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Poll: Makeup

How often [if you do] do you wear makeup?  

  1. 1. How often [if you do] do you wear makeup?

    • Full face everyday
    • nothing, ever
    • some, if I feel like it that day
    • only for special occasions
    • other [please share]

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but it takes about 6 minutes to do. Very simple :D.


Mine doesn't take long to do either. I use Everyday Minerals concealer, foundation, finishing powder, whatever eyeshadow and lipstick that I happen to have. I put a moisturizer on underneath. That's all. I've only been doing this since about September. Before then, it was very rarely. I just wanted to start looking better. I started high lighting my hair then also.



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I didn't even wear makeup to my own wedding.


For years, I thought I was just strange (I've never had any interest in it at all, even in junior high and high school), but over the past couple of years I have been reading more and more about prosopagnosia (face blindness), and I truly think I have it (I have all of the symptoms, anyway). Recently I learned that very few female prosopagnosiacs wear makeup or fix their hair (the logic -- why decorate something you don't really see? Makes a *ton* of sense to me, now that I realize that I am far more than just 'bad with faces'. To give you an example of what I mean, I can't remember what my kids looked like when they were babies, I rarely watch TV or movies because I have a hard time telling the characters apart -- LOST is my only exception, and I spend the whole time asking dh 'who is that?' -- and I was engaged to my husband before I could remember what he looked like).


(Sounds very strange, I know, and I realize I'm going out on a limb by saying that. I need a blushing smiley!)


So my answer to your question, unfortunately, has to be Never.


(Editing because I accidentally clicked "Other" instead of "Never" -- but "Never" is my answer. Sorry about that!)

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I voted "other". I don't wear makeup every day, but that isn't dependent on how I "feel". I don't bother with makeup if I'm not leaving the house. I wear very light makeup (a little concealer and some blush) when I'm out for casual things (grocery shopping, for example), and I wear full makeup for church on Sundays and work and parties.

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In the past 16 years (possibly longer, but I can't really remember any farther back) I have worn make-up 3 times; my wedding, my sister's wedding and a friend's wedding.


My skin is very sensitive and it just feels better without make-up. It would probably *look* better with, but I can't be bothered with it (I have hair issues, too, but that is another story :D).


I voted for only special occasions.

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I marked "special occasions", but the fact is that works out to *maybe* once a year, and even then we're not talking "full face". I almost said "never", but there are *times*, lol...


I feel like I missed something in Junior High... I should have learned how to apply make-up then. ;) I really don't think I need it day-to-day, but I do wish I felt more confident that I knew what I was doing on those occasions when I'd like to wear make-up.

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I marked never, but I did wear it once this year, to a CHristmas party. I HATE wearing it becasue my skin is oily and I sweat alot (even when it's cold, if I get nervous, I sweat). Once I sweat the make-up feels thick and cakey on my skin. ICK

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Full face every day.

I have dark (DARK) circles under my eyes that I feel compelled to cover even if I'm home alone.

I wish I were happy enough with my face that I felt good without makeup. I love seeing women with clean, fresh faces.

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I love seeing how different everyone is! So very interesting!


I should have put lotion down as an option because some days that is all I wear also. Oh well. Sorry about that.


I wear makeup when I feel like it, or think about it [ or remember] which isn't very often. The only time I wear full face is when we have our military formals and I get all dolled up. That is once a year. :)

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I would vote for "Some, everyday", but that's not an option, so I chose "Other".


I have uneven skin tone (red, splotchy areas, scars from acne) so I wear foundation everyday, with a little powdered blush, and I use tinted lip balm (Burt's Bees). But, I never wear eye make-up, and I never use lipstick (blech). I don't consider that a "full face", as it's very minimal, but I do wear it every day.

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I voted other. I do wear some foundation and powder every day; I have rosacea, which makes me rather pink, and it helps me look normal! I don't wear lipstick or eyeshadow very much, just to more special things. I wish I didn't have to wear it all the time, but I feel self-conscious without it now.

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I am kind of tagging onto KristineIN's poll about girly things. I'm just curious if anyone wears makeup, and how much.


I wear makeup every day. However, I didn't mark "Full face" because I don't really do that. I rarely wear foundation because I just don't need it. I have a strong aversion to blush, too. Every day I do a minimum routine of moisturizer, mascara and lip gloss. If I'm out for work that day, I will add eye shadow, and go with lipstick instead of just gloss.

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I try to wear eyeliner and mascara everyday, but they live in my car because they tend to get lost or used as crayons in the house. Hence, if I'm not actually getting IN the car that day...well, I don't make a special trip to the garage for my eyeliner :rolleyes: I never used to wear anything on my lips until I accidentally discovered the exact perfect color I've been looking for my whole life at Whole Foods last time I was there. It cost an arm and a leg, but it's SO perfect, I want to buy a hundred of them, LOL!


I feel like I missed something in Junior High... I should have learned how to apply make-up then. ;) I really don't think I need it day-to-day, but I do wish I felt more confident that I knew what I was doing on those occasions when I'd like to wear make-up.


I feel the same way. Every time I tried to put on make-up the way they showed in all the magazines, I looked like a clown, LOL! When I tried to use concealer/foundation/powder etc., they made me break out, and I could never get the colors right. I do wish I had a little expertise with eyeshadow for special occasions.

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I am kind of tagging onto KristineIN's poll about girly things. I'm just curious if anyone wears makeup, and how much.


The only time I don't wear makeup is if I have the flu. Mineral makeup is so light & natural, though, that people think I don't wear much makeup at all.

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Hmm, I put never. I probably would wear it for a big family picture (like the reunion picture coming up in April) just so I'm not the only washed out face.


1) I hate it! I cannot stand the way it feels. It makes my eyes itch and feel dry. I like being able to go into the bathroom and wash my post-gardening face without dealing with goop.


2) I'm not into looks, at all. I mean I'm clean. My clothes are clean. My hair is washed and combed. I'm so into neat. But fashionable clothes? Nah. Shopping? No way. More than 3 pairs of shoes? Nope. And I'm not ugly so I'm not feeling like I've given up or anything. I guess I'm a bit of a granola. I like my gray hair. I like my wrinkles. I like my face just the way it is (okay, minus 30lbs).


3) Thankfully, I'm married to a man who prefers me without make-up (I hear the Hallelujah chorus).

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I voted other. I wear it for special occasions and about once a month when I have big honkin' zit. I don't like the way makeup feels and I don't feel like me with too much of it on.


When I do wear makeup, I wear foundation and blemish concealer if necessary, light blush , maybe eyeliner, and a little more blush brushed on my eyelids for just a bit of shimmer. I have some lipstick which I wear on the very rare occasion, but I'm more likely to wear light colored lipgloss or Carmex. I almost never wear mascara, and if I do, it is likely to be clear.


I have had the same bottle of Obsession since high school (gift from dh), and it will last a good while longer. I'm sensitive to perfumes. Obsession is one I can handle in very small amounts, but I don't usually remember it.

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I didn't wear make-up to my wedding either!!!

I am really good with faces though, so it wasn't for the same reasons.


I have a lot of color in my face. I don't like to spend a lot of time on self maintenence (I'm not a slob or anything, just simple, I guess). And my husband, who is in the real estate field, cannot stand make-up, so that makes it really easy.


I figure that people still seem to like me (at least they don't run away screaming!) so, why bother.

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Ok, let's see. If I'm going to see family. If I'm feeling particularly frumpy & dh is about to be home. If I'm trying to get motivated. If I'm going to the groc store & dh is driving &/or I'm ready before the dc are & can't find anything else to do w/ that 2 min.


I haven't read the other replies: are we listing what we wear? I start w/ foundation/tinted moisturizer because my face is red & splotchy. But that makes me look really washed out (I was once asked in jr high if I was dying based on the color of my skin), so I usually add mascara. Lipstick if my lips are chapped because I can never find my chapstick &...might as well, right?


Then, if there's still time, I might add eye shadow (because my eyelids are red & splotchy, too) & then I figure why not add eye liner? Next to mascara, it's my favorite splurge-y thing to wear. Plus, I only wear it if I put it on in the car, which I only do if dh is driving, & it scares him. A lot. It's really worth it just for that, but, um, I need it, too. Between the dark circles & the pasty complexion, it just makes that much of a difference.


So now you know me.:eek:

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I voted other. I wear it for special occasions and about once a month when I have big honkin' zit. I don't like the way makeup feels and I don't feel like me with too much of it on.


When I do wear makeup, I wear foundation and blemish concealer if necessary, light blush , maybe eyeliner, and a little more blush brushed on my eyelids for just a bit of shimmer. I have some lipstick which I wear on the very rare occasion, but I'm more likely to wear light colored lipgloss or Carmex. I almost never wear mascara, and if I do, it is likely to be clear.


I have had the same bottle of Obsession since high school (gift from dh), and it will last a good while longer. I'm sensitive to perfumes. Obsession is one I can handle in very small amounts, but I don't usually remember it.


I love my foundation/eyeliner/mascara/Carmex routine. I probably pull it off 60% of the time, and that counts as my "full face". I never could master eye shadow or blush.


The rest of the time, I'm a 15SPF moisturizer/Carmex person. It's comfy.

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I voted "other" because I do wear makeup everyday, but I wouldn't consider it a full face. I'm thinking most people that know me would say I wear little to no makeup. I do wear a brown-black mascara and a sunscreen based foundation everyday. Does Balmex count as makeup? I wear that too.


If I'm feeling fancy, I will wear eyeshadow, eyeliner and real lipstick.

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Those would be few and far between. I think I probably average maybe once or twice a year with makeup on. Even then, it is often just powder and lipstick. My lashes are thick and long, mascara just gets in the way. Every time, every brand, if I wear makeup I breakout. I usually just wear it and wash my face immediately. If it stays on for more than a couple of hours, I'm pizza face city. I've never been able to wear makeup.

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  • 1 month later...

I used to be never. Now that I am older and my skin is getting so ruddy I feel the need to blend a little. A friend mentioned a mineral powder and I really like it. So when I remember I will brush that on with a little mascara.


Now I have my 50 posts and can sell items again.!! Yea!!

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I used to wear make-up, but I've never been particularly good at it. I remember when I was in Jr. high and I was first allowed to wear make-up. I was convinced that if I bought loose powder it would make my skin look flawless like the picture of the model in the advertisement. I came from a family of large-pored people and I wanted to hide my pores. When it didn't work, I was so let down. In high school and part of college I wore foundation, powder, blush, eyeshadow, and mascara pretty much daily. The funny thing is that most people couldn't even tell. I remember a girl in my church youth group when I was a teenager used to ask me why I didn't wear makeup!


When I was in college, I stopped wearing makeup, for a combination of reasons. Mostly dh's (then my boyfriend) telling me that he thought I was prettier without makeup, and my finding out more information about the beauty industry and marketing that turned me off to cosmetics. I did still wear a little bit sometimes for special occasions, but definitely not everyday. My twin sister convinced me to wear a little bit on my wedding day, but it was very natural looking.


Since then, I have worn makeup on and off. Now, I hardly ever do. I don't even own foundation or powder anymore. I can't remember the last time I used blush or eyeshadow. If I feel like looking especially put together, I will curl my eyelashes and wear some lip gloss. Dh says that I don't need makeup because I'm already beautiful. What a sweet guy! He does like the Victoria's Secret lip gloss, though. He even bought me more and put it in my Christmas stocking so I wouldn't run out. I'm not sure about the future, though. I'm 29, and I still look young for my age, but I have noticed that my skin is starting to look older. I might change my mind in the future.

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