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Homeschoolers Embarrassing the Rest of Us


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Librarians in St. Charles, Illinois denied service to 15 mostly homeschool parents who claimed they are unable wear masks. The group plans to file ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) complaints over it. Police came and then left after refusing to enforce the state mandate.
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I feel so sorry for those poor librarians.

And I have to wonder why these people cannot pour some of that energy into helping those who truly are disenfranchised and abandoned. Foster children. Refugees. Mentally ill. Victims of domestic violence. People who live with profound disabilities. And so on. There's a hurting world out there.

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The free air people.  You can’t reason with them.  I got told off this week by one that if we would be meeting in a business in a town that requires, we have to wear masks. Put the dang mask on or don’t attend.  Very simple.  Not sure what the point of itching at me was as they were not planning to attend it as it was too far. 

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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On 1/27/2022 at 3:28 PM, Soror said:

What idiotic, selfish jerks. I hope they get their ass handed to them. You don't want to wear a mask that's one thing but to lie and make up crap, trivializing real disabilities. Shameful.

(Removed for privacy.)

I wonder how they'd describe their disability?

Edited by J-rap
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I have a child who is profoundly developmentally delayed AND who, prior to Covid, had a fear of masks because to him, they represented the hospital that he spent so much time in. He's also immune compromised so we worked with him on wearing a mask and guess what! He wears it, no problem. All day long. He has no issue with others wearing masks, either. It doesn't scare him like it used to.  I know of other parents with disabled children who refuse to even try to teach their child to wear a mask because they're into all the conspiracy theories. Makes me so mad. 

Our science museum is now requiring masks and proof of vaccination so I could actually take him today on his day off of school and not feel like I was going into a high-risk situation. I thanked the staff for requiring both -- I'm sure they get plenty of crap from people who are less than appreciative. 

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1 hour ago, JFSinIL said:

That is one town south of me, a more affluent area, not surprised. 

I doubt it has anything to do with affluence. I live in an affluent town. Far more people mask at the grocery store, etc. than most of the towns around us, which are more middle class and/or lower incomes. A mere couple of miles away. 

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

trivializing real disabilities

This boils my blood as well. Their selfish behavior puts people with actual disabilities at risk. People who really can't risk using the library if there are going to be a bunch of (I have no polite word for this) people strutting around the library maskless bragging about their faces showing and their germs filling the air. The absolute self-absorption and complete lack of concern for anyone else is something I have no words for.

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1 hour ago, QueenCat said:

I doubt it has anything to do with affluence. I live in an affluent town. Far more people mask at the grocery store, etc. than most of the towns around us, which are more middle class and/or lower incomes. A mere couple of miles away. 

Same here.

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I shouldn’t have watched that smug, self-righteous, sickening video. For the past 6 months, I’ve managed to keep my frustration at THESE PEOPLE on an intellectual level, and have been able to keep the feelings of utter outrage and anger tamped down.

But they’re all so smug! Oh, I feel such hatred toward them. Wow. I hate that I feel this way, but I do.

I should not have watched that video. 

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1 hour ago, QueenCat said:

I doubt it has anything to do with affluence. I live in an affluent town. Far more people mask at the grocery store, etc. than most of the towns around us, which are more middle class and/or lower incomes. A mere couple of miles away. 

Same. I see more masks in affluent areas. I assume it's education or politics.

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1 minute ago, Garga said:

I shouldn’t have watched that smug, self-righteous, sickening video. For the past 6 months, I’ve managed to keep my frustration at THESE PEOPLE on an intellectual level, and have been able to keep the feelings of utter outrage and anger tamped down.

But they’re all so smug! Oh, I feel such hatred toward them. Wow. I hate that I feel this way, but I do.

I should not have watched that video. 


It's so very gross and I have no good thoughts towards any of those people.

I find the attitude of the cops annoying too.

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1 hour ago, KSera said:

This boils my blood as well. Their selfish behavior puts people with actual disabilities at risk. People who really can't risk using the library if there are going to be a bunch of (I have no polite word for this) people strutting around the library maskless bragging about their faces showing and their germs filling the air. The absolute self-absorption and complete lack of concern for anyone else is something I have no words for.

This. The selfishness and entitled priss attitude is just gross, and makes my heart ache for people with disabilities!

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3 hours ago, itsheresomewhere said:

The free air people.  You can’t reason with them.  I got told off this week by one that if we would be meeting in a business in a town that requires, we have to wear masks. Put the dang mask on or don’t attend.  Very simple.  Not sure what the point of itching at me was as they were not planning to attend it as it was too far. 

Right? My homeschool group has a field trip planned. We were told that right now, the establishment does not require masks, but that could change. We were then told that if any attenders have "concerns," they should call ahead. I know what they mean by "concerns" and it isn't the establishment NOT requiring masks that is of concern, it's the possibility of them requiring them. Oh, no, so scary to wear a mask for an hour! 🙄

What a bunch of babies, seriously. Grow the hell up. 

ETA: I can't watch the video. Too much of it around me right now. 

Edited by MercyA
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8 minutes ago, happi duck said:

The library is closed to in person use.


I'm going to try to find an email address to voice support.  They're getting threats 😞

Getting threats??? 😠 At this point, I think we need to build some jails. We have q lot of people who need 24 hours or worse of lost freedom in order to appreciate that the rest of us are DONE!

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I honestly couldn’t finish watching the video, it made me so angry. Anyone know if they were part of a “Christian” homeschool group? At least here, the majority of mask protestors seem to have a direct or indirect (lots of praying and references to God at rallies) link to Christianity. 

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1 minute ago, Frances said:

I honestly couldn’t finish watching the video, it made me so angry. Anyone know if they were part of a “Christian” homeschool group? At least here, the majority of mask protestors seem to have a direct or indirect (lots of praying and references to God at rallies) link to Christianity. 

I would say that it is more of a conservative political thing than a Christian thing, and unfortunately the two of them are too often linked. 😞

Case in point: the Mennonite thrift store in my area (theologically conservative, but not politically so) has been taking the pandemic seriously. 

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Yeah, I couldn't watch all the video either. I recently discovered that the fact I had cancer (although it's been in remission for a long time) qualifies me for ADA accommodations. I wear my mask anytime I go out because I'm at a high risk of having a worse case of Covid even though I am vaccinated and boosted. To claim group accommodations for what reasons? Stupidity? Bless those librarians. 

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20 minutes ago, MercyA said:

Just sent the library a text of support. They said they appreciated the kind words. 

I love this about you. You put your money where your mouth is. You rock!

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Imagining what their meet-up ad was... Homeschooling mom who can't breathe with a cloth over her face looking for other like minded unbreathables; dead-eyes and chirpy voices a plus! Meet me at the library so we can wander around filming each other.

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5 minutes ago, elegantlion said:

Bless those librarians. 

No kidding. I could only watch the beginning of the video before I had to turn it off, but I read some of the comments, and there’s a video linked in the comments of some anti-masker guy at a different library, and he’s ranting at this little elderly librarian and another elderly man behind the front desk who are standing their ground that library policy requires him to put on a mask (which they are providing for him for free ) and I just couldn’t get over what kind of person would do that and feel like a big person for it. 

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5 minutes ago, saraha said:

They are probably wondering who in the world we all are!

“We are the non-idiotic homeschoolers and we’re here to revise your opinion…” 

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18 minutes ago, Idalou said:

Imagining what their meet-up ad was... Homeschooling mom who can't breathe with a cloth over her face looking for other like minded unbreathables; dead-eyes and chirpy voices a plus! Meet me at the library so we can wander around filming each other.

Trophy! 👏👏👏 You nailed it.

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I don't really think it's appropriate for people to contact this library when they are not in the same region. Let their local residents do it. Our library doesn't require the patrons to mask though the staff does and most patrons do. I wish everyone would and I think it's very wrong for people to disregard wearing a mask at places where it is requested.

BUT it would annoy me to know that people that don't live here are contacting my library trying to change their policies. I don't think it's any of their business.

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2 minutes ago, Spirea said:

I don't really think it's appropriate for people to contact this library when they are not in the same region. Let their local residents do it. Our library doesn't require the patrons to mask though the staff does and most patrons do. I wish everyone would and I think it's very wrong for people to disregard wearing a mask at places where it is requested.

BUT it would annoy me to know that people that don't live here are contacting my library trying to change their policies. I don't think it's any of their business.

You think it’s wrong to show support to library staff who have to deal with entitled asshats like the homeschoolers in the video?

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2 minutes ago, Spirea said:

I don't really think it's appropriate for people to contact this library when they are not in the same region. Let their local residents do it. Our library doesn't require the patrons to mask though the staff does and most patrons do. I wish everyone would and I think it's very wrong for people to disregard wearing a mask at places where it is requested.

BUT it would annoy me to know that people that don't live here are contacting my library trying to change their policies. I don't think it's any of their business.

Illinois has a mask mandate for the entire state. So, the people in the original post/protest are literally breaking the law. The libraries aren't making up their own rules.

It's not that far away from me, and I work in a library. The director has been keeping a really close eye on this situation since it wouldn't be a leap to think they're coming to us next. We've only had one person get really nasty so far. Most glare at us and don the mask and sigh and whine when we remind them to pull it up.

There's another library in the region that has also closed due to threats, but they're not getting the press yet.


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1 minute ago, Frances said:

You think it’s wrong to show support to library staff who have to deal with entitled asshats like the homeschoolers in the video?

I hope people who do this will also state if they do not live there. I think it's wrong for people to act like residents to sway the policies of a place they do not live.

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8 minutes ago, Spirea said:

I don't really think it's appropriate for people to contact this library when they are not in the same region. Let their local residents do it. Our library doesn't require the patrons to mask though the staff does and most patrons do. I wish everyone would and I think it's very wrong for people to disregard wearing a mask at places where it is requested.

BUT it would annoy me to know that people that don't live here are contacting my library trying to change their policies. I don't think it's any of their business.

But we are just showing support for their existing policies, not trying to pressure them into making any changes. 

I’m sure they are getting a lot of hate from the people who support those idiot homeschoolers, so I think it’s fair that they get some positive messages, as well.  🙂 

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3 minutes ago, Spirea said:

I hope people who do this will also state if they do not live there. I think it's wrong for people to act like residents to sway the policies of a place they do not live.

No one is trying to sway the policies, they are supporting people having to deal with a lot of threats and crap right now. And not to even mention the fact that this homeschool group recruited people from other places to come join them and claim disabilities in order to contribute to spreading their germs during the biggest peak yet of a deadly pandemic. 

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4 minutes ago, Spirea said:

I hope people who do this will also state if they do not live there. I think it's wrong for people to act like residents to sway the policies of a place they do not live.

The entire state of Illinois has a mask mandate and despite threats the library is sticking to the state mandate.  It is not acting like a resident to say I'm glad you're sticking to the state mandate.  (I did specify I wasn't a local resident and I can almost guarantee that no one from the Hive would lie)

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9 minutes ago, Spirea said:

I hope people who do this will also state if they do not live there. I think it's wrong for people to act like residents to sway the policies of a place they do not live.

Who said they were trying to sway policies? It’s a state law. People are just trying to support the library staff that has to put up with such crap and also have their health threatened.

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1 minute ago, Frances said:

Who said they were trying to sway policies? It’s a state law. People are just trying to support the library staff that has to put up with such crap and also have their health threatened.

I didn't know it was their state law. It's still the business of people in that state or people who use that facility.

I get pretty annoyed with the concept of people across the country meddling on other states as it has happened where I have lived. In general, I think it should be left to the residents. They can figure it out.

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1 minute ago, Spirea said:

I didn't know it was their state law. It's still the business of people in that state or people who use that facility.

I get pretty annoyed with the concept of people across the country meddling on other states as it has happened where I have lived. In general, I think it should be left to the residents. They can figure it out.

The hateful messages and even some of the maskless crowd wasn't just from their town.

They deserve to know that people from wherever are cheering them on.

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4 hours ago, BakersDozen said:

I do not understand why people think it OK to lie just to avoid wearing a mask. I'm fine with people believing what they want about wearing masks but I am not fine with people being defiant or outright lying. And if kids are present and parents lie...that's just beyond low and wrong.

4 hours ago, Soror said:

What idiotic, selfish jerks. I hope they get their ### handed to them. You don't want to wear a mask that's one thing but to lie and make up crap, trivializing real disabilities. Shameful.

Yep, total lack of integrity. If post-2016 has taught me anything, this lack of character will not be remedied when the pandemic goes away. I am so disappointed in the total lack of character. 

3 hours ago, KSera said:

This boils my blood as well. Their selfish behavior puts people with actual disabilities at risk. People who really can't risk using the library if there are going to be a bunch of (I have no polite word for this) people strutting around the library maskless bragging about their faces showing and their germs filling the air. The absolute self-absorption and complete lack of concern for anyone else is something I have no words for.

This is why we go so few places. Even when there were mask requirements at places here, they weren't well enforced (except medical situations). We saw our share of mesh masks also. Our own church wouldn't enforce the mask mandate they put in place and that was well advertised on their website.

1 hour ago, Garga said:

But they’re all so smug! Oh, I feel such hatred toward them. Wow. I hate that I feel this way, but I do.

There is a thread about being able to put on a smile when you don't feel like it...this is one of those situations that would take me from smiling and professional to suddenly starring in a girl fight on the 10 PM news. 

41 minutes ago, Idalou said:

Imagining what their meet-up ad was... Homeschooling mom who can't breathe with a cloth over her face looking for other like minded unbreathables; dead-eyes and chirpy voices a plus! Meet me at the library so we can wander around filming each other.

Ugh, the bolded nails one reason I can't understand why people don't see through this. It's so, so disingenuous. How is that not a red flag for people that they are insincere and totally lacking in character? It's also just super creepy when someone morphs into this that you've never seen do this. So creepy, as if they've taken over by an alien.

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Just now, happi duck said:

The hateful messages and even some of the maskless crowd wasn't just from their town.

They deserve to know that people from wherever are cheering them on.

The problem of things going viral. Too many people involved when it's none of their business.

Yes, I guess in that case, it's nice to say, "Keep up the good work," from a friend in Colorado, or wherever.

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E-mail sent. I clearly identified that I don't live there but that I am a homeschooler.

Update...this is the reply:


Thanks for the kind words. I’m forwarding your email to our Library Director. 

Homeschooling is hard work! Thank you for taking the time to show some kindness to strangers.


Edited by kbutton
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22 minutes ago, Spirea said:

I didn't know it was their state law. It's still the business of people in that state or people who use that facility.

I get pretty annoyed with the concept of people across the country meddling on other states as it has happened where I have lived. In general, I think it should be left to the residents. They can figure it out.

How is showing support for the library staff that has to deal with inconsiderate people who care only about themselves meddling on other states?

Is this is your view on everything? Don’t support through words or actions people who suffer natural disasters in other countries or states? Don’t show support for people having difficulties for whatever reason unless they are immediately local to you?

Edited by Frances
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22 minutes ago, Spirea said:

I didn't know it was their state law. It's still the business of people in that state or people who use that facility.

I get pretty annoyed with the concept of people across the country meddling on other states as it has happened where I have lived. In general, I think it should be left to the residents. They can figure it out.

That really isn't how it works in a nation with fifty states that all influence each other, and whose state laws have influence on neighboring states.

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