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How upset would you be?

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How upset would you be if a PS teacher or other school official called a group of kids, specifically 6th graders, a bunch of idiots for their misbehavior with a substitute teacher?

well.....my 7th grade english teacher had to apologize to the whole class after my parents reported that she'd sworn at our class...so to answer your question, I wouldn't be angry. But I would call and report it.

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I'd want to know if the teacher said "You acted like a bunch of idiots" or "You are a bunch of idiots." There's a big difference there.


The former wouldn't get reaction out of me other than to ask ds, "Well- did you?"


I'd speak with the teacher to find out, and discuss what my ds had relayed to me. But unless it's a pattern of behavior, and the teacher is ranting and raving about their idiot students every day, I wouldn't worry about it.


I'd explain to ds that the teacher was probably pretty upset to hear how the class had treated the substitute. And that everyone slips up sometimes. And then forgive and move on.

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I used to sub. The secret to subbing in jr/high school is to wear jeans, walk in a minute late, slam a copy of Rolling Stone down on the desk and turn around and look at them. I stayed very busy.


I wouldn't differentiate between being called an idiot and being told you were acting like an idiot. If the shoe fits....

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I used to sub. The secret to subbing in jr/high school is to wear jeans, walk in a minute late, slam a copy of Rolling Stone down on the desk and turn around and look at them. I stayed very busy.


I wouldn't differentiate between being called an idiot and being told you were acting like an idiot. If the shoe fits....


Another secret is to be named Miss Doubledee. (Not me, but no joke - the most popular sub my sophomore year in high school!)


I remember teachers getting mad at us and without knowing the teacher or the class, it could go either way. I remember having real smart aleck teachers and classes and a comment like that was very common. I think that is sad, though, especially for 6th grader, fwiw. :(

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How upset would you be if a PS teacher or other school official called a group of kids, specifically 6th graders, a bunch of idiots for their misbehavior with a substitute teacher?


I would be upset, but I have to honestly say that unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised. I remember being called names as part of a group many times throughout my education at public schools, and just being treated generally with disrespect and derision, especially from middle school on up.

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Well, it depends. Were they idiots?


That's what I was wondering too. I have told my own kids they are acting like a bunch of idiots when they are being completely stupid. So my question would be what did they do that caused the teacher to say that? Then I would decide if I was angry or if it was a just comment.

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Thanks everyone. This is something that happened at the PS today. Dd was not involved in this portion. The other portion I'm mad as he** about. It involves this same teacher same rant only at a different time. The guy is the PE teacher/Basketball coach if that makes any difference.

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I wouldn't differentiate between being called an idiot and being told you were acting like an idiot. If the shoe fits....


The only reason I'd differentiate is when talking with my ds. If he was acting like an idiot, the teacher was completely justified. If the teacher was just calling them idiots, I'd explain that he was probably upset and everyone has an off day.


But, yeah, it wouldn't upset me. It'd just change my approach with ds.

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if the substitute was a woman? In my mind, I am imagining a bunch of kids that age, boys especially, challenging the authority of a lady substitute and her ability to keep order. And I am imagining the coach feeling angry that they mistreated a woman, and giving the kids some grief about it in a "guy protector" kind of way.


That wouldn't make me angry at all. It would make me angry that the kids mistreated her in the first place, and it would be unfortunate that kids who weren't part of that look guilty by association. But the rest of it wouldn't bother me much.

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Just "idiots?" If that's the word he used, then no. It wouldn't faze me one bit.


If they really were bad to the sub, then frankly, I wouldn't even be fazed if he called them a bunch of jacka**es either.

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I would be upset, but I have to honestly say that unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised. I remember being called names as part of a group many times throughout my education at public schools, and just being treated generally with disrespect and derision, especially from middle school on up.


Unfortunately it is par for the course, and at least it was not a swear word. Some of the things that our high school teachers called us was much worse. I would prepare your son not to take things personally, but that is just my opinion.

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I've seen my own kids act like idiots, and have told them so (for example, the infamous bbgun blast into the bowl of tomato soup...and no, the gun wasn't loaded, but a CO2 cartridge has a lot of power....). What the teacher said wouldn't bother me one iota. The only thing that would bother me was knowing that the class had been so wretched that they provoked this type of response.



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How upset would you be if a PS teacher or other school official called a group of kids, specifically 6th graders, a bunch of idiots for their misbehavior with a substitute teacher?


Not a bit. And if I knew my kid had acted like an idiot to a substitute, I might even make him write a letter of apology to his teacher that started with the words, "I'm sorry I acted like an idiot yesterday."

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It wouldn't upset me, and my son does attend a school and is a sixth grader.


What I'd want to know is what caused the teacher to say that and if my son participated. I, too, would make him apologize if he were part of the mischief. The opportunity to learn is a tremendous blessing.


I've taught my son's class about 20 times, and I know some of the kids have a tendency to misbehave. His history and English teachers are very capable of keeping order. However, their homeroom/science teacher struggles with it, but she's also new to teaching.

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I'm a bit surprised at how many people would be okay with this.. :001_huh:


Yes, the kids may have been acting up - I remember what it was sometimes like with a sub - but surely a teacher ~ any adult, for that matter ~ ought to have better ways of expressing his or her feelings about the behaviour...???


"Your behaviour for *sub name* was unacceptable"


"I am very disappointed with the way this class treated Ms.Sub yesterday"


or whatever. Y'know? There are MUCH better ways to address the students' behaviour than to refer to them as "idiots" in any manner.

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Did he say "Samuel, you are an idiot"




"What you all did was idiotic"


Does he often yell? Does he often put them down?


And, just what DID they do?


Without knowing the COMPLETE context of the situation, I'm not sure it's possible to make a judgement.


He is a coach and I often found that coaches I had in class were "rough around the edges." None ever cursed in class, but they were more likely to say exactly what they thought. It doesn't excuse verbal abuse, but....I do come back to wondering what the entire context was.


In general, no, I wouldn't be upset unless my child had been singled out and called an idiot.

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Yes, I would be upset. I would be upset with the CLASS for treating a sub like that. I would back up that teacher 100%, and I see nothing wrong with telling it like it is. The Pollyanna approach is not going to work with today's kids, and sometimes love must be tough. I'd support the teacher in having the children write an apology to the sub or making other ammends.

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I've seen my own kids act like idiots, and have told them so (for example, the infamous bbgun blast into the bowl of tomato soup...and no, the gun wasn't loaded, but a CO2 cartridge has a lot of power....).




:lol: What were my boys doing at your house?

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FWIW, I remember a time my high school biology teacher lost his temper with our class after some truly infantile behavior on a field trip. As a student, I specifically remember losing all respect for him that day - he looked like such a dork with a brick red face under his white hair. And he screamed at us so loudly that he lost his voice. I wasn't particularly hurt or damaged by the experience - but then I hadn't been one of the misbehaving kids, either.


Were the kids affected by the experience? Do they actually care? Could you just turn it into a "See, even adults mess up - that's what we're not supposed to do" conversation?


My 2 cents.


Mama Anna

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I'm a bit surprised at how many people would be okay with this.. :001_huh:


Yes, the kids may have been acting up - I remember what it was sometimes like with a sub - but surely a teacher ~ any adult, for that matter ~ ought to have better ways of expressing his or her feelings about the behaviour...???


"Your behaviour for *sub name* was unacceptable"


"I am very disappointed with the way this class treated Ms.Sub yesterday"


or whatever. Y'know? There are MUCH better ways to address the students' behaviour than to refer to them as "idiots" in any manner.


I don't think this would have worked. It is too nice. Sometimes kids need to be jolted out of their little worlds. I think "idiot" might do it.


I remember in hs a teacher had finally had it with one of the girls in my class and threw a quarter at her and said "Go call someone who cares!". I gained a lot of respect for that teacher at that moment. He finally stood up for himself and I didn't like the girl so much.

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This is totally off topic, but too funny to pass up.


We were in the car with my mom - she was driving. Someone cut her off and she honked. My sweet 7 yo pipes up from the back, "Now you're supposed to call them an idiot!" Where could she possibly have learned that? :tongue_smilie:


Nope, telling kids they were acting like a bunch of idiots wouldn't irk me.

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I'm a bit surprised at how many people would be okay with this.. :001_huh:


Yes, the kids may have been acting up - I remember what it was sometimes like with a sub - but surely a teacher ~ any adult, for that matter ~ ought to have better ways of expressing his or her feelings about the behaviour...???


"Your behaviour for *sub name* was unacceptable"


"I am very disappointed with the way this class treated Ms.Sub yesterday"


or whatever. Y'know? There are MUCH better ways to address the students' behaviour than to refer to them as "idiots" in any manner.


I gotta agree w/ the majority. Sometimes driving the point home immediately is more effective w/ language the kids know well ;)


WHY was the behavior unacceptable? cuz it was idiotic.

WHY am I disappointed w/ the way this class treated the Sub yesterday? cuz it was IDIOTIC.


but then again, I'm another that doesn't see "idiot" as a bad word:

2: a foolish or stupid person


even stupid has its place:


: acting in an unintelligent or careless manner

3: marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless <a stupid decision>


So not only were they idiots [if indeed the allegation fits], but they were also STUPID idiots.

Edited by Peek a Boo
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Well, it depends. Were they idiots?




Now if they/my kid were not acting like idiots, them might be fightin' words.


I had lots of teachers that yelled and spoke harshly when I was in school.


Sometimes I did deserve.


Like that time I punched that girl in the face right in front of the principal (for calling me a very not nice word and constantly picking on me, but the PTB never seemed to notice that:glare:) That was an idiot thing for me to have done. I should have waited a few more minutes to do it.:tongue_smilie:


Then there was the 8th grade teacher that yelled at me in front of the entire class that I was too stupid to do algebra and she didn't have time to hold my hand and answer my questions and threw a slip to the counselors office for a class schedule change. *I* would be planted ready to kick some bum if a teacher said that.


I remember lots of times teachers acting that way. Most of the time us kids knew we deserved and didn't even say anything about it.


But in general just saying the class acting like idiots?

I doubt that would register with me.

Other than to be grateful I'm not a public school teacher.

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The class behaved badly and deserve consequences. Part of those consequences could include a teacher bluntly describing the behavior. I'd have no problem with the teacher doing what the OP described.


Kids sometimes need to be jolted to understand what they did was wrong and sometimes the teacher loosing it is the jolt they need.


My ds started high school this. His honors history class got in trouble for treating a sub badly. They deserved everything the teacher threw at them when she returned.

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It depends...am I the parent of one of the kids, or the abused substitute teacher. I have been both...


Get *most* ps 6th, 7th, or 8th graders together and they sure can act like a bunch of idiots if they so choose. When I was a sub, I absolutely REFUSED to deal with those 3 grades. It is the strange age where the kids do not listen to authority (because they assume they know all), yet the also aren't mature enough to act like civilized people. Okay...not ALL in between teens are like that, but a good majority ARE. And in the influence of ps as well as their friends...HA HA HA.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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How upset would you be if a PS teacher or other school official called a group of kids, specifically 6th graders, a bunch of idiots for their misbehavior with a substitute teacher?


Honestly - knowing what the kids today will pull - I might be more mad at the kids. I would have to know the story.....

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The guy is the PE teacher/Basketball coach if that makes any difference.


Actually, this does make a difference to me. It sounds somehow appropriate for a gym coach, where I'd expect a more sophisticated scolding from an English teacher.


Context. Context. Context :D



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I'm a bit surprised at how many people would be okay with this.. :001_huh:


Yes, the kids may have been acting up - I remember what it was sometimes like with a sub - but surely a teacher ~ any adult, for that matter ~ ought to have better ways of expressing his or her feelings about the behaviour...???


"Your behaviour for *sub name* was unacceptable"


"I am very disappointed with the way this class treated Ms.Sub yesterday"


or whatever. Y'know? There are MUCH better ways to address the students' behaviour than to refer to them as "idiots" in any manner.


I gotta agree w/ the majority. Sometimes driving the point home immediately is more effective w/ language the kids know well ;)


WHY was the behavior unacceptable? cuz it was idiotic.

WHY am I disappointed w/ the way this class treated the Sub yesterday? cuz it was IDIOTIC.


but then again, I'm another that doesn't see "idiot" as a bad word:

2: a foolish or stupid person


even stupid has its place:


: acting in an unintelligent or careless manner

3: marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless <a stupid decision>


So not only were they idiots [if indeed the allegation fits], but they were also STUPID idiots.


eh.. everyone's different. :) ...I just think that an adult ~ especially one in a close position with kids, like a teacher, coach, etc ~ ought to be capable of expressing their frustration/thoughts/whatever to the children without resorting to terms like "idiot".

Edited by fivetails
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eh.. everyone's different. :) ...I just think that an adult ~ especially one in a close position with kids, like a teacher, coach, etc ~ ought to be capable of expressing their frustration/thoughts/whatever to the children without resorting to terms like "idiot".


ok, serious question here:


but why? when the term fits perfectly, it then becomes the perfect term to use --with adults OR children.


so I guess my question would be --what's wrong w/ the word idiot? or even stupid? especially when they are absolutely appropriate?

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eh.. everyone's different. :) ...I just think that an adult ~ especially one in a close position with kids, like a teacher, coach, etc ~ ought to be capable of expressing their frustration/thoughts/whatever to the children without resorting to terms like "idiot".


ok, serious question here:


but why? when the term fits perfectly, it then becomes the perfect term to use --with adults OR children.


so I guess my question would be --what's wrong w/ the word idiot? or even stupid? especially when they are absolutely appropriate?


Well, I can think of lots of words that might "fit" a situation - but aren't really good ones to use. ;)


I'm just not okay with those words. I'd said this in my quoted post and then edited it out because it felt a bit..weird & personal... but what the heck. I grew up being called things like "idiot", "stupid", "moron" and other fun little pet words - it was cruel and left me feeling about *this* big.


Y'know that whole "stick and stones" thing, about how words can't hurt ya? Yeah right. I'd much rather get hit upside the head with the stick.

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