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We should consume only beef, salt, and water


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Not some of the time but 100% of the time. I just wanted to share this revolutionary idea with you since it is ALL my parents are talking about. Whatever problems y’all are facing, this diet will fix it. Did y’all know that my severe beef allergy will probably magically disappear if I embrace this diet? 

That’s all, I just really wanted to impart this wisdom on the hive. No need to thank me ❤️

Edited by Ann.without.an.e
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35 minutes ago, BlsdMama said:


 I’ll definitely give it a shot. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 😉 


Just to be clear, in order for this to work, you can only consume these three things: beef, water, salt. But if all you consume is this, it’ll probably take care of your beef allergy if you have one. That’s what I’m hearing anyway 💁🏻‍♀️

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Oh and just so y’all know, the reason some don’t buy into it is big pharma. Also when dd said they did research at Duke on lack of carbs and brain health we were informed that the info is irrelevant because Duke bio is probably fully funded by big pharma.   

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1 minute ago, EKS said:

So is this a beef with Jordan Peterson or your parents?

Pun intended 😄

100% with my parents and how they handle these things 😂  Jordan Peterson seems nice enough and he’s free to eat whatever he wants 💁🏻‍♀️


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  • Ann.without.an.e changed the title to We should consume only beef, salt, and water
28 minutes ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Oh and just so y’all know, the reason some don’t buy into it is big pharma. Also when dd said they did research at Duke on lack of carbs and brain health we were informed that the info is irrelevant because Duke bio is probably fully funded by big pharma.   

But what about those Survivor shows? 

Eh. It's television. They probably fake malnutrition for ratings.

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Well, allergies aren’t real and most people who have them are just buying into the lies told by big pharma to doctors to sell more epinephrine.  

I would have posted this sooner, but I got distracted by what I thought might be a bird outside my window. But then I remembered birds aren’t real so I think maybe the government is spying on me.

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4 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

But what about those Survivor shows? 

Eh. It's television. They probably fake malnutrition for ratings.

Oh yes, it’s all fake. The movie and tv industry are just cover ups to push big pharma propaganda. 

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5 minutes ago, ikslo said:

Well, allergies aren’t real and most people who have them are just buying into the lies told by big pharma to doctors to sell more epinephrine.  


Yes yes, it’s all in my head and would go away if I’d just give in and eat a steak. 

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7 minutes ago, lauraw4321 said:

Believe me - that’s exactly what Big Pharma would like is all to eat. 

I was told that it’s all a lie from big pharma and satan to which I responded “ummm….God put man in a garden and told him to eat fruit. Adam was literally a vegetarian”. 

Disclaimer- I’m not a vegetarian and am not endorsing any particular diet. 

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1 minute ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Yes yes, it’s all in my head and would go away if I’d just give in and eat a steak. 

See? The conditioning is working on you already. It’s a mind over matter thing, really. You just have to believe! Big parma bad! Cattle ranchers good! Buy beef. Eat beef. Live beef. There’s a whole new you waiting.

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1 minute ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

I was told that it’s all a lie from big pharma and satan to which I responded “ummm….God put man in a garden and told him to eat fruit. Adam was literally a vegetarian”. 

But Jesus ate meat. NT overrules the OT, no? 

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1 minute ago, PronghornD said:

My brother was on a diet close to this for a while. I think now he has given himself an allowance for a few carbs, though. Maybe he got bored with only beef.

According to @ikslo it sounds like he can ask Jesus to turn the water into some wine and then he’ll get a few more carbs too if he needs them? 

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But the thing is, Jordan Peterson can eat this way or @PronghornD- your brother can eat this way. If it works a miracle for them then happy dance. Most likely they’re just eliminating processed foods or allergens so they feel better as a domino effect.  But don’t shove it down other people’s throats, especially those who are allergic to it 😂. My diet would be just water and salt. Back to my conclusion that my parents are trying to kill me 🤔

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5 hours ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Not some of the time but 100% of the time. I just wanted to share this revolutionary idea with you since it is ALL my parents are talking about. Whatever problems y’all are facing, this diet will fix it. Did y’all know that my severe beef allergy will probably magically disappear if I embrace this diet? 

That’s all, I just really wanted to impart this wisdom on the hive. No need to thank me ❤️

Thanks for sharing this wisdom!  Makes sense.  If you go into anaphylaxis and die after eating beef, your beef allergy will disappear along with the rest of you.  Poof!  🙄 Sorry your parents aren't thinking clearly on this.  

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Maintenance Phase (one of my current very favorite podcasts) did a two-part series about this: https://www.maintenancephase.com/ (I can't find a way to link to the specific episodes, so scroll down to find Jordan Peterson Part 1 and Part 2.)

Fair warning: The hosts use a lot of what Mr. Spock would refer to as "colorful metaphors." So, don't listen if you are offended by profanity.

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13 hours ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Hear me out y’all … I have an airway restricting level of beef allergy. I’m pretty sure my parents are trying to knock me off? That would be the only logical conclusion. Right? 

Well, they’re right. If you’re dead you’ll no longer be having allergic reactions.  😂

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13 hours ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Hear me out y’all … I have an airway restricting level of beef allergy. I’m pretty sure my parents are trying to knock me off? That would be the only logical conclusion. Right? 

Yes, make sure to let them know they are not beneficiaries on your life insurance policy! 😂

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This is being popularized right now among IBLP folks. Jim Bob Duggar has been posting on social media that he lost 35 lbs in a month on a beef broth only fast that made him more spiritual 🙄🙄🙄 Apparently, the concept of losing weight from starving the body is lost on him.  LOL, the funny thing is his before and after pics do not really look any different. Makes one question if he can read a scale or not!

Personally, if I can only have one meat, it would be fish or chicken. 😁

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There's a big YouTube star, "The Liver King," who has millions of followers and has supposedly made more than $100 million from his channel plus supplement sales. He eats beef brains, testicles, and raw liver, along with some other meat and dairy. He's always sworn that his massive muscles are purely a result of diet & exercise, no steroids ever, totally natural. Apparently a lot of men believed him because he made millions selling dehydrated liver, brains, etc. in capsules. He was just outed for talking massive amounts of steroids and human growth hormone and now claims that the Liver King persona was just a "social experiment" to spread the word about the importance of eating an "ancestral diet."

The whole "real men eat lots of red meat and don't need anything else" schtick is a pretty big thing right now. Tell a bunch a guys that they can not only eat all the red meat they want, they'll also get super buff and extra masculine, all while sticking it to "big pharma," government recommendations, "soy boys," etc., and you can make lots and lots of money. 

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