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Your favorite soap or body wash

Indigo Blue

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I feel like this is the wrong answer (lol) but I really love Bath & Bodywork’s Thousand Wishes and/or Champagne Toast body wash and lotion. The scent is so nice and it’s faint enough that I’m not (I don’t think) skunkin’ people out with my wafting scent, but it’s present enough that I feel like I smell fresh and pleasant when I’m standing next to someone, say, at the computer at work. 

I even think the lotion is a huge PITA, because I have to cut open the lotion bottle in order to use it all up - you can’t get the last two ounces out any other way. But cut it open I do, and I use a Spatty Daddy spatula to scoop out all the rest. I put it in a jelly Mason jar and use it until it is well and truly all gone! Even though I despise that type of wasteful product engineering, nevertheless, I keep buying my Thousand Wishes lotion because it’s so nice a scent. 

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And I bought a bottle of the Dove Sensitive body wash and it made all sorts of parts itch. I really love and wanted to use Cetaphil Stressed Skin but it is now 21.00 for 10 oz. I was mad and wondered why Dove couldn’t make a body wash that had no fragrance and was creamy and moisturizing like Dove Deep Moisture body wash. Then I came across the Body Love. It was there all along, and I didn’t know. I can afford it, and it’s just as good as Cetaphil. Maybe much better. 

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One of my favorite small pleasures is picking up soaps when I travel.  Using them takes me back to my vacation spot.  It has also been something I can tell family members who travel who want to bring me back a souvenier that I like.  Right now I am using a sheep's milk soap with something in it for exfoliation (I am not sure what) that DD got me at an Austria Christmas market and it is the best I have ever used. 

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I used Dove for a long time, but one summer I discovered LUSH Magic Crystals and was sold forevermore. I live in Arizona, and adore how the Magic Crystals cools me off. In the winter, I use L’Occitane Almond Shower Oil. I discovered that one in an advent calendar one year. These are both pricy, but a little goes a long way.

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I like the EveryBody 3 in 1 soap (or TJ s knockoff). Last winter I discovered a Whole Foods brand moisturizing soap I'll try to find again this winter, it's the only moisturizing soap I've ever used that was *just* right.

I don't have particularly sensitive skin but Dove makes me itchy and Dr Bronners--no matter how diluted--makes me feel like I've taken a chemical bath.

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I use Dove bar soap. I used to use various body washes and sometimes homemade soap from local soapmakers. I have very dry skin and mentioned my dry, itchy skin at one of my biannual dermatology appointments a few years ago. She said most body washes and all homemade soaps are very drying. She recommended Dove bar soap and it made a huge difference. I still have to use body moisturizer on some areas after a shower (while my skin is still damp) but the itchiness is gone and the dryness is greatly improved. I'm now a full convert to Dove bar soap.

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Wow, so many Dove Sensitive users! Weirdly, I’m allergic to something in that one.

We use the Costco citrus body wash. It does not smell like citrus, sadly, but it is mild and works for all of our allergy needs.

We also like the Jason Citrus Body Wash (which does smell like citrus!).


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I have to be very careful which soaps/body washes I use. Someone recommended castile soap, and I've tried a few brands of unscented. They don't cause any reactions or dry out my skin. I currently have this on subscribe and save: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075TWC1XB?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details. I use it for my hands, body wash in the shower, shampoo when I ran out of my usual brand, I squirt some in the toilet to give the bowl a quick clean, use it for dishes, etc. I wish I had found it at the beginning of the pandemic, because I destroyed my hands between frequent handwashing and not realizing that my body does not tolerate urea, which is in many lotions. 

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15 hours ago, MEmama said:

I need details! 

LUSH Magic Crystals

This stuff is amazing for summer. The peppermint oil in it cools down the skin, like when you suck on a peppermint and drink ice water after? So lovely! And it doesn’t smell medicinal, as I feared it would. (A guy who worked there recommended it to me, and I only bought it to be nice because he was so helpful that day and swore by this stuff. LOL) When I come out of the shower, I feel like I don’t necessarily smell minty, just fresh and clean. And every time I use it (because I don’t use it every day, just when I am dying of HOT here in AZ), DH tells me how good I smell. So I went back and thanked the guy and bought more.

One piece of advice though… Don’t have it shipped in the summer. I did that a couple of years ago because not every store stocks the larger size (which is a much better value), and it changed its texture and made it gummy instead of scrubby. It still smelled good and worked, but the experience was not as nice.



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7 hours ago, Alte Veste Academy said:

OMGosh. Gotta get me some Toil & Trouble now. It’s like Magic Crystals but has some lavender in it. 

Ok that sounds incredible. And it's purple!

But I have questions. What are shower jellies? And how fine or large are the salt crystals? I'm worried after using a scrub that HURT my skin this past summer, so much I threw out it out after one use. The description says fine; is that your experience? 

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The thing about the sensitive dove body wash is it, to me, has a very noticeable, almost strong scent. I think that is what causes the irritation for me. That’s not really sensitive skin-friendly. The body love has no scent at all. It’s so moisturizing. It’s more like a Cetaphil or Cerave wash, but it’s creamy just like Dove. 

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