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Desperate Prayer Needed

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doctor says less than 5% chance. Bring children in to see her and say good bye. PRay for a miracle.


It doesn't seem fair, doesn't make sense, and yet I believe there are lessons I simply can't comprehend. Please know that I'm thinking of your friend and her family. I'm sorry.



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My dear friend Annie is in the ICU on a ventilator with pneumonia. Her kidney and liver is shutting down. She is a homeschooler with a 6 and 12 yo. She loves the Lord. Please pray for her recovery.


I'm sorry :( Praying for Annie.

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I saw your post earlier but had to run out before I could post. I am so sorry, so saddened to hear of her loss. I'll be lifting her family and you up in prayer. News like this just really makes me aware of the brevity of our life and how we must make the most of each moment we have before God calls us home. I'm just so very sorry...

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I'm so sorry about this. I will pray for her family and for you and her friends, too.


A homeschooling father lost his wife to a brain aneurysm here a few years ago. A family friend homeschooled his children for him for one year while they all adjsted, and he soon remarried after that. It was hard, but family and friends surrounded them and carried them through... I hope the very best for your friend's family.



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Oh I'm so very sorry. The family has been on my mind all day long. I'm so sad to read this. I will keep praying for them.


I agree with this and with everyone. It's so shocking when a young spouse and parent passes away, especially when it's sudden. What a terrible thing. That poor family. Sending more prayers.

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