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Talk about your Word of The Year (or Phrase of The Year) here 2022


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Yes, thanks for posting about this. Was just thinking about my word for next year. 

Last year's was mercy. We had a rough, rough start to the year but I really can see His mercy in how our year is ending. Nothing turned out how we planned but I feel really blessed by where we're at now. 

I think next year's word is Connect. I've been in a bit of a school hidey hole for several years now. I'm really feeling the need to make new connections with people and push through tiredness/introvertedness.

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My POTY was “The Grass is Greener Where You Water it”, and it was on my mind more than my WOTY, which was “Lucky”. I felt weird about choosing Lucky as my WOTY, but I went with it anyway; it had that feeling of “rightness” that I look for when I decide them. But I had no idea how a word that is generally associated with stuff that passively happens to us would come into play. In truth, I paid more attention to my Phrase because it is active and was something I could intentionally *do*. 

However! Something “Lucky” did happen, something I did not foresee in a million years. There I was, diligently putting my all into the firm where I work, following my “grass-watering” idea and striving to be amazing at my job…and boom. Boss sold the firm. There was a lot of confusion over what would happen going forward, even as my boss arranged to keep me in my role and I got a nice pay increase. But I browsed job openings anyway and saw a job with the government that was attractive to me so I said, “might as well apply and see what happens.” 

Well what happened is I got called back. I have been through most of the multiple hoops one must jump, filled out enough forms to fill a book, and have met for some pretty intense security interviews. I do not have a final job offer nor a start date yet, but my odds are good at this point. It was unicorn-ish luck. 

I have not settled on my WOTY 2023, but I do have a Phrase. It is: “Look for Reasons to Say Yes.” As opposed to coming up with reasons to say No to whatever life may offer, I am consciously choosing to say Yes. (Obviously this does not mean doing something that goes against my values or principles!) Just that, if someone asks me to go try country line dancing or eating something weird or taking a bus trip to Nashville for a weekend at the spur of the moment - whatever it is, I will find reasons to say YES not NO. 

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2 hours ago, Quill said:

My POTY was “The Grass is Greener Where You Water it”, and it was on my mind more than my WOTY, which was “Lucky”. I felt weird about choosing Lucky as my WOTY, but I went with it anyway; it had that feeling of “rightness” that I look for when I decide them. But I had no idea how a word that is generally associated with stuff that passively happens to us would come into play. In truth, I paid more attention to my Phrase because it is active and was something I could intentionally *do*. 

However! Something “Lucky” did happen, something I did not foresee in a million years. There I was, diligently putting my all into the firm where I work, following my “grass-watering” idea and striving to be amazing at my job…and boom. Boss sold the firm. There was a lot of confusion over what would happen going forward, even as my boss arranged to keep me in my role and I got a nice pay increase. But I browsed job openings anyway and saw a job with the government that was attractive to me so I said, “might as well apply and see what happens.” 

Well what happened is I got called back. I have been through most of the multiple hoops one must jump, filled out enough forms to fill a book, and have met for some pretty intense security interviews. I do not have a final job offer nor a start date yet, but my odds are good at this point. It was unicorn-ish luck. 

I have not settled on my WOTY 2023, but I do have a Phrase. It is: “Look for Reasons to Say Yes.” As opposed to coming up with reasons to say No to whatever life may offer, I am consciously choosing to say Yes. (Obviously this does not mean doing something that goes against my values or principles!) Just that, if someone asks me to go try country line dancing or eating something weird or taking a bus trip to Nashville for a weekend at the spur of the moment - whatever it is, I will find reasons to say YES not NO. 

Come to Nashville and go line dancing at the Wild Horse! Does hot chicken count as weird food? 😉😎

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Our local radio station reported that the word of the year for 2022 is “gaslighting “. Lol. 

I haven’t thought of a word or phrase just yet. I’m hoping to feel better and be able to do more outside. That’s my goal and priority this new year. I’m not sure how to condense that down to a word. 

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24 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Come to Nashville and go line dancing at the Wild Horse! Does hot chicken count as weird food? 😉😎

I’ve never been to Nashville but it seems like a good time. Maybe if I go, I’ll meet up with you. You can show me your version of weird food. 😊

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Last year was “Let go,” which turned out to be perfect. Letting go of preconceived notions, of resentfulness, of bad relationships, of old expectations. It was a year of letting in new ideas, new people, and new goals which could only happen by letting go of the old baggage.

This year’s word is “connect” in a connect-the-dots sort of way. Our family dynamic has changed dynamically with new schools, new family members, new jobs, etc. It’s time to start seeing the new shape of things now that I feel more secure about who I am, where I have been, and where I am going. 😊

I am so excited for this new year. 😊

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Mine was ‘light’.

I meant it in the sense of lightening my cluttered life in various ways, and also being enlightened/illumined in various ways.  The second happened, while the first mostly did not.  I need to think about this more to really process it.  

For next year I am considering Boss.  And I am also consider Way.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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My words and phrase are in my siggy.

I think I did well with it. Preparation wasn't as strong as I had hoped in one area - my clothes. I hate my body and how clothes look, fit, and feel. I wanted to be prepared for events and such with having new outfits purchased and ready well in advance. That never happened. I resorted to my leggings and baggy shirts every time. 

I played my Ain't No Point in Tripping song a lot this year. 

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I think my word for 2023 will be habits

I have come to see the power, the effects, of both good and bad habits in my life recently. I would like to be more purposeful and focused about replacing some negative patterns with more positive ones. Upping my game in intentionality and specificity.

@Granny_Weatherwax has been a huge help to me in some my thinking about these things. Thanks!!

Edited by ScoutTN
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Mine was Home. The reason for the word was because after 2 years of living in our house hadn't felt like ours. I wanted this year to make it feel like a place we wanted to be. 

I am thinking this year's word will be Focus. Focus on my health, family, friends and marriage. 


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My word last year was "motion."  I'm still sedentary though.  And while things did move forward, toward year end, they slowed down again, so I'm not feeling "motion" right now.

I've been mostly avoiding thinking forward to 2023.  Last year I was all over those goal setting posts, but this year I can't think of anything to say.  Could be just busy-ness cluttering my brain.

When I think forward to 2023, I think about kid-related things, but nothing really about myself.  My personal goals are mundane.  Stay healthy, stay organized, stay connected, stay on top of my job.  One relatively new thing may be getting my retirement stuff in order.  I need a system to keep track and make decisions vs. just knowing there are various accounts somewhere out there.  Another thing I probably need to do is revisit health insurance options.

So I'm thinking ... what is a good word for being proactive, taking control, being in charge vs. watching life happen to us ....

I may come back after some more thought.

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2019: Forward (we moved states, changed careers, changed homeschool styles).

2020: Thrive (we really did, and our lives are changing because of it. I changed it to survive in June because my health took a nasty turn).

2021: Strive (we really began struggling).

2022: Depleted (in every sense of the word - health, finances, emotions, family death. Singlehandedly the worst year of our married lives).

2023: Sprout (hoping for renewed love of our Lord and a growing business).

I tend not to settle officially on a WOTY for a few weeks, but I think this is where we're at.

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On 12/16/2022 at 4:37 PM, Laura Corin said:

I did not.  If I had known, it would have been FFS.  The final three months of this year have just been one thing after another.  When the final (I hope) one hit, I was torn between crossness and the giggles.

Oh. Apparently I wasn't finished.  Due to a Covid infection, Daughter can't come home on Thursday. She could come on Saturday but there's a rail strike. So Husband and I are driving 9 hours each way to collect her on Friday/Saturday. 

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I couldn’t pick one at all last year. I feel a bit more positive and optimistic overall this year. I think my word for this year might be care. I want to do better on caring for people and stuff in my life and I also want to do better at self care which has been low priority for a bit. I figure care can cover both.

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Mine was abundance; strangely enough, every year it plays out and fits, but never quite the way I expect!  

This year it was definitely the fact that we were so surrounded by people when my stage 4 diagnosis came and then after surgery; both times, there were meals coming, there were people coming by and bringing food and gift cards and just doing all they could to help us.  It was a definite abundance of support and an outpouring of love for us.  


I haven't decided for sure, but the word hope keeps coming to me.  So that's a likely pick for 2023.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My phrase of the year for 2023 is going to be "let it be."

The inspiration comes from this blog post. It's aimed toward people with cancer, but the concept applies to anyone. And for me it goes beyond letting go of worry and living in the moment. It also means "let it be" when it comes to letting others express their opinions and make choices and decisions that I might not necessarily agree with but that aren't doing any harm, and in letting little things, the meaningless daily things that nonetheless can cause stress and irritation, to "be."

Pro/con: It's an ear worm. LOL

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I didn't have one for 2022... Actually, I'm not sure I've ever had one before. Usually nothing jumps out at me. But for 2023, my word is Ordinary. I'm thinking about ordinary gratitude, ordinary generosity, ordinary caring, ordinary healthy choices, ordinary tidiness, and just appreciating ordinariness in life.

My song is Superhero by Nimo Patel.

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45 minutes ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

I think I will add Weight as a second word for the year.


Wander and Weight


I need to get my nutrition and activity in balance so I can lose some weight. Menopause is beating me up. I really don't want the word weight but alliteration...

Is Wellness more appealing?

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Most of the time when I choose a word I promptly forget I even chose one. Last year it was Us. I clicked on the link to see if I chose a word and there was my post. It was related to dh's retirement and I suppose we did some "Us" things but not mindfully. 

"I've been thinking of words like Patience, Compromise, and other words that will help me adjust to his retirement. Then I realized I'm looking at it all wrong. Yes, I'm nervous but I'm also excited. We both looked forward to his retirement when we can spend time doing things together that his work schedule made impossible. Instead of thinking of how I will handle his retirement and how it will affect me, I should be looking at how I can enjoy his retirement. How we can enjoy it.

I haven't made a commitment yet but I think in light of this major life change that will affect both of us, my word for 2022 will be Us."

In 2023 there is a group of local friends I'll be getting together with monthly. We specifically started the group to keep each other accountable for our goals and have been discussing things like word of the year, goals. declutter challenges, etc. While our meetings at restaurants will be fun friend time it will also be time to discuss our progress/problems, and to help each other.

With that in mind I'm going to try a word of the year again. I think the word for 2023 will be consistent or consistency. I want to be consistent with exercise and healthy eating, consistent with keeping my brain active in retirement (I have 2 specific things I'm learning plus whatever else comes along), consistent with keeping up the house, and consistent with both me time and couple time. The other word I'm considering is balance which would be how to balance those things I just listed. Maybe I'll choose both words. 


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I've never done a word of the year before, but I've gotten a start this year: Refresh. Maybe it'll be three: Rediscover, Refresh, Reach.

The last two years have been hard for DH, who experienced both familial and workplace trauma, and for us all. We experienced trauma in our home, from where we could see looters in 2020 and heard a lot of shooting. I've called 911 a number of times. We've had neighbor dysfunction that we've needed to intervene in and that we worried could escalate. Our kids' high school has made headline news, and not in good ways. I started working, in part to get a way out of all the worry.

But, things on all these fronts seem to be getting better. DH got a promotion that validated him. Our neighborhood seems more normal again. The drama at dc's high school is subsiding. It seems like a time to focus on refreshing: making something old new again.

Areas we've neglected in the past couple years: relationships (too tired), exploring the area we live in, going outdoors as a family on a regular basis, hubby-wife dates, daddy-kid outings. I've neglected growing as a homeschooler and parent, simply resting on my laurels and giving so much less to dd6 than I did to ds17 when he was her age.

And, don't quote, but we're working on a possible cross-country move this summer. If not cross-country, then we'll reconsider what to do where we are. We should know within a month whether we're moving.

So, maybe Rediscover (where we live now, the people here, my passion for homeschooling and parenting well, healthy eating and exercise habits), Refresh (our home, our relationships), Reach (a new community, either here or far away, new goals).

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1 hour ago, KeriJ said:

I need to figure out a word for doing what I already know to do and appreciating what is right in front of me.

Vision? Manifest? Practice? 

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(^for 2023)


I can’t remember what words I picked for ‘22, if any. In hindsight, I’d call it my “Don’t Jump” year. I resolved not to jump through any hoops set for me by certain family members and acquaintances. I had plenty enough to focus on in my own sphere without taking on  unnecessary obligations. By the end of ‘22 I’ve gotten pretty good at it and now have different parameters for relationships with certain people. Not everyone likes it but my stress level is greatly reduced. 

Now I’d like to go forward. We are in a new era wrt the activities our family will engage in and I am freer to move forward in a lot of areas that I couldn’t before due to those other obligations. I do think we are going to find ourselves in some elder care situations but feel more equipped to help them make good choices (lessons learned the hard way in years past but hopefully that will help this year). All in all, my intent is to get on with some life changes I’m now freer to take on. 

Edited by Grace Hopper
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Did I create a word last year?   I have no idea.  


  • final adoption of Andrew
  • new job for me
  • dad died at the end of a very long, poor health journey from Jan-Dec
  • Two kids moved away to go to college

Here's hoping 2023 is far more uneventful!

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I didn't have a word of the year until September when I chose Replenish, which is what I did from October-December after the death of my mom. This year... I have no idea how you even chose a word.  I am also getting a little stuck on even making goals for the coming year. Everything is so wide open.  It is easier to make a goal sometimes when you have fewer choices.  And what if I chose the wrong one?

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My word for last year was notice (sylwi in Welsh, my family comes from Wales in part), which was intended to focus on noticing how I felt, noticing my friends, etc., but turned into noticing the war in Ukraine.  

This year I’ve chosen the Welsh word noswylio (in English, to stop work at the end of the day) to strengthen daily rhythms of work and rest and to pay attention to times when I should and shouldn’t be working.   

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26 minutes ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

I have to thank you for suggesting Wellness. It is perfect.😊

I like it because I doubt the effectiveness of focusing on a number on the scale. And for most of us, we don't necessarily want a particular number as much as we want our whole selves to be healthier. We want our backs and knees to not hurt and we want to enjoy life and experience good health. Wellness is a much more positive thing to focus upon and comprises all of the things that make us human. Including resting well, drinking water and yes, even taking an occasional  day "off" our eating plan to enjoy a slice of birthday cake. 

Wellness is a word that I use often in mentally framing my journey.

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I picked indomitable.  

It’s a word I have heard a lot this year, one that was fairly obscure before, because Ukrainian President Zelenskyy keeps using it to refer to his people and their fighting spirit, so it’s of the moment usage wise now.  I admire him and them so much, and so giving the nod to them right now is a nice bonus for me.

I like it because it implies stubborn courage, stubborn rectitude, and never giving up.  But also, its roots lie in the idea of being untamable, unable to be brought to heel.  I’m going to need to demonstrate all of those this year in ways that I never have before, in engaging with my NPD family members enough to be able to take care of some of the innocent and not entirely innocent bystanders.  In parallel, I will be moving my business head quarters from my expensive vicinity into the less expensive and far healthier mountains, all while not missing a beat in business continuity.  And also in parallel, I’ll be making a much bigger commitment to my own health.  

This is all going to take some doing, but I’m up for it.  Indomitable.  

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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