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Tell me your laundry schedule?

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I don't have a schedule. I do try to get a load in before we start school, and then around lunch. But, I am always doing laundry.

And dishes.

My husband says to pretend you are at work from 9-4. Do nothing but school. He says "you can't do laundry at work!" But I have to squeeze in a sweep, fold, or wipe here and there!

Not much help:)

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They each have their own basket and when it's filled, they do a load.


They wash, dry, fold and put it away (most of the time). This works for us because most of their clothes are grey/blue/black and can be washed all together in a cold wash. If they need one special thing washed (white karate pants), they put it in with my stuff. I put sticky dots on the correct setting on the washer and dryer and showed them how much detergent and softener to use. If I can teach them to read, I can surely teach them to use a washer and dryer.


This has worked pretty well. I don't have to sort out our clothes from the kids and figure out whose is whose. It saves time all around.


We don't use any charts or have a laundry schedule, but it seems like I do most of my laundry on Fridays afterschool.





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I wash on Saturdays and Wednesdays. We do sheets on Sundays.


I have all the kids bring me their hampers the morning that I'm going to wash and just switch the clothes as they're done. I don't bother folding until that night (while I watch TV). I usually have 6-7 loads at the time. I fold it all myself, then put it on their beds the next a.m. and they put it away.


On Sundays, the kids bring me their sheets and I usually have them washed and ready to put back on the beds before church. After church and lunch, everyone puts their own sheets on their beds.


This is what has worked for me. I don't let the kids help me any other way. I'm a little controlling about doing laundry! They help me clean house, but no laundry other than putting it in their drawers.

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I do about 2 loads a week....sometimes less. We don't put clothes in the laundry until they are DIRTY, LOL. We use the same towel for a week. We live in south Florida so our clothes don't take up much room in the washer, LOLOLOL. I probably wear my 'around the house clothes' for about a week until I wash them.


I think people wash their clothes WAY too often.....if they don't smell....and no visible dirt....they are CLEAN, LOL.


I guess none of you will be coming to visit me in the near future, LOLOLOL.



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One load every day, except Sundays. Whichever load - darks, colors or whites - is largest gets washed. Towels get mixed in with the rest.


I keep a three compartment laundry sorter in the laundry room. The kids bring their own clothes down and sort them as part of their morning routine.


We all sit down and fold when it comes out of the dryer. With three of us folding it takes about 5 minutes to get it done.


I do an extra load of sheets on Wednesdays.


This is for our family of 5. HTH!

Edited by Amy loves Bud
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I do about 2 loads a week....sometimes less. We don't put clothes in the laundry until they are DIRTY, LOL. We use the same towel for a week. We live in south Florida so our clothes don't take up much room in the washer, LOLOLOL. I probably wear my 'around the house clothes' for about a week until I wash them.


I think people wash their clothes WAY too often.....if they don't smell....and no visible dirt....they are CLEAN, LOL.


I guess none of you will be coming to visit me in the near future, LOLOLOL.




Tammy, I will visit you!! I pack very lightly (I too tend to wear the same clothes all week) and will have room enough for my own towel (which I will use all week).



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Laundry - ugh...one of my least favorite household chores


That said, here is how I finally conquered it. (after trying many many things) We have 3 laundry hampers. From 2 on the kids were taught, towels in the green one, whites in the white one, colors in the purple one.


I do one hamper of laundry every day from wash to put away. It comes down with me in the morning and works best if I throw a load in the washer before my first cup of coffee (which is really hard for me, but I do it fast to get to the coffee :glare:). One hamper is no more than 2 loads so by the time dinner is over I have it folded and up on kids beds to be put away.


Having it separated has been a huge help to me. The laundry is now grab and go, and it gets done. Every kind of laundry gets done every 3 days. Sheets are all done on Monday which is cleaning day at our house.


Still don't like to do it, but at least now I don't have the overflowing laundry baskets and the piles of clean laundry on top of the washer waiting to be put away.

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I have laundry boy. Not a gadget or a service, just ds10. DD9 likes to unload the dishwasher, so ds who hated that became laundry boy---and he loved it when I deemed him laundry boy. I can't say he enjoys it, but he gets to watch tv while he sorts (which of course adds time to the activity). We do at least one load a day. He delivers it to each person's room and puts his own away. This is his major chore and it has freed me up considerably, altho I still do several loads a week for various reasons.


I do let some of our clothes go thru more than a one time wearing, esp. w/dds who need to change several times a day. ds would never change if I didn't make him.



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I do about 2 loads a week....sometimes less. We don't put clothes in the laundry until they are DIRTY, LOL. We use the same towel for a week. We live in south Florida so our clothes don't take up much room in the washer, LOLOLOL. I probably wear my 'around the house clothes' for about a week until I wash them.


I think people wash their clothes WAY too often.....if they don't smell....and no visible dirt....they are CLEAN, LOL.


I guess none of you will be coming to visit me in the near future, LOLOLOL.




Okay, I admit I'm a clothes washing freak and this really flips me out!! ;) We wash everything that's worn even for a short while, bathe at least once a day (usually more) and change the sheets twice a week for allergy reasons. I change out my dish towels and cloths twice or more a day and never reuse a wash cloth, though I will hang a bath towel and reuse it the next day. I notice you didn't post about sheets, so I probably don't want to know!! :lol::lol:


To the OP: Obviously we have lots of laundry, but the kids help often. I don't have a set schedule for what is done when. Summer clothes are less bulky but mildew is more likely, and winter clothes are bulkier and some require handwashing. Any schedule I made up would vary by season so I don't bother. We just wash a load first thing in the morning, and another at lunch. If necessary I will do another in the afternoon and fold them while dinner is cooking. The kids put them away.

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My 3 oldest kids (12, 12 & 14) each have a day assigned to do their own laundry. DD12 does dd4's along with her own. They must also do the towels and bed linens on their day. This helps mostly with getting things put away where they belong, i don't have to sort what-belongs-to-who because they are handling their own stuff. I do have to check and make sure they keep the process moving, so stuff doesn't just sit in the washer, otherwise their job would take all....day....long... I try not to let them stretch it into the next day.


I have the days in between, and I just do what I can (what I need done). I try to do our own bed linens on Mondays. If I concentrate on keeping my husband stocked with underwear and black socks, everything else seems to work out fine. Those items are sort of my barometer, kwim?

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First you should know that I don't like doing major housework of any kind, including laundry, on weekends or Mondays. Mr. Ellie is home and I want to be free to goof off. :-)


I change sheets on the beds every Friday. I put out a clean dishcloth and dishtowel every day, as well as a clean handtowel in the "public" bathroom. We use clean washcloths every time we bathe. Sheets, dishcloths and washcloths are white cotton.


I do all laundry on Fridays. That way we all have clean clothes for the weekend and on Monday we can just get up and ease into the week.


The first thing on Friday morning I take the sheets off the bed and soak all the white cotton linens (including the white cotton napkins we use daily) in a non-chlorine bleach (Amway) for an hour or so before washing them.


I put out new towels in the bathrooms; after the white linens are washed, I wash all the towels (including the dishtowels, handtowels, and any dark-color napkins). I fold everything and put it away *right now.*


Then I wash Mr. Ellie's all-cotton whites, using Amway's sensitive skin detergent and bleach, followed by the rest of our clothing. I don't separate anything other than his whites *unless* there are brand-new denim jeans or something red that I think might bleed (rarely happens). I wash Mr. Ellie's undies first, our clothing last, because I tend to let the day's last load of clothes meditate in the dryer for a day or so; if his whites are the last load, they might not make it up to his dresser in a timely manner, lol, whereas if our permanent-press clothing is in the dryer last, I'm gonna get myself up and fold/hang them up right away.


When the dc were home, I washed their clothing in one load, Mr. Ellie's and mine in another. Sometimes I had the dc put things away, but not always. Eventually, they began doing their own laundry, and they figured out their own schedules and methods.

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We have three hampers in the bathroom. Whites, colors, and gentles. The kids need to get their laurndry into the hampers on a regular basis (they also have a hamper in their rooms.)


When a hamper is full, I do a load. If someone needs something that's in the dirty clothes, they need to do a full load.


We're not the best at folding clothes once their dry, but if there are clothes to fold we do them while we're watching TV. I guess we need to watch more TV!

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I appreciate this thread! I feel as if I'm always overwhelmed with laundry! There are only four of us, but I am always doing laundry or forgetting to do it and finding a mountain awaiting me when I get back to doing it. Some things that I have been doing lately have helped streamline things a little.


I used to do the 2 kids' laundry together, but now I try to do them separately. It makes it easier to put away when it comes out. If it's dd's clothes I can just set the basket in her room and tell her she has clothes to put away. If it is ds's I can just take it into his room and put them away. No sorting out and separating is necessary, it all belongs in one room.

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I don't have much of a plan or schedule. DH needs his work clothes washed almost every day, so I usually start with those, throw in my work clothes, any towels and kitchen rags that need washing, then any of my non-work clothes and DD's clothes I find. If it's still not a full load, I'll wash some of Wife #2's things, but she mostly does her own laundry. I don't sort by color, I wash everything on cold with Tide w/ febreze. I hang up most of my and DD's outer clothes, and throw DH's clothes, the underthings, kitchen rags, and usually towels (sometimes I'll hang those; don't like them crunchy though) in the dryer.


Some days there's enough for two loads. On my days off I'll wash any linens that need it and haven't found their way into the laundry baskets, so occasionally I'll have two loads to do in a day, in which case I'll combine dryer loads after things are hung up.

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Monday-Wednesday-Friday like clockwork. Unless there is a major mess that needs to be treated immediately, I really try to keep to this schedule. I am hoping now that my girls are getting older the clothing "consumption" rate will decline!


Monday is specifically for towels because I clean the bathrooms on Mondays

Friday is specifically bedding because I change the beds on Fridays.

Clothing is M-W-F.

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I don't have a plan and it tends to get behind, especially when I forget that I have loads in the washer and dryer and have to redo them.


What does work for me is to have the kids help me fold, hang, and put them away. I sit on the bed and fold what needs to be folded. The things that need to be hung get piled flat, right side up, ready for hangers. I create a pile for each person's clothes. The kids put all the folded stuff away as I fold. They put the hangers in the to-be-hung piles and put them way. It goes quick this way.

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I do a load a day, or two loads every two days, depending on how busy I am. I separate darks, medium, whites and do whatever there is the most of. I try to get it into the machine in the morning and fold during my "down" time around 4 in the afternoon. Usually in front of the TV. Then everyone takes their basket or pile to their room to stow.

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I got a lot more organized when we spent a year without a dryer. And I liked it so much that I never use one anymore.


I do one load every morning. If my washer is big, I can skip one or two mornings a week, but if it's small, it runs every day for a family of five. I have to wash a load every morning so there's time to get it hung and dried (I live in Seattle, so it's especially important this year). I can't do more than one load, because I don't have enough space to dry more than one load at a time.


It doesn't seem like I do much laundry when I do a load a day, and we don't need as many clothes either.

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I tend to do laundry twice a week. Usually M/Th or M/F if we are busy on Th (co-op day) Folding clothes to me is very therapeutic for some odd reason. I always fold the clothes and put it all on my bed and at the end of the day when it's all done the children put theirs away and we put ours away. Sometimes the folded clothes get put in a basket until the next day if it's late and we forgot to put away before bed. But by doing it on my bed, it's gets cleared off by the end of the day. I also use a towel for about a week before I wash it and so does everyone else.


Sheets are changed weekly, usually Monday's and dish cloths and towels are changed every few days. We always wash clothes if they have been worn all day. My kids play hard outside and are sweaty and stinky!:)

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Everything except some delicate shirts goes through together, towels, undies, jeans, t-shirts - whatever. Everything is washed in warm water and cold rinse. I use Tide now that folks here taught me not to buy the cheapo stuff (which wasn't cheap since I had to use so much of it.) I do one or two loads per day (family of six - all the kids are teens so their clothes are big). Most everything goes through the dyer on medium, and is put away the same day. If I let stuff pile up I'd never go to bed...since I dump the dry clothes on my bed to sort ;) I just fold stuff into piles - one pile per person - and then deliver each pile to the correct room. Once it is there it is up to the kid to put their own stuff into a drawer (or not, if they want the cats sleeping on it).


Delicates I save and when I have 6 or more I do a smaller delicate wash and hand dry.


The only time I separate stuff and use hot water or bleach is when the flu hits.

Edited by JFSinIL
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I have to wash a load every morning so there's time to get it hung and dried (I live in Seattle, so it's especially important this year). I can't do more than one load, because I don't have enough space to dry more than one load at a time.



Amira, where do you hang your laundry? I live in the same area, but I only hang laundry from July-September--outdoors.


How long does it take a fluffy towel or a pair of jeans to dry in the sort of weather we've had these past few days?

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Amira, where do you hang your laundry? I live in the same area, but I only hang laundry from July-September--outdoors.


How long does it take a fluffy towel or a pair of jeans to dry in the sort of weather we've had these past few days?


I hang it inside on clothes racks when I can't hang it outside. I don't have a big apartment, so I only have certain places I can put the racks, but I've learned that there are better places to dry than others. I always put the jeans and towels on the rack that driest the fastest. Towels are almost always dry into 24 hours, but jeans usually need to stay on the rack a second day to be completely dry. I've also experimented with the best way to hang the clothes on the racks, and bought a third one so the laundry isn't crowded and can dry faster.

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We don't schedule either. But here is our system. It really is a large family system but I have used it for a long time. In this house we sacrificed a bedroom and put a double set of appliances in there. And that is where everybody's clothes go. We have large shelving with bins that they keep their clothes in and a rod for the dresses. Before I had an extra room I still kept everyones clothes together in bins near the washer and dryer. So my system in a nutshell. From the dryer to the bins or hanger. My 11 year old twin daughters are in charge of the laundry room now and they do a good job.

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One load every day, except Sundays. Whichever load - darks, colors or whites - is largest gets washed. Towels get mixed in with the rest.quote]


Me too, except I wash towels separately. One load a day is reasonable and easy to fold and put away quickly. I put in a load right after breakfast. One load a day keeps things from piling up too much. And if I feel like doing another load, I do it.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I do at least 2 loads a day. We currently have 4 people in the house who shower and change every day. The two youngest wear their clothes for a couple of days, unless they get dirty. My 15yo uses up the most clothing and towels, but that's ok for now.

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I do one load every day. Normally, it's something like clothes on Saturday to Wednesday; sheets on Thursday and towels on Friday. I do all the washing and drying; Calvin divides the clean clothes up and puts them in our bedrooms; each person puts his/her own stuff away.


Best wishes



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Laundry is my downfall....what works for you?


Do you have a schedule?


Do your kids help?


Do you do certain loads on certain days?


Any nifty charts out there?




I do all of our regular laundry on the weekends - our electric cost is 1/3 of what it is on the weekdays on the weekends (it's also cheaper after 7pm at night, but I don't want to do laundry at night . . .). My kids are responsible for getting their laundry in their hampers and taking it downstairs - I wash it and put it back in their hampers and they have to get it put away the same day. I usually do all of our clothes on Saturday and then the sheets and towels on Sunday (I do the kids' sheets every other Monday just because that's the day I assigned them to change them and put new sheets on their beds).


All of dh and my clothes, I fold as I take them out of the dryer and put them into the laundry basket, so I don't have to put them away the same day, but they're not all wrinkled. Bath towels get hung up back in the bathroom right away and all the hand and kitchen towels just get put in the basket and usually folded in the next couple of days (I sometimes have the kids do that).

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Mondays and Thursdays. Every Monday and every Thursday. Heaven help me if I get behind! We have allergies here so everything worn outside the house gets washed. I wash linens once a week. Usually it works out to 4 loads twice a week. Also our washer and dryer are in the garage so I don't have to see it often unless I have to climb over it to get into my van! LOL

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I REFUSE to do my laundry on weekends, because dh is off and we like these to be our family days.


I also REFUSE to do it every day of the week, ack:tongue_smilie:!


Thursdays- wash and fold, Fridays- put away.

I get up and sort (the girls like to help with this). I fold some throughout the day, however I save most of it till the evening. Dh goes to drum practice for our worship team on Thursday nights. I watch things that were previously recorded, that only I like to watch, after I put the kids in bed. This is the only way I can get through it ;). On Friday the girls put theirs away I put away the rest.


Thanks to all the ladies for the sorting ideas :grouphug:!

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I don't have a laundry schedule. When the basket starts overflowing I toss in a load. We probably average a load a day, although some days I do none and other days several.


I got my 11 yo started on doing her own. She was just throwing things in the laundry because she didn't want to bother putting them away. I got fed up washing and folding things that I had already washed and folded and had never been worn before being tossed back in the laundry, so I showed her how to sort and run the washer and dryer to do her own. Sometimes I will pick up some of her stuff if I need to fill out a load, but it seemed time for her to take some responsibility at least for her own stuff.


Oftentimes we will all pitch in and do the folding of everybody's stuff together. Family togetherness time!:)

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We don't have a schedule.


There is a basket or hamper in two bedrooms and our bath.


We have a tiny laundry room and I was able to fit a laundry basket on the bottom rack of one of those wire clothes hanging things. Every few days someone empties all the hampers into the basket.


I wash one load a day and we encourage clothing reuse whenever possible. I just check the basket to see what there is most of and wash. I hang to dry anything that is lightweight in the winter. We don't get turn the heat high enough to dry jeans and stuff. On warm days, I dry outside.


We wash sheets when stinky. I'll have cloth diapers to add soon, so I'll probably have to move to two loads a day. We have a family closet, so that helps, too.

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You mean a plan other than "all day, every day"?! Lol! :glare:


Yep. That's the plan here!!! I do mine and dh's. Kids do their own. Often, the girls will combine theirs or toss a couple of things in with someone else's.

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Laundry is my downfall....what works for you?


Do you have a schedule?


Do your kids help?


Do you do certain loads on certain days?


Any nifty charts out there?




I do laundry twice a week, or possibly three times (one for bedsheets).

I wash Wed and Sunday (or Saturday, or sheets on Sat and rest on Sun).


We are a family of five. Dh works construction, so all his work clothing is washable, not dry-clean.


Generally, it goes like this: I know that I'm going to wash that day, so fairly early (7:00am?), I get all the baskets and dump them in my bedroom for the sorting. (We all have "hampers" that are laundry baskets, plus one hamper downstairs near the garage for table napkins, tea towels and ooky things that have to be taken off at the door.) With all my baskets there, I sort - whites/lights, jeans/work clothes, other basket of dark, reds/pinks and delicates. Then, I begin.


I put a load in and get it started. I am mindful of it and will switch it out as soon as possible when it finishes. In goes the next load and into the dryer with this load. When a load comes out of the dryer, I dump it on my bed and fold and sort right then. Now, I'm re-using the baskets, that become hampers, to sort back the clothes for the kids rooms. I stack anything that needs ironing for a rainy day. (I don't iron many things; just anything that truly becomes a wrinkles mess.)


The kids are responsible for putting their clothes away when they receive their full basket of clean, folded clothing. I do not have the kids wash otherwise. Tried that once, but found I'd rather do it all myself at this point still.


I try to get sheets washed on Sat morning, because then I don't mind so much the beds being unmade while the sheets are washing/drying.


I have never used a chart or "system". My system is just to aim to do it twice a week. If I know Wed will not work, I might start Tues night or Thur morning. My main concept is just to keep on top of it all day until it is all washed, dried, folded and returned.

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Guest janainaz

I do laundry all day, whenever. I try to put a load in when I get up. I just do whatever is in the hamper and keep doing it until it's empty (for about 5 minutes...). It's never ending, it never goes away, it's the chore I truly despise.

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I notice people fold clothes. I don't fold much. I hang up everything I can. We use the master bedroom closet (my boys all share the master) and if it doesn't fit there I figure we don't need it. We did acquire some dressers this last move. So, there is a place for sock/undies. I've been using my dresser because I'm the only one who will actually not dig through a make a mess. But, it's slowly filling up with little girlie clothes.


Normally the baby gets a small wicker basket for dipes and one for clothes. I love to fold at first, but it doesn't take long for it to catch up with me.

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I only have a family of four, so I realize that this wouldn't work for larger families. For years and years, I worked, and so it was with my family when I was little. I grew up doing laundry on the weekend and continued with that.


Lately, I've found it often simpler to do laundry during the day on Mondays, as we school, because everyone is out of my hair (and we also have to travel a lot on weekends for sports).


I do all my laundry at once. It generally consists of a completely full load of colored clothes - sometimes one and a half loads; a half to full load of whites, sometimes mixed with towels and/or sheets; a small load of master bath towels which don't do well with other colors; and a load of my clothes, which I wash in cold water.


My older son has been washing his own clothes since he was 11. My younger son will begin that this summer. He also washed his own beach towels (he swims year round) for years, but has somehow managed to pawn that off on me most of the time this past year, LOL, so it's gotten added in as a load of sheets and towels for me.


I want the boys to learn to do this so that they won't be so lost and bewildered about a necessary function when they go off to college. I knew lots of people who had trouble with lots of basic life skills their first year at school and I felt so very sorry for them. It's hard enough to get used to life away from home and the need to schedule one's time wisely in order to study properly and make good grades. I don't want them wasting time or stressing over basic little things that should be second nature to them by that time.


My older son puts away his own clothes and folds/puts away all the large towels.


My younger son helps put away his own clothes and folds/puts away all small towels/washclothes/placemats, etc.


They divide up the folding and putting away of "rag" (cleaning) towels in this way whenever I wash a load of those, too. That's not a weekly thing.


I put away sheets and the clothes for my husband and myself.

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I have five separate laundry baskets downstairs:


  • Warm Delicate
  • Warm Regular
  • Cold Delicate
  • Cold Regular
  • Towels

There's a hamper for dirty clothes in my bedroom and the girls' bathroom. Every day or two I take all the upstairs dirty laundry and take it downstairs and sort it into the baskets. I wash all the clothes in one of the baskets M-F and then I wash all our sheets on Saturdays. I have another laundry basket that is only for clean clothes, and that's what I take upstairs for folding. I fold during rest time and put away while the girls have their snack following rest time.

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I have a 13yo, 11yo, 9yo DS's and 5.5 yo DD and an AF DH.


the kids sort their own laundry into the 3 baskets by the W/D once to twice a week in addition to the laundry baskets in the 2 bathrooms we all use.


I throw a load in each night (it could be clothes, towels, or sheets) and in the AM while the kids are eating breakfast I throw said load into the dryer and sort the clean/dried load from previous night.


I sort by throwing kids clothes into their "folding baskets" which they are responsible for folding and putting away twice a week. I fold and put away DH and my laundry.


I am grateful for the amount of space I have in my laundry room to allow the extra baskets for sorthing. When and if we get moved by the AF that may change and my routine is thrown out the window.

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I do 2 loads of laundry a day. I made out a schedule of which loads need to be done each day, and I throw my first load in the washer just before we start school. Then I usually change loads around as we switch subjects later on. The kids help fold in the afternoon and everyone puts away their own clothes. Laundry is generally kept up with around here. Now, ironing...that is a different story!

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Everybody over 10 is responsible for their own laundry (including dh!).


I do a load every other day of either towels or clothes for the littles and myself. The littles help me fold and put away their own clothes.


Whoever gets to the washer first wins! If someone is washing you just have to wait it out until they are done. Hubby usually washes his on the weekend, ds usually washes late at night and dd washes on my workdays since she knows I'm not washing on those days.

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Folks will probably hate me, but for the most part, I don't do laundry. My husband does it.


Same here. Starting late Saturday afternoon, he gathers it up, sorts it and gets it started. He runs one load after another. Sometimes he gets it folded as it comes out of the dryer and sometimes he just waits and does a massive fold-a-thon during a movie Sunday evening. The kids and I put the laundry away the morning after he folds it. Sometimes I help fold, sometimes I don't. He is an amazing man. :-)

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