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Looks like 16 at our house for Thanksgiving...what's your count?

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We have such a huge family....:001_tt2:


It's the four of us and DH's mother, and a friend without a family. WOO HOO and they love the traditional 70's Thanksgiving dinner. Stove Top, Candied yams (from the can), canned cranberry jelly, frozen mashed potatoes and a turkey roast from the crockpt. Oh, and those cute little brown adn serve rolls. It's tough only because everything has to be cooked in the last 10 minutes. Except for the pumpkin pie.

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We are having between 13 and 15 at my mom's on Thursday. Then on Friday night, we are doing desserts and a bonfire at my house. I think we will have about 28 people for that. We live right next door to my husband's brother and across the street from his sisters. We have been doing holidays together, but since I had so much family and friends coming from out of town - we decided to split up for Thanksgiving Day. Otherwise it would be hard to sit down at a table and enjoy a meal. I figured we could all fit for desserts and hang out either by the fireplace or by the bonfire out back.

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We were at 13 and could just squish around the extended table if I stuck a card table at one end. but my mil decided to invite a stray person we do not know so now the card table has to be free-standing in the other room. I HATE not having everyone all at one table - the kids (teens/young adults) will end up in the living room chattering away and laughing etc. and the "old folks" table will be the usual dismal morgue. :glare:

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We're going to friends'. They're having 40, which would have me completely freaking out and buying a one-way bus ticket far, far away. But they just did a year-long renovation on their house, so they're showing it off. Our hostess is cooking about 1/2 of the food and having the other 1/2 catered in. We're bringing cupcakes from a local favorite bakery, because that's all that you ever want me to contribute to Thanksgiving ever (trust me...not famous for the culinary skills).

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DS is going to his father (my ex). My aunt, whom we always had over for Thanksgiving dinner, died last April. Friends are all spending it with their families. My family (aunts, uncles, cousins) isn't close enough to want to spend holidays together.


So, it's just the two of us for Turkey day... Me and my mom. I think we're going to hit Boston Market because I'm certainly not cooking a turkey for just the two of us.



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Wow! Some of you are having a lot of people. We only have ten here and one of them is breast-milk only right now. Luckily, I have exactly the right amount of chairs, dishes, lots of room in the kitchen and at least three cooks. Unfortunately, only one stove and oven. I really wish my brother could make it as well.

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10 here...the 6 of us, BIL, 2 teen age boys and BIL's Girl Friend.

BIL's girl friend called yesterday and asked what they could bring. And then told me she doesn't cook, they pretty much eat packaged & convenience foods. That isn't going to work for us....we cook pretty much "from scratch". So I am cooking everything and they are bringing a relish tray, dinner rolls and dessert. We will see....


At any rate I am glad they are coming and I am sure it will be a fun day.

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I think the tally is about 30 people at MIL's (next door). Everyone is assigned some type of food to bring so it's a fairly easy gathering.

Dd's cooking the turkey, I'm doing bread and biscuits, ds is doing green bean casserole.... and I have no idea what everyone else will bring, lots of soup smothered vegetables probably. :ack2:


Dh and I have made a pact to hit the dessert table first this year :D

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We would usually have 17 or 18, some of my family cannot make it. Sadly my BIL died last winter, so his wife and sons will join us and we will try to make it a happy day for them.


We may also have more for dessert, as it is dh's birthday as well. I have asked our church members and friends to stop by if they are in the neighborhood.

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13 of us at our Daughters house for a week! The house is rocking with a r5 yr old, 2 = 2 yr olds and a month old plus 4 teens and 5 adults. Our whole family is together except one son in law who couldn't get off work.

Doesn't happen too often since we live 700 miles from our daughter and her family..but we are loving it. Our DD and her hubby finished the lower level of their house so we would all fit here..


OUr grandson told me when we got here..


We have 3 bathrooms now. 2 people at a time in each bathroom and 6 people can get clean all at the same time! He's only 5 and baths with his sibling..so he figured every body showers 2 at a time!

our sons 19 yr old girlfriend was a little freaked and assured me that she showers alone!


Have a great day everyone!

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