated. So, I used it in the winter of 2005 and put it back into the bathroom cabinet.


You know, the bathroom that is hot and moist.


So, when we needed it again in 2006 I took it back down from the cabinet I noticed a large black furry chunk of mold floating most beautifullly around in the bottle.


I thought it was so cool that I called all of my homeschooling mom friends to see if their kids wanted to look at it, too! We were making plans to buy agar plates and coils until my dh reminded me that culturing an unknown might be dangerous.


Party Pooper! :glare:

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You might be a homeschooler if.....you find a dead ray at the beach and bring it home to dissect. ....you prick your finger to bleed on the slide for all the kids looking at the new microscope.....you all eat corn and time how long it takes to "come out the other end".... I could go on...

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You have a mummified fish that smells of rosemary in your dining room. Child takes mummy to a 4th of July party.


You have a lifesized drawing of your son's insides above the stairwell, and he had to counseled out of telling people "Look, my testicles are purple".


Your child, 5, on being encouraged to feel a fetus kicking, looks up at the happy mother and says "That's some borborygmi."


Your child, at 4, convinces a group of little boys to run through the woods in fear of Medusa, and when they come upon a little girl with a huge head of bright red ringlets, all come screaming out of the woods like a wolf is upon them.


Your child makes strangers in a 20 foot radius clutch their purses by drawing in his breath dramatically and following it with "I know that painting" or "I know this music".


When you tell your co-workers your 2 year old heard music in a store and rushed to tell you "That's Bach", and they reply "What's a Bach?"


When you hear your child tell a peer "Well, you CAN eat cake, it is physically POSSible to eat cake, the question is if we MAY."


When your child asks what muscle just made him vomit all over his bed.

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You have a mummified fish that smells of rosemary in your dining room. Child takes mummy to a 4th of July party.


You have a lifesized drawing of your son's insides above the stairwell, and he had to counseled out of telling people "Look, my testicles are purple".


Your child, 5, on being encouraged to feel a fetus kicking, looks up at the happy mother and says "That's some borborygmi."


Your child, at 4, convinces a group of little boys to run through the woods in fear of Medusa, and when they come upon a little girl with a huge head of bright red ringlets, all come screaming out of the woods like a wolf is upon them.


Your child makes strangers in a 20 foot radius clutch their purses by drawing in his breath dramatically and following it with "I know that painting" or "I know this music".


When you tell your co-workers your 2 year old heard music in a store and rushed to tell you "That's Bach", and they reply "What's a Bach?"


When you hear your child tell a peer "Well, you CAN eat cake, it is physically POSSible to eat cake, the question is if we MAY."


When your child asks what muscle just made him vomit all over his bed.

Loled all over your post. You win!

Some are so familiar (can/may, or the deep quivering draw of breath), others are so hillariously yours alone ;)

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You know you're a home schooler when:


  • Your 4 yo asks another child at the playground, "What language were you and your Daddy speaking? I know it wasn't English, French, or Spanish..."
  • When you open your door to find several preteen girls who, rather than asking if Diva can come play, asks if she can bring out her 'really cool science book'
  • When your husband brings home an old wasps nest from work so the kids can have a neat science experience
  • When your husband tells you the guys at work beg him not to discuss curriculum, why public schools are inferior, or any more 'of that homeschool stuff'
  • When describing something in history, your 4 yo cocks his head suspiciously at you, and announces, "I just can't visualize that!"
  • When your kids ask the nurse if we could be in the other exam room, since Princess has an ear infection, and there's a poster there on the wall about ear infections, and they want to see whats going on.
  • When your 4 yo is having his chest listened to at the Drs, and asks him, "You do know that its my throat thats the problem, not my heart or lungs?"
  • When the same 4yo sighs and says, "Figures. Just another virus."

  • When coming back from the Drs, the children demand to pull out the biology text from my college to see exactly what the problem the Dr says is, what the definition is, and if he's right about treating it.
  • When your 4yo uses the terms, 'ignorant' 'visualize' 'sarcastic' properly


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When your doing a mosaics craft on a rainy day with the "singers & standards" music station on and one four year old boy looks up and says "It's so quiet... this is very relaxing!" and the other four year old boy states "I like this music, it's makes me feel peaceful." and they both turn back to their mosaics deep in concentration.


Seriously?? I am LOVING homeschooling!

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. . . your kindergartener uses "literally" and "figuratively" in everyday speech.



LOL Sweet.


There was a little girl in our old neighborhood, who was in the neighborhood school's kindergarten at the time. She once said to me, "Your dogs are so cute, but they make me feel ambivalent. They are so sweet, but they are also so energetic! They worry me".


She was the cutest thing and I've often wished I could count her in among the homeschooling.

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... when the 5 and 6 yr. old discuss their favorite composers, Tchaikovsky or Mozart


...when you have more than one science experiment on your kitchen windowsill, the dead dragonfly found on the porch, or the piece of banana being observed for signs of mold


...when dd saves a bit of tongue ripped out by her retainer to study under the microscope and ds 6 swallows it by accident


...when dd finds some copper piping, nylon rope, and old tent material, lashes it all together and makes a beautiful tepee


...when dd hunkers down in the basement with a vast number of newspapers and fashions a geodesic dome


...when dd 5 states to a playmate that her "behavior was very inappropriate and unacceptable":001_huh: ( I think that may be a reflection on my parenting)


...when your children say things like "it's an honor", or "I am so pleased"


...when dd 5 wants to point out the McDonald Islands or Chile on the world map for all of your visitors


...when the dining room table is used more often to build rockets, airplanes, and helicopters than for eating purposes


...when a trip to the grocery store is a cross curricular activity involving budgeting, handwriting, spelling, basic math skills, food group discussion, finding easy words to read, etc.


...when the only way your dc can recite the months or math facts is with a song


...when you have pictures of the family star gazing, in sleeping bags, in the snow, at midnight, in December


...when you take a trip to the park the kids bring their nature journals and baggies for any specimens they may collect


Somebody needs to take this stuff and write a book! :D

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For the past year, the running joke between you and your 8 year old is to end random conversations with, "And my opinion is Carthage must be destroyed!" ... through which two of his non-homeschool friends became hooked on Ancient Rome :) my son has his own lending library, and loves that his friends are able to share his enthusiasm for historical fiction of that era.


Your 3 year old thinks "going to school" means taking a read-aloud to Starbucks on Mondays and Wednesdays. Her friends started pre-K this year and she doesn't understand that they "go to school" very differently than we do!

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...if your 5yo askes you not to take pictures because the "flash is blinding". Or tells you that touching his head as you walk past is disturbing him. Or if he only uses "right" to indicate direction or position and "correct" any other time. Or will stop to listen to classical music and then ask me to buy the cd.


...if your 9yo has to explain a pun to her grandmother. And takes her magifying glass with her everywhere, in case she sees an interesting "specimen". Or says "the Nat Geo special on Ancient Egypt" when asked what her favorite movie is. Or would rather look under the microscope at things she's gathered from around the house than play Barbies with the neighborhood girls.

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... your children are constantly pointing out other people's grammatical errors. (respectfully, they don't do this to adults, but will always tell me about it later)


.... your family grows mold in the house - on purpose, (in petri dishes, of course :D).


.... your children are always searching for the irony, similes, metaphors, etc., in everything, so that they can see who can be the first to point it out.


.... your children would rather watch Animal Planet or Discovery Channel than anything else on TV.


.... your 9 year old daughters ask to watch Pride and Prejudice, and then go on to point out that the columns on Bingley's house are Ionic style.


.... your girls would rather play with bugs than Barbies.


.... by the age of 10, your kids have already read more books than you read during your entire childhood and half of your adult life.


.... you keep a box of Ziploc bags in your car/van incase you find a really cool (dead) insect in a parking lot somewhere.


.... you have 75-100 library books in your home every day because you go to the library almost every day to return books, but leave with just as many, if not more.


.... your children's favorite "class" in school is not lunch or recess, but poetry. :001_smile:


.... you, or many people that you know, raise chickens.


.... you get soooo excited about meeting Linda Hobar or Uncle Josh, but don't care at all that you literally bumped into Justin Timberlake in a Target store.


.... your children don't know who Justin Timberlake is (or most other "pop icons").


.... your children hear The Four Seasons playing and they say, "Hey Mom, it's the red-headed priest!"

Edited by hsmom3tn
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You might be a homeschooler if....


Your 4 year old says "my pleasure," after you say "thank you."


Your 8 year old refuses to have her head x-rayed for a severe sinus infection until the technician can explain how the machine works. When that technician cannot explain it she finds another, and another until there are 4 technicians, a doctor and the receptionist in the room arguing over how the machine works.


The same 8 year old begs for (and receives) her own set of the X-rays of her head.


Your 6 year old is asked by another child how the baby got in her mommy's tummy and she answers with all correct anatomical terms and then comes to get her sketch book so she can add diagrams to the conversation.


Same 6 year old says to Grammie at Thanksgiving dinner, "Did you know I have ovaries inside me, right now!"


Your 15 year old, who belongs to a book club where she is the only homeschooler, discovers that no one read the book the month it was her turn to choose because it was too "thinky." The book was "The Screwtape Letters" The group had previously read "Twilight" and "Austenland."


Your 5 year old is Eloise for Halloween and no one knows who she is. She even had a stuffed Weenie and a Skipperdee.


Morning sickness becomes a science project. Your children say things like, "You ate iceberg lettuce almost 2 hours ago. How can it still be whole? The oranges are much less recognizable," as they peer into the toilet.


And, of course, you might be a homeschooler if you have really nice shoes.



These are so much fun to read.


Amber in SJ

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Love all these academics, but mine all seem to involve something he gets to do in the middle of the day that school can't.


Such as yesterday when it was pouring rain and the dog (who lives 95% of the time indoors) dug a gigantic hole in search of a mole I think...and she was IN the muddly hole and covered with mud...So ds9 put on his swim suit and swim shirt and went outside in the pouring rain and hosed the mud off her. Then he went into some maniacal mode and ran around the yard in the rain shaking his fist at the sky and laughing. Then he decided it would be hilarious to throw mud against the window right by where I was sitting. I about jumped out of my chair! He cleaned it all up with the water hose and then he and the dog came in. I dried the wet stinky (but not muddy) dog and the boy went and got a hot shower. Fun times.

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Your 8 year old refuses to have her head x-rayed for a severe sinus infection until the technician can explain how the machine works. When that technician cannot explain it she finds another, and another until there are 4 technicians, a doctor and the receptionist in the room arguing over how the machine works.


That's hillarious!

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YOu get a call from a senior citizen friend that your 16 year old volunteered to fill in playing violin in a senior quartet, carried all of the equipment, walked the ladies in on his arm, and sent thank you notes for giving him the opportunity to play with them.

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