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I need to figure out who I am over the weekend.


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I have to write a 2-3 minute speech introducing myself “through three main points that are self-defining.”

I’m not looking for anyone else to define me, lol.   I think I’ve come up with 2 decent points so far. But I’m curious how quickly others can come up with 3 self-defining points.  Show me! 😁

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42 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

I have to write a 2-3 minute speech introducing myself “through three main points that are self-defining.”

I’m not looking for anyone else to define me, lol.   I think I’ve come up with 2 decent points so far. But I’m curious how quickly others can come up with 3 self-defining points.  Show me! 😁

Self-defining, as in they define themselves? Or are they trying to ask you to define them? This is confusing. 

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Hmm. It would depend on the audience or context. I think I can be defined in a dozen ways, but that what is relevant at the moment can vary. There are too many ways for this to go. Do you go obvious with "wife and mother"? Nationality or ethnicity? Religion or philosophical leanings? Day job and hobbies? I'd have to know more. 

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27 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

While I am willing to blab most things for the sake of education, I don't respond well to exercises of this kind because I am otherwise a rather private person.


Maybe that’s part of it for me!

 I’m most definitely not private in the majority of situations, but this is with brand new people.

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4 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

Maybe that’s part of it for me!

 I’m most definitely not private in the majority of situations, but this is with brand new people.

I just don't think I'm everybody's business. 

I always hated those 'blab personal information for the teacher' essays at the beginning of the new school years. 

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You don’t need to define yourself or rate your worth. Just describe the things that make you different than the average other person with this assignment. For most of us that would be mother, how long we homeschooled (or specifically classically homeschooled and what that means), and one other defining thing about our interests or history. 

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1 hour ago, Rosie_0801 said:

While I am willing to blab most things for the sake of education, I don't respond well to exercises of this kind because I am otherwise a rather private person.


Yeah, I hate intrusive prompts and would have to resort to identifying as a prompt-hater in some creative way. If I could get over being ticked off. Lol!

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Not sure I understood the question.  I pictured describing three events that show important aspects of who I am.  Then I saw people listing 3 words.

Let's see ....

  • Childlike lifelong learner.
  • Organizer of thoughts and things.
  • Nurturer.
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I am relieved that some people are questioning the wording of the assignment, because I found it to be slightly confusing, too. And while the content of this class has already specifically addressed the non-existence of silly questions, I am terrified of asking silly questions.  Which meant I had to run to Google, which didn’t address my explicit question, but did bring me some peace with the direction I intend to go with it.

However, now I’m wrestling with the thought that perhaps it’s almost a mini-test to see who reaches out for clarification. Which could be me overthinking, or me being astute.  Who knows?

So I’m going to step way out of my comfort zone and ask. In the meantime, I’m going to continue working on it the way I’ve interpreted, and trust Google in its majority opinion that there is no correct or incorrect criteria for defining oneself.

And continue to dig deep for 1 more thing that flows well with the other two.

Also, when did the Meyers Briggs add a 5th letter?!?!?! Mine is Turbulent, surprise, surprise!

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15 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:

While I am willing to blab most things for the sake of education, I don't respond well to exercises of this kind because I am otherwise a rather private person.


This! I think a lot of these type of assignments are just power plays from the people who assign them. If the goal is two write a 2-3 minutiae introductory speech, it should be up to the person to decide what to include. I’ve done several speaker intros and the speakers send me their bios. The information in the bio is always professional with maybe a personal line about a hobby thrown in at the end. If I do t get a bio, then I email the person an open ended questions asking what they want me to include. 

Thaf said, say whatever you want to. Lots of things define us. It’s doesn’t have to be particularly revealing, you can state the obvious.

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6 minutes ago, TechWife said:

Thaf said, say whatever you want to. Lots of things define us. It’s doesn’t have to be particularly revealing, you can state the obvious.

Yes to this.

I could pick among several things that define me; I'd tailor it to the audience.

family person (wife/mother/sibling), amateur cooking enthusiast, former homeschool "teacher", wannabe gardener, Christian, needlecrafter, book/library lover, shy introvert, hiker/nature lover, lover of leisure, apathetic housekeeper. 

Honestly, from reading your posts here, I think you ( @Carrie12345 not the person I'm quoting) have lots of ways to define yourself.  "First responder supporter" is one I can think of though my wording is clunky. 

(My sister used to call herself an athletic supporter because of involvement with her kids' sports.) 



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I hate that kind of personal stuff and it's way too vague. I'd just pick some crap and bs it. I'd not think some stupid assignment is worth more effort than that tbh. I'd probably pick, mom, something to do with health, and something to do with outdoors or learning.

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Quiet. Introverted. Private. 

That's if you want to be a bit cheeky, lol. Those are clearly not mine my actual , as the first word is quiet. 

I am usually quite private with new people, and I don't like the idea of self-defining myself to begin with. I am a complicated and ever-changing creature, dang it.

I would probably try to make all three points connected to the class or overall course of study, and they can learn what defines me over time. 

Or not. As they wish. 

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