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What scares you?

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Movie-wise, that is?


My boys and I were arguing about what is scary in a movie. I think the serial killers, war/death/soldiers dying on the beach screaming for their mothers is the scariest thing I've ever seen.


The boys think the zombie/vampire/rabies virus gone mad and wiping out the world should scare me.


Nope, those things are not real and therefore not scary (I guess you could make a case for the virus things that terrorists might use) but anyhow, the real stuff is what scares me. I'll take a demon movie anyday.

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Movie-wise, that is?


My boys and I were arguing about what is scary in a movie. I think the serial killers, war/death/soldiers dying on the beach screaming for their mothers is the scariest thing I've ever seen.


The boys think the zombie/vampire/rabies virus gone mad and wiping out the world should scare me.


Nope, those things are not real and therefore not scary (I guess you could make a case for the virus things that terrorists might use) but anyhow, the real stuff is what scares me. I'll take a demon movie anyday.


:iagree: People are way worse, way scarier than any monsters we can dream up.

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I'm really jumpy in any kind of scary/horror movie so I don't watch them. But what really disturbs me is the real stuff. Something where I know it could happen is much worse than something where I know it's a movie.


My 5 yr old is scared of Veggie Tales and always has been. He doesn't like things that act like something they aren't (talking vegetables). He does fine with really realistic shark vidoes with a ton of carnage or anything nature related. But NO talking tomatoes for him.

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The ones that scare me are the ones with people with psychological problems...like I saw the movie Hide and Seek recently and it gave me nightmares. This is probably bc I worked in a psychiatric unit while I was in nursing school and saw too much of it up close and personal.

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I'm a complete wuss so it isn't hard to scare me, but really hate those movies that show indoctrination type situations like "The Wave" and "Not Without My Daughter." I couldn't even finish watching White Oleander. It gave me a nervous stomach and I had to go racing out to the bathroom! Tried to go back in three times, then gave up and stayed outside waiting for my friend.



Edited by Rosie_0801
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The commercial for the Shining freaked me out so much as a child that I still can't watch clips. The Ring is another one. Vampire and such are no problem.


War movies don't normally bother me, but when the end credits rolled on Black Hawk Down, I started crying uncontrollably. Probably stress related to watching it a couple months after losing friends in the Pentagon on September 11th. I think it was a really well done movie, but I haven't been able to watch it a second time.


DH says that he hopes that a movie like BHD or We Were Soldiers Once won't ever become easy for him to watch.

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Movies with vampires, zombies, etc. don't scare me a bit. Serial killer movies, movies about twisted people scare me. Silence of the Lambs was one I can think of that really scared me.


I don't watch war movies. I have a son in the Marine Corp and they are absolutely off-limits for me.

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As far as movies go, I have never watched Sophie's Choice. The whole idea is just too scary to contemplate and I just don't want to put myself through the trauma. I once watched a movie about a man in a mental hospital that I really wish I hadn't watched. It still bothers me everytime I think about it. As a matter of fact, that whole category makes me uncomfortable (mental hospitals). About six months ago, I watched a movie called Untraceable that I thought was really scary. And the concept behind movies like The Ring (something you can't unwatch) or Nightmare on Elm Street (nightmare you can't wake up from) are pretty scary, although I didn't find the movies themselves to be too bad. Any movie that involves physcial or psychological torture and I just don't even watch blood and gore hack 'em up movies. It seems that what all these movies have in common is real people being in real situations that there is no escape from.

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Guest janainaz

Stranger in the House - freaked me out. There was also a scary mid-80's movie called The Stepfather - I hated it. I also was creeped out from Cape Fear. It's been since back then that I have even watched anything scary.

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I find suspenseful things scary. The music. The fact that you know something bad is going to happen. The fact that that bad thing doesn't happen exactly when you expect it and then suddenly something jumps out at the character. That's when I usually hit the ceiling with an ear-piercing scream. My kids find it amusing.

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We don't watch anything that is supernatural evil. If it says "devil" "satan" "evil" "spirits" or some such thing on the cover, it's a no go. They might scare me if I watched them, don't know. Never have, never will. Even if I start one accidentally, the minute I know other worldly demons or some such are involved, it goes off.


I will watch war movies, if they get too bad, I'll leave. DH and DS (former Marine) like them. They do not scare me. They make me sick and sad though.


I do not watch hack up movies like "Saw". Those things are sick and the people who write them are sick.


I do like psycological thrillers and crime/ detective movies. I thought "The Village" was petrifying. Frankenstein with Kenneth Branaugh was scarry and excellent! I like the Alex Cross movies and things like Double Jeapardy, Sleeping With The Enemy, Flightplan, Airforce One. All these movies scared the cr*p out of me, but I liked them a lot.


I just remembered Pacific Hieghts with Michael Keaton. THAT was a scary movie! But good!

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Real stuff here too...Seven scared the pants off of me. Saw. I don't watch too many any more but knowing that there are really people out there like that.....I remembe watching an extended commercial for Hostel on cable before it came out. It was 3 or 4 minutes long and I had nightmares every night for a week because of it!

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Serial killers, mass murder, psychos, BUGS, Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis (mostly because no one spoiled it for us and we didn't realize until the end and immediately after dh started working night shift leaving me alone with a 2yo and an overactive imagination.) Zombies and vampires are no problem, gore can be sometimes.

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Well, I guess it would depend on your definition of scared. I love a good "BOO" moment in a movie. The last really good ghost movie that was suspenseful enough to scare me was probably The Frighteners with Michael J. Fox in 1996. (Unless there's a movie I'm not remembering) But even though I was screaming and jumping and grabbing my dh during the scary parts, I knew it wasn't real and as soon as the movie was done I wasn't scared anymore. Wait, Scream I thought was pretty scary during the movie as well, but again, once the movie was done, I was able to put it out of my mind.


Now, with newer scary movies like The Ring I didn't find scary or suspenseful at all, and was actually disapointed in the plot. It seems like the newer style of scary movies tends to focus more on gore and other weird things and I just flat out don't like them.


War movies can at time deeply disturb me, but I wouldn't call it scary. What does scare the living daylights out of me are ghost type of stories that I can image to be true. I'll flat out stay up all night with every light on in the house after seeing or reading something like that. I really have to make myself stay away from those types of movies/tvshows/books because they can pop into my head months and months after I see or read something like that. A Haunting on the Discovery channel can scare me much longer than any horror movie nowadays. Luckily, Hollywood has to make everything so over the top that I don't think they are capable of the fine art of a true psycological thriller anymore.

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I do not watch hack up movies like "Saw". Those things are sick and the people who write them are sick.





I agree! My husband borrowed Saw from his brother for us to watch. Sick, sick, sick! I had to leave the room so many times that I finally gave up and just hid in the bedroom until it was over. Just the thought that somebody could do something like that gave me the creeps. No, just the thought that somebody could think that way to make the movie in the first place really gave me the creeps. Needless to say when we were offered the chance to borrow the other Saw movies, we turned it down. (Still gives me the shivers when I think about it)



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As a military family my husband has had to escort a casket home after an incident in Italy. Seeing the toll it took on him was scary. Thankfully our son has not experienced any of the traumas of losing a loved one or the effects war has on people.

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We don't ever watch horror/scary shows or movies. Once you see something you can never un-see it, not matter how hard you try. There are enough scary things in real life; I don't have to go looking for more!

:iagree:I totally agree. I am very careful that the movies we watch don't have ANYthing it is that will be disruptive to my kids. We watched 'Radio' and my little boy had bad dreams for nights, dreaming that I had died.

Not worth it in our home!

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As an adult, the scariest movie has been Training Day with Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke.


Being green and setup from the start by your superior seems overwhelming.


As a teenager, Aliens was the worst, but not because of the monsters. Watching a whole team of the best marines fall apart was pretty disturbing. I'd say the same for Saving Private Ryan with Tom Hanks.


The stress of lacking control does it for me.

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