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WWYD - update - the lady is back!!!!


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16 minutes ago, J-rap said:

That's how I feel.  When we lived in our home (moved last summer), our trash can was out day and night in the back alley (everyone's was), so anyone passing by could put something in it at anytime, which did happen from time to time, probably every week.  As long as it was small, it was really no big deal.  But I'd guess that most people felt like that in our neighborhood...  We all paid for the same service run by the city, and the containers belonged to the city too...  But, our trucks did have those automatic lifters that picked the containers up and flipped them upside-down.  



That's where ours were kept at our old place. One day I went out and found a couple of full bottles of whiskey in the empty can. I assumed someone had hurriedly stashed them there. (We don't drink.) I dumped them and put the bottles back in. Never had that particular issue again.

Added: This wasn't city pickup. Everybody paid for their own cans and contracted with their own  trash hauler.

Edited by Valley Girl
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36 minutes ago, SKL said:

And this is probably the biggest reason I don't want a dog. 

Am I the only person who thinks about the environmental impact of wrapping every dog turd in a plastic bag?

Not saying I want it on my lawn, but used to be you'd train your dog to poo in a specific part of your yard and then clean it up periodically.  Of course dogs aren't 100% compliant, but heck, I have deer poo all over the place and I can't do or say anything about that.  😛

Kudos to any owner who is thinking about the environmental impact of plastic bags. Using plastic bags is certainly not required when cleaning up after a dog on a walk. Owners can use paper bags, a small covered pail, or a combination of those. Training the dog to go in your own yard would minimize but not erase the need when on walks.

It doesn't matter so much how an owner cleans up after the dog, just that they do. 


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3 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

For those of you who feel this is an unpardonable sin, how would you feel if you had been outside and the offender asked if if was okay if they used your trash? Would you tell them no? 

I would have said, "I'm sorry, but I prefer that you don't."

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2 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

For those of you who feel this is an unpardonable sin, how would you feel if you had been outside and the offender asked if if was okay if they used your trash? Would you tell them no? 

I think calling it an "unpardonable sin" is a bit over the top, but as one who is against it, I guess I would say something like "you know, I'd rather not, as the can just got emptied and I don't know if the bag will hold up when we put our own trash in there on top of it." I would not have to feign surprise at the question, because I'd be stunned, and probably my response wouldn't come out as smoothly as that.  


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4 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

For those of you who feel this is an unpardonable sin, how would you feel if you had been outside and the offender asked if if was okay if they used your trash? Would you tell them no? 

I'd probably offer to take it and put it in a big bag, "you can't just throw the little bags in the big cans, they get smooshed and they're so light they don't get emptied." 

So now they know why they shouldn't toss it in if the neighbor isn't outside, but I still helped them out. But I bet dollars to donuts that most people don't ask an adult. No one has ever asked me, and no one on this thread has mentioned being asked. Because they know a lot of people don't want their bagged dog poop in their trash.

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I live in a rural area and our trash pick up is by hand too and a small bag of poo at the bottom would be left. Here it would be considered rude to put anything into someone else trash, like trespassing, certainly so for dog poop that the owner would have to get out themselves by hand.

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14 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

I'm seriously tempted to take a poll on our neighborhood facebook page because the number of people annoyed by this astounds me.

Well,  I guess it depends on how you look at it. You mentioned that you'd be OK letting someone pop in in your garbage can so they didn't have to "carry around a steaming bag of (poop)." Other people don't want to have to fish that same steaming bag out of their trash can when it doesn't get picked up by the hauler, or deal with its smell in their garage, or clean it out of the trash can if it breaks or oozes or whatever. I'm very much a my-dog-my-problem person.

ETA: In other words, why should the convenience of the dog owner who is responsible for the animal and its bodily functions outweigh the homeowners' right not to have to deal with waste product of a pet that is not their own?

Edited by Valley Girl
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2 minutes ago, Valley Girl said:

Well,  I guess it depends on how you look at it. You mentioned that you'd be OK letting someone pop in in your garbage can so they didn't have to "carry around a steaming bag of (poop)." Other people don't want to have to fish that same steaming bag out of their trash can when it doesn't get picked up by the hauler, or deal with its smell in their garage, or clean it out of the trash can if it breaks or oozes or whatever. I'm very much a my-dog-my-problem person.

Which is why I am curious about the people in my own neighborhood where no one has to dig bags out of the garbage, they are dumped with a truck and most people keep their bins outside, not in a garage. It seems most people who are bothered by it have different trash services.


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5 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

I'm seriously tempted to take a poll on our neighborhood facebook page because the number of people annoyed by this astounds me.

I would not annoy to you have to fish a bag of someone else's dog poo out of the bottom of a can?  Once or twice, I wouldn't think much of it.  But as a general practice, yeah, it's annoying.

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Just now, skimomma said:

I would not annoy to you have to fish a bag of someone else's dog poo out of the bottom of a can?  Once or twice, I wouldn't think much of it.  But as a general practice, yeah, it's annoying.

Like I said, our trash collection is different. I don't think anyone is pulling bags out of a bottom of a can, ever.  It's dumped by a truck and they are really good about getting everything out.

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1 minute ago, DesertBlossom said:

Which is why I am curious about the people in my own neighborhood where no one has to dig bags out of the garbage, they are dumped with a truck and most people keep their bins outside, not in a garage.

I think most of the people that indicated they would be annoyed have circumstances that are different from yours.  Like no can dumping protocol or having to store bins inside where smell is a factor.  In my case, I would not be annoyed if we were allowed to use cans and they were fully dumped.  I assume the OP's neighbors all have similar garbage situations so they should all know that tossing it into an empty bin means that the owner will have to clean it up.

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1 hour ago, SKL said:

 I have deer poo all over the place and I can't do or say anything about that.  


Deer don't have owners to clean up after them, or opposable thumbs to do it themselves, so we have to deal with it. 

While I don't like to step in deer poop, it does have the very big advantage of not smelling anywhere near as bad as dog poop. Think about it: most of us have had the experience of a sudden and disgusting smell, and what's our immediate reaction? Eww, watch out, there's dog poop somewhere around. Possibly cat poop, if there are wandering felines. We never think the stink is going to be deer poop, because you usually don't even smell deer poop until you get up close and personal with it. Even then, it's not a strong, gross, or gagging smell like cats and particularly dogs often have. 

Yeah, I'll take wild scat over dog poop any day, lol. 

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9 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

Which is why I am curious about the people in my own neighborhood where no one has to dig bags out of the garbage, they are dumped with a truck and most people keep their bins outside, not in a garage. It seems most people who are bothered by it have different trash services.

Our trash is dumped via truck, but the problem of small and light bags not being emptied still occurs, plus getting smooshed and torn by heavier bags and items. And I wouldn't want it to sit in my can for the next week at any rate. 


Edited by katilac
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40 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

For those of you who feel this is an unpardonable sin, how would you feel if you had been outside and the offender asked if if was okay if they used your trash? Would you tell them no? 

I definitely would have said no. I'd say "sorry, my trash cans are stored in the houses so please don't." 

I think some of the difference comes from those of us who dont have pets and therefore dont have regular pet waste to deal with. 

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44 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

For those of you who feel this is an unpardonable sin, how would you feel if you had been outside and the offender asked if if was okay if they used your trash? Would you tell them no? 

I wouldn't  say that, but!!! I think I am very drained from people not picking up after themselves. With dogs, with shopping carts, with regular garbage, with kids.

This was not an elderly person. This was not a teenager. This was a woman in her 30s (according to my kid) who, somehow, decided that it was OK to dump her garbage on my property instead of taking it to her own garbage can 5 minutes away.

I don't know what would have happened if I was outside. I don't usually hang out at the end of our driveway and it's a pretty long one, so I would have to yell for her to hear me.

But I wouldn't just "smile and wave"....I would try to let her know that I don't want her doing it.

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4 minutes ago, SereneHome said:

I wouldn't  say that, but!!! I think I am very drained from people not picking up after themselves. With dogs, with shopping carts, with regular garbage, with kids.

This was not an elderly person. This was not a teenager. This was a woman in her 30s (according to my kid) who, somehow, decided that it was OK to dump her garbage on my property instead of taking it to her own garbage can 5 minutes away.

I don't know what would have happened if I was outside. I don't usually hang out at the end of our driveway and it's a pretty long one, so I would have to yell for her to hear me.

But I wouldn't just "smile and wave"....I would try to let her know that I don't want her doing it.

I totally understand why you're annoyed by it, given the circumstances. I also think there's a good chance she'd be shocked to find out you were upset. 

I am with you on people not cleaning up after themselves. We get a fair amount of foot traffic in front of our house, a lot of it being from school kids. We are halfway between a school and a convenience store and a surprising number of people just drop their trash. 

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1 hour ago, DesertBlossom said:

For those of you who feel this is an unpardonable sin, how would you feel if you had been outside and the offender asked if if was okay if they used your trash? Would you tell them no? 

I think it's rude, not an unpardonable sin. But if asked I would probably say "No, but give the bag to me and I'll put it in my dog poop container." I don't like any small bits of trash put in the big can. I pick up an absolute ton of small trash on my walks--small and/or lightweight bits that people throw in their cans loose that fall out or get blown out (why is it so frequently very windy on trash days?) while the bin is being dumped into the truck. It's one of my pet (no pun intended) peeves. And if the small/lightweight trash doesn't fall out/blow out when the bin is being dumped, as others have said it sometimes sticks to the bottom of the can and has to be fished out. I'm kind of a stickler for keeping a tidy trash can AND for not allowing my trash to become litter someone else has to pick up. 😉 


1 hour ago, katilac said:

Kudos to any owner who is thinking about the environmental impact of plastic bags. Using plastic bags is certainly not required when cleaning up after a dog on a walk. Owners can use paper bags, a small covered pail, or a combination of those. Training the dog to go in your own yard would minimize but not erase the need when on walks.

It doesn't matter so much how an owner cleans up after the dog, just that they do. 


It's not uncommon for a dog to have difficulty eliminating unless he is exercised. I have one of those. He won't, and I assume can't, poop unless he has a good bit of walking first.

As far as environmental impact--Biodegradable poop bags are a common thing.

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1 hour ago, Valley Girl said:

Well,  I guess it depends on how you look at it. You mentioned that you'd be OK letting someone pop in in your garbage can so they didn't have to "carry around a steaming bag of (poop)." Other people don't want to have to fish that same steaming bag out of their trash can when it doesn't get picked up by the hauler, or deal with its smell in their garage, or clean it out of the trash can if it breaks or oozes or whatever. I'm very much a my-dog-my-problem person.

ETA: In other words, why should the convenience of the dog owner who is responsible for the animal and its bodily functions outweigh the homeowners' right not to have to deal with waste product of a pet that is not their own?

Now that I understand others' experiences better, I'm more sympathetic to those against it.  (Otherwise I'm in the camp that says Who Cares?  What a little thing to get worked up about.)  But I'd guess that people who do this would also be okay about others doing the same in their trash can.  Those people probably have more of a community feeling about things like that.  And I think I'd probably conclude that since it's not an effort on my part (which I understand now IS an effort for people with trash collectors who have to hand pull things out a bag at a time!) and if it doesn't cause a problem with my household (like a smell right near where the kids are playing, or stinking up our garage, or obviously if it weren't bagged well to begin with), then maybe it's one of those things you just let go -- you can think of it like a favor you're doing for someone else.  I'm sure we all have different types of favors done for us by others from time to time without us even realizing it.

But oh, to answer your question better -- the convenience doesn't outweigh the homeowner's rights.  You're right about that.

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I have had a somewhat similar problem, not involving poop or my trash cans, but just trash dumping. (We are in rural area and ...   poop just happens.   ) Beer cans, wrappers etc. , sometimes worse. 

I have considered putting an old garbage can out on purpose to receive the trash—but think that would just encourage more.  Or the can would be stolen. 

I think that I would probably put a nicely worded sign on the trash can, and also try to get it back up to house promptly whenever possible .


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In my world I would be thrilled it was picked up but I would still think it was rude to throw it in my trash. I can see how someone could see a garbage can as almost a public commodity. Like I will throw car garbage in a garbage can outside a business. I know it is the business operating it but it feels public. I wouldn’t see residential garbage the same way but I can see that someone else might.

But I would never say anything. In fact twice a day I take a shovel out and clean up huge piles of crap my neighbor’s dog leaves in my yard. We’ve talked to the neighbor. Neighbor shrugged. I want to use my yard so I clean it up. I think it is horrible but where I live people just shrug. It is so rude. 

A different neighbor used to carry her bags with her when she walked the dog so it would look like she cleaned up her dog’s poop even though she had no intention of it. She straight up told me this. I can’t even understand the thinking.

If you read my dog sitting vent thread about yet another neighbor then you are probably thinking at this point that I really need to move. 

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39 minutes ago, teachermom2834 said:

In my world I would be thrilled it was picked up but I would still think it was rude to throw it in my trash. I can see how someone could see a garbage can as almost a public commodity. Like I will throw car garbage in a garbage can outside a business. I know it is the business operating it but it feels public. I wouldn’t see residential garbage the same way but I can see that someone else might.

But I would never say anything. In fact twice a day I take a shovel out and clean up huge piles of crap my neighbor’s dog leaves in my yard. We’ve talked to the neighbor. Neighbor shrugged. I want to use my yard so I clean it up. I think it is horrible but where I live people just shrug. It is so rude. 

A different neighbor used to carry her bags with her when she walked the dog so it would look like she cleaned up her dog’s poop even though she had no intention of it. She straight up told me this. I can’t even understand the thinking.

If you read my dog sitting vent thread about yet another neighbor then you are probably thinking at this point that I really need to move. 

Oh jeez, I would shovel that crap right back over to that neighbor.  So rude!  Your neighbors just sound super special.  🙄😂  Self involved much?

I don't get the "you should be grateful" thing?  If you are creating mess and/or smell for us, that is just rude.  We don't have a dog.  My husband intentionally hauls out our garbage cans with cat litter right before pick up.  Our garbage rarely smells.  We have a compost (which also doesn't smell) so we don't put much rotting food into our garbage.  

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My latest vent? Someone is putting the poo in bags, and then tossing it onto the sidewalk/next to the sidewalk/in nearby bushes.  On my last walk, I counted at least half a dozen bags in a two block stretch. Disgusting.  I'm glad they chose biodegradable bags, but they aren't meant to biodegrade along major walking paths.

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6 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

My latest vent? Someone is putting the poo in bags, and then tossing it onto the sidewalk/next to the sidewalk/in nearby bushes.  On my last walk, I counted at least half a dozen bags in a two block stretch. Disgusting.  I'm glad they chose biodegradable bags, but they aren't meant to biodegrade along major walking paths.

This is what I am talking about - I am just soooo tired of people behaving like this

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3 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I thought you all would appreciate this.  I forgot to take a bag on my walk with pup yesterday. So I had to go back in the car because it was raining by then to pick it up.  😂

See, that's what civilized people do!! 🙂

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14 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

My latest vent? Someone is putting the poo in bags, and then tossing it onto the sidewalk/next to the sidewalk/in nearby bushes.  On my last walk, I counted at least half a dozen bags in a two block stretch. Disgusting.  I'm glad they chose biodegradable bags, but they aren't meant to biodegrade along major walking paths.


Dog?  Or human?


There’s been some stuff like that going on with human poo in some areas. 


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On 5/8/2020 at 10:23 AM, CuriousMomof3 said:

I don't understand this one.  Why go to the trouble of picking it up and putting it in the bag if you aren't going to actually dispose of it?  I am not convinced that poop in a baggie on the side of the sidewalk is any better than poop not in a baggie on the side of the sidewalk.  So, why do it?  

I think they have full responsibility for disposing of it properly, but I'm going to have to give the edge to poop in a bag, lol. If I have to clean up after them, I definitely prefer that the poop already be bagged. 

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So, this lady was walking her dog again today in front of our property and her dog pooped on our lawn. Well, my husband was outside and asked her not to leave the poop there.

So.....are you ready for this??

She picks it up and throws it across the street, on our neighbor's property. Now....there is no house there. We have two brothers living across the street with an empty space between them, but they do take care of that lot, there are trees that are nicely trimmed and grass is cut.  And we are right across that empty lot.

I think this woman just refuses to carry her dog's poop!! I don't know if this is bizarre or just simply amusing at this point

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1 minute ago, SereneHome said:

So, this lady was walking her dog again today in front of our property and her dog pooped on our lawn. Well, my husband was outside and asked her not to leave the poop there.

So.....are you ready for this??

She picks it up and throws it across the street, on our neighbor's property. Now....there is no house there. We have two brothers living across the street with an empty space between them, but they do take care of that lot, there are trees that are nicely trimmed and grass is cut.  And we are right across that empty lot.

I think this woman just refuses to carry her dog's poop!! I don't know if this is bizarre or just simply amusing at this point

 It is both bizarre and amusing. 

How on earth did your poor dh react? I'm pretty sure I would have just stared in surprise, lol.

I would let the brothers know. They can keep an eye out for her, put up a sign, or speak to her directly if y'all can figure out exactly who she is. 

I'm petty, so I'd be posting on NextDoor about the situation (starting with a partial description that gives her plausible deniability if she decides to act like a human henceforth). I'd also be holding up my phone to take a pic next time I see her, just to try and rattle her. 

She's obviously a jerk, but hopefully this (very gentle) confrontation embarrasses her enough to change her ways. 


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8 minutes ago, SereneHome said:

According to my 10 yr old, she picked it up with a bag, threw it and put the bag in her back pocket......

She . . . put a bag she picked up poop with in her pocket? Eww. I guess we know it's not the yuck factor that prevents her from carrying the poop bag home 😂

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Just now, katilac said:

She . . . put a bag she picked up poop with in her pocket? Eww. I guess we know it's not the yuck factor that prevents her from carrying the poop bag home 😂

At this point I just REALLY would like to know what exactly is going through her head....

Oh and when she threw it across the street, my husband was speechless at that point...

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Someone, who may or may not be me, may have once continually 'returned' dog poop to its rightful owner's yard until satisfaction was achieved. This method requires returning it to the same spot each time so it piles up and gets noticed. 

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8 minutes ago, katilac said:

Someone, who may or may not be me, may have once continually 'returned' dog poop to its rightful owner's yard until satisfaction was achieved. This method requires returning it to the same spot each time so it piles up and gets noticed. 

I definitely want to be friends with someone who "may or may not be me" 🤣

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35 minutes ago, SereneHome said:

So, this lady was walking her dog again today in front of our property and her dog pooped on our lawn. Well, my husband was outside and asked her not to leave the poop there.

So.....are you ready for this??

She picks it up and throws it across the street, on our neighbor's property. Now....there is no house there. We have two brothers living across the street with an empty space between them, but they do take care of that lot, there are trees that are nicely trimmed and grass is cut.  And we are right across that empty lot.

I think this woman just refuses to carry her dog's poop!! I don't know if this is bizarre or just simply amusing at this point

This is so gross and wrong.   And she's clearly one of those boundary pushing people who is never going to do what she should do.   She will always find a way "around it".

Remember not to accept any baked goods from her, ever 😉.   (poop bag in the pocket part, yuck!)

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50 minutes ago, SereneHome said:

So, this lady was walking her dog again today in front of our property and her dog pooped on our lawn. Well, my husband was outside and asked her not to leave the poop there.

So.....are you ready for this??

She picks it up and throws it across the street, on our neighbor's property. Now....there is no house there. We have two brothers living across the street with an empty space between them, but they do take care of that lot, there are trees that are nicely trimmed and grass is cut.  And we are right across that empty lot.

I think this woman just refuses to carry her dog's poop!! I don't know if this is bizarre or just simply amusing at this point


45 minutes ago, SereneHome said:

According to my 10 yr old, she picked it up with a bag, threw it and put the bag in her back pocket......

We need an eye-popping out emoji for this one.

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On 5/8/2020 at 8:29 AM, Pen said:


Dog?  Or human?


There’s been some stuff like that going on with human poo in some areas. 


To be honest, I'm not sure.  I'm fairly certain it's dog, though. We do have urban campers, but this time of year they camp along the creek to be close to the berry bushes and to have a bit of privacy for their meth usage.  The police visit the encampments regularly to check on things and help connect people to community resources.  The bags aren't the free ones that the parks provide (for pets), though. Someone purchased the bags privately.

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1 hour ago, SereneHome said:

So, this lady was walking her dog again today in front of our property and her dog pooped on our lawn. Well, my husband was outside and asked her not to leave the poop there.

So.....are you ready for this??

She picks it up and throws it across the street, on our neighbor's property. Now....there is no house there. We have two brothers living across the street with an empty space between them, but they do take care of that lot, there are trees that are nicely trimmed and grass is cut.  And we are right across that empty lot.

I think this woman just refuses to carry her dog's poop!! I don't know if this is bizarre or just simply amusing at this point

Well, I did a sad face but I really need a shocked face.  That is crazy. 

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3 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

do you have any sort of hoa?

I know people hate them - but it's people like this for whom they were created.

 or motion sprinklers.

No HOA. That was one of the big reasons we bought our house here 🙂  The thing is, we live in a weird place. On one hand, it's suppose to be a rural town. But at the same time our town is fairly snobby and well off and so is our neighborhood. As I said before, we are probably the only family who doesn't have manicured lawns and fancy everything.

Over the weekend, there was a landscaping company taking care of this woman's lawn and flowers, so you would think that she cares about the view and smell and such.

I am truly at a loss at this point....I also know what they have lived here since this neighborhood was built, back in early 1990s. And the brothers across from us have been here just as long. And if they ever had a problem with her, I KNOW it would have been taken care of.

This truly is just....I don't know even know what it is anymore lol

I HAVE TO believe that she is not just doing this bc she doesn't care. The whole thing just doesn't make any sense.

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1 hour ago, SereneHome said:

No HOA. That was one of the big reasons we bought our house here 🙂  The thing is, we live in a weird place. On one hand, it's suppose to be a rural town. But at the same time our town is fairly snobby and well off and so is our neighborhood. As I said before, we are probably the only family who doesn't have manicured lawns and fancy everything.

Over the weekend, there was a landscaping company taking care of this woman's lawn and flowers, so you would think that she cares about the view and smell and such.

I am truly at a loss at this point....I also know what they have lived here since this neighborhood was built, back in early 1990s. And the brothers across from us have been here just as long. And if they ever had a problem with her, I KNOW it would have been taken care of.

This truly is just....I don't know even know what it is anymore lol

I HAVE TO believe that she is not just doing this bc she doesn't care. The whole thing just doesn't make any sense.

motion detector sprinkler.  aimed right at the edge of your property.

she might not care - but the dog will care about being sprinkled.

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What a complete jerk! I know you said you don't have an HOA, but does your city have any laws about cleaning up after pets? (I didn't go back through the thread to see if you'd mentioned it.) If so and I knew where she lived, I'd be mailing her a copy of the ordinance with the pertinent instructions highlighted. If she continued, I'd also likely report her if I could get it on tape.

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