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larger house vs. family vacations?

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I realize both would be ideal, but, if you could have it only one way for raising kids. We have a small house and at times I obsess about having a bigger one. But, we were able to have some great vacations this year! A friend just bought a bigger house and is thinking they will need to limit their vacations now. I know there is a lot of talk about how having a bigger house and having kids hang out at your house is important. Which do you think is better?

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I'd vote for a smaller house, and more time and money for fun family activities.


I don't think it's an either/or situation. Visiting kids don't care about the size of the house, just whether it's comfortable and friendly. And it's easier to keep an eye on things without being too obvious in a small house.


Our house isn't really large or small -- about 3,000 sf -- but I think we could easily get by with 1,500 sf. Frequently when all four of us are home (me, wife, son, and dog), we're all within about 25 sf anyway.

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Family vacations.


We still live in the original house dh & I bought when married. At the time, we could have bought a much larger home. But, we love to travel & wanted to use our extra $$ to travel, so we stuck w/ buying a smaller/more affordable home. We have taken many awesome trips through the years & I wouldn't trade those for anything.


Having a smaller/more affordable house also helped us when 1) I quit working to become a SAHM; 2) twice when dh has gotten laid off in the past few years; 3) by leaving a smaller footprint on the earth & reminding us that less is more/simple is better; 4) having the time (less house maintenance) & $$ available for vacations, both as a family & for dh & I as a couple -- you just can't beat those memories.

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I realize both would be ideal, but, if you could have it only one way for raising kids. We have a small house and at times I obsess about having a bigger one. But, we were able to have some great vacations this year! A friend just bought a bigger house and is thinking they will need to limit their vacations now. I know there is a lot of talk about how having a bigger house and having kids hang out at your house is important. Which do you think is better?


That depends on how many kids, what ages, and how small is small?


We live in 2200 sqft house. I don't consider it small but wouldn't want to live in a smaller house due to the spread out ages of our kids. Ds14 has teenage friends and honestly the conversations/movies/games for teens are not appropriate for my 10yo or 2yo. I like for them to have a separate area of the house to go to, away from the littles. We will be adding on next year and make it a 3000 sqft house.


DD10 has to share a room with dd2 and they are like oil and water. It is a horrible arrangement for dd10 and we are now looking at adding on a room for her so she won't have to share anymore. For the past year she has chosen to sleep on a foam pad in the library to have some privacy away from the baby. We even bought her a loft bed for her room, but the baby would terrorize her all night long.


DS still has 4 years at home and possibly more since there are so many colleges in our area. We have a 2yo so we will be able to use the space for a long time :0).



If my kids were older and almost out of the house, I would not be considering going bigger. If they were closer in age and personality, we can, and have lived in a smaller house.

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Well, with 7 kids hoping for more, we picked a larger house and less vacations. We take short vacations and that's all we can handle with so many little ones anyway. We have a lot of fun at home. We have our own movie theater, woods to camp in, trails to run around on, a pool. We just went to the coast for 2 days and visited an aquarium...we were thrilled to be home after even just 2 days away.


I guess we're just home bodies and prefer having a better daily life than excitement for short periods of vacationing. I know many wouldn't consider a larger home attributing to a better life. For us, it's just less stressful.

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We want a bigger house and have forgone vacations for years, and will for the next few years.


But by bigger I mean anything bigger than our tiny 2 bedroom condo, probably something around 1500sq feet. Once we buy a 3 bed home with space to homeschool, we'll go on vacation!


The thought of living here for 20 more years makes it easy to be frugal and go without some luxuries for the time being.

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Well, it depends on how small we're talking, but, in general, I'd go with vacations. We have about 1900 square feet for 5 of us, and I don't have any particular desire for anything bigger. I could go a bit smaller for more vacations, in fact!

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I realize both would be ideal, but, if you could have it only one way for raising kids. We have a small house and at times I obsess about having a bigger one. But, we were able to have some great vacations this year! A friend just bought a bigger house and is thinking they will need to limit their vacations now. I know there is a lot of talk about how having a bigger house and having kids hang out at your house is important. Which do you think is better?


We took the smaller house, more travel option for some time. I figure when the kids were older they would never say, "Darn, I wish we hadn't gone to France or Costa Rica and had a bigger house instead!"


Until this year, when it seemed like our family had just grown so much that we were on top of each other all the time, especially in the winter. So we're biting the bullet and adding on, possibly at the expense of our family trips.


But mostly I would lean toward creating lasting memories and spending wonderful time together.

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i came to post what almost everyone else has said. travel and vacation would be our vote.


you just have to clean (and pay to heat and cool- this is not a trivial consideration!) more space. most people in the world live in much smaller spaces than we do.


one year, we didn't travel, and put in solar panels. we now heat and cool for free, and travel. the house is still 2100 sq ft for six people, 4 adults + 2 tweens, and it is a fine size. i can't begin to call it small...


i would like to redo the kitchen though ; ).


its a good question!

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We were blessed with both this year (moved from 1500 to 2100 sqft.), but if I had to choose (in the past we have had to) I would go with more vacations!


My kids love to go explore fun places, and in the end the memories are the most important. As long as you have a cool tv, some sort of game table or trampoline or something fun like that and lots of food the kids will come lol. Those were the kinds of houses I frequented as a kid, but none of them were big.

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It's vacations all the way for us. We simply can't beat the memories and the learning all in one. That said, we also love where we live and have all the comforts of home we'd want (except a 2nd bathroom). We have woods, a decent sized creek, fields, pastures - plenty of room to roam and all in a highly scenic area that many people vacation to. My kids will drop everything in an instant to travel though. We love new places - esp scenic. As I'm typing this I'm looking out across the St Lawrence River to Canada... our campsite is riverfront.

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The time for us to choose will soon be coming up since we'll be moving in 2 years. We currently live in a 2500 sq.ft. house and it's too small for our growing family (2 adults and almost 5 children...5th due any day!).


We love to travel and we've been able to go to the beach, mountains, and Disney World every year for our vacations. But we are blessed that all these are within a reasonable driving distance. I wouldn't mind giving up some vacation time for a bigger house at all!!!


All our children are young, so having the space is important...and for the most part we are home bodies.


So I guess I would vote for having a great, giant vacation every other year and having a big house for all the kids to have plenty of room in!

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Does it have to be one or the other? I have been very fortunate to travel the world over but my most memorable childhood vacation was one where we landed in NY bought a huge boat of a station wagon and went to the army surplus and bought cheap camping gear. We spent the summer staying in KOA's for $7 a night (I know old prices) and went from NY to FL across the US up to WA, down to CA and criss-crossed the other way back to NY. We gave the car and gear to a family that lived down the street from some friends of ours who said they had had some rough times and hopped back on the plane..... The best time ever and cheap. We cooked all our own food and visited sooooo many historical sites (free or cheap).

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We have opted for more house over bigger vacations and we don't regret that at all. We do still take vacations and there are only 4 of us, so we are not a big family. When we are away, we look forward to getting home. We really enjoy our home. It has been perfect for hosting. Dd's friends tend to want to come to our house. That is not just due to size, since their houses are of a similar size. I think it has to do with the set up of our house. I do not think this would have happened as much at our previous house.


We have been able to host large gatherings with ease. And this coming year we will be hosting a foreign exchange student. As far as cleaning? I have an easier time cleaning this one. The rooms have a more defined purpose. Our son's room has very few toys, because he has other play areas. That will make cleaning his room so much easier than it was for dd.


This home is more peaceful than our last home. We would not trade it. We do tend to be introverts, too, so factor that into the equation. :)

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Unless you are really tight in your smaller home, I would vote for more financial freedom over a bigger house.


Just think, a bigger house generally means:

bigger taxes

larger utility bills

more upkeep costs

higher mortgage payment

higher insurance costs


IF something happens to your income, those expenses will still be with you if you choose a larger house. If you stay in your current home and something happens to your income you can cut out the vacations and not be as financially strapped. I am all for staying debt free or as close to it as you can.

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We haven't been able to afford a "real" vacation in two years, but are immensely thankful that we bought a relatively small house ten years ago and have a reasonable mortgage payment, a fair amount of equity, and no debt other than the mortgage. We've had a lot of expenses come up, but have been able to juggle and handle them as they've come up.


Of course vacations are great, but I'd rather not carry a lot of debt.

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It depends on the age of your children. If they are very young, I'd go with the larger house that gives you comfortable growth room because they're too small to really enjoy major vacations anyway. They'd be just as happy with a day at a park, and you will be glad for the room later. If your kids are older and you're starting to count down the few years that you have left with them, I'd go for the small house and more opportunities. I've found that vacations don't give us as many good memories as being a "hub" where all friends come together. So I like a little more room in the house. It just depends on how you would use that bigger house.

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I was going to say larger house, but what you guys are calling small I call a mansion!:lol:


We have had 6 people in 800 square feet, 8 people in 1300 square feet, and 9 people in 1500 square feet. We're currently preparing to move into 1300 square feet again (with only 8 of us.) I can make it work as long as we have two bathrooms or at least a secluded yard (I have mosltly boys!:D)


If I had 2000-2500 square feet, I would go with vacations (or some other priority) instead of a larger house. We're staying with my mother right now who has about 2200 square feet and there is a bunch of wasted space. Our last home had 5 bedrooms, but that was a waste as well - we only used 3 of them really.

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Smaller house/vacations would be my choice. We haven't so much picked a smaller house for vacations only but to have the extra $$ to do fun activities, kids to do lessons, and us to generally have the $$ to go on a vacation when we want. It's been a little difficult at times. We have family members who are very into their homes and making them beautiful and grand. There is nothing wrong with that, but we're kind of the odd ones out. Occasionally we doubt our decision because I'll want what they have. As a single-income family, though, this is pretty much the only way we'd be able to have extra $$ to do some of the things we're interested in doing and allow the dc to take music lessons and be involved in things they are interested in. That's our story. I would easily pick travelling overseas and to great locations over a large house.

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We have 8 people living in our home of about 3000 squ ft including the finished basement, 2/3 acre lot, great yard. I think our home is sufficient size for us. Anything bigger would mean more cleaning. We have only lived here for 4 years when there were only 5 of us living here. One got married and moved out, then we adopted a sibling group of 4. I am grateful we had the room to bring them here. We just refinanced our mortgage to have lower payments.


We try to take small trips here and there, day trips not really considered "vacation", and I really work hard to find affordable vacation times and deals. Such as going to the beach during the off season. So I think we have the best of both worlds and am very blessed.

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It depends on the age of your children. If they are very young, I'd go with the larger house that gives you comfortable growth room because they're too small to really enjoy major vacations anyway. They'd be just as happy with a day at a park, and you will be glad for the room later. If your kids are older and you're starting to count down the few years that you have left with them, I'd go for the small house and more opportunities.



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I realize both would be ideal, but, if you could have it only one way for raising kids. We have a small house and at times I obsess about having a bigger one. But, we were able to have some great vacations this year! A friend just bought a bigger house and is thinking they will need to limit their vacations now. I know there is a lot of talk about how having a bigger house and having kids hang out at your house is important. Which do you think is better?


Definitely family vacations. No doubt about that. With a smaller (less expensive) home, I'd be out more with the kids, at the library, the pool, visiting people, have a car for myself to use, and taking easier vacations with my kids. If my home can fit beds to sleep in, clothes storage, bookshelves, essential dishes/pots, a bathroom and a kitchen sink, I could find a way to make small space work in order to do other more fun things with my family than sit in a big box.


Oh, and our living space is around 1100 sq. ft. - this is big to me, for us. But this is a small home for our area (except for apts. of course).

Edited by Colleen in NS
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Our house is a smaller rancher but just the right size for the 5 of us. I wouldn't want to have to keep more clean.


I love that our mortgage is small enough that the kids are able to pursue their passions and we are able to vacation when and where we like. We have even given up owning newer cars, making due with our cars all over 130K miles, to be able to do these things.

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Another vote for vacations. Our house is 2600 for family of 5, I wouldn't want to clean anything larger. We spend our money on ski trips and beach house rentals, the more the better!



"I wouldn't want to clean anything larger"....That's exactly what was going through my mind...vacation or not!




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I would love a little more space, because I grew up with a basement and it's driven me a bit batty for the last 11 years to live in a house without one, but I don't want more debt, so I guess vote for a smaller house. We actually lost room when we moved to this house from our home in Michigan, even though there is probably more finished square footage here than we had there. I didn't think about it at the time, but if I had it to do over again, I think I would do it a bit differently.


I do not, however, enjoy traveling, so would not vote to do more of that, either. Extra $ for day trips or local fun would be fabulous, though. :)


I agree - those houses that are called "not large" seem pretty big to me!

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We're homebodies. I would love to have more room for every day of our lives. Room for the children to spread out and decorate their own spaces. Room to entertain. Room to be the dc's friends' hangout place. Room for the dc (when grown) to come back home for holidays/visits and have a bed. KWIM?


My good friend and her dh just upsized when their dc got to college/work age. Now their dd can bring her dh and ds for extended visits. And the college dc can bring home friends on breaks.


I have many wonderful childhood memories, but most of them are everyday things -- making crafts in the kitchen, planting my *own* garden in the backyard, helping Dad build things, putting up wallpaper, training our pets to do tricks . . .


But, that's what would suit our family. I have 2 special kiddos who don't enjoy new places much. We enjoy spreading blankets on the floor and having a slumber party while the dc fall asleep watching movies in the den. I guess our expectations are smaller because of our experiences.


I also find through these house size threads that everyone's experience is relative. Our great big home (to us) for 7 is 1800 square feet. We're thankful, of course, because we used to have 1200. Once you have a comfortable size for your family, you really do begin to have choices. If you're too cramped every day, your quality of life may suffer (imho).

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I would say larger home because we cannot always get a way with hubby being military. He's a homebody and loves to be at home with the kids. He' much rather have a friend or two over for a cook out or just have the a bunch a kids over playing then to go out and about. He'd like to have our camper at a campground that we all like and just go there on weekends or long holidays.

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larger house for sure.


We have created so many fond memories because of where we live. Our kids have been on some vacations (Hawaii, AZ, CA, VA, IL, one to Turks and Cacos) but by far I'd rather put more money into our home than travel. Last year's option was a vacation or a pool. We all chose the pool. This coming year? Vacation or a hot tub. We all decide as a family and decisions are usually unanimous. We live on acreage and have total privacy and it's almost like resort living. (that's what many people say when they come to visit the first time.)


This is coming from a person who HATES to travel, so keep that in mind. So much work before, so much work after. It takes me a good 2 - 3 days just to unwind and ENJOY myself when we go away. I also hate to fly but do it for my family. It's also a HUGE task for me to have all the written instructions for the farm helper (not to mention $100 per day to hire her!) and to make checklists for her, order all grain ahead of time, etc. We have 37 animals.


For me personally, and I hope not to offend anyone, I don't think it takes big fancy vacations to make special memories. One of my closest friends, who has plenty of money, said her favorite childhood memories surrounded camping, as did mine. I'd done the Disneyland thing but I preferred the camping.


One of our favorite times of the year is coming up. We cut our own wood, split and stack it - all right off our land, to heat our home. Our boys LOVE this day, as do the girls. I will have a kettle of chili outside cooking over a large fire, hot chocolate, hot cider, etc. We have a huge breakfast and then get to work and it's a family day we actually all look forward to. :001_smile: Likely not many's idea of fun but it has become a day we cherish.


We took the kids camping last week and decided it was our last time. It's also too much work! We're going to opt for a house on a lake next year. Time to just BE together, enjoy each other and bond. That's how we like to do it, and we don't vacation every year but DO take plenty of day trips or over nighters. We are NOT a family that likes to vacation and be on the go everyday. Not one of us.


That's my very wordy response. :D

Edited by Denisemomof4
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Bigger home, little travel for me. And I also disagree that vacations are the way to make memories. All my fondest memories come from spending time with my parents at home.


I dislike travel. I love hanging around my town and community and seeing friends.


I love hosting gatherings and parties.


I have a large extended family and love having everyone together and all my neices and nephews say coming to my house is a vacation for them!


My kids' friends are ALWAYS welcome here, and come they do. When my kids are grown, I will probably get an even bigger house. I am determined that when all my kids visit, everyone will fit comfortably. I will even continue to have a playroom for kids. Can you imagine what a blessing it would be to be able to host younger families/moms and when they come here, they find a toy room?


Do what's best for you.



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Generally: vacations. But it would depend on the ages of the kids and the size of the house, I guess. Smaller kids, more kids - bigger house, bc, that's where you spend most of your time and kids will not remember their vacationing attractions anyway. Bigger kids - vacations with educational components.

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Bigger home, little travel for me. And I also disagree that vacations are the way to make memories. All my fondest memories come from spending time with my parents at home.


I dislike travel. I love hanging around my town and community and seeing friends.


I love hosting gatherings and parties.


I have a large extended family and love having everyone together and all my neices and nephews say coming to my house is a vacation for them!


My kids' friends are ALWAYS welcome here, and come they do. When my kids are grown, I will probably get an even bigger house. I am determined that when all my kids visit, everyone will fit comfortably. I will even continue to have a playroom for kids. Can you imagine what a blessing it would be to be able to host younger families/moms and when they come here, they find a toy room?


Do what's best for you.





I admire you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We've skipped family vacations for the last three years and I REALLY miss them. However, we've also moved into a tiny house and I REALLY, REALLY miss a more comfortable house.


My vote would be for a decent sized house and day trips for awhile until you can afford a real vacation. I am going crazy slowly but surely in this small space.

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