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Word-of-the-year and Phrase-of-the-Year people: recap and looking forward


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Post your 2023 WOTY or POTY (or both if you had both) and how it seemed to work out for you. Additionally, or alternatively, post speculations as to what you might choose for 2024. 

I’ll go first…

My WOTY was “Bold” and my POTY was “Look for reasons to say YES”. These two guideposts fit into my year very well. I hiked many hundreds of miles with friends, including sections of the Appalachian Trail. I started a bold new job, which still feels like a pinch-me-unicorn. And I recently started self-defense classes, which I hope to carry into next year. 

When I and my daughter went to England and Scotland in April/May, I did a couple of bold summits that were not for weenies! I did not do the Bold thing and drive on the opposite side of the road; I left that to my bolder daughter, lol.  But I ate some adventuresome meals I probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t looked for a reason to say yes. 

I am not 100% certain on my 2024 words yet, but I’m thinking of the phrase “Do something new”. It is a bit of a continuation of looking for reasons to say yes, but it did really serve me well. 

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Oh goodness, I don't remember mine, but I think it had to do with no changes......I didn't do too well with that.  😂.  But the changes, although difficult, were necessary and are leading to the no changes idea.

This year I really want to work on contentment.   I want to learn to just rest in the joy of simplicity.   That will mean continuing to purge.....purge material things, purge bad habits, purge toxic people.

I have been culling my friend list and have stopped spending time with people who tend to drain me (I didn't even realize they were draining me until I really sat and thought about it.).  

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My 2023 word has been Ordinary, calling me into appreciation of everyday life. I think it has served me well.

For 2024, I'm thinking more in the direction of action... cultivate comes to mind, but it needs an object. Or maybe something else. It hasn't crystallized for me yet.

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16 minutes ago, Ginevra said:

Care to expand on that? 

I am definitely certain you haven’t copied that one from me, lol. I’m not even sure what it means. 

Money is fungible.  Like if you give somebody $5 for a coffee and they use their credit card to buy that coffee but use the $5 bill tobput in the Salvation Army bucket.

It was a word used a lot in late Sept through mid October.  We pronised Iran $6B dollars for humanitarian puroposes but money is fungible.  So $6B which they were going to have spend for food and medicines they would no longer have to spend their own money on that and could now spend it  in terrorism or developing new weapons or whatever they want.

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3 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Money is fungible.  Like if you give somebody $5 for a coffee and they use their credit card to buy that coffee but use the $5 bill tobput in the Salvation Army bucket.

It was a word used a lot in late Sept through mid October.  We pronised Iran $6B dollars for humanitarian puroposes but money is fungible.  So $6B which they were going to have spend for food and medicines they would no longer have to spend their own money on that and could now spend it  in terrorism or developing new weapons or whatever they want.

So this thread isn't what I thought it would be about, and it seems like @TravelingChris and I are on the same page...perhaps thinking of words that we learned or gained new meaning for us, rather than our aspirational word or phrase for the upcoming year.  I doubt Chris would be looking for ways to apply the concept of fungibility in  2024. 😄

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3 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Money is fungible.  Like if you give somebody $5 for a coffee and they use their credit card to buy that coffee but use the $5 bill tobput in the Salvation Army bucket.

It was a word used a lot in late Sept through mid October.  We pronised Iran $6B dollars for humanitarian puroposes but money is fungible.  So $6B which they were going to have spend for food and medicines they would no longer have to spend their own money on that and could now spend it  in terrorism or developing new weapons or whatever they want.

I have no idea how this would manifests a meaning-giving, inspiring word for your life for this year. What are you doing with this as your WotY?

Edited by regentrude
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1 hour ago, Halftime Hope said:

So this thread isn't what I thought it would be about, and it seems like @TravelingChris and I are on the same page...perhaps thinking of words that we learned or gained new meaning for us, rather than our aspirational word or phrase for the upcoming year.  I doubt Chris would be looking for ways to apply the concept of fungibility in  2024. 😄

I am not- though I read good economics book recently and will read more next year - but not about fungability.


24 minutes ago, regentrude said:

I have no idea how this would manifests a meaning-giving, inspiring word for your life for this year. What are you doing with this as your WotY?

It isn't an inspiring word.   It is a word I haven't heard outside of my first field of study abd suddenly I was hearing it a lot and reading it a lot 

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1 hour ago, Halftime Hope said:

So this thread isn't what I thought it would be about, and it seems like @TravelingChris and I are on the same page...perhaps thinking of words that we learned or gained new meaning for us, rather than our aspiraAtional word or phrase for the upcoming year.  I doubt Chris would be looking for ways to apply the concept of fungibility in  2024. 😄

Actually, the way we've used it in the past has been to pick an aspirational or inspirational word for the upcoming year. 

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1 hour ago, Halftime Hope said:

So this thread isn't what I thought it would be about, and it seems like @TravelingChris  😄



30 minutes ago, regentrude said:


Okay my real phrase for 2024 and it was one I adopted in 2023 after a very rough stay in a hospital, and lots of medical issues, is a song title - "I Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty.  


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Hmm, it looks like I didn't really choose a word last year, but my thoughts were along the lines of being proactive.  So let's pretend I chose "proactive" for 2023

I don't think I was really more or less proactive in 2023 vs. 2022.  I did discipline myself enough to lose some weight (about 10 lbs that have stayed off, hopefully more to go).  And I think I made some progress in reducing my work inbox (wasn't it like 3,000 in 2022; nowadays it's sticking between 700 & 800).  But a lot of 2023 was just maintaining and reacting.  If anything, I feel lazier than ever.

2024 is a bit scary to think about.  My girls will finish high school and hopefully start college.  My eldest will turn 18 (then youngest in early January 2025).  I feel like this is my last chance to make a difference, and yet I have less influence than ever.  Will the girls be ready for the next steps?  And I don't know what 2024 will bring for my parents, who have all sorts of health issues.  I hope they still have a number of years in them, but I have no idea whether my role will need to change in that regard.  Other family members are also in various types of transitions.

For me, I really hope that we don't take on any new clients or projects in 2024, so that I can get caught up and organized with the responsibilities I already have.  Will 2024 be the year I finally get it all together, catch up on work, get rid of extra crap and organize the rest?  What about successfully handing things off to my kids so they [the things, not the kids] aren't my responsibility/worry any more?

Finding a word for what I want is again proving difficult.


I was thinking maybe "prepared," but that feels too passive.  But maybe it's accurate.  I will think some more.


Edited by SKL
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My word for 2023 was habits. I wanted to be more aware of both my good and my unhelpful habits, building on the the former and working to change the latter.

My year was radically changed by a traumatic event in March and I have not been nearly as intentional or diligent about my habits as I’d hoped to be. I did make some progress, especially in the area of speech and communication. Mostly a year of dog-paddling to keep my head above water. That’s ok. Hoping 2024 will be better. 

Pondering a 2024 word…

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I don’t remember my word but it was something like “experience.” I think I did a great job with that this year…next year maybe I need responsible. My oldest is a senior this year so we did lots of traveling this year before he goes to college. I started playing tennis and doing yoga. I hosted a weekly game day and I organized a monthly book club. I tried new foods and made new friends. 

I’m struggling to imagine what 2024 will look like. My oldest is planning to move away to college and I think that is what he should do…I just don’t know how I will feel about it. It will be a transition for sure. And I will definitely not be able to spend as much money experiencing life as we will be paying for his college. I’m determined to let him go more smoothly than my mom did for me. I’m feeling ok about it, I’m just not sure how the transition will go. 

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I think I should add that I need to cut the discretionary time I spend on electronic stuff.  Specifically games and "true crime" podcasts.  I have been using these to sort of numb and distract myself from more important priorities.

I guess what I really need to do is use my time wisely, while I still can!

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5 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Mostly a year of dog-paddling to keep my head above water.

This has been my year too.  Actually, the last 3 years have been this way.   But last year and this year have been absolutely brutal.   I hope 2024 is better for both of us.

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I looked back at the thread from last year and it looks like I didn't pick a word for this year.   This year (and last year) have been hard and painful.  Years of losses and struggles on multiple fronts.  I have never felt more alone and lost than I do now.   Does anyone have a suggestion for both a word and a phrase for this next year that may help me in every way (yeah, that's a lot to ask for a word and a phrase, I know)?   

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13 hours ago, Ginevra said:

Post your 2023 WOTY or POTY (or both if you had both) and how it seemed to work out for you. Additionally, or alternatively, post speculations as to what you might choose for 2024. 

I’ll go first…

My WOTY was “Bold” and my POTY was “Look for reasons to say YES”. These two guideposts fit into my year very well. I hiked many hundreds of miles with friends, including sections of the Appalachian Trail. I started a bold new job, which still feels like a pinch-me-unicorn. And I recently started self-defense classes, which I hope to carry into next year. 

When I and my daughter went to England and Scotland in April/May, I did a couple of bold summits that were not for weenies! I did not do the Bold thing and drive on the opposite side of the road; I left that to my bolder daughter, lol.  But I ate some adventuresome meals I probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t looked for a reason to say yes. 

I am not 100% certain on my 2024 words yet, but I’m thinking of the phrase “Do something new”. It is a bit of a continuation of looking for reasons to say yes, but it did really serve me well. 

You are so inspirational.   I am in awe of you.   

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19 minutes ago, Ditto said:

I looked back at the thread from last year and it looks like I didn't pick a word for this year.   This year (and last year) have been hard and painful.  Years of losses and struggles on multiple fronts.  I have never felt more alone and lost than I do now.   Does anyone have a suggestion for both a word and a phrase for this next year that may help me in every way (yeah, that's a lot to ask for a word and a phrase, I know)?   

I'm so sorry; it's been rough for many of us, but a few boardies have had really awful times.  I hope next year is better in so many ways!


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I don't remember if I've done this in the past.  I'm not very good at keeping resolutions or anything like that.  But I like the idea of having a focus.

WOTY for 2024:  Connect.  I feel very disconnected and alone and realize that nothing is going to change unless I make some changes.  I need to break out of this cocoon I built around myself to nurse old wounds of mass scale rejection.  I need to work on my connections with dh, my children, and family members, and what few friends I have left.  And I need to work at making new connections, even if they start out as superficial.

POTY for 2024:  It's not about me.  I think the only to get out of ruminating and being sad is to get out of my own head and to look for ways to make things about other people.  Thinking about how others are feeling and doing and asking them.  Whether it is family, acquaintances, or my patients (I'm actually pretty good at this last one since I only have them for about an hour or so.)

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7 hours ago, Ditto said:

I looked back at the thread from last year and it looks like I didn't pick a word for this year.   This year (and last year) have been hard and painful.  Years of losses and struggles on multiple fronts.  I have never felt more alone and lost than I do now.   Does anyone have a suggestion for both a word and a phrase for this next year that may help me in every way (yeah, that's a lot to ask for a word and a phrase, I know)?   

I'm sorry these years have been so unkind.  I would not presume to give you direction but here are a couple suggestions to prioritize repair:


Gathering steam



Edited by Eos
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8 hours ago, Ditto said:

I looked back at the thread from last year and it looks like I didn't pick a word for this year.   This year (and last year) have been hard and painful.  Years of losses and struggles on multiple fronts.  I have never felt more alone and lost than I do now.   Does anyone have a suggestion for both a word and a phrase for this next year that may help me in every way (yeah, that's a lot to ask for a word and a phrase, I know)?   

This year hax been very hard on me

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10 hours ago, Ditto said:

 This year (and last year) have been hard and painful.  Years of losses and struggles on multiple fronts.  I have never felt more alone and lost than I do now.   Does anyone have a suggestion for both a word and a phrase for this next year that may help me in every way (yeah, that's a lot to ask for a word and a phrase, I know)?   


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19 hours ago, SKL said:


I was thinking maybe "prepared," but that feels too passive.  But maybe it's accurate.  I will think some more.


I don’t think “prepared” is passive at all. It takes a lot of action to be prepared. Maybe it’s the tense that’s a bit off and  the word your looking for is “prepare.”

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12 hours ago, SKL said:

I think I should add that I need to cut the discretionary time I spend on electronic stuff.  Specifically games and "true crime" podcasts.  I have been using these to sort of numb and distract myself from more important priorities.

I guess what I really need to do is use my time wisely, while I still can!

Is “attention” a good word for you, maybe?

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I’ve never had a word of the year, but it may be time for one. In 2024 I want to decide once & for all whether or not to go back to school. I also need to figure out what’s most important to me to aid in, well, aging.

I’ve also been thinking about a motto that has helped me gain perspective the past couple of years - “We all matter or none of us do” (Patrick Skinner). Both Skinner and author Hannah Anderson have a way of soaking in their surroundings and using them to, I don’t know how to explain it, really. But they are able to see the beauty in the midst of the world and to create it as well. They live in very different places and do vastly different work. I read  author Makoto Fujimura’s writing on beauty & its connection to culture. A few years ago I did some reading & thinking on community building as we got ready to move into a new development, but that was derailed by the pandemic and now I feel like I’m playing catch up on that & want to throw up my hands.

So, any ideas for me?

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Improve and move into serenity 


I need to further improve my mental energy and reaction to (even if I am the only one to know that it is happening inwardly) negative energy that flows from other people. 

I need to have patience for myself and for others while working on this. 

I need to not get sucked in to drama and let serenity of mind be the goal. 


The goal is to be a mentally healthier version of myself that is an improvement from before, a version of me that is less susceptible to and affected by others’ attempts to define how I should think and feel. The end result being serenity of mind. 

I have already made so much progress, but the keyword for this year is to “improve” further. 

It is okay if I have a setback, as long as I try to continue to improve myself toward a more inwardly serene state of mind. 

Edited by Indigo Blue
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My word for 2023 was consistent. I was not consistent in any of the areas that word was meant for. 

I'm thinking of recycling my word from several years ago - focus. Similar to when I used it before, I want to focus on certain areas of my life and my habits. 

My phrase of the year will likely be "live in the moment" which isn't too far from focus. Of course that doesn't mean not being aware of the future but just making sure I'm also aware of the small everyday things, things that happen in the moment.

I haven't definitely settled on the above but it's what I'm leaning towards the most.

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17 hours ago, SKL said:

I think I should add that I need to cut the discretionary time I spend on electronic stuff.  Specifically games and "true crime" podcasts.  I have been using these to sort of numb and distract myself from more important priorities.

I guess what I really need to do is use my time wisely, while I still can!

Based on both of your posts, maybe Prioritize?  Or Align?

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My word this was was indomitable, and wow was that appropriate.  I can’t believe how much major, life changing, disruptive stuff came this year, and that God got me through it intact, and even strongly is still amazing to me.  

I’m thinking of ‘Kind’ for next year.  That has three aspects.  One is ‘what kind of person am I?’  Answers vary, but in general I would like to be the kind of person who exercises frequently, who cares for her body and her home, who prioritizes relationships, and who has good character.  Another is just being kind, which is always a good mantra to remember.  And another is ‘kind’ as in ‘having an affinity’—like, ‘my kind of people like to read, and love the evergreens and granite in the mountains, and and and.  I know a lot of varied people but I would like to know some with more shared interests.  

I don’t know whether I can keep all that stuff in mind though.  The word itself is not really an inspiring one.  I’m going to think about this some more.

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Last I had a three-word phrase: Rediscover. Refresh. Reach. 

I think we totally skipped out on the Rediscover and Refresh when we decided to move cross-country. DH has taken a career left-turn (for the time being, at least) and we're in a new home, new community, new church, etc. I had very little homeschool community where we lived before, but I now have my pick of multiple vibrant groups which is bringing new life to homeschooling for us. DH is rested and relaxed instead of constantly stressed. We have so little chronic stress compared to a year ago.

My phrase right now is, "Be here now." We aren't permanent where we live now and it can be easy for me to start planning the future instead of enjoying life now. Also, I'm a planner in general and always worry about what is next. I want to live life now and not just plan for the future.

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On 11/27/2023 at 4:55 AM, Eos said:


This is perfect.  It just feels very right.  This will be my WOTY.  

For POTY I found a post in last year's thread about "Let It Be" (the Beatles song).   I can't remember the poster that talked about it, but think it was @BlsdMama maybe?  Anyway, she had a link to the article, and it was powerful and spoke to me.  It is also a song that I have always loved.  

Thank you!  

Edit:  I went back and looked, it was @Pawz4me who had the link to an article about "Let It Be".  So thank you officially to Pawz4me for the article and the idea.

Edited by Ditto
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2023: Renew. Looking for marital, spiritual and financial renewal, seem to have found all three.

2024: Metamorphosis. Looking for changes in financial, physical and mental health. High hopes.

If anyone has a better word for Metamorphosis I'd be thrilled.

Someone I know is going with Flourish and I wanted to share that.

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I have settled on my 2024 WOTY: Peace. Part of this has to do with putting my own little ripple into the Universe in favor of peace in the world. And also, peace personally, in my relationships, my health, my work, my home and my finances. 

POTY 24 will be “Do Something New.” If I face a problem or just want to change the situation, I will do something new. 

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Looks like mine was care, as in better self care and better care for people and things. I couldn’t remember it without looking. I don’t think I did well at that as I have gained weight, feel completely exhausted from lack of sleep and have a lot of mess.  I do well in the holidays but term time is killing me.  Next year we have lots of transitions - (as with this year actually) DD is going to a private school, DH has started a business, I have finished my study. I hope to start something else but not till the year following because I want to get all my people settled into their new things first. I’m going to need to be flexible and adaptable a lot. I was thinking of adapt or flex but I think the word I need is STEADY. I need to be steady through all the changes and stay grounded. Or maybe steadfast? Similar idea but more inspirational quotes to go with it!

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