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Hello but not an update!


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2 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Hey all, 

I know I haven't been online much, and I still don't feel ready to update people on what's going on with us (life has been a lot), but I wanted to say hi 🙂.

We're still in California and are heading home to NYC in a week. We met up with @WTM yesterday and had lots of fun 🙂 . DD9 is still being unschooled, with some successful innovations and some unsuccessful forays into being taught. 

Otherwise, life really is... a lot. But I'm hoping it's a lot in a way that'll lead to better outcomes for us all. 

We’ve missed you and your voice. Thanks for stopping by. I hope that all outcomes are good, too. Update us when you are ready. 

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59 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Hey all, 

I know I haven't been online much, and I still don't feel ready to update people on what's going on with us (life has been a lot), but I wanted to say hi 🙂.

We're still in California and are heading home to NYC in a week. We met up with @WTM yesterday and had lots of fun 🙂 . DD9 is still being unschooled, with some successful innovations and some unsuccessful forays into being taught. 

Otherwise, life really is... a lot. But I'm hoping it's a lot in a way that'll lead to better outcomes for us all. 

Glad to see you back

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7 minutes ago, Clarita said:

Lucky you it's been super pleasant over here. You should visit Muir woods or some of the redwood forests. There's actually creeks and streams, which is not always the case.

Cool! Thanks for the recommendation :-).

It’s been lovely to be back. We usually visit often (I did my PhD at Stanford and we have friends here), but you know, COVID…

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1 minute ago, Scarlett said:

Flying back and shipping the car made me laugh so so hard.  I can’t wait to hear the stories.  

Well, to be fair, I was staying off planes mostly because I wasn't sure how severe Omicron was and because it was going to be the busiest travel day of the year 😂. I feel pretty reassured about those!

But yeaaah, I'm not doing another 10-day trip on the road within a month, LOL. 

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So fun to meet @Not_a_Number, Mr. @Not_a_Number, and her girls IRL!

We've instilled our kids with a healthy sense of internet-stranger-danger. When I told my kids we were all going to meet someone I met on the internet, both of them looked alarmed. DS exclaimed, "What!? Like on Tinder?!!!"

So now I'll always think of @Not_a_Numberas my Well Trained Mind and Tinder friend....

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1 minute ago, WTM said:

So fun to meet @Not_a_Number, Mr. @Not_a_Number, and her girls IRL!

We've instilled our kids with a healthy sense of internet-stranger-danger. When I told my kids we were all going to meet someone I met on the internet, both of them looked alarmed. DS exclaimed, "What!? Like on Tinder?!!!"

So now I'll always think of @Not_a_Numberas my Well Trained Mind and Tinder friend....

That was hilarious! 

Very nice to meet you and your kids, too! And thanks so much for setting me up with the AMC 8 🙂 . 

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