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So, what do you have let to do?


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I have to wrap the presents. Make a grocery list and go shopping. A short trip to Sam's for meat and macarons. Bake some pies. Take some food and presents to my dds on Christmas Eve and then cook Christmas morning and head to my dds house for Christmas. Then finally, one of my dd has four birthdays in about a month in her family and we will be celebrating those on NYE. Then I will sleep for a week. How about you?

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finish addressing cards - and mail them.  Plan to do it before dudeling's monday appointment.

wrap a few more presents - but mostly done.  still have a few coming.

need to get something for 2sil  . . . she likes food, so probably something in that vein . . . costco here I come . . . 

maybe even have time to make cookies.  😄
need to make chess pies . . . 
come up with side dishes (other than colored new potatoes.  dh thinks purple and gold potatoes is great)

Things have generally been so much easier than last year.  (when dsil broke his back)

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Shop for dh. See if the tailor can add 2 inces to the waist of the wrong-sized pants I bought him while in the States. 

Decorate. Wrap everything. Order something for son #2. Clean up my room. Make cinnamon rolls, buy bacon, make some cookies. Continue recup from Covid (on Day 7 and feeling somewhat better). 

Things here are very subdued bc of Gaza but having Covid really put me behind, even for me. 

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Finish a little shopping

Make another batch of fudge

Make the eggnog truffles, possible also peppermint truffles

Make the peppermint bark

Make gingerbread/frost them

Make 1 more stocking

Finish the gift boxes

Cut the caramels and wrap them

Buy the ham and ingredients for Christmas morning

Make sure the white tablecloth is clean for Saturnalia


I'm hoping to get most of this knocked out today and finish the rest tomorrow.



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  • Mega work deadline - official deadline is tomorrow at 5 pm.  Besides our own entity's application, we're providing assistance and review for several others, some of which were not arranged in advance.
  • Mentally organize the Christmas and birthday (early Jan) gifts for my kids - what did I already buy, is it balanced, what else do I need to buy quick ....
  • Get my kids ready for a trip with their auntie before Christmas.
  • Buy a Christmas tree, set it up, decorate it, train the dog not to bother it.
  • Christmas cards - find the list with addresses if I can (I may have thrown it out) ... prepare and send cards.
  • For nephew's gift, his mom is compiling a family cookbook, so I plan to send some I received from family members, and to make my kid write down one or two of her best ones.
  • Choose and print photos for my dad, who said he misses receiving photos of my kids.  That will be part of his Christmas gift.
  • Buy gift cards and prepare them (in little boxes or whatever) for most of my extended family.
  • Clean house.  Purge a lot of things to make room for new things.
  • Final gift buying and wrapping.
  • Would love to watch Christmas movies and go see a live show.  We'll see.
  • Attend Christmas Eve church (or sometime the weekend before).
  • We'll visit my folks on Christmas day.
  • We'll have a few days after Christmas to prepare for our trip and finish year-end client and personal work.
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1 hour ago, HomeAgain said:

Finish a little shopping

Make another batch of fudge

Make the eggnog truffles, possible also peppermint truffles

Make the peppermint bark

Make gingerbread/frost them

Make 1 more stocking

Finish the gift boxes

Cut the caramels and wrap them

Buy the ham and ingredients for Christmas morning

Make sure the white tablecloth is clean for Saturnalia


I'm hoping to get most of this knocked out today and finish the rest tomorrow.



You have a delicious to do list!

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1 minute ago, knitgrl said:

You have a delicious to do list!

The pressure is on!  I didn't realize that this was something others looked forward to outside my family. I used to give more freely, but we have a lot in our lives who are vegan/gf/df/nf now and I wouldn't feel comfortable.  But that changed last night. My kid is playing with teammates he hasn't worked with in years and their parents mentioned a box hopefully after the game like I had done before. 😆 So, now to get it all taken care of and packaged up!

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Three kinds of Danish cookies, and a cake as well as the entire Danish Smorrebrod to cook, but that won't be until Sunday though I will get the cookies and cake done Saturday night.

I have stocking stuffers to pulp together, six flannel scarves to sew, some decorating boxes to put away, and the grocery shopping for smorrebrod. I am sewing today as well as putting the decoration boxes upstairs. I should have all the scarves done by Wednesday, and if I make my Wal-Mart pick up order for tomorrow for the last of the stocking stuffers, I should be golden until I collapse from all the cooking and baking.

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@Hannah I hope he is able to be home by Christmas! ❤️


I have one more gift to buy/wrap - food item so I didn't want to get it too early. I also need to get candy for the kids' stockings (candy is the only thing that goes in stockings at our house). 

Other than that, just a few things to cook/bake next weekend. 

I do still need a couple more gift ideas for oldest's birthday (late January). I like to get all the gifts at once for Christmas and both girls' birthdays (DD#2's was earlier this month), but DD#1 wants very little, so it's a challenge.

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Today I am finalizing menu for the next week and ordering the grocery pick-up.  

Most of the housework is done, but I wanted to do a few more things in the kitchen.

Most of the gifts are wrapped, but I will have things trickling in the rest of the week.  

Overall, I'm more ready than normal!

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I'm going to start wrapping gifts today. I usually wait till Christmas Eve and then it is such a chore! I enjoy wrapping/filling gift bags and like making them pretty, but I usually wait too long and then they look like a 4-year-old did them.

Taking one of my kids shopping for the other. My kids just exchange food treats but one has several allergies and the other can't keep track... so I help. Yes they are both adults. 

Buy the produce needed for the weekend. That will happen Thursday I think.

Make a chocolate whisky cake for Christmas dinner, and think of another dessert for the kid who does not like whisky in cake. We'll have various cookies on Christmas Eve but I like a special dessert (or two) for Christmas Day. (For years, when we went to my in-laws, my MIL would bring out the same tin of the same cookie assortment every lunch and dinner for the days we were there, and there was nothing new or special on Christmas day. I always found that a bit... depressing.)

Make some more cookie dough to freeze/bake as needed. 

Make my timeline for Christmas dinner. 

Make sure there is wine for Christmas dinner!

Edited by marbel
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I still have some gifts to wrap.

Midweek will be the last big grocery run. I guess I should plan out all the meals first.

House still isn't fully picked up, even after a weekend, so there is more general cleaning to do.

We're on break but I'm going to do some school stuff this week so I can be totally off next week when both kids are home. I might go in and clean my classroom today.

And then maybe head downtown for a stocking stuffer or two.

I'm trying to not gain weight, so also watching to not overindulge every single day.

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We had company this weekend, so the house cleaning is done, but I have 12 coming for dinner tonight, so I'm cooking today.  Haven't started wrapping, tho I did a review of the stocking stuffers I need.  Need a menu for Christmas Eve for when everyone's here, and a few meals for while ds is home.  May just do tacos again as the picky eaters find something then.  Bake a few more cookies and try some fudge. Help prep the 'last day before Christmas' workday lunch for the office- it's a tradition, and get their cards ready.  Do my Christmas cards, nad I think I'm getting close!

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Wrap gifts

Buy one more gift for dh and ds


Do all the things needed to host Christmas dinner for my sisters, their families, and my dad.

I have done all the decorating except put up the tree, which is sitting in a box in the living room. It’s the one thing dh and ds need to do, and I’m not saying a word. I’m shocked they haven’t done it yet, as normally it would have been up weeks ago. But I’m doing this new thing where I’m not directing what we do every day. I’m letting them know what they need to do and leaving it to them to decide when. I’m surprisingly chill about it, which is So not me.  

Tomorrow I’m hosting a cookie baking day with my sisters.  First time in more than 30 years that we’ve all lived close enough to do this. 

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My list just changed.

Have to call Costco about our new oven. It’s been delivered, so a huge box is in our kitchen, but the installer is sick and wants to come after Christmas. Oh no! 

So crossing our fingers the giant box gets unwrapped and installed so we can bake cookies and have our traditional Christmas foods. If not, we will be creative.

Sometime this week or next we will be attending a funeral, so getting all the clothes ready.

Christmas cards — I mailed those today, but would like to write out a few more.

Wrap all the gifts.

Expecting a few more packages—need to make sure they arrive.

Bake cookies, lots of cookies—if we have an oven installed.

Make no bake treats, if no oven.

Plan and shop for our Christmas Eve and Day meals — again, need to know about the oven status, aaaagh.

If oven is staying uninstalled, I need to creatively dress up the 700 lb box sitting in our kitchen. Wrapping paper, maybe?

Pick up a few more gifts.

Deliver treats to aides and nurses at nursing home, and take gifts to my mom.

Christmas party on Fri — need to take a dish to share (again, an oven would be nice!).

Finish school this week.

Dog grooming and doc appointments.





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I'm still trying to get through my oldest's birthday tomorrow and 2 more Nutcracker shows this weekend. In between those things we have to get a Christmas tree(probably tonight,) decorate it, clean up the house for my family Christmas on the 24th, wrap presents, finish getting stocking stuffers, and make sure I have enough presents for everyone. All of the actual grocery shopping is on my dad and we'll make fresh raviolis the day of the celebration. 

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