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  1. My daughter has been using CD since Pre-Alg. She is now in Geometry. It is a great program, she loves it, but she just seems to have so many questions about Geometry that I am concerned she is not learning well enough. Is there anything else anyone can recommend to supplement CD? Thanks, Ruthie
  2. Can anyone tell me the differences between these two programs? Is one more comprehensive than the other? TIA, Ruthie
  3. Ugh, so I guess no one has a magic answer:tongue_smilie: When I said around food all day, honestly, that is just how I feel. In my natural state, when the kids are not around, I eat once per day. My kids eat three meals with snacks of veggies or fruit. If they are truly hungry, they'll eat a sandwich. We already do the grain grinding thing and no sugar thing. We only drink water or milk. I guess I just see how my body is slowing down with age, like I had heard all during my younger years. And I had recently read about this one woman, who after menopause, her body completely changed. She kept gaining although she was dieting and exercising like crazy. I am terrified that will happen to me, esp cause my family tends to gain weight only in the middle and I have a very high risk of strokes and I have 6 yrs of hsing in front of me, YIKES!! Have a great day! Ruthie
  4. Kids?!!! What do I do? My kids are growing and eating more and more, ALL DAY LONG. And they are so healthy. But handling food ALL DAY long is making me gain weight. If I had no kids, I would naturally eat less just cause I don't have to think about all the time, BUt all I do is think about food, what to buy, what to make, etc etc. Esp cause I cook from scratch alot. And cause we hs, we are home alot and sit around working, it makes it so much worse for me! Any advice, please? Ruthie
  5. Not one decision per say, but my gut told me to tell my sis to not go away to college. She was one of those kids who should have stayed at home with the family support surrounding her until marriage. For every kid, it's different. I went away, as all the sibs and we're fine, but she should not have. I felt it in my gut. My parents struggled with it. Everyone else told us to let her go away. That it would be a wonderful growing experience. It changed her life for the worse, for the rest of her life. Those people offering advice then are not around anymore. But here we are, constantly picking up the pieces left behind. I'm sorry about the pain your brother has caused your family
  6. I had someone tell me that they emptied out all their retirement accounts (IRAs, 401Ks, savings, etc etc), pay the penalties, and then put the money in a grandparent's name, so that the money would not show up as an asset in their name when the colleges were reviewing records to determine financial aid. They said colleges would expect parents to pay tuition from those funds if needed. Is this true? Would a college actually expect a parent to pay tuition from a retirement savings? That sounds crazy to me. How would a college expect that parent to survive considering if the child is going to college, parent is not that young? As a parent, is it even worth saving for retirement in those traditional ways if a college is just going to take it anyway? Thanks, Ruthie
  7. :lol: That does sound funny when you put it like that! Cut my losses now, eh? No, no. If I was a betting kinda gal, I would bet they turn out delightful. My kids are all teens, and thus far, are a delight and hsing has helped us achieve all the family goals we have so far. I've been planning my mothering years since I was 8. I just do not want to become one of those crazy moms who can't let go. I am going to ache for my kids when they are gone. Like my heart being ripped out. And how could I not take it personally if they screw up and waste their life?
  8. Kind of like putting all your eggs into one basket? Some points: 1. I am a Christian, so that does drive my decisions. 2. I do believe that kids will grow up to make their own choices. Meaning, a parent can literally do everything right and that child grow up to become a insert failure here. 3. When my kids are done hsing, I will be 42. Very young and I plan to launch a full time career. I have alot of ambitions, none of which include staying home. My dh fully supports this, he knows my energy level and my need to be fully engaged. I am quickly approaching high school and all the work it entails and then an empty nest and I am so worried about having a breakdown cause my idenitity as a full time mom is gone. I am so concerned, that I almost feel like I should not hs and instead should use this time to prepare myself for my next career. Devote my time to me, not them, only for my sanity. I mean, if I devote all this of my life to the kids and they become losers, what would have been the point of my life? Kind of like all those people who worked so hard to save their money for retirement, only to have Madoff take it all, KWIM? There was no point to it. They worked so hard, only to have no reward in the end. Does any of this make sense? Any advice, counsel? Ruthie
  9. To be a woman who fears and loves the Lord. If this can describe her, everything else will fall into place.
  10. I bought the Redesigned. It LOOKS great, but overwhelming none the less!
  11. Yes, I see them weakening the traditional hsing movement. I can also see the positive side of how it offers some people to keep their kids at home when they would have no other way. But I lived in a state where there is no option other than traditional ps and traditional hs and the hsing community there was huge and STRONG. So many things going on, it was crazy. If anyone wanted a particular activity for their kids, they had to organize it. Because of the strong support, most people continued to hs high school and did well. The general hs population also had lesser financial means. I now live in a state where there are many schooling options. The hs community here is weak. As soon as things get difficult for some, they sign up for a charter school. Also, there are many people who would never traditional hs cause "it's academically questionable", but think the cyber is a great choice. The people here are generally financially well off. What has been my struggles living here? A transient hs community. Kids are there one year, not the next. No one to discuss curriculum with cause they don't buy any. Literally, no one I know knows about curriculum as much as I do. They have no idea that a hsing person could buy DVDs to teach their kids math! No hs activities.
  12. I have been using Sonlight for 7 years. It's good enough and we like the books. Two years ago, I bought TOG yr 1 cause it looked great, but I have been paralyzed by its sheer size and the amount of work involved for me to prep. Even down to printing the student sheets! But, I cannnot avoid it any longer and need to make a decision. Is there anything like TOG, that teaches history in sequence, yet is like Sonlight, in that it is open and go? I'm open to any good solid curriculum. Thanks, Ruthie
  13. Honestly...it is because they have no understanding of the nature of God. They have blind eyes to Scripture. Whenever I hear someone try to compare marriage to a corporation, with the dh being CEO and the wife president or something or other, I always say, can you truly hear Christ saying that? "I am the CEO"?!!! My dh agrees. He is a very strong man. Which is why he can raise me up over himself.
  14. IMO, it is possible to hs spending very little money, but you will pay for it with your time. So, in that sense, it is not free.:) This seems to hold true for alot of things in life. Either money or time.
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