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I broke out in hives after eating shrimp tonight


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I’ve taken a Benadryl. I am not having any other symptoms. Well, I did have one sneezing episode. The hives started coming about a half hour after eating. Started on my chin and spread from there. My face is covered with them now. 😞

What the heck??? I love shrimp. 😞

I didn’t eat anything else. I steamed a pound of shrimp and ate them with a little remoulade sauce. 

I have had terrible anxiety today—bad enough to take a Xanax. I rarely take that, but I just felt like my body was getting constant adrenaline surges all day. 😞 I’m wondering if anxiety plus shrimp triggered a reaction I wouldn’t have had otherwise. 

What’s the protocol? I’m reading some conflicting things about how long I have to worry about anaphylaxis. When can I relax? After my day, I’m scared I’ll have a panic attack and not know the difference.

I’ve never had a food allergy in my life.

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Food allergy mom here, and unfortunate recipient of a shellfish allergy that developed in my 40s. My thoughts may sound over the top, but here they are:

- Stay on top of the Benadryl. Set an alarm and take more so it doesn’t wear off. Have DH wake and check you. I’m serious.

- Do you have Pepcid? Take some. It helps. 

- You want to watch for two body systems. You have hives. If you add throat issues, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea — that can mean anaphylaxis. Remember — 2 systems is bad. That’s when we epipen and call 911. Benadryl will NOT stop anaphylaxis.

- You can have another, bigger reaction — usually up to 8 hours from the first. Sometimes more. That second event can be more serious.

- Do you have an inhaler? Use it now, if so.

- Again, 2 body systems means anaphylaxis, usually. If you don’t have an epipen, and think it’s anaphylaxis — it’s ER time. Even if you do have an epipen, it’s ER time, just after the epipen.

I’m so sorry. If you have a nurse line, you might call them.

Edited by Spryte
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Also — if those hives spread, if this is a full body event, ER.

My DD’s ears even swell. It’s serious.

Don’t panic, but you and your DH a need to be aware of your body tonight.



All that said, maybe it’s stress. I don’t know. But it sounds like shrimp to me!

Or Xanax? Could it be that?

Will be checking often, keep us posted.

Edited by Spryte
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Thanks, y’all. I will set an alarm for more Benadryl. 

I do have Pepcid AC—I’ll go take one now. 

Which inhaler? Pulmicort or Ventalin?

I already told my husband he’ll have to check on me. 😞 

My sister has 2 kids with severe food allergies. I tried to call her but she is already asleep. So, yeah, I appreciate the help.

Edited by popmom
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I use Ventalin. So do the kids. Every four hours, 2 puffs.

Nights when I have unexplained hives, DH and I stay up late watching shows. He keeps an eye on me, epipens handy. Then sleeps lightly, and we wake every four hours for Benadryl (50 mg) and an inhaler puff. I stay still and quiet. BUT — we have a lot of experience with anaphylaxis, and I feel confident in his ability to assess me. 

If you do have to go in, be prepared to stay a minimum of four hours even if they do nothing, so they can watch you.

Also, in the morning — schedule an allergist appointment.

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1 minute ago, popmom said:

I have an unopened Medrol Dose Pak. Would that be of any use? 

I guess I’ll take another 25mg Benadryl. I really hate taking 50 though. I won’t sleep. It makes me feel like I’m coming out of my skin. Wired. 

I don’t know on the Medrol. That’s something they’d decide at an ER. I don’t think we’ve ever left the ER for an allergic reaction *without* an Rx for steroids and steroids given in the ER itself, but I would feel uncomfortable taking it without a doc. I think. Aack. That has to be your call since it’s an Rx.

If you were to go into an ER for suspected anaphylaxis, they would almost for sure give you Benadryl, pepcid and steroids. And epipen if needed, plus monitoring for other needs.

My hesitation on the steroids is more because if it’s that bad — you might need more help than you are getting. Anaphylaxis can go south, fast, and you need to be aware of all symptoms, if it’s that. 

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1 minute ago, Spryte said:


My hesitation on the steroids is more because if it’s that bad — you might need more help than you are getting. Anaphylaxis can go south, fast, and you need to be aware of all symptoms, if it’s that. 

That absolutely makes sense. I won’t take it. 

So far so good. 

dh and I both have alarms set. I’ll update when I take my next dose. 


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Oh no!  Hope you don’t get a repeat! Also sorry to bring up the never ending inevitable Covid but I can’t remember who has had it and who hasn’t and there has been anecdotal reports reports of new allergies developing after it.

My DH has to be pretty careful with shellfish etc. unfortunately.

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15 minutes ago, popmom said:

Hi y’all. I just spent 5 hours in the ER. 2:30 -7:30 am. Dx acute anaphylactic reaction. They gave me the works. I’d give more details but I’m exhausted. I’ll explain more later. 

thank you all

Well, crud. I was hoping it was just going to be hives from stress. Boo! 

I had a mild shellfish allergy as a kid, but outgrew it. (my mom was the same). Well, mostly outgrew it, still can't have crab - i get a tingly mouth if I eat it, so I don't. But as a kid even the smell of shrimp cooking made my stomach hurt. Now I can eat shrimp and lobster, but not crab. 

With shellfish allergies be aware they can be triggered by particles in the air - so avoid places that are cooking shrimp in an open area. 

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20 minutes ago, popmom said:

Hi y’all. I just spent 5 hours in the ER. 2:30 -7:30 am. Dx acute anaphylactic reaction. They gave me the works. I’d give more details but I’m exhausted. I’ll explain more later. 

thank you all

Thank goodness you went in, and glad you are home.

Try to get some rest now.

Beaming some good thoughts at you now!

Edited by Spryte
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1 hour ago, Katy said:

You’ve gotten great advice. Just wanted to chime in, in case you have known drug allergies… You can have an allergy to the antibiotics in farmed shrimp and not to the shrimp themselves. 

No way! That's insane! My used to be kosher son (and his best friend) suffered pretty bad hives after their first foray into non-kosher sea creatures. Of course it was their first time so no one can say if the allergy was already there or not. We told them it was G-d giving a smack down. Just kidding, sort of.

Nope to know it could be part of his antibiotic allergy! Fascinating!

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1 hour ago, Katy said:

You’ve gotten great advice. Just wanted to chime in, in case you have known drug allergies… You can have an allergy to the antibiotics in farmed shrimp and not to the shrimp themselves. 

What kind of antibiotics are used?  I am allergic to three classes of antibiotics and dd1 is allergic to yet another one and dd2 to another one than either dd1 or me.

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37 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

No way! That's insane! My used to be kosher son (and his best friend) suffered pretty bad hives after their first foray into non-kosher sea creatures. Of course it was their first time so no one can say if the allergy was already there or not. We told them it was G-d giving a smack down. Just kidding, sort of.

Nope to know it could be part of his antibiotic allergy! Fascinating!

I laughed at this because I’ve heard a similar story from my kosher BIL, in his extended family. That is a serious smack down!

I hadn’t heard about the antibiotics, either, that’s an interesting thought. Also didn’t realize Covid could be triggering allergies, yikes.

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1 hour ago, popmom said:

Hi y’all. I just spent 5 hours in the ER. 2:30 -7:30 am. Dx acute anaphylactic reaction. They gave me the works. I’d give more details but I’m exhausted. I’ll explain more later. 

thank you all

I am glad you went.  Unfortunately,  everyone in my family except dh has anaphylactic reactions to different foods or medications.  We have gone through this almost too many times.

Get as much rest as you can.

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17 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

What kind of antibiotics are used?  I am allergic to three classes of antibiotics and dd1 is allergic to yet another one and dd2 to another one than either dd1 or me.

I don't know much about it but I panicked when I broke out in hives after eating shrimp once, I grew up in Florida and love shrimp.  I read it was possibly caused by antibiotics, largely unregulated, in shrimp farmed in Asia.  I tried wild caught, USA shrimp and I didn't break out.

This was before I took those Elixa probiotics that fixed my wheat allergy.  Since then I've had other things I'd broken out in hives from but hadn't tried enough to know for sure it was an allergy (chia, farmed shrimp), and not had any sort of reaction.

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1 hour ago, TravelingChris said:

What kind of antibiotics are used?  I am allergic to three classes of antibiotics and dd1 is allergic to yet another one and dd2 to another one than either dd1 or me.

One of major concern is chloramphenicol as it can cause aplastic anemia. https://www.globalseafood.org/advocate/heightened-surveillance-of-chloramphenicol-residues-in-shrimp/

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3 hours ago, YaelAldrich said:

No way! That's insane! My used to be kosher son (and his best friend) suffered pretty bad hives after their first foray into non-kosher sea creatures. Of course it was their first time so no one can say if the allergy was already there or not. We told them it was G-d giving a smack down. Just kidding, sort of.

Nope to know it could be part of his antibiotic allergy! Fascinating!


2 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

What kind of antibiotics are used?  I am allergic to three classes of antibiotics and dd1 is allergic to yet another one and dd2 to another one than either dd1 or me.


2 hours ago, Spryte said:

I hadn’t heard about the antibiotics, either, that’s an interesting thought. Also didn’t realize Covid could be triggering allergies, yikes.


2 hours ago, Katy said:

I don't know much about it but I panicked when I broke out in hives after eating shrimp once, I grew up in Florida and love shrimp.  I read it was possibly caused by antibiotics, largely unregulated, in shrimp farmed in Asia.  I tried wild caught, USA shrimp and I didn't break out.

“Last Updated: March 15, 2019
Although the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) does not allow for the use of any antibiotics in shrimp farming, the overuse of antibiotics in Asian shrimp aquaculture has some researchers concerned about the potential for antibiotic-resistant bacteria landing in Canada through imported seafood.

To test for the potential of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, Marketplace bought 51 frozen shrimp products from major grocery stores in Calgary, Toronto, Saskatoon and Montreal, and sent them to a special lab at the University of Saskatchewan for analysis.

Nine of the products — or 17 per cent — were found to be carrying bacteria, such as E. coli and staph aureus, that showed resistance to at least one antibiotic.

All but one of the bacteria were resistant to multiple drugs, meaning they have the potential to cause hard-to-treat infections— so called superbugs that antibiotics may not be able to kill.


Test Results

The Marketplace tests, conducted at the Rubin Lab at the University of Saskatchewan by associate professor and antimicrobial resistance expert Joseph Rubin, found MRSA — a multidrug-resistant staph aureus — on two of the shrimp products.

The staph aureus bacteria was possibly the result of human handling during processing, according to Wright, however he warns that "MRSA should not be showing up in food."


And if you think turning to certified or organic seafood could help, Marketplace's test showed these products aren't immune.

Six of the nine samples that tested positive for antibiotic-resistant bacteria had Global Aquaculture Alliance's certification for Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) stamp of approval on their packaging, meant to indicate that product has been farmed to a certain standard, including limits on antibiotic exposure.

When it comes to organic, one of the four organic products tested positive for ESBL-producing strains of bacteria, as well as multidrug resistant to three different antibiotic drug classes.


Country of origin

According to Marketplace's test, one country, more than the others, had positive results for antibiotic-resistant bacteria: India. Five of the nine positives came from there.

Canada imports more shrimp from India than any other country: 15 million kilograms in 2018 alone. But India's population also consumes more antibiotics than any other country, increasing usage by a staggering 103 per cent since 2000.

Concern over the widespread use of antibiotics reported on farms in India has resulted in the EU imposing a strict 50 per cent inspection regime on shrimp imports from the country. And the U.S. is currently rejecting near-record numbers of shrimp from India.

It is difficult to know exactly how the shrimp tested by Marketplace acquired the antibiotic-resistant bacteria; while the UN FAO says antimicrobials are "commonly used" in Asian aquaculture, it is possible that bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance from exposure to contaminated soil or water, or during processing and handling.”

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12 hours ago, Arcadia said:

Are your shrimps previously frozen? I realize my skin is sensitive to Sodium tripolyphosphate which is found in Safeway brand frozen shrimp packages.   

Fascinating. Found this article: https://thefishsite.com/articles/warnings-of-sodium-tripolyphosphate-in-fish

Now I wonder if my hands breaking out when trying to peel raw shrimp is actually from this and not the shrimp. It didn't used to be a problem for me. Once shrimp are cooked, I'm fine. However, my mom has been noted as allergic to shrimp since being pregnant with me and my oldest is the same. They can't eat them or their mouths and ear canals start itching. I'm the same way with only scallops- other shellfish are fine.

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3 minutes ago, Elfknitter.# said:

Now I wonder if my hands breaking out when trying to peel raw shrimp is actually from this and not the shrimp. It didn't used to be a problem for me. 

When I let the shrimp thaw, rinse and drain countless times and then peel, my fingers didn’t become red (looked like a mix of rash and burn). You could wear disposable gloves and see if the problem goes away for you.

Actually fishmongers wear gloves to protect themselves when handling seafood. 

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5 hours ago, popmom said:

Hi y’all. I just spent 5 hours in the ER. 2:30 -7:30 am. Dx acute anaphylactic reaction. They gave me the works. I’d give more details but I’m exhausted. I’ll explain more later. 

thank you all

I'm so glad you went to the ER.  Hope you are resting and feeling better.  That is scary!

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I don’t know, but I recently had a ridiculous reaction to a bee sting. I’ve been stung many times before (once, more than once). It was such a bizarre experience to have a reaction when I had never experienced one, like, what is happening to me? I took a Benadryl and laid down and I asked DH to check on me. But it went away… now I wonder if I should have an epi pen or whatever.

it is a particularly stressful period but I didn’t make the connection. Xanax is just bad news for me personally so I can’t speak to that.

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18 minutes ago, madteaparty said:

I don’t know, but I recently had a ridiculous reaction to a bee sting. I’ve been stung many times before (once, more than once). It was such a bizarre experience to have a reaction when I had never experienced one, like, what is happening to me? I took a Benadryl and laid down and I asked DH to check on me. But it went away… now I wonder if I should have an epi pen or whatever.

it is a particularly stressful period but I didn’t make the connection. Xanax is just bad news for me personally so I can’t speak to that.

Maybe mention it to your doc? You can’t predict future reactions based on past reactions — they can get worse.

Allergies are scary!

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1 hour ago, madteaparty said:

I don’t know, but I recently had a ridiculous reaction to a bee sting. I’ve been stung many times before (once, more than once). It was such a bizarre experience to have a reaction when I had never experienced one, like, what is happening to me? I took a Benadryl and laid down and I asked DH to check on me. But it went away… now I wonder if I should have an epi pen or whatever.

it is a particularly stressful period but I didn’t make the connection. Xanax is just bad news for me personally so I can’t speak to that.

Most people don't have an allergic reaction to anything the first or even the second time.

And yes to epipen or even better Auvi Q as you are sn adult and may hang out more w adults who aren't experienced with epi-pens.  That is why I have an Auvi Q because when I am not home, I tend to be around older people who may not be familiar with anaphylactic reactions.

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1 hour ago, sassenach said:

They may have mentioned it in the ER but make sure you always tell medical staff about your shrimp allergy. Shrimp allergies are a flag for iodine reactions, too.

This is super interesting. I found out about a year or two ago that I’m allergic to shrimp (already have other food allergies and was doing updated testing). It made sense as my mouth had gotten super tingly/odd after a bite of shrimp 6 months or so before the testing. I’m not a shellfish eater so it hasn’t been a terribly big deal and I’m already used to reading every label.
However, one time (probably 2-3 years ago), a doctor had me put a patch of iodine on my arm. I have no earthly idea why now…but it made me feeL instantly wretchedly horrible. Had to scrub it off and felt awful all day. I never made that connection.

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2 hours ago, sassenach said:

They may have mentioned it in the ER but make sure you always tell medical staff about your shrimp allergy. Shrimp allergies are a flag for iodine reactions, too.

Oh I have an iodine cat scan dye allergy but not to regular iodine.  Haven't had any problems with seafood.  And hope I don't.  Currently, I have frozen gulf shrimp in my freezer.

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13 minutes ago, Spryte said:

@popmom Thinking of you. Hoping you are ok. 

Thank you! I have been SO tired today. I’ve been napping off and on all day. I really want to ask some questions and reply to some of the posts, but I barely have the brain power today to even scroll my Pinterest feed! Ugh. 

I followed all of your recommendations, but I started having chest pain and a feeling of pressure in my throat. It was like really bad heartburn, I guess??? I haven’t had heartburn since I was pregnant 16 years ago. I didn’t know if it was heart related or GI related, but after about 15 minutes of trying changing positions, walking around, etc, I decided to go to ER. That’s not one of the symptoms I could find in anything I read on the internet, but I didn’t want to take the chance. 

I do believe the chest pain/throat sensation was related because it went away right after they gave me the epi. Well, I didn’t notice for at least a half hour due the my body violently shaking lol. But once that calmed down I realized it had gone away. 

The other weird thing that totally didn’t fit the symptoms I read online is that my blood pressure was high. Everything says low BP is the symptom. My diastolic was never high, but my systolic started out around 158. As soon as I got all the meds injected/pushed ( no BP meds were administered-just epi, Benadryl, steroid, and Pepcid.) my systolic started coming down—eventually lowering to 110. 

Thank you all for the kind words. Really hoping I’ll be back to normal tomorrow. If I do feel good tomorrow, I’m driving to Atlanta (2.5 hours so not bad) to visit a daughter. I may not be back online until late. 

@Spryteyou may have saved my life! I’m so thankful.

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Wow, that sounds so frightening! I am so, so glad you went in. You must be completely exhausted. Your DH, too.

DS gets a pressure in his throat, I wonder if it’s similar. And I’m glad your BP didn’t drop—that’s very dangerous, but the high number sounds not-good, too.

Hopefully they sent you home with an Rx for an epipen! I don’t know if they told you, but don’t leave it in the car if it’s warm or cold out, while you’re traveling. We learned the hard way. We keep ours in insulated bags with Benadryl, Pepcid, and inhalers.

Hoping you feel up to visiting your DD tomorrow, and so relieved that you went in when you did. Good call!

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I didn't read through all the comments, but I do suffer from a lot of food allergies. I would urge you to stay away from shellfish in general especially since you had such a strong ANA reaction. 

Also, if no one told you, histamine levels naturally rise at night. So, if you are going to stop taking meds, do it in the morning so that you have plenty of time to resume meds.


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The sheer stress and discomfort of it all might have raised your blood pressure. 

Also, google esophageal spasms, those can cause pain and pressure in your chest/throat. I have a mild reaction to salmon sometimes (only wild caught, not farmed) and one of the things I get from salmon are esophageal spasms. 

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This is so scary, especially as a first reaction! I also had an out of the blue allergy to an antibiotic last year - one that I took a lot as a kid and as late as a few years ago without any problems. This time around periodic hives/redness, swelling of genitals, swelling of mouth, lips, eyelids. All very mild and coming and going quickly (maybe an hour at a time), plus very severe muscles aches for days (I could barely walk!!), mildly swollen hands and feet,...I wonder if this would count as anaphylaxis. I also (very rarely) have angioedema, which so far has also always been mild, and quite hive-prone. But I am always worried that I will one day have a major reaction.

It is scary to think that we can't even trust our prior experiences with foods or medications...


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