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What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake?

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When you're homeschooling, that is.


I've always been a night owl so I have to really force myself to go to bed at a decent hour. I used to need 9 hours of sleep to be fully functional, but that hasn't happened in many years!


This year, I'm actively trying to get to bed earlier and wake up earlier as well. I NEED that alone time with God, in a quiet house, before starting the day.


Sooo... just curious, what sleep/wake times work for you? Do you do any sort of morning walk or devotional before the children wake/after they go to sleep?

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I get up at 6am to get my son up for school. The bus has usually left by around 6:45am. I then have some quiet time until I get my dd up at 8am for homeschool. I am a night owl too. I usually stay up later than I should working and usually only get around 3-5 hours of sleep a night.

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I go to bed waaay too late, most nights around 2am but alot of times it is 3. I want to get to bed by midnight but can't seem to shake the habit. My kids are on a bad schedule too, they usually go to bed around 11pm. Then we all sleep til 10am or on some days 11am.


I think this leads to too much grumpiness too. I am starting to think that if you go to bed too early and get up too early you are as grumpy as if you go to bed too late and get up too late. Because I know several families who put their kids to bed around 8pm and then get them up at 5:30 or 6am. The kids always look tired and are sharp with their siblings. :glare:

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I'm in bed by 10 pm at the latest. Usually up by 7, but sometimes earlier with hubby's schedule. On the earlier days I am more likely to sit up in bed and do my devotions. Other days my son the early bird is up before me and the ball just starts rolling then!

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I try to get to bed by 10:30 but it usually ends up being close to 11. I wake every day without an alarm at about 7:15. Lately, I've been waking even earlier. It's bizarre. I went vegan about two months ago, and suddenly fall asleep faster and need less sleep. (Dh says I've even stopped snoring. :D)

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Ideally, I'm aiming for 10pm and wake at 6am.


Realistically? I've been watching too much Hulu until midnight or later, and often sleeping until 8am. (Has anyone mentioned that they've been featuring Firefly on the homepage lately? (sigh))


I've been much better since starting C25K several weeks ago - I like to use the track over at the school, and want to be out of there before school starts at 7:30am! So I'm motivated to be up and out.

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I am a reforming night owl. :001_smile: I *used* to go to bed at 1am and drag myself out of bed at 8am. Now I go to bed by 11pm, read or watch an episode of a show on DVD, wake up at 6:30am, listen to the news on the clock radio for about 30 minutes, then get up and have tea, chat, and pray with my dh until about 8am, then rouse the troops. My daycare kids arrive at 8:30am.


I have found that I am much more productive on this schedule than I thought I would be, but I still don't function well until I have a cup or two (or three) of tea in me first.


ETA: I also try to take a short nap (no more than 30 min.) every day and much longer naps on Sat. and Sun.

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I go to bed between 10:30 and 11 mot nights. Then I'm awake around 6/6:30. That's without an alarm. Sometimes the cat will wake me up earlier. Of course that works out great when I can sleep that long. When I'm PMSing, I'll wake up in the middle of the night to pee, then be awake for an hour or more!

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When you're homeschooling, that is.


I've always been a night owl so I have to really force myself to go to bed at a decent hour. I used to need 9 hours of sleep to be fully functional, but that hasn't happened in many years!


This year, I'm actively trying to get to bed earlier and wake up earlier as well. I NEED that alone time with God, in a quiet house, before starting the day.


Sooo... just curious, what sleep/wake times work for you? Do you do any sort of morning walk or devotional before the children wake/after they go to sleep?

I generally get into bed about 10:45 but I read until between 11 and 11:30. I get up between 4:30 and 5. My alarm is set for 6 but rarely make it that late. I normally rest in the afternoon though also.

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I'm REALLY trying to get to bed earlier again. Dh and I head up around 9 some nights and talk until 10, then I'll watch tv or read for an hour. I'll awake between 7 - 8. This we JUST started.


Until we started this, I was up until sometime between 1 - 3 and awoke too late. I can't do this now that school is starting.


If I can't get up on my own, I'm going to start to set my alarm for 7:00 and then I'll be tired at night. I have a busy year ahead of me, one that will NOT allow late nights.

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I wake up around 6 am and practice yoga for an hour before the boys wake up. This is my time and I really enjoy it. I'm usually showered when they meander out of their rooms and we start our day around 7ish.


Dh is in construction and leaves the house around 5:30am. We have always gone to bed at the same time, to get some quiet time together at the end of the day. Usually, we head to bed between 9:30 and 10:30pm.

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So wish I was one of those people who could live on 6 hours of sleep...or less! I need 8 to 9 to function well. I can live on less but I am sharp with my kids and grumpy waaaay too much! I am trying to be in bed by 9 and read until 9:30. I am up at 5:30 to run, shower and check email before kids are up at 7. I do my quiet time in the afternoon while they are in afternoon rest time from 2-4. That is my sanity time during the day to recharge my batteries! During that time I also try to do a load of laundry, start dinner do a few things around the house and occasionally chat with a friend!

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I go to bed at 2:00am but read in bed until 3:00am then wake at 6:30am.

I have to check my daughters blood sugar numbers throughout the night and find it easier to just stay awake, instead of going to sleep and then getting up to do it.

I shower first thing in the morning but we all get up at the same time. Everyone does their chores in the am.

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I am to go to bed at 10 p.m. and usually make it by 10:30. Up at 7. I have been trying to follow the advice on these boards to get up earlier so I have time for prayer and study. Was up at 6 a.m. maybe 3 days last week. That was wonderful to have some quiet time in the house, but so against my body clock.

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There's so much more I could accomplish if my body would cooperate and work nicely on 6 hours.


To bed between 10:30-11:00 (but usually hub wakes me up if he's coming home from work and I'll be awake for a bit) then up around 6 (no alarm.) I MUST have quiet time before the kids wake up! Cruising through the NT the last few weeks, and loving it.

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Sleep 11:30 pm to 6:30 am. Read my Bible at night, because that's when I have more brain power (night owl too, could easily stay up later!). If you're needing 9 hours sleep, you should get your thyroid checked. Thyroid and adrenals are connected to being a night owl.

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I go to bed waaay too late, most nights around 2am but alot of times it is 3.


:iagree: I sleep from 3:00am to about 10:00am and sometimes an hour or two in the late afternoons. My DH and dd11 have earlier bedtimes by choice. Even if I go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, we still don't get started with schoolwork until after 1:00pm. We do not like morning school.


Then again, my youngest is 11 and self-sufficient. She wakes before I do but has no problems getting her own breakfast. I miss having small children around but I guess there are benefits to having older children.

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My dh and I go to bed at 10:00 every night. I get up at 6:00 so that I'll have an hour and a half or so before the kids get up. We start school by 8:30 after breakfast and chores. I would love to let them sleep in and start school later, but we have activities every afternoon and school just wouldn't get done.

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I'm a reformed night-owl. When I was younger, I would go to sleep at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. and get up whenever the children dragged me out of bed. When my kids were in public school, I would get up in the morning, take them to school and go back to bed until 11:00 a.m. or 12:00 -- I was one cranky mom!


Now I go to bed at 10:30 and am asleep by 11:00. Wake up time for me is 6:00 a.m. I exercise, shower, get dressed and read my Bible before I wake dgd up at 7:00 a.m. to start our day.


Dgd goes upstairs at 8:30 p.m. for bath, bed-time story and prayer, and she's asleep by 9:00.


This gives me 1 1/2 hours in the evening, an hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon (while dgd naps) to myself -- and I need this time!


I've found that I function a lot better and I'm in a much better mood if I have these hours to myself, than if I slept an extra two or three hours at night.

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We're not morning people here, I'm usually in bed by 2am and up around 9. My kids go in their rooms at 8 and tv's go off at 10 S-th and 11 f-sat, but then they can listen to audio books until they fall asleep which is usually around 11:30-12


They are usually all up by 9:30 or so and we start school when we're all ready. We don't have any set time and I'm ok with that.

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I'm supposed to go to sleep by 10:30. I usually make it before 11:30, sometimes after. If I get up much after 5:30, my day turns rotten because I'm not physically and spiritually ready to deal with mama-ing.


I really need at least 7 1/2 to 8 hours of sleep in order to do well on a continual basis. My body clock won't let me sleep late, and the hours after the girls are in bed are the time when I have to get stuff done. So, I'm marginally sleep-deprived on a regular basis. (Ref. that earlier thread about naps. :))


Of course, the latest baby hasn't come yet . . . ;)


Mama Anna

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My whole house is full of night owls. Dh normally comes home from work around 11 pm so we both get to bed about 1, then we get up at 7. We have a big family breakfast and then he leaves about 9/10. We both would work until 2-3 am if we could.


I homeschool the littles from 10 am to about 2-3. Dd pretty much takes care of herself, with me checking in.


This year is going to be rough-dd is going to be getting on the bus at 6:20 am, and I have to be at the school to pick her up after her tech classes at 10. We'll probably all shift at once. I'm going to hate it, that's for sure.

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It all depends if I am having insomnia or not.


When dealing with insomnia I am up to till midnight, sleep 2-3 hours and thats it.


I normally try to go to bed by 11 and get up around 6-6:30. My daughter usually goes ice skating from 7-8ish and then we come home, brush teeth and get ready for school.


I am planning on returning to swimming (yippee!!) so I will be leaving the house at 5:30am three mornings a week.

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Guest janainaz

Everyone goes to bed around 9:00 - 9:30. On the weekends we stay up later. School days I get up around 6:00 - 6:15. I do housework, drink coffee, exercise, and read and I start school around 9:00 - 9:30. My older ds9 is up by 7:30 - 8:00. My younger one is up around 7:00.

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Sleep 11:30 pm to 6:30 am. Read my Bible at night, because that's when I have more brain power (night owl too, could easily stay up later!). If you're needing 9 hours sleep, you should get your thyroid checked. Thyroid and adrenals are connected to being a night owl.



NO WAY!! I just read some symptoms of thyroid and adrenal fatigue that I have and was starting to lean in the direction that I might have some issues (among many:001_unsure:) and now you say that it is linked to night owlism and needing 9 hours! I am so calling my Doc in the morn!!

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I'm currently sleeping in the schoolroom and it has me mucked up. It's darker back here than the master, and I don't have a clock. I never could sleep past 6am, but i've been on a 7am-ish kick. I'm going bonkers!


So I'm going to have to use my cell phone as an alarm and get back on track with 9/10pm-6am. I've always required 8-9 hours of sleep... except when I was a baby and my mom says I needed about 20 hours! Lol!!

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Normally I go to bed between 12:30 and 1:00am. I get up right around 8:30am.


My 16yo starts cc classes tomorrow though. I'll have to get up at 7:10am on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I can be out the door with her at 7:25am. I plan to go to bed by 11:30pm. I'll probably have to take a melatonin to be able to get sleep.

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I go to bed waaay too late, most nights around 2am but alot of times it is 3. I want to get to bed by midnight but can't seem to shake the habit. My kids are on a bad schedule too, they usually go to bed around 11pm. Then we all sleep til 10am or on some days 11am.


I think this leads to too much grumpiness too. I am starting to think that if you go to bed too early and get up too early you are as grumpy as if you go to bed too late and get up too late. Because I know several families who put their kids to bed around 8pm and then get them up at 5:30 or 6am. The kids always look tired and are sharp with their siblings. :glare:

6 year olds should get 11 hour a night!!!
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NO WAY!! I just read some symptoms of thyroid and adrenal fatigue that I have and was starting to lean in the direction that I might have some issues (among many:001_unsure:) and now you say that it is linked to night owlism and needing 9 hours! I am so calling my Doc in the morn!!
Drrind.com has info for you. I need 10-12 hours. I am fighting off a precancerous condition in 3 of my organs. I have had thyroid/adrenal issues in the past. I guess I am saying not to make assumptions about your health. get it checked out.
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